ripchaos69 · 14 hours
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ripchaos69 · 14 hours
Method of my
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No context
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ripchaos69 · 5 days
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ripchaos69 · 6 days
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Ant Watching
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ripchaos69 · 7 days
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ripchaos69 · 7 days
Warning: Doll nudity
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ripchaos69 · 13 days
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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ripchaos69 · 19 days
Song: Diamond by Rhianna
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ripchaos69 · 19 days
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ripchaos69 · 19 days
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ripchaos69 · 20 days
It doesn’t bother me and thanks for liking my art! (Ribbons exist)
RAAAH I luv (thatz BOTIFUL) @thetruepapajohn @mzbeepboop @raggedxyouth @lain-and-watch @kirbstarzz @ripchaos69 (sorry to tag all of you, tell me if it bothers you)
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ripchaos69 · 20 days
i wish people were normal about fat characters. god bless
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ripchaos69 · 20 days
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ripchaos69 · 22 days
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for the funny aspec people in my machines
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ripchaos69 · 22 days
Going to put all this in its own post too by popular request: here's how you make your own website with no understanding of HTML code at all, no software, no backend, absolutely nothing but a text file and image files! First get website server space of your own, like at NEOCITIES. The free version has enough room to host a whole fan page, your art, a simple comic series, whatever! The link I've provided goes to a silly comic that will tell you how to save the page as an html file and make it into a page for your own site. The bare minimum of all you need to do with it is JUST THIS:
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Change the titles, text, and image url's to whatever you want them to be, upload your image files and the html file together to your free website (or the same subfolder in that website), and now you have a webpage with those pictures on it. That's it!!!!! .....But if you want to change some more super basic things about it, here's additional tips from the same terrible little guy:
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That last code by itself is: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=001.html"> Change "001.html" to wherever you want that link to take people. THIS IS THE REASON WHY when you go to bogleech.com/pokemon/ you are taken instantly to the newest Pokemon review, because the /pokemon/ directory of my website has an "index.html" page with this single line of code. Every pokemon review has its own permanent link, but I change that single line in the index file so it points to the newest page whenever I need it to! While I catered these instructions to updating a webcomic, you can use the same template to make blog type posts, articles or just image galleries. Anything you want! You can delete the navigational links entirely, you can make your site's index.html into a simple list of text links OR fun little image links to your different content, whatever! Your website can be nothing but a big ugly deep fried JPEG of goku with a recipe for potato salad on it, no other content ever, who cares! We did that kind of nonsense all the time in the 1990's and thought it was the pinnacle of comedy!! Maybe it still can be?!?! Or maybe you just want a place to put some artwork and thoughts of yours that doesn't come with the same baggage as big social media? Make a webpage this way and it will look the same in any browser, any operating system for years and years to come, because it's the same kind of basic raw code most of the internet depends upon!
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ripchaos69 · 23 days
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I really hope no one else thought of this and I end up being the one making a whole ass meme of Salem. She is just like really fun to draw I have no idea why.
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ripchaos69 · 23 days
aaaa hi sorry to bother,, ÓwÒ
could you tell us more about your ribbons and watch au? i'm intrigued-
Ah, my ribbons au is about Mr. Game and Watch getting controlled by a parasitic being who is made out of ribbons. A group of Flatzoners(Olly, Oil panic, Vermin, Fumigator and Chef) gets kidnapped and the Flatzoners(except Fumigator) must go through challenges sent by Ribbons with the reward that being Fumigator gets spared(but not the others). And it’s all because Ribbons wants to have fun.
Meanwhile, Ribbons befriends Egg, who doesn’t realize that Ribbons is controlling Mr. G&W. Because of this, Ribbons start to realize he can do fun things in a healthy way, leading him into a conflict.
Ribbons then get defeated by Egg and the rescue party consisting of: Flagman, Manhole, Pauline, and Rain-shower. Egg realizes Mr G&W is being possessed by ribbons all along and goes into despair for not helping Mr. G&W while Ribbons is in despair that it’s actions led to the friendship with Egg falling apart.
Also, old lore:
So, it’s about a parasite that takes form of ribbons. It will be referred as “ribbons”. It goes through each universe searching for a host, and it went to Flatzone. It saw Mr Game & Watch as a good host and tried to capture him. At first Mr Game & Watch put up a good fight, but the ribbons successfully captured Mr Game & Watch. It then used Mr Game & Watch as a host and explored Flatzone.
Juggler is the first one to see ribbons using Mr G&W, so Juggler tries to get ribbons off Mr G&W. Though, ribbons kidnaps Juggler, considering Juggler as a potential host. It also kidnaps Olly and Vermin, who tried to fight ribbons and protect Flagman. It then attempts to kidnap Chef as well, but Fumigator fought ribbons, making ribbons uninterested and leave the two alone. Oil Panic, Chef, Flagman, Fumigator, and Pauline decided that they need to team up to fight ribbons and save Mr G&W and the hostages. Grumpy overheard this and decided he will help ribbons. Grumpy goes to ribbons in attempt to make a deal, but then ribbons attacks Grumpy and Grumpy realizes that ribbons is a bigger threat than him, so Grumpy prepares his dart rifles to battle Ribbons.
As the team make their way to fight ribbons, Egg overhears this and goes to check on Mr G&W. The team then reached to Ribbons’ hideout, where the team fights Ribbons, but were unsuccessful since they feared this might also kill Mr G&W. Ribbons used it as an advantage and made the team give up fighting Ribbons and flee to find a better way to stop Ribbons. Ribbons then goes to kidnap Judge 2 and Manhole, in which Sparky, Rainshower, Judge 1, and Lion Tamers 1&2 try to fight Ribbons, but gave up since they don’t want to hurt Mr G&W.
Egg then goes to check on Mr G&W, causing Ribbons to attack her, but Egg defends herself and flees to find a better way of dealing this. Then with the help of Grump(unintentionally), Egg uses Grumpy’s weapons(the dart rifles) to fight Ribbons again. As they fight, Egg ran out of ammo, so she hits Ribbons on the head with her empty gun and knocks Ribbons out. Egg then takes Ribbons and holds Ribbons in restraints to find out how to get the ribbons off Mr G&W. Meanwhile, the team saves the hostages and help Egg try to find a way to free Mr G&W.
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