riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
Aladdin&Judar by HaRa
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
               ( @riseoftheblacksun​ )
           Sasuke had nothing to apologize for.
Some might argue that fact. He had left, suddenly, without so much as a word dropped to anyone who might care enough to miss him. That was how life had always been for him, despite how many upset tears his adoptive family had shed over him leaving before. A man who was bound by nothing but his own inner demons, he found it hard to stay in the same place for long, growing tired of the same smiling faces that passed him each day in a way that almost seemed mocking. Things had changed when he met Judal, finding himself acquainted with a kindred soul that understood exactly how he felt. Things had changed when Judal had kissed him for the first time, between promises of revenge and freedom. Things had changed when he found himself kissing back, the heart he thought didn’t exist within his chest aching at the thought of anyone else doing the same with Judal. 
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The problem was, Sasuke wasn’t a fan of change.
In an already fragile state of being, the slightest change tilted his world completely on end. He had grown scared although he wasn’t proud to admit it. Things like falling in love, or having an intimate relationship, were always concepts he’d thought out of his grasp. Sasuke wasn’t sure if what he felt was even love, but it sure as hell was as annoying a feeling. He wanted to get rid of it, at first. Maybe that’s why he left. Sasuke was confused, fearful, and stubborn and therefore he felt he had nothing to truly apologize for. They never defined their relationship. They never set ground rules or expected anything more than what was offered. 
Sasuke figured that a thing as flimsy as an apology wasn’t for people like him and Judal. Apologies were meaningless, usually transparent. They were a waste of breath, and a waste of patience.
Sighing, the raven haired male glanced up at the condo where Judal lived. He knew of the troubles he had been facing since Sasuke’s departure, he knew how angry the other was at him and the rest of the world. He knew and yet, despite the fact that it would be easier to leave it alone until later, he found himself pressing forward to meet with Judal, arriving unannounced in the dead of night. His flight had come in only an hour prior, and because Judal was the reason he returned, Sasuke knew he had to see him at once. If only to figure out just what this feeling inside of him was.
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Effortlessly, Sasuke climbed the tree near the building, making little noise aside from an initial rustle of leaves already leaving their branches. Nimble as he was, the Uchiha had no trouble leaping from a branch to one of the balconies, scaling over to where he knew Judal’s room was. He moved without detection, movements silenced through years of practicing his stealth. Once at the window where he knew the reason for all his grief laid waiting on the other side, Sasuke sighed silently, before rapping his knuckle on the glass quietly. He stayed out of sight, knowing Judal would have to open his window to see who his visitor was, although Sasuke held onto a hope that maybe he could simply guess. 
Love. Four simple letters that Judal had once scorned. Had once treated like a sickness someone could catch; something that rotted a body from the inside out more than something that cleansed it... For nearly 18 years he had considered his heart a blackened void in place of where beating time should lie... Until Sasuke. Sasuke had changed something in him. Had awoken something he hadn’t even been sure he was capable of having. Judal didn’t consider himself a better person for having met the other, but he did consider himself a different one. After years of allowing his body to be used at mercy he had suddenly had no desire for any hands on him but the two he had come to memorize the feeling of. He had allowed himself to finally be opened, to show the sides of himself he didn’t have words for, emotions he couldn’t explain, let them be laid before before the darkened eyes of another who didn’t try to fix them; but instead gave them names, gave them meanings, gave them finally an understanding he had never had.
It had been 14 years  before he had ever even learned what it meant to be wanted, what it meant to have someone care whether you come back at the end of the day. 14 years he had spent locked in a rusting cage, wings warped from years unspread. It had been 18 years before he learned what it meant to be desired.
The first time he had kissed the other he would admit it had been almost entirely out of lust and nothing more. It had been a draw to the other boy born from a mutual understanding... It had been purely lust and animalistic instict that night that had led them down the path it did, turning a friendship into something much more... And while they had lay in dark silence; hearts pounding in sync had he realized that suddenly... He wanted to touch no one else, wanted to conquer no one else and in turn wanted only him.
No red threads had tied their souls together like the legends of the city spoke, but instead a never ending coil of barbed wire wrapped its grip tight. Their scars ran too deep into the skin for time or kind words to heal. They were broken, broken and fixed without real care. They had shared this reality, and it was a sense of this that they found solace in… Sasuke had always understood what it meant to be lost despite a sea of familiar faces…
and then he had left.
As quickly as Sasuke had come into his life, he had left. Left him with nothing more than a note and an empty apartment. To say Judal had taken it badly wouldn’t do justice the hurricane that had burst from the teen when he had gotten the letter. Shattered glass and broken furniture had left in his wake and he had once more found himself gripped by a never ending cycle of being held, of being lifted from himself, only to be dropped from higher and higher heights each time. His thread had been severed and his heart had closed tighter this time. He had learned finally what love was and he had learned in the same fell swoop what it meant for it to break... His one saving grace in loneliness had been protection from such a thing.
Despite the number scrawled on the letter left behind, Judal hadn’t contacted Sasuke at first. He had petulantly left it alone in the bottom of his drawer to gather dust as though if he ignored the memory long enough it might find it’s way down shoved where everything else went. 
Until Sphintus. The day he had cornered the boy in the hospital alley, the day he had shown his handiwork to his guardian and earned a slap in the face and a night on the street he had finally cracked. Cracked and contacted the only person he knew who might understand. Strained conversation had been their only correspondence and Judal would admit it wasn’t the same.
... Only one person knocked on windows.
It had been a tradition of sorts. Judal had never used the front door. From the dorm to his apartment, Judal had always taken the window when he visited his boyfriend, knowing Sasuke always left it unlatched for him. Hearing the rap at the window froze the boy in his bed, his head slowly turning to stare at the dark glass. He contemplated ignoring the sound, not letting his hopes rise for who might be on the other side but curiosity had never been his forte and he slid his legs from the bed, making his way to the window to pull it open to meet the gaze he had finally let fade from being burned in his mind.
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“What are you doing here” He asked simply, ice in his words as crimson met burning onyx, years of practice keeping any emotion from his face despite the way his stomach flew to his throat at the very sight of the boy before him.
“ I thought you left”
.no apologies // judal&sasuke
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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Most of Judal’s thread partners have vamooshed so he is in serious need of threads. Please like this post for a starter! No cap!
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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[[ Hello my darlings. After a very long string of hiatus because of being in Florida plus two bouts of 48 hours without data for travel I am finally back! I am sorry in advance for the spam that is coming but I am working on all replies across the board. I might not get to all of them today because I might burn out, but I will continue soon! I am moving this weekend so it’ll be slow to continue but I will do my best!!
Replies are going in this order:
Lemme know if you need anything or such I will be lurking around on skype all day~ 
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
It isn’t obvious to find out who the Bewitchers are, and even they themselves may not know that they have been bewitched.
But of course, they are only rumours…
It amazed him sometimes what attitude, the slip of a money laced hand, and appearance could get him. Though it shouldn’t, his entire life had been lived below the radar, a charade of bending rules, and blatantly ignoring the ‘guidelines’ that society had dictated the rest of the population around him with.
Making his way into the crowded club, the teen had only needed to produce a mere 50$ before the door had been opened for him, cutting him through the line; a boy on the prowl walking into a den of those he considered beneath him despite his very presence leaving a trail of illegal intentions with every step he took.
He was underage, but he didn’t care. He had lived his mere 18 years thrown into a world too old for him, and he bore the consequences like badges of honour. The bar overflowing with liqour, the thumping bass in his ears, the looks he received from intoxicated passerbys, it was all familiar, and it was all like a game to him. A game of whose life he could take in his hand and slowly pick apart like a child might to the petals of a delicate flower it had gotten its grip on.
Some might call it cruel, but he called it something he’d earned. Something he deserved. His own life had been left to the fates of someone else, his destiny and future molded like clay in the hands of a stranger. Only when doing the same to another did he feel like he had any control left. In a country so preoccupied with the idea of interdestined fate, he’d found himself gripping to metaphorical scissors determined to clip every flash of red he saw, like a walking proof that destiny doesn’t exist, and that you are only the product of decisions and consequences. Even true love can be destroyed by one bad decision, and one test of fate.
Leaning against the bar, crimson eyes scanned the dark room, determined to find his object of the night. His distraction for the evening. Though his search didn’t take long before a figure approached and crimson eyes looked up at who had taken to him so quickly, saving him the hunt as the prey walked straight into the trap unabated.
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Forcing his smirk to a smile he made his way to the stranger, leaning against the wall beside them as he flashed a grin, knowing all to well the aura he gave off was enticing, and it would be his advantage that night in his game. “Haven’t seen you around here before, something tells me this isn’t your kind of place~”
[[One More Night]] - Open
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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Something Sasuke this way comes
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
It was just like Judal to want to have the last say in everything he did. An easy smile lifted his lips as Sinbad shrugged in response, allowing the raven to have his way of thought. 
“You say it as though I do not have the frequent chance to do so,” he remained bent near the other’s ears, his words a breathy whisper. “Even though you spend most of your nights in my bed, sprawled across the sheets with those locks undone.” He held the trailing tresses in his hands, teasing the ends of with his thumb and index.
Teasing the teen with suggestive words, Sinbad maneuvered the two of them towards a spot that he was quick enough to spot, a gap at the very front that was big enough for the two to slip into. 
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“Ah, that was lucky.” The man was pleased with himself, leaning against the protective rails that were erected before them. “Now we’ve got the best seats in the house.”
The teen let himself be steered through the crowd, finding a chuckle building low in his chest at the words Sinbad spoke, unable to really find anything but truth. Despite that the man had given him his own room in the condo, the raven more often than not found himself either curling up in Sinbad’s bed early in the evening and never leaving, or making his way through the dark halls in the wee hours to crawl in beside him. 
Though despite the innocent nature of it, the breathy tone that Sinbad spoke low in his ear, gave his actions an entirely different connotation Judal smirked, feeling the familiar rush that he got when the two fell into the habit of... Whatever it was that they shared. The teasing, baited words and suggestions that fell between them like honey always left him wanting to push the boundary, to toe a little closer to that line, to see what he could get away with from the other. He had yet to find the limit and he was itching to see where it lay, if there even was one.
Wrapping thin fingers around the metal rail that he stood in front of, he leaned back, using his grip to support his hanging weight as he stared up at the man who stood behind him. Sinbad’s hands on either side of his frame where he leaned on the barrier made an almost protective hold and his smirk only widened.
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“And yet every night I am so cold on my side~ Maybe you should try exercising that right before you brag about it old man” He taunted before pulling himself back to stand, leaning himself comfortably on the chest of the man behind him as he crossed his arms. 
“So we just.... Stand here and stare at cars go by?” 
[[Olive Branch]] - Event Closed for Sinbad
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
Destiny was a rather peculiar thing.
Keep reading
“Insolent child, is that how you greet me~?”  
He’d be lying through his teeth if he tried to say he was surprised at the act of violence. The burning sting in his cheek was all to familiar as he stared angrily down at the concrete under his bare feet. The quickly heating skin like a pull into his past, a physical reassurance that he had run as far as he could, and she’d caught up.
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To the world, Gyokuen Ren could do no wrong. She was a socialite, a perfect mother, a doting wife, a savvy business woman, a devote charitable and honest person. She was the matriarch of the most successful family in their home country and she had a winning smile to prove it.
But it was a mask, a horrible, twisted mask and one she had never worn in front of Judal. He had only ever seen the real woman behind it, and it was a woman he feared as much as he loathed. 
Yet, he still grit his teeth, still squeezed  his hands at his side so tightly that his fingernails left half moon imprints in his palm as he slowly turned his head back to the face the woman, crimson eyes burning with a medley of emotions to complex for him to gasp as he stood once more before the woman who ‘raised’ him.
“... I am sorry, Mistress” he mumbled. “I didn’t think I’d see you here...” He added, waiting for an accusation of running away, of hiding. Instead of truth. 
[[Hush, Child ]] - Closed for Gyokuen
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
[[Hush, Child ]] - Closed for Gyokuen
Judal had never been told his own story. No one had ever sat him down and told him where he’d come from,but over 14 years it hadn’t been all too difficult to piece it together. It wasn’t kept a secret, it just wasn’t something anyone had ever seemed to think important enough to tell him. His parents, his birth parents, the only people he would ever have called mother and father had been killed, disposed of without a single moment’s thought. He had been selected merely on the need for a child, and he’d been chosen at random. No planning, no strategy. He had been the unfortunate outcome of a lottery of chance, with the prize being his sovereignty.
He head been molded, had been shaped by calloused hands. His entire life was shaped around the ideals of criminals and her blood stained hands had been holding the very heart of a child without care for how fragile it could be. The white fluttering innocence of childhood was tarnished, painted black before he was old enough to put the words to his emotions. Before he learned to walk, he was already in the middle of things that no child should witness. In only a few short years every shred of his innocence had been ripped away by her hands, and he was left a tool for her use, a tool that had no shame, no guilt, a being of sheer ignorance and impulse.
Perhaps it had been divine intervention that had tore him from the streets 4 years earlier, the hands of that police officer that found him had been his devils luck... He had gotten out of her grasp, but only barely. His freedom came in the form of her ‘perfect family’ and he’d been silenced. A muzzled dog is still under the control of the one who holds the key no matter how far it may run.
And run he had. He had run as far as he’d been allowed. Brieve had been an ocean between himself and her.
Until now.
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A simple walk had turned cold. Bare feet frozen on concrete as crimson eyes stared at the woman before him. That burning smile, empty eyes... Her visage was permanently burned into his mind’s eye and here she was before him, as real as anything else around him.
He couldn’t move, his stomach lurched with the need to be sick as he fought to try in vain to tear his gaze from her.
“.... Mother”
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
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430 notes · View notes
riseoftheblacksun · 9 years
[[One More Night]] - Open
It isn’t obvious to find out who the Bewitchers are, and even they themselves may not know that they have been bewitched.
But of course, they are only rumours…
It amazed him sometimes what attitude, the slip of a money laced hand, and appearance could get him. Though it shouldn’t, his entire life had been lived below the radar, a charade of bending rules, and blatantly ignoring the ‘guidelines’ that society had dictated the rest of the population around him with.
Making his way into the crowded club, the teen had only needed to produce a mere 50$ before the door had been opened for him, cutting him through the line; a boy on the prowl walking into a den of those he considered beneath him despite his very presence leaving a trail of illegal intentions with every step he took.
He was underage, but he didn’t care. He had lived his mere 18 years thrown into a world too old for him, and he bore the consequences like badges of honour. The bar overflowing with liqour, the thumping bass in his ears, the looks he received from intoxicated passerbys, it was all familiar, and it was all like a game to him. A game of whose life he could take in his hand and slowly pick apart like a child might to the petals of a delicate flower it had gotten its grip on.
Some might call it cruel, but he called it something he’d earned. Something he deserved. His own life had been left to the fates of someone else, his destiny and future molded like clay in the hands of a stranger. Only when doing the same to another did he feel like he had any control left. In a country so preoccupied with the idea of interdestined fate, he’d found himself gripping to metaphorical scissors determined to clip every flash of red he saw, like a walking proof that destiny doesn’t exist, and that you are only the product of decisions and consequences. Even true love can be destroyed by one bad decision, and one test of fate.
Leaning against the bar, crimson eyes scanned the dark room, determined to find his object of the night. His distraction for the evening. Though his search didn’t take long before a figure approached and crimson eyes looked up at who had taken to him so quickly, saving him the hunt as the prey walked straight into the trap unabated.
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Forcing his smirk to a smile he made his way to the stranger, leaning against the wall beside them as he flashed a grin, knowing all to well the aura he gave off was enticing, and it would be his advantage that night in his game. “Haven’t seen you around here before, something tells me this isn’t your kind of place~”
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