rishimaaaaa ¡ 2 years
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RAFAEL SILVA via IG Stories - October 7, 2021
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 2 years
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Chasing, Searching, Dreaming by parmahamlarrie
Part of the @onedirectionbigbang.
Everyone is chasing, searching, dreaming of their soulmate. Harry has known who his soulmate is since he was twenty years old, and ever since, he has been waiting for Louis to be ready for him. The unexpected passing of Louis' mum, and the fact that now he is the guardian of his twin two-year-old little siblings, just means that Harry is going to have to wait a bit longer. A soulmate AU full of cute kids, house building, therapy, and a lot of dreaming.
Available now on AO3!
With art by the incredible @monpetithl
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
⭐️ Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2021 ⭐️
I’ve been lucky enough to have done this in one form or another for the last several years and it is such a fun reflection back on the year. Thank you to @haztobegood @ladyaj-13 @quelsentiment @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @disgruntledkittenface @kingsofeverything @justalarryblog @boosbabycakes28 @wadey-wilson @lt2soon @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @evilovesyou @jacaranda-bloom @loulovehome @larryyouknow and @sadaveniren AND @laynefaire for tagging me so I remembered to do it again this year! lol I hope I got everyone, sorry if I left someone out (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2020 apparently i did two last year, please ignore me)
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 20 (what a lovely, round number!)
2. Word count posted for the year: 430,977
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction (Band), Lewis Capaldi (Musician), BBC Radio 1 RPF
4. Pairings: lmaoooo excellent question. why doesn't the ao3 stats page have that info easily listed? and same with giving us info like how many fics i posted... why do i have to count that manually? lol ANYWAY pairings... right. ahem.
Zayn/Liam which turns into Zayn/Liam/Louis
Lewis Capaldi/Niall
Nick Grimshaw/Louis/Harry (one of which starts as Nick/Louis and the other starts as Harry/Nick, so those pairings as well...)
Niall/Louis (though it does imply at the end that it is an ot5 relationship)
Nick Grimshaw/Liam
Greg James/Harry
these are all main pairings btw. i'm quite proud of that spread. i was tempted to ONLY write poly and rare pairs next year, just for the fun of it, but i don't wanna limit myself in that way. if it happens, it happens, but sometimes i just really love writing harry/louis so yeah. anywayyyyy...
5. Story with the most: Kudos: Maybe You'll Like the Way I Am (holy shit, i had no idea this one had so many kudos...) Bookmarks: Maybe You'll Like the Way I Am (lmao this fic was apparently more popular than i remembered hahaha) Comments: On Christmas Day (In The Morning)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): i know i complain about this every year, but this really is incredibly hard for me to answer this year. i poured a lot of myself into so many fics this year and i have three or four i'm juggling between for this right now because of that. ugh i think... i think i have to say What I Have With You (I don't want with anyone else), and not just because it's the longest fic i've ever written and probably will ever write lol that fic has so very much of myself in it and i never thought... i just. it was such a complex fic that i wanted to write perfectly, and it just HAPPENED so perfectly. @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed was the perfect collaborator and inspiration and just. the fact she trusted me with that prompt and helped shape it so much to allow it to become what it did. i could go on for hours about that fic, so i'll just stop now but. yeah. that one.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): i refuse to answer this. lol for real though, i just really really love my fics, all of them, so i don't really have one i'm less proud of or whatever.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: again rude? there are so very many that mean so much to me, but i think most of them belong to What I Have With You (I don't want with anyone else). and you know what, i just went back and read a lot of them, and i'm not choosing one. i'm just gonna say collectively it's the comments on that fic. there were so many lovely ones that told me the pacing was perfect, or that they learned so much from it without the fic feeling preachy, or that several people who identify as a-spec found relatable aspects to their identities and experiences in the fic, and honestly i'm getting emotional thinking about it, so yeah. just. those. thank you to everyone who has read it, but truly thank you so very much to everyone who has commented on it as well.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: this year the writing wasn't really hard in and of itself, but finding the time to write was INCREDIBLY hard and that was a theme from about june onward, but PARTICULARLY november and december. it's been fucking hard to find time to write, y'all, and i just want the time to wriiiiiite *sobs*
anyway. i guess you could say i'm still in it. lol
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: haaaaaaaaa like everything?? i mean, truly. everything i wrote in the last six months of this year was just... so unexpected in almost every way. so yeah.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: please know i have been deliberating about this for DAYS and it took me FOREVER to figure something out, but my dearest @disgruntledkittenface shared a snippet of my Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy stylinshaw fic and when i read it i was like oh... oh i do actually really like that? and like... i'm quite proud of it because i feel like writing kisses and physical affection in general is difficult for me and i just feel very... i dunno. anyway. the fact that i struggle with it so much and then maggie pointed this one out and i liked it, it just felt right. so! here we go. sorry for the long explanation... i just wanted to explain myself lollll here we go...
“Okay, so one of the shots I was really hoping for was to have one of us dip the other person for the kiss or photo or whatever, but I don’t really know which of you would be better for that, and who should do the dipping.” Louis raised his brows. “Do you have thoughts?”
“Well, I’d love to be a part of that, but Grim is a touch more coordinated than me. He should probably be the one getting dipped, though. Fair warning.”
Louis smirked. “Good to know.”
“Alright, well, come to me.”
Louis gasped and nearly started laughing at Harry trying to entice him to come closer, but before he could, Harry had reached out and pulled Louis flush against them, immediately capturing him in a kiss.
In an attempt to regain his balance, Louis’ arms flew out and wrapped around Harry’s neck. It meant that he was nearly even with Harry height wise, leaving him pressing up onto his toes, one foot slightly behind him, and pressed fully against Harry’s body. Nick wasn’t saying anything about their positioning, so Louis lifted one foot just in case the photo was able to capture it well and it looked alright.
“Oh my god, Harry’s giving you a foot poppin’ kiss!” Nick cried out, whooping a little bit. “I cannot believe I’m witnessing this right now. It feels like a momentous occasion.”
“Fuck off, Grim, you’re ruining the moment,” Harry griped before leaning back into Louis for another kiss, causing him to giggle.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: i wrote a lot of long fics lolololol i honestly didn't think i was ever going to write a 50+k fic, and then this year i published four, and one of them broke 70k, which is insane. so yeah, that, plus also like...getting to write the a-spec alphas fic was a huge growing experience for me. plus i got to write girl payneshaw, which i never thought i would ever write, and a lewis/niall fic... i wrote a scottish character! how fun? ya know? just. i wrote a lot of stuff i just didn't think i would and i pushed boundaries i'd previously had, so it's just a year of a lot of growth in a lot of different ways imo
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i hope that i'm able to just keep that kind of openness and drive to write new things for me and keep enjoying it. that's the whole point, isn't it?
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): oh shit this is like my nightmare, right? having to name one person. sigh. i've even been trying to think about this one for a few days, and i cannot begin to think which ONE??? there are so many people. sooooo many. the write your way out chat, anyone who sprinted with me to write, all the amazing artists i worked with in big bang and reverse bang this year (@rishimaaaaa, @moon-sun-thyme, and @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed love youuuu!!!!), allllll the betas and brit/scottish picks i worked with, just everyone. all of you. love you.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: too much, as per usual honestly, but for real, soooo many of louis' experiences in my a-spec alphas fic were based on feelings and experiences i've had, and then the entire basis of the fic Here We Come A-Wassailing is from my family's caroling tradition and how that has gone for over 20 years now lol the piano i described harry as haunting in On Christmas Day (In The Morning) is my parents' piano and the song harry struggles with is one of my sister's and my favorite christmas songs that my sister plays for us every year. lots of things, really, some bigger, some smaller. hehe
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: just make sure you're happy writing, cause thats the whole point, right? to have fun and enjoy yourself! so yeah, i guess that is it. that and find your people. your people make all the difference, so make sure you're surrounding yourself with good ones.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:  ​lmaoooo STARTING THE BIG BANG I WAS SUPPOSED TO COMPLETELY WRITE DURING NANOWRIMO WOULD BE GREAT lolllll and a lot of others, to be honest. i have a lot of fics i want to write and hopefully i'll be able to write them this year lol
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read. i'm so late to this, so i'm just gonna tag @jaerie and @mercurial-madhouse but if anyone else wants to do this still and hasn't been tagged yet, this is me tagging you!
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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My Kind of Rain by lululawrence
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 30k | art by @wadey-wilson
Louis Tomlinson is a household name after hitting number one on the country music charts with four songs over the last three years. It's time for his third headlining tour, his biggest yet, while he finishes up his third highly anticipated album.
Personally, though, the past year or two have been rough. He's dealing with the loss of his mother and the fact his long term partner had cheated on him before breaking off their engagement. Despite it all, the stage has always been an escape for him and he's ready to be performing again.
Harry Styles is Louis' opening act this tour and he seems nice enough. His fiancĂŠ leaves something to be desired, but overall, Louis can't complain.
Or the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill AU where Louis is Tim, Harry is Faith, and just when Louis thinks he is going to get some rest, his entire world turns upside down thanks to the man with curly hair and the voice that seems to sing right to Louis' heart.
Written as a part of @1dcountryfest
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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It's November, and around my house that means I'm getting into gear with all of my Holiday Cards! This time of year is always rough for me, but one thing that always makes me happy are holiday cards. This is my 7th year doing this, which is hard to believe, but I'm crazy excited to be able to continue the tradition this year.
Want a card? Excellent! Here's how it works.
I'm already in the process of making the cards for this year! The photos in the graphic are pictures I've taken assembling the beginnings of the Christmas cards so far, so consider those a sneak peek! haha I'll also be making winter cards for those of you who would prefer something not associated with Christmas.
Through the month of November, I'll gather addresses and hopefully write out the cards so they're all ready to mail the beginning of December. Life happens, so it might not happen that way, but I'm going to try my best to make it happen!
Here's what I need from you.
I'll be collecting addresses using this google form. It's pretty straight forward, but on the form I will be asking for:
Your address (I will mail them internationally). PLEASE write it out exactly as you would on an envelope, line breaks and all! I've had some cards get returned to me in the past because I guessed where the line breaks should be, and I guessed incorrectly, so to avoid that I'd love it if you could tell me where the line breaks are
The name you want me to use for the address and the name you would like me to write the card out to. For many, the name will be the same, but for others, it will be different, so to account for that, I'll have an option for both.
Your tumblr URL. This is just so I can reach out to you if there are any issues.
And that's it! There aren't any other stipulations or requirements. We don't need to be mutuals, you don't even need to be following me. You just need to want a card homemade by me to hopefully bring you some holiday cheer!
Even if you aren't interested in a card for yourself, please reblog this post and help me spread the word. I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you, and Happy November!
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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My right drawing was the beginning of a wonderful, creative collaboration with an extraordinarily talented author and the launching pad for a tender-hearted story that will always have a place in my heart. A story that perceived the intended vulnerability in my drawing and transformed it into a delicate love story. A story that made me laugh and despair. A story that touched me deeply. As I write these lines I’m still so grateful for this beautiful gift!
After the story was written, I drew a second drawing, the left drawing. The circle closes, the beginning and the end is a drawing. What meaning this mailbox and ‘faith in the future’ has I do not reveal of course.
I hope you’re all curious about this beautiful story with the beautiful title FAITH IN THE FUTURE by lululawrence inspired by my art @moon-sun-thyme​
Drawn and written for @1dreversebang
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Faith in the Future by lululawrence
featuring art by @moon-sun-thyme
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson   |   52k   |  6/6 Chapters
The mailbox was hanging wide open.
Harry slowed to a stop beside it. He’d been at the beach house for months and hadn’t used it because no one knew he was there.
When he finally stepped in front of the mailbox to see what was inside, he was even more surprised. He’d expected a letter of some kind, but instead all he found was a torn piece of paper.
If you beat me home, hang tight! I ran out of sandpaper. Just running to Jon’s to get some more —L
Harry stared at the note, turning it over to see if there were any other clues to find. It was the kind of note someone would leave because they were meeting someone here. Like they’d been at the beach house recently. Harry knew that wasn’t true, though, because he’d been entirely alone the entire time he had been here.
Or the one where Louis and Harry are both hurting for different reasons when a very special mailbox, and maybe a touch of fate, brings them together. While they might be everything the other needs, will they find a way to each other?
Written as part of @1dreversebang
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Maybe You’ll Like the Way I Am by lululawrence
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson  |  56k  |  moodboard by @rishimaaaaa
Harry stood on his doorstep, waving a little as he shuffled his feet. “Hi, I brought you some cookies.”
Louis finally realized Harry was holding a plate with at least a dozen chocolate chip cookies.
“How’d you know chocolate chip was my favorite?”
Harry scrunched his nose. “I, uh, they’re actually peanut butter chocolate chunk, so I really hope you don’t have a peanut allergy. There’s a lot of peanut butter and chocolate in these. But also, I just hoped that was something you liked because I actually have a favor to ask?”
When Louis’ alpha neighbor asks him to pretend to be his omega for a week, Louis immediately says no. He has too much he’s dealing with on his own, and he swore to himself he’d never get that close to an alpha again. Unable to hold to that resolve once guilt sets in, Louis finds that maybe fumbling his way through a fake relationship for a week was exactly what he needed to finally be able to move on.
Written as a part of @1daboficfest
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Nonbinary trans & bi Magnus commission 💙
Sort of a sequel to this and this.
[ID: Digital drawing of Magnus on a purple background, wearing a sparkly purple jacket, an ivory corset vest and a purple shirt. His hair is dyed in the colors of the nonbinary flag and he’s wearing a bi arrowhead necklace, a trans flag bracelet, bi eyeshadow, his wedding and M&B rings and a sparkly choker. He’s holding the lapels of his jacket and looking down and to the side.]
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Happy Pride ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
What does the arab in your carrd mean? Is it like afab and amab?
.. i’m palestinian
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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gay rights haha rb patreon insta
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Go-to home remedy is always better with you.
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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Hello everyone! I’ve opened up commissions for my art If you’re interested, here are the prices and you can send me a dm to find out more details. This is first time I'm doing this and I would really appreciate shares! Thank you in advance!
* For all fandoms and personal art works
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
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A Sleep Story Just For You by lululawrence
Harry/Louis   |   7k   |   Sleep Story Edit by @londonfoginacup
The Trans Siberian Railroad by Harry Styles.
Louis pouted a little. He wished that some of the names he actually recognized and knew he could fall asleep to were available for free, but maybe this Harry guy was better than the woman with the grating, condescending tone.
When Louis clicked on the image for the story there was a bit of a pause, and then a deep voice came through the speakers of his phone.
Holy shit. Louis’ eyes went wide as a chill ran down his spine. The man’s voice was glorious. It was a rich baritone that Louis wanted to have whispering in his ear while they did dirty, dirty things together.
Louis paused. Maybe that was what he needed.
Or four times Louis uses the Calm App to help him get to sleep, and one time he doesn’t need to.
Written as part of @wankersday 2021
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rishimaaaaa ¡ 3 years
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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