alabasterplaster · 2 years
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Confident You!: 45 Picture Books for Black History Month and Every Month
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alabasterplaster · 2 years
I’m currently running my first campaign as DM in a heavily home-brewed world called Tel’ Sho’voth. And while today only marks session three, so I don’t have a lot of art for it yet, I do have this bitchin drawing of my PC and party guide, Tyl.
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Guys I love them. They’re a Druid and wholly convinced the party is hot shit that Will save the world because it’s fate.
I’m also proud as fuck of this coloring. I did some new shading tricks and I really like how they turned out. I know there’s no comparisons here but maybe someday I’ll post old art for funsies.
As this campaign goes on and I make more art for it, I imagine I’ll talk more about the story too. So if you like cool home-brew DnD plots, look out for that!
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alabasterplaster · 2 years
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Keep reading
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alabasterplaster · 2 years
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I present more of my Oc children
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alabasterplaster · 2 years
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Here are some sketches of Lillian for y’all.
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alabasterplaster · 2 years
Header 1 or What Have You
After many decades of self exile I have returned to the promised land. I never actually left but I didn’t like my old blog so I just let it rot for a while. But I made this one brand new so maybe I’ll use it.
I’m Reese, or Ala, and I’m an art blog, for original art digital and otherwise, and writing. I have three original planets, two in my own system and one heavy homebrew D&D planet I’m currently running my first campaign as DM in! I have multitudes of characters and stories that I hope to actually get out into the world in a way I haven’t committed to before.
I do have an Instagram, though I don’t post regularly there because I don’t like the layout and post limitations for the kinda of things I’d post. Especially writing, it sucks on there. But my handle there is ReeseMcArt if you wanna see old and increasingly yuckier looking art, or see a repost in the wild signed as ReeseMcArt. Those are mine, thankies.
This blog is a safe space for queer, POC, neurodivergent, and disabled people. I myself am trans nonbinary, queer, and autistic
This is not a political space. But my values are important in my art. If I hear a peep of bigotry, you’re out
I haven’t lived everyone’s life. As much as I try, I won’t ever be able to tell someone else’s story exactly. I keep away from topics or experiences I don’t believe I can do justice, but if I do accidentally hurt someone or get something wrong, kindly letting me know is always welcome
If anything else comes up, I’ll add to this. But these are the important things to note off the bat.
I’ll be posting fantasy, fantasy-scifi, and I guess, AU earth? on here! Those are mainly what I dabble in. My worlds are all fantasy based but I also have some real world characters that I’d like to make cute comics for in the future.
Potentially also fanart sometimes but I don’t make that regularly so no absolutes there!
I also can’t be sure of a tag system yet considering I..don’t..have any posts. But my text posts will be labeled as #plaster post and my art and writing as #ala art or #ala writing.
And that’s all folks! I have no set schedule and my history with posting consistency is rocky. But I want to see this castle built and I gotta start with laying this first brick. Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy your stay!
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