rivercourtgossip · 12 years
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Just a little update.
It seems a few little things have been happening around this town that I'm sure everyone would be dying to know. 
Apparently our rebellious little Jamie White was spotted out on a date with one of Rivercourt's finest detectives, Rhian Cosgrove. Hm, not that I'm one who judges very often, but isn't that age difference just a tiny little bit creepy? Besides, with Chase Thomas back in town and reportedly having escaped from military school - and his undying affection towards one Miss White - is that really something Detective Cosgrove wants to get involved with?
Other than going on romantic dates with older men, Jamie has also been seen having a little bit of tension with new girl, Vanessa Brooks. Could Jamie be a little bit jealous of innocent (or not-so-innocent considering her recent rendezvous with one Ben Fields) Vanessa? Maybe Vanessa is going to be this town's next Jamie White.
A little bit of trouble in paradise had been reported between newlyweds, Teddy Branson and Zac Coplin, But let's be honest, this marriage was never going to work from the beginning. All the best, boys.
In less contraversial news, it seems that Georgina Monroe has attended pole dancing classes. One step close to becoming a stripper, I suppose, G? I wonder how Will would feel about you showing off these skills to him.
Until next time, gossipers.
XOXO Gossip Girl.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Well, well, well.
There's never a dull moment here in Rivercourt - always some new, interesting piece of gossip for me to tell you about. Oh, and boy do I have some interesting stuff for you all today.
Rumors are floating around that that the new teaching assistant at Rivercourt High, one Miss Roxanne Vermont, has a thing for the younger boys. And by the younger boys, it appears to be more leaning towards any of the young boys she is teaching at school. Oh Miss Vermont, I thought you would have learned from previous experiences that sleeping with students has always been a massive no-no. The constant flirting with all the boys in town doesn't make your case any better. 
Speaking of people who are constantly flirting, a little birdy told me that Ben Fields and Vanessa Brooks were spotted out some little, out of the way, filthy club. Just because you're in a club where people wouldn't dare be caught dead, lovers, doesn't mean you're alone. Which means that your actions will always get back to those who are going to hurt the most. After a few sloppy, drunken kisses, the pair were reported to have seen leaving the club together. You and I both know what comes next. I don't know how Raianne Archibald is going to feel about this one, Benny Boy. You remember her right? Your girlfriend?
It's not all cheating and horny teachers though in this town. Through all the drama and despair, a couple has finally managed to make everything official. Congratulations to Georgina Monroe and Will Lewis, who finally decided to come out as an actual couple instead of sneaking around. Which only means that Emma White's plan for revenge - which nearly got innocent little Georgina expelled - didn't really work out the way she had planned. Although Emma took the news rather calmly, we can only imagine what's going on in her head. But be careful, love birds, we always know that the calm comes before the storm. 
Ciao gossipers,
XOXO, Gossip Girl
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Evening Gossipers
Or good morning, depending on when you all decide to come and visit my blog again - and I know you will because you simply can't miss out on all the gossip I have to offer.
But sadly, my inbox is empty. It's looking a little bit lonely. So why don't you click right here and send me in all the juicy little secrets that are floating around Rivercourt at the moment.
You know you love me,
XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
It seems like we have a murderer in the making (Yuri) Does Gossip Girl know his history?
Oh La La... Maybe Yuri can ask Tyler and Will and some other killer on the loose here in Rivercourt for advice. We have quite a lot of those around here. Just ask -A!
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
GG who do you ship?
I ship the couples that gives me the most gossip and scandal.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
When is GG going to post next blast?
Just posted it! Send me some stuff and I'll whip up some more gossip...
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Queen Bee or Queen Bitch?
It is a classic love story; a prince, a princess, and an evil queen, the right combination of the perfect fairy tale. But let's change the prince into a tortured writer with dark secrets and dark heart pretending to be all kind and noble, change the princess into a ridiculously naive young girl who got smitten by the right words without even considering the price she will pay, and change the evil queen into Emma White, there we have it, the newest Rivercourt Fairy Tale.
If last week we heard that Georgina was a busy bee between Peter Abel and Will Lewis, it looks like this week Georgina Monroe already made her choice and set her heart for Will Lewis, much to her best friend; Lidia Branson's disapproval given the fact that Will Lewis is not the kind of man he appeared to be. Little birdie told me that Will already asked Georgina to be his steady girlfriend, Oh La La... What a cutey, but of course, the story would not be worth telling if they got their happily ever after too soon, so enter Evil Queen to the picture.
Emma White, Will's ex-girlfriend who claimed herself as the Rivercourt's Queen Bee, apparently think that both Will and Georgina are a traitor and deserves a "punishment". One of my source told me that she sabotaged G's assignment that resulting a lot of trouble for Georgina. Oh, classic! Not the best scheming, E, but at least it works. One point for E, Zero for G. But just a warning E. We all know that once a killer always a killer.
Some said Emma was just pissed, some other said she just simply a bitch, but if you ask me, I'd say Emma is jealous, after all she never get the guys. First Ben choosing to be with Raianne Archibald, then Tyler Samuels prefers Gigi Raine over her, and now Will Lewis wants to be with Georgina instead of her. Poor poor Emma White. Maybe you're not the Queen Bee people adored, but just merely a Queen Bitch all guys avoid. After all being a bitch is all you Whites are good at.
Until the next time gossipers,
Gossip Girl!
(send some gossip here!)
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
If any of you being followed by rcv-gg account, you don't have to follow it back. The account is just for me to lurk on the dash and paras. 
If you want to be mentioned on Gossip Girl's post, just send us some gossip, anonymous or not it doesn't matter because we won't post your submit, but we will make a new post about it.
If you want Gossip Girl to be more active, then please help us by sending gossip or rumors.
And just a reminder, Gossip Girl can (and will) make a gossip post from the things we found on paras and conversation threads without exception, unless it stated as private.
Thank You,
XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Surprise, surprise Rivercourt!
Surprise, surprise! I am back gossipers and definitely still with Rivercourt's gossips...
Apparently there are few surprises while I'm gone. The first surprise came from our very own Rivercourt's slut; Elizabeth Armstrong who finally decided to stop sleeping around with different guys and put Damen Arizona out of his misery by start embarking the classic boyfriend - girlfriend relationship. But of course, it's not Rivercourt without a little heartache because clearly, this is a bad news for our sweet poor Michaela Udinov who we all know have her eyes set on Damen. Don't worry love, there are plenty of guys liking the slightly neurotic girl type.
The surprises does not just end there. Like some people said, timing can be a little bitch sometimes, and that is exactly what time did, being a bitch for the new couple; right when our sweet Elizabeth surrender to be with Damen, her old lover Roberto Manwhorecini, sorry, I mean, Roberto Mancini is back in Rivercourt, sparking some old feelings from Elizabeth's side while Roberto was busy flirting with everyone that came to his way, of course until his lover Leo Vettrice came back too. So, place your bets lads, will Elizabeth and Damen survive? Will Roberto and Leo get back together? Or will Elizabeth finally succeed to steal Roberto's heart back from Leo and rekindled their romance? Only time will tell...
The second surprise came from another Rivercourt's whore, or well, manwhore to be exact. Maybe love's in season right now in Rivercourt because not only is Elizabeth resigning from Rivercourt's slut, Ben Fields also felt the same need to rest his manwhore crown for a little while he get all smoochie- smochie knee deep into fun and loving relationship with none other than Raianne Archibald. But hold on a second, a rumor said Raianne is not only seeing Ben, but also still in a some kind of relationship with Quentin Scott? A little greedy don't you think, love? But no worries, as I heard Hadley James is coming back, maybe it's time for you to move on Scott, or not... We all know love triangles are always the best thing.
Of course! The biggest surprise of the week! More wedding bells were ringing and this time it was Zac Coplin and Teddy Branson's! Oh you boys certainly come a long way from denial into a drunken Vegas Wedding. Well, congratulation for the happy couple. Who knew a manwhore and a cheater could settle down and join together in marriage? I'd say the marriage won't last long, but hey who knows, right? Maybe what people say is true: all you need to keep a marriage happy either is huge luck or a huge dick, so let's hope for the latter. 
Next we have Georgina Monroe spotted on a date yesterday with Will Lewis. The couple claimed to just having some coffee and an intellectual conversation, but come on, it is bound to happen sooner or later, and let's not forget that Georgina can surely be a bit naughty, remember the unclaimed hickey? And her naughty side can be proven by the rumor that our sweet little Georgina not only having a date with Will, but also cozying with Peter Abel who also being up close and personal with Vanessa Brooks. Some birdie told me Peter and Vanessa shared a kiss when the town was dark. Oh la la, you think no one will know? Too bad, I know everything.
And not only Peter and Vanessa who's getting all comfortable together, but as I heard, our miss blondie Grace Branson definitely hoping something more from Julian Ivan, the girl definitely have the hots for the guy, but will Julian accept her after the rumors that spreading about her that she was pregnant once? And poor Gracey living in the shadow of Emma White, maybe it is time for you to make a name for yourself honey, or are you too scared?
Another surprise coming from Jamie White. My source told me the little White often seen having a heated argument with the new Anthropology teacher Charles Sharapov, some rumor said they used to be dating. Big shocker! Of course she dated him before. With her track records, I wouldn't be surprised if she had dated half of the teacher in Rivercourt High. So I guess it's just only about time until the heated arguments turns into a heated angry sex. Oooh... Kinky. 
Poor, poor Katherine White, just as she admit that she love Nicholas, the older Archibald left her with only a voice mail. Honey, just face it, once a tramp always a tramp, you don't need to pretend that you can be anyone but the party Katherine we all know. And oh la la, of course Katherine wouldn't need much time nursing a broken heart, spotted Katherine entering the Coplin house earlier. Well, well... With the party boy Edward Coplin being back and we know the two of you are go way back, maybe it's time for some reunion hook-ups? 
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
When One Falls, Another Rises.
Well, Rivercourt. This is the season of babies, is it not? While Poor Cash Stanfill and his baby mama, Diana Lovegood mourn the loss of baby Molli, a new family is forming. Troy Hudson is getting everything he wants it seems, since brother Lucas Hudson has returned to the Rivercourt, and now his newly returned wife to be, Miss Arabella Samuels, is in labor with the couples twin boys.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Anonymous tips, gotta love 'em.
It appears our very own Cornelius Lawrence has had a stroke. Someone should help him. Poor boy. Too much emotional stress, hmm? Maybe it's Karma.
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Here we go, Rivercourtians.
Cornelius Lawrence appears to not be as devoted to his loving girlfriend, Lucy Cosgrove as we thought, hmm? After an anonymous tip last night, it appears Cornelius layed his love on the lips of none other than Lena Prescott. Always in the middle, never first choice, hmm Lena?
Arabella Samuels seems to have disappeared. How far could she go with twins in the womb? That's what Troy Hudson is wondering. There seems to be tension between Troy and Kennedy Bates. Could it have to do with Luke Hudson?
If you have anymore tips send them in, lovelies.
Ask | Submit 
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rivercourtgossip · 12 years
Better late than never...
Hello Rivercourt... As usual I come bringing news... let's start with the not-so-good part...
After last week, with Teddy Branson getting totaled on a car crash leaving him with a freak case of amnesia, we were stunned to spot Daniel Bean get into a car accident, after his huge fight with practically everyone. Including, but not limited to, his blonde ex girlfriend Lara Tennessee, who was caught kissing Troy Hudson out of rejection. Not that I can blame her, since Daniel had been playing with far too many women, flirting with everything that moves, and jumping onto Lena Prescott and Elizabeth Armstrong's wagon too quickly. But poor Damen Arizona, first Dylan, then Daniel? At least Michaela got it right, Elizabeth is a slut, and bless your sweet little heart Damen, it just got broken. Like I used to say, break it off before she breaks your heart. She didn't want to be with you anyway, sweetie, because if she did, she wouldn't be whoring herself around and sleeping with random guys. So, take a hint and move on. There's always Michaela Udinov. She's a bit crazy, but what's wrong with being crazy, right? That's where all fun starts!
On a separate note, Lara was definitely not the only girl Troy had fun with yesterday, our own party animal Katherine White also had a little too much fun with him. And of course, as expected from Kat, Troy wasn't the only one either, because some little birdie told me that she spent a good amount of time having a heart to heart talk with Marco Lovegood. Who, in turn, is getting rather cozy with Hadley James and Emma White. Decisions decisions, definitely living up to your name, aren't you Lovegood? And apparently it's not only Katherine White who gets the surprise ex-lover, but Nicholas Archibald also got his surprise with his ex-lover. Charlotte the mystery girl.. or should I say Gigi Raine? Is this the end of Nick/Kat relationship? Nothing like an ex to break up your relationship - not that there was much of one anyway.
Too bad we can't see how things would play out, because Nicholas was our third car-crash victim of the week. Will the relationship survive the tragedy? More importantly, would the relationship survive both exes coming back? And the most important question, will Nicolas survive the accident?
Another development on the story, turns out miss Gigi Raine is the proud girlfriend of our own Tyler Samuels, who got into a heated argument with Emma White - that also got Karissa Raine involved too. I'd say this is her attempt at claiming Tyler as hers, might have been classier for Gigi to pee on him though. Poor Emma... never gets the guy. First Ben, now Tyler? Maybe you should try your sister's method, E. Open your arms, and your legs too, and accept all you stumble in. But I guess your second attempt was more succesful? Taking Ben to New York, trying to win him back from Raianne. If at first you don't succeed, steal from your friend. Poor Raianne. Careful sweetie.
And here we go again - I have a feeling another love triangle is about to blossom. Kristyna Udinov arguing with Ronnie Hawks behind closed doors! We all know where this leads - angry sex? Not surprising, seeing as Kristyna is permanently ignored by boyfriend Kyle Grace, and Ronnie's always looking for an opportunity to swoop in. Oh poor Kyle, maybe you should take a 'How to satisfied your woman' class, with your manwhore of a brother Dylan as a teacher? Or maybe it's time you switched electives, and tried your hand at the other sex..
That's it for today gossipers...
send me some gossip
and until the next time.
XOXO, Gossip Girl. 
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