riverphoenixfics · 4 years
Attention everyone!
My friends and I have created an “‘80s Amino” for the people who love the ‘80s!
Amino is an app for people that have similar interests to come together and create blogs, contests, quizzes, chat rooms, etc. about their interests. We have created one for the 1980s to bring all the ‘80s lovers together!
All you have to do to join is download the Amino app. Once you do, you’ll want to create a profile and search for an Amino to join. You can search for ‘80s Amino by searching for things like: The Outsiders, 80s, 1980s, and more. I have also pasted the link to ‘80s Amino in this post. It will help you join the Amino by clicking the link.
We look forward to seeing you all there! We hope to bring together all fans of the ‘80s and create our own little community. See you there!
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riverphoenixfics · 4 years
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River Phoenix — Running On Empty (‘88)
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riverphoenixfics · 5 years
Hello everyone!!!
It has been a few years since I have posted. I still have such a deep love for River, and truly want to continue writing. However, I have decided that I will write on here AND instagram.
If you would like to follow the River fanfic instagram, the username is “rewindingtothe80s”. I am hoping to also write some short stories about other ‘80s actors as well. I have a few written, actually!
I will not write any stories until the account reaches 75 followers. This way I know that people will actually be reading them.
You can expect a story on here AND instagram once this account reaches 75 followers. I will start taking requests once it reaches 100 followers.
Thanks for welcoming me back!
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riverphoenixfics · 5 years
Hello everyone!!!
It has been a few years since I have posted. I still have such a deep love for River, and truly want to continue writing. However, I have decided that I will write on here AND instagram.
If you would like to follow the River fanfic instagram, the username is “rewindingtothe80s”. I am hoping to also write some short stories about other ‘80s actors as well. I have a few written, actually!
I will not write any stories until the account reaches 75 followers. This way I know that people will actually be reading them.
You can expect a story on here AND instagram once this account reaches 75 followers. I will start taking requests once it reaches 100 followers.
Thanks for welcoming me back!
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riverphoenixfics · 6 years
could u do one about rivers character jeff grant from little nikita, based maybe after the events of the movie ❤ the plot is up to you
Might be coming soon (:
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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80’s Cereals part II
part 1: http://ohmy80s.tumblr.com/post/169588211181/80s-90s-cereals
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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Rest In Peace, Tom Petty. 💔 October 20, 1950—October 2, 2017.
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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Veronica Sawyer
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
I'd Die For You—Part 2
I found myself getting out of breath as I was chasing this girl, trying to keep up with her. It seemed as if she was trying to run away from something—or maybe someone.
I blinked, and she was gone. I looked around, but she was nowhere. Where did she go? She was just here!
All of the sudden, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over, and saw movement again. Maybe it was her. She couldn’t have gone that far.
“Hello?” I spoke, seeing if she would respond. But no one did. I let out a sigh.
“I know you’re there,” I pushed. “I saw you. Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.”
I heard small footsteps, and there she was. She was beautiful. And I mean unbelievably, truly beautiful. I felt my heart race at the sight of her. It was like she was an angel sent from heaven. I was going to have her.
She looked at me with wide eyes. “Sorry. I’m Y/N.”
I smiled. Y/N. What a beautiful name.
“I’m River,” I replied. “It’s nice to meet you. Why were you running?”
“No reason. Just wanted to get away from the party.”
“Do you want to go somewhere? I kinda want to get away from here too. My friends are being assholes.”
She let out a small giggle. It was like music to my ears. “Sure, follow me, River.”
I followed her, my heart pumping with every step we took. I've only known this girl for two seconds and my mind was already all over the place. I could tell that this girl was going to mean something special to me. And I enjoyed that.
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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Today The Lost Boys celebrates it’s 30th anniversary (released July 31st, 1987)
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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Corey Haim & Meredith Salenger
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riverphoenixfics · 7 years
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riverphoenixfics · 8 years
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“we’re all worth it, man. we’re all worth millions of planets and stars and galaxies and universes.” — River Phoenix
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riverphoenixfics · 8 years
I'd Die For You
I'd Die For You. (Romeo x Juliet based. requested by @flowurypeach ) RIVER'S POV Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Nine o'clock. This is how my life was. Sitting here, waiting. Waiting for something...exciting to happen. Something to come in and change my life. Something to...make me truly happy. I was tired of living under the life of my parents. This feud that they have been so invested in was starting to get to me. Starting to make me want to live a different life. I didn't tell anyone, though. No one seemed to care. It didn't seem to matter. Life just always seems to go on. "River!" A voice shouted. I looked away from the clock to see my friend, Lucas, running towards me. Something "exciting" coming my way. "Hey, Luke," I turned towards him. "What's up?" "Dude! You'll never believe it. There's this huge party going on tonight. I heard it's going to be the biggest one of the year! And it's a costume party. We have to go!" "I don't know, it's not-" He let out a laugh, "I know it's not your scene, but come on! Live a little. You only get to be a teenager for a few years!" I let out a deep sigh. He was right. I needed to start doing something with my life. "Alright," I answered. "Who's party is it anyways?" His lips grew into a smile. "The Krazinski's." "Oh no, I can't go. You know our families hate each other! They know who I am. They know my parents. Things wouldn't end well. And, my parents would kill me!" He let out a loud laugh. He had obviously come up with a plan to get past this. He always does. "That's the beauty of it. It's a costume party! Put a mask on. No one will notice. Please! I just want to have fun tonight." He would keep going on if I said no. I need to have fun. Get out more. Live my life. It should start now. "Fine," I stood up. "Let's go." ----- We pulled up to a big mansion. Bigger than mine, that's for sure. There were people all over the place wearing costumes. People dressed up as prisoners, witches, you name it. This was going to be a long night. Luke grabbed my arm and began pulling me towards the house before I had any chance to say anything. "We're going to have a fun night, okay? Don't be afraid to do anything. Just live a little." Live a little, River. Just live a little. Let loose for once. Live your life with no regrets. Listen to Luke and just live a little. "Okay," I let out a breath. "Let's do this." When we got inside, things were much crazier than they were outside. There were more people, music was blaring, people were holding drinks, people were dancing, and it looked like everyone was having fun. I turned around to say something to Luke, but he wasn't there. I looked all around me, but couldn't find him. It was no use. Might as well find something to do. Something to drink? I found my way over to the bar. Clearly they weren't checking IDs or anything. There were people my age walking around with drinks in their hands. Guess I could do it too. I ordered a strong drink and began to walk around. "Y/N!" Someone shouted as a girl ran past me, catching me off guard. "Y/N! Please, wait!" I turned to see a girl in a long, white dress running up the steps. She looked like she was running from someone. There was a girl shouting he name, but she didn't stop. For some reason, I found myself walking up the stairs after her.
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riverphoenixfics · 8 years
Reopening Account
Hello everyone! I am happy to say that I will be opening this account back up! I will be writing more stories of River! A lot has changed in my life, and I feel as if I am a new person. If you have any suggestions of what you want me to write, leave me a message! The first one of the new year should be up soon. Thank you guys for the support I love you all!
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riverphoenixfics · 8 years
Someone wrote the next few chapters....here you go
The Stepbrother: Chapter 5
“What the hell were you two thinking?!” River’s mom, Elizabeth, yelled at River and I.
We had just been caught throwing a party while our parents were away for the weekend. I guess you could say things got out of control. There were party streamers, Alcohol bottles, broken antiques, and a huge mess of food everywhere around the house.
River and I sat in shame listening to our parents yell at us. 
“We thought we could trust you guys! I’m especially disappointed in you Y/N!” My father yelled at me. I hung my head in complete shame and embarrasment. I’ve never really been the type to do bad things. This was beyond me.
River got up and did something else I never thought he would do. 
“Hey, guys, this isn’t Y/N’s fault…I’m the one who had the idea to throw a party. I sort of pushed her to do it…you have no reason to blame her.” He explained.
I stood frozen looking at my dad and my Elizabeth, waiting for a response that felt like centuries. He wasn’t lying, but what the hell was up with him defending me for everything all of a sudden?
Elizabeth shook her head and sighed deeply. “Alright then. You still followed through with it Y/N. So we are still going to punish the both of you.”
River and I looked at each other defenseless. Bring on the punishment. 
“Y/N, You aren’t allowed to have friends over, go anywhere, use your phone, watch TV, or listen to music for a whole week.” My dad told me.
My eyes widened. I could handle everything else but the music thing sucked! 
“No music?! Mom i’ll DIE!” I exclaimed. My dad shook his head.
“ I don’t want to hear it! The first weekend ever with your brother and you’re doing THIS?!” He yelled.
I stood up quickly. “He is NOT my brother!”
The room went silent. They all just looked at me not knowing what to say. I looked at River and he just stared at me, looking a little curious and confused. 
I stormed out of the room in embarrassment. Not even understanding why I said that.
The next day: Hills High School.
The next day at school was rough. I had no phone, super behind on my homework, and had no sleep. 
As I passed through the halls, all the kids who came to the party kept congratulating me on how great of a party River and I threw last night. 
“Great party!”
“Last night was poppin!”
“Another turn up soon?”
“Kickback was off the chain!”
I wanted everyone to shut the fuck up. I was seriously not in the mood.
My best friend, Nikita, came up to me, who had no intentions of going to the party because she hates them. 
“So, Y/N, how was your weekend with the party monster, River Phoenix?” She asked.
I looked at her and glared. “How do you think it went? It was awful! I’m grounded for a week and got harassed by Deangelo.”
She laughed and put her arm over my shoulder “Girl, I heard River kicked his ass for doing that!”
I smiled and chuckled. “It’s going around huh?”
“Yeah it is, it’s just werid that he would defend you out of all people though.” Nikita said. 
I paused and thought about it too. What he has told me in his room really shook me. About his parents. About his real dad. I wonder whatever happened to him. 
Just as I was in thought, I looked up and saw River kissing and cuddling one of the bitchest and sluttiest girls in our grade, Jessica Myers. 
My mouth dropped and for some reason, my heart sank a bit. Why? Was I upset my somewhat brother chose this girl? Was I being defensive? Or was I even a little jealous? I didn’t know. 
NIkita cringed and whispered over to me. “Yuck, make sure your brother doesn’t catch a diesase soon.” 
“He’s not my fucking brother!” I whispered back at her. Nikita rolled her eyes and we decided to pass them by. River looked up and gave me an obnoxious smile.
“Hey sis! You and prudey here gonna hit the books our what?” he asked mockingly. By prudey he meant Nikita. NIkita wasn’t the type to go out, smoke, or drink. She’s never had a boyfriend or gotten an F. In a way, he wasn’t wrong. 
“River, shut up.” Nikita snared.
“You shut up prude!” Jessica scowled. 
“Hey, relax Jessica. And River, you aren’t my brother. Never will be. Ever.” I snapped at both of them.
Both River and Jessica stared at me but didn’t know what to say. Jessica glared at me. 
“Don’t tell me what to do Y/N. If i’m a bad girl, River is just gonna have to punish me, right babe?” Jessica asked River, embracing him and kissing him as she laughed.
River went along with it and grabbed her too. “Oh yeah, your naughty aren’t you?” 
Nikita and I wanted to vomit. 
“You guys are fucking disgusting.” I said while grabbing Nikita and making our way down the hall. 
We left River and Jessica having their god knows what. I looked back at River, wondering why the fuck he would go out with a girl like Jessica all of a sudden. As I turned back to look, I saw River staring back at me too, while Jessica was still grabbing him trying to get his attention. I stared at him a little confused, because he looked somewhat sorry. Because of how much a bitch Jessica was? For going out with her? I didn’t understand why. But I turned my head. Wondering what was going on through River’s mind. And wondering if he was still staring back. 
End of 5th Chapter.
I’m SO sorry this took FOREVER to write! I have been SUPER busy with preparing for school and 2 jobs. I hope you like it! Especially GreenTeaLuver!
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riverphoenixfics · 8 years
The Stepbrother (Part 4) River Imagine.
Hey guys! So greentealuver wanted me to continue this fanfiction that riverimagines stopped. So i’m doing this fanfiction upon her request.
River went upstairs into his room, upset after yelling at Deangelo who basically tried to get in my pants. I knocked on his door, sort of confused and afraid. To be honest, I never went in his room because I had no reason to go in there.
“Go away Y/N” he said irritated.
I went in anyways and slowly walked inside. Scoping the room out. He had a lot of earthy pictures up in his room. Like of nature and scenery. It was a nice vision.
“River…why did you get so angry at Deangelo? I mean, I know he was assaulting me but…I didn’t think you would defend me like that.” I crossed my arms, standing on the side of his bed. He looked thoughtful. Angry. Like he was racing with thoughts on what had just happened downstairs.
River grimaced and shook his head. He paused for a moment and sighed.
“Deangelo is such a fucking asshole. He’s always been and someone just had to give him what was coming to him for a long time.”
“Yeah, I know he isn’t everyone’s favorite person River, but when he started grabbing me and treating me badly, a fire burned in your eyes. A rage came out of you…why?”
River paused, staring at the floor, then putting his hands on his face and rubbing his eyes. He sighed then put his hands on his knees. His hands formed into fists.
“I don’t like seeing guys treat girls without respect. seeing how my dad fought with my mom takes me back to that place of feeling defenseless toward my parents. Seeing how he handled you took me back to when my mom would fight endlessly with my dad. So…I snapped. I couldn’t see him take advantage of you like that…”
I slowly walked towards him and sat next to him on his bed. He turned his face away from me, sort of like he was ashamed of what he had just told me. I never knew anything about his mom or dad. The fact that he had just told me a piece of his dark past made me realize there is a better, more vulnerable side to him than what he shows. I put my hand on his shoulder, out of sympathy. I never thought I would see River so vulnerable.
“You’ll never have something like that happen again…your dad is with my mom now….”
River looked at the floor, then slowly turned his head toward me. He just stared at me, still shameful and in thought.
“I care about you. You’re somewhat of my sister so I guess I feel like I have to watch out for you.’ he said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Jeez River, you are not my brother. Yeah our parents are married but you are definitely just River to me. The boy I’ve known since like 2nd grade.”
River glared at me, trying to make words out of his mouth but nothing would come out.
“Um..yeah. I guess so…but…either way I do care about you…”
I stared at River, not really sure how to react. This was River Phoenix, one of the most careless and obnoxious people I know. Since forever, telling me he cared about me. And not even knowing if he meant in a “brotherly” way or…whatever else.
River and I stared at each other for a while. I cracked a small smile and chuckled. River smiled too, staring at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. We just kept that moment going. That is until I felt a little awkward.
I got up from the bed and cleared my throat.
“Well uh, we better go see what else your friends are fucking up.” I said, breaking tension.
River nodded. “Oh yeah, we wouldn’t want anything getting more fucked up other than Deangelo's reputation.”
I laughed, knowing he was right. Deangelo had it coming to him.
Right just then, we heard a car door slam. River and I looked at each other, wide eyed and alert.
It was a familiar voice. It was my fucking mom!
River and I looked out his room window and saw My mom and John in our driveway. Furious as can be.
River and I both groaned in disbelief. “SHIT!”
End of chapter.
Hope this was good! I’ll post the next chapter soon! To read the 1st, 2nd,and 3rd chapter, Please go to RiverImagine’s former page to read them. Thanks!
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