rivkathetechie · 6 months
religious people and eldest daughters took all the Shame and left none for the rest of society and that’s the problem with people now
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
at the end of the day i am truly proud to be jewish... thousands of years of my ancestors persevering and surviving and thriving and it eventually culminated in me! i get to live and exist and be a part of that. thats so cool!!!!
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
It is absolutely insane that the public’s response to a war is to demand that the side that didn’t start it, be the one to stop it.
In what other scenario would you see one side attack, announce on video that they will continue to attack again and again until they’ve killed everyone, and then turn to the side being attacked and go, “you have to stop not letting them attack you.”
You want this war to stop? Tell Hamas, the group that started it, to stop. Otherwise you don’t care about Palestinians, you just hate Jews.
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
a lot of cultures that make up the former ottoman empire have similar but not identical foodways, please let’s not start this war again
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
I hate to say it but everyone saying there's Pre-Holocaust vibes are correct
We're seeing a massive spread of unchecked, unrepentant antisemitism spreading quicker with social media now. People are cheering on murdered Jewish kids and then fact checking us to tell us it didn't happen
Blood libel is gaining traction like never before all the while Jews in the Diaspora are being attacked
So to all you proud Nazi Punchers, I must ask,
Why are you standing by, letting this happen, repeating things the Nazis could only dream of? Why aren't you standing up, dismantling antisemitism in your movement, helping Jews once again forced to hide in their homes?
Or was it never about protecting Jews? Just about protecting your egos
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
One of weirdest disconnects (but far from being the only one), I see from the left in regards to Israel is that jews have no claim to the land, are colonizers and oppressors, but at the same time make long ass rants about how native americans had their land stolen from them, deserve to claim it back and get reparations and all that. And the disconnect here is that jewish people, as a group, are native to the region of Israel, their ancestors literally built a country there after escaping slavery, lived there for a long ass time but were eventually kicked out by the Roman Empire, and after thousands of years of being persecute and not felling safe returned to their ancestral homeland, to reclaim and rebuild what was stolen from them. Isn’t that what people say we owe native americans? Or indigenous groups that were kicked out of their lands in general? Yes, in their thousand year absence other peoples built their lives around the region of Jerusalem. Yes, Palestine deserves to be recognized and it’s citizens to have decent lives like everyone else. Should Israel never have existed, or cease to exist? No! There’s plenty of room for both peoples to have their countries, the jewish people belong there too and history proves they need a nation to serve as a refuge! Their land was returned to them by British after WW2, since they legally owed it after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, and while the partition could have been better, after all the horror’s jewish people had experienced it’s hard to blame to UN for giving it a go. Honestly, this whole situation just shows how dumb, hateful, bigoted, misinformed and disingenuous a lot of people in the left are. It’s easy to say that the Hogwart’s Legacy game is anti-jewish, that supporting it gives power and money to evil people and then harassing people that want to play it (which is dumb all around, as pretty much all the other hot takes and boycott to that game), but when it comes down to actually standing with jewish people and showing empathy? Nah, that’s too hard for them. It’s all performative. It’s easier to jump on the hate train and say they deserved what H*mas did to them, it gives them more likes.
Yeah. So many people on the Left are all "land back" until it's time to say land back for Jews. Kind of like how a lot of the Left shouts "believe all victims" about sexual assault till those victims are Jewish. I mean would anyone on the Left call any of the recognized sovereign nations of indigenous people in North America ethnostates that need to be abolished? Or say indigenous people still trying to get back a piece of their ancestral lands should stop because it was too long ago now? The hypocrisy demonstrates how deeply antisemitic views have seeped into parts of the Left. Which we cannot allow.
Jews are indigenous to the Levant. Both Israelis and Palestinians have a claim to the land. Israel exists. That's a fact that won't change. Any workable longterm peace must find a compromise solution that acknowledges both Israeli and Palestinian needs. Any other solution will simply result in more bloodshed (which a lot of "activists" in the West seem more interested in...probably because it's not their blood being shed).
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
Very scary to see people repeating the lie that the usa doesn’t have universal healthcare because it spends money on israel. I’m not an expert on us federal allocation or american politics but i was forced to learn that us aid for israel is mostly the sale of weaponry, intelligence grants, and trade sales. It’s money already set aside for those purposes. Money for healthcare is an already separate amount and it isn’t dipped into when deciding what to send for what’s classified as aid, as aid grants are awarded based on a competitive process for the recipients and givers alike. The same people repeating the lie that israel is a parasite siphoning off american taxpayers’ money are the same people who argue against helping ukraine, and regardless of your feelings on either country, not spreading falsehoods is imperative
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
the thing is that regardless of whether or not "it's cool and moral to send death threats to fascists online" is true, i absolutely 100% do not trust online communities to not immediately spread the definition of fascist to mean "person i dislike who i can accuse of being a nazi if you squint and look at it sideways" so it's better to just have a norm of "don't send death threats"
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
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Canadian-Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver, originally thought to be among the hostages in Gaza was identified as dead today. Vivian helped found and was active in a number of peace organizations, such as the The Alliance for Middle East Peace, The Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, and Women Wage Peace an organize of Israeli and Palestinian women dedicated to bridging the gaps left by normal politics. For over 10 years Vivian met patients from Gaza at the border and drove them to treatment in Israel acting as a translator and helping with Israeli security forces.
may her memory be a blessing
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
i no longer have any trust in my kidneys for leftists. like, i knew, i *knew* there was rampant antisemitism in leftist spaces. i just never thought we'd get to the point where self-proclaimed progressives would be shouting "gas the jews" en mass at protests (though perhaps this was too optimistic of me)
yall love to say "punch nazis", but the moment jews you dislike get brutally murdered, somehow, you think it's *good* and *praxis* to say "they deserved it". like, what world do you live in where a fucking pogrom is something to celebrate?
you've shown you don't deserve jews' trust. it was naïve of me to ever believe that goyim as a whole would stand with us.
as for the now more than 1000 victims of this incredible violence, may their memories be a blessing.
עם ישראל חי
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
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@error-404-fuck-not-found‘s notes are 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
don't ask a woman her age, a man his salary or the irish government what the 1963 commission report on their very own final solution for the "itinerant problem" is or how many jews / roma live in ireland
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
reblog to slowblink at your mutuals
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rivkathetechie · 6 months
Being a Jewish historian is really just like: This was built by Jewish slaves. There’s an unmarked mass grave of Jews who were killed in a pogrom under that town. This was built with money stolen from Jews. That painting was stolen from a Jewish family who died in the Shoah. That church/mosque was a synagogue that was converted after all the Jews were expelled. Those houses belonged to Jewish families for centuries.
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