movinglabonart · 5 years
Reminder that this is my new blog!
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I’m late but I hope you all had a witchy Halloween!
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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I am moving to a new blog!  But not a new url!  It’s still @labonart but to keep seeing updates, you’ll have to go re-follow the new one.
Why you do this??
Well, I was very dumb when I made this art blog.  It’s a secondary account under a primary one that I’ve long abandoned.  It makes things pretty inconvenient and will only cause me lots more problems in the long run.
It wasn’t a big deal a few months ago when I had a handful of followers and, therefore, no activity to keep up with and no messages to respond to.  But my follower count has gone way up recently (how is there over 500 of you?? are you lost???) and I want to sort this out now before it gets any harder to move.
What about old posts?  What happens to this blog?
All posts will stay where they are.  I’m leaving this blog up for…the memories. lol (I don’t want to lose all your notes and comments, they are my life blood)
But no new content will be uploaded here.  From now on, the only posts coming from this blog will be me reblogging this one, or reblogging posts from the new blog, to remind people I’ve moved.  I’ll reblog this once every other day until September to get the word out.
So, if you’d like, please follow my new blog here!
Hope to see you there!
Much love,
Lauriz (labon)
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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Surprise post after a month!  I wanted to paint something for Tom, but I didn’t want to saddle him with some big thing to take home, so I made it TEENY tiny and made a little green Loki envelope to put it in.  It doesn’t show up well in pics, but the gold parts are embossed.
Tom was amazing.  As kind as he is tall (a lot!).  This is also maybe the best photo I’ve ever taken.  Mr. Hiddleston is so photogenic that it’s contagious.  What a magical man.
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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I am moving to a new blog!  But not a new url!  It’s still @labonart but to keep seeing updates, you’ll have to go re-follow the new one.
Why you do this??
Well, I was very dumb when I made this art blog.  It’s a secondary account under a primary one that I’ve long abandoned.  It makes things pretty inconvenient and will only cause me lots more problems in the long run.
It wasn’t a big deal a few months ago when I had a handful of followers and, therefore, no activity to keep up with and no messages to respond to.  But my follower count has gone way up recently (how is there over 500 of you?? are you lost???) and I want to sort this out now before it gets any harder to move.
What about old posts?  What happens to this blog?
All posts will stay where they are.  I’m leaving this blog up for...the memories. lol (I don’t want to lose all your notes and comments, they are my life blood)
But no new content will be uploaded here.  From now on, the only posts coming from this blog will be me reblogging this one, or reblogging posts from the new blog, to remind people I’ve moved.  I’ll reblog this once every other day until September to get the word out.
So, if you’d like, please follow my new blog here!
Hope to see you there!
Much love,
Lauriz (labon)
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movinglabonart · 5 years
Thank you everyone who sent me prompts!  They really helped a LOT to get me out of the slump I was in.  I’m gonna draw the ones that I have left at my own pace in between doing my own stuff, but for now I’m closing requests.  Love yall! <3
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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When you said “hate” you definitely meant “is terrified of,” right?
The cat’s name is Oscar.  In retaliation, Crowley gets a fish and names it Freddie.
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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Crowley expected it to taste amazing, so it did.
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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The plants remind him of Eden~
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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replied to your post
“So I am in a BIG art rut, and I’m still high on Good Omens, so I’m...”
I- I would love to give you amazing and inspiring prompts but the only thing my brain is picturing right now is Crowley and Aziraphale drinking bubble tea
Aw that’s really cute!  I’m sorry I’ve done this:
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movinglabonart · 5 years
I love this and I drew it:
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Crowley went by a pet shop and saw a snake for sale and immediately got attached. He didn’t tell Aziraphale he adopted it cause he feels really self-conscious about being so doting with lil’ Crawly Jr. But one time Az came for a suprise visit to Crowley’s flat while he was away on business and long story short when Crowley came back home he saw Aziraphale sitting by the terrarium, petting his snake tenderly, struggling not to cry and whispering “What’s bothering you Crowley, my dear??? Why won’t you talk to me?? Is it something I said? I’m so sorry, Crowley? Please just say something…..”
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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Crowley introduces Aziraphale to food in the Garden and that was the beginning of the end.
Thanks for the prompt @purecanesugar!  I’m still taking Good Omens art requests, just leave me a message and I’ll draw it. <3
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movinglabonart · 5 years
So I am in a BIG art rut, and I’m still high on Good Omens, so I’m taking G.O. and Ineffable Husbands art requests!  Any character, stuff from the book or the show, whatever!  Give me prompt plz.  I draw.
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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I’m putting together a book cover design portfolio, so here’s one I did for the first Artemis Fowl book.  The idea being that there’s a hole in the “O” of the cover page and the second page is the same location in the Time Stop.  Was really lucky to give prints of this cover to Eoin Colfer at BookCon, and he was an absolute delight. 
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movinglabonart · 5 years
Hey, sorry I ghosted this blog all month!  I really meant to draw a lot, but I just couldn’t motivate myself and kind of got stuck in this massive block.  I will finish my Mervengers series, though, they’re just going to be sporadic haha.  I also really, really wanted to do a series for Pride month, but I never managed it. :/
But I’m feeling a little bit of my drive coming back.  Partially because the Good Omens tv show came out.  Good Omens is one of my favorite books, and actually was something I first read when I was 19, couch-surfing because I’d been kicked out of the house, living off tips, and extremely depressed.
I discovered Discworld and Good Omens in the middle of all that, and it filled those horrible hours between work and school with laughter, when I otherwise would’ve been busy crying or feeling sorry for myself.  I’ll always love those books for giving me that, and I reread them when I need a pick me up.  And the TV series exceeded every expectation I had as a fan, and I’m in love with it.
So basically, expect some Good Omens fanart in the near future. <3
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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Aziraphale study and stylization practice.  There’s this magical subtle expressiveness to Michael Sheen’s face that’s really hard to capture, he’s so damn good.
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movinglabonart · 5 years
Sorry it’s been a while since my last update!  I spent the last week and a half really depressed and I couldn’t motivate myself to draw.  But I have lots of Mervengers already in progress, so even though May is over, I’m still going to be posting those as they get done.  Your boy Peter Parker is next up, btw.
But thanks for the lovely comments and notes on MerThor.  He’s my absolute favorite, and as a fellow thicc person myself, it warms the heart to see people supporting our thunder boy. <3  Love you guys!
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movinglabonart · 5 years
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Mervengers Part 5 - Thor <3  Did both past and future versions because I had to show my favorite thunder boy some love.
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