rk-is-writing · 2 months
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“Where’s the pathetic element?” Exactly Tom Hardy. Exactly.
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rk-is-writing · 4 months
You’re a demon. One day, you’re summoned into a living room, and an exhausted woman quickly rambles about needing to get to work and being unable to find a sitter before flying out the door. Now, you stand in your summoning circle, a toddler staring wide eyed at you.
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
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Telling myself this every day so here's a meme
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
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paolo e francesca, mosè bianchi // francesca, hozier
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
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Source: Eden: It's an Endless World! エデン
by Hiroki Endo
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
when i try to write most of my ideas, i end up only being able to write a few paragraphs at a time, if even that. but when i try to write smut, i can write an entire page at a time! it's really frustrating because, as much as i like my smut ideas, most of my ideas aren't smut and i really want to write those, too. i have no idea why i'm like this. is there any way i can transfer over some of that writing energy?
What's the difference between your smut scenes and your other scenes? And is there a way you can bring some of that over?
In your smut scenes, do you write a lot of physical activity? Bodies in motion etc? If so, then maybe see about adding some action scenes into your non-smut. Or perhaps do something as simple as a "walk and talk" where the characters are moving through a space while they have a conversation. If you find it easier to write movement, then try to incorporate movement into your scenes.
Or maybe your smut scenes have an intense emotional focus. If that's the case, then try to get into your characters' heads for those non-smut scenes too. What are their motivations? Do they have anxieties and fears? Are they overcome with boredom? Are they seething with barely contained rage. Tap into other emotions and see how those might infuse your writing energy.
Perhaps your smut scenes flow easier because you really enjoy the interactions between characters. Try to get more dialogue going to otherwise increase the interplay between your characters.
Maybe it's something else entirely that gets you energized for the smut. And perhaps the other stuff you're trying to write is just too boring for you in comparison.
Have any of the rest of you faced similar issues with your writing before? How did you manage it?
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rk-is-writing · 9 months
hi, my name is RK and I'm writing 500 words a day for 100 days.
if you like my excerpts, consider coming along 🫰
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