rmjae-blog · 6 years
⁇ + ♀
♦ prompt / open
12:14am ( drunk )
⌈ kkt → 슬 ⌋▪ u r one typo away ▪ from yesul▪ hsdfosdh▪ did u kno thdt??▪ get dat beer endorseeenrjr▪ sojus fuckn gros
10:55pm ( heartbreaking )
⌈ kkt → 슬 ⌋▪ i think about you sometimes.▪ wish it isn’t how it is.▪ anyway▪ get back safe, g’night.
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text. 
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
crime partners 001 / @rmgunwoo​
⌈ kkt → 애는엄마 ⌋ ▪ don’t ask how i got here ▪ anyway ▪ gonna get the fresh-faced to go on a run naked ▪ a lil’ exhibit of strong will & all that nonsense ▪ perfect for the temp dip coming up at the end of summer too ▪ nice lil’ trek through the trees  ▪ or around the campus  ▪ i’m flexible
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
「  @rmjae  」
While assuming his position by the furthest corner in the walk in fridge, Taejoon promptly released all the items in his arms onto the shelves in front of him. There was only perhaps a few days worth of milk cartons that he had scavenged since realizing that his mini-fridge had called it quits after nearly 8 years of doing justice. The milk he had left were mostly the assortment of flavored milks, mainly banana and strawberry.
He had nothing but a carrot to trust in keeping the door open, since he had guessed that the fridge could only be locked from the outside and at 2 in the morning on a Tuesday — he wasn’t going to take his chances on testing the fridge’s abilities to lock from the inside or outside. Taejoon was too busy thinking of how he would explain this to the cooks in the morning, or how he’d even get a new mini-fridge at the beginning of the year.
“ Oh god. ”
He turned around immediately, seeing another male inside the fridge.
And in his hand, much to Taejoon’s demise, was a carrot.  
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two strokes past midnight, corridors oddly silent. he opts for the shortest route, hunger working as a catalyst for his short fuse of patience. of all the cautiously guarded facilities, the walk-in freezer is somehow always left untended. ( a discovery entirely by chance in his second year. once and never again. long story short: the cold bothers him and nothing is worth the risk of freezing to death. )
the door opens easily, and the immediate dip in temperature might’ve inarguably killed off a few brain cells almost immediately. a step forth, something’s kicked into the freezer. a click sounds behind him but it doesn’t register yet. the carrot examined from a hand ( out of shape from having wedged between door and frame ), his first instinct is to toss it into the bin next to him.
( oh god. )
realisation progresses in stages. first when he’s alerted to the presence of another within this confined space of freezing hell. fantastic. the next dawns on him ( though belatedly ) that the other’s expression is ( unlike his own ) not intended for his appearance. slowly, the click from earlier rings through ––– the carrot’s there by design.
fucking fantastic.
there’s a beat of silence, of pure, muted shock. speechless, priorities shifting.
“... tell me you walked in here through the walls.”
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
@rmjae & @rmyejin
( ` 4:30 a.m. and wen still lies awake, restless, covers strewn about. a textbook definition of an insomniac. it’s why he reacts almost immediately to the announcement— frown already settling into his features. the blinding light jiyeon emits through their cabin windows is enough to make him shut his eyes briefly. )
( ` a mistake. a second later, the sizzle of fire burning through wood makes his eyes snap open, and he sees that their door has now been set aflame. ) …yejin! ( ` he reprimands, turning around to see the passed out girl now in dragon form. profanities threaten to spill out his lips, but instead they die in his throat as smoke quickly fills the room. he grabs his, and then yejin’s camping equipment in a hurry, wondering just how on earth they were going to get out. the door was fucked, needless to say, and he looks around a little helplessly before his gaze lands on jaehwan, who managed to rouse himself awake, if not barely. )
 break the window, will you? ( ` as an after thought, he picks up yejin as well, far too tiny to crawl out the window herself. )
( * the timing could not get any worse. in the state of heavy inebriation, devil’s liquor pumping through her veins, yejin is barely capable of complete motor function—much less the ability to navigate through the small island of muuido. this is why she doesn’t drink. vaguely, she remembers thinking that three drinks in, remembers to count her drinks (at least, by the fifth before she promptly forgets) and remembers forgets to hydrate before sleeping. 
the blinding light that filters through the window draws a hiss from the stirring dragon, irritation spiking indefinitely with the way she shoots up, blackened nails curling into into cotton sheets. )
“what the fuck.”
( * head pounding in her ears and chest, surprise competitions is notably the last thing yejin wants to deal with, lips drawn into a snarl and eyes squeezed shut. her teeth parts. angry. the door is on fire before anyone can react. and yejin is stumbling out before she realizes her balance is shit, eyes flashing green as she glances around, settling on wen with a sort of apologetic expression on flushed skin.
she is, without a doubt, useless like this.
it didn’t take long for her to shift, scales tearing through pale skin as she shrinks in stature — a yawning miniaturized dragon in her place.
only half awake (and full on drunk) it is a miracle in question that she even catches wen’s words, directing her attention bearily to jae while her claws curl into the third year’s shirt—her tail whips out across jae’s stomach once he nears, gesturing to his own forgotten equipment with the closest a dragon could come to an eye roll before she continues the climb up—opting to wiggle out of wen’s grasp to scale his frame and finally curl around his neck with a indignant huff. )
( ` a vacation? so you thought. ) ( ` in his state of dazed inebriation, the steps are blurred into two counts. one: some kind of soft bliss, brief and fleeting, cheek mushed against a camping bag, half a slipper hanging off one foot, oddly comfortable. two: incessant noise, his face is uncomfortably toasty ( as though he’s stuck his nose into a fireplace ), shuffling figures near his bed, more noise. ) ( ` a third count, a sharp inhale of smoke and something burning. given his track record of creating accidental flames in semi-consciousness ––– this feels normal. ) ( ` eyes closed, two more counts, a bag of metal rods whacks the foot that’s hanging off the edge of the bed. now he’s fucking awake. )
can you pipe down?
( ` a groan, speaking to noone in particular. ) ( ` gaze zeroes in on the door set alight, barely focusing amidst the gathering haze, he makes it off the bed and straight onto the ground first. ) who the fuck… ( ` a shake of head that does nothing but emphasises a headache cracking through skull, he pushes himself off the ground. ) ( ` barely makes it past the haphazards littered across the floor, both feet crossing into each other’s paths before he finds his shoes. ) ( ` a swift whip of tail then, whacking him right in the middle, churning residual alcohol within. for fuck’s sake. )
( ` jiyeon’s instructions from earlier ring through, agenda clear. if nothing else, competitiveness makes for an effective wake up call. bag of equipment in hands, the glass panels are smashed and finally some fresh air. ) ( ` little else matters as he clambers through the opening, out into the chaos. ) catch me up, wen. ( ` dusts his palms, bag now over a shoulder, brows furrowing at the sight of a scaled creature perched around the other boy’s shoulders. ) guess flying isn’t an option anymore.
* line of fire.
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
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*stunned into png* 
i’m so late to this party but i gotta flood the dash with one more intro. hello, hello! here’s nam jaehwan, alpha’s ambitious captain. below the cut’s some tldr about him, and his links are here: stats / power / bio. i don’t have a plots page up yet ( my lazy ass, i know ) so i’ll be working off the ground or off of your plots pages until i get one set up. 
bg bullets:
was in an orphanage for his early years, was different and deemed as weird so he didn’t have much friends 
"adopted” into an organisation that’s basically part mafia and part organised crime ( all about corruption & power ) 
manpower aside they wanted to train an heir, whip someone into the shape they were looking for and jaehwan’s *dingdingding* the chosen one. unfortunately
pitched against his then-best-friend and it was kinda a big deal since kids being kids, they get overly attached emotionally, bonded over being in the same pit of hell and all, defeated said friend and never saw him again since rip 
kinda why he doesn’t see much of a point in forming emotional bonds + what’s loyalty? + looks out for himself mostly 
i guess the only semi-good thing that came out of this was unofficially becoming the heir and enjoying these materialistic benefits
then came gumi and his insanely competitive nature & years of combat training fit right in, it’s all about victories for him so off to alpha he goes 
so yeah, your overly ambitious and power hungry alpha captain
definitely not mother hen material ––– doesn’t care much as to what the boys are up to as long as they get their shit together for the games and win, if not byebye
fun facts:
prone to sunburn, them uv rays man 
had his collarbone broken p badly and you can still hear it click sometimes
visits the campus’ greenhouse sometimes for some zen, might’ve set a plant or two on fire once
not exactly a surprise but would literally do anything to win the games ( he’s not above playing dirty )
cried watching coco ( nobody knows this stfu )
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rmjae-blog · 6 years
And if we vow to only speak in echoes, our very language will reflect our lack. And if we vow to only speak in fire, our words will turn to stone in our mouths.
Jacqueline Winter Thomas, from “(Mytho)Poetics II,” Eratio (via heteroglossia)
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