rnbwrv · 3 years
Cottage World Challenge
New Sims 4 Challenge 2021 by RnbwRvnJezell
Hello all, Rainbow Raven Jezell here with exciting news! As you may have seen, the Sims team announced a new pack coming out on July 22nd: “Cottage Living.” I am super excited about this pack along with many other simmers in the community. To get pumped for the new pack coming out, I have created a new Sims 4 challenge! All skill levels welcome!
This is a build & CAS challenge! Use the hashtag #CottageWorldChallenge. Guidelines are simple; have fun. There are a couple of options for participation. Option 1.) Create a “cottage” in any of the already existing residential worlds. You can use any pack and any existing residential lot type (residential, haunted house, tiny home residential). No rules on walls or design of build. It can be a useable build or more of a looker. Any lot size as well. Option 2.) Design a “cottage core” sim or a sim family in CAS. Create a cozy “cottage core” sim or sim family that love comfy vibes and want to live in cottages across the sims universe or in the new world, “Henford on Bagley.” NO CC IN THIS CHALLENGE. Build and create whatever “cottage” and “cottage core” mean to you; be creative!
Extreme Build Mode: build a cottage for every sims 4 residential world you own.
Extreme CAS Mode: design a cottage core sim / family for every cottage you build
Deadline: Friday, JULY 23th 2021
I plan on streaming on twitch.tv/rnbwrvnjezell on Saturday, July 24, at 12 p.m. CST for #CaturdayGaming, exploring the submissions for this challenge. I’ll be searching the hashtag #CottageWorldChallenge on the Sims 4 gallery. Feel free to also use the hashtag on twitter as well. My hope is to do the extreme version of this challenge, building cottages in 13 worlds, so look out for that. I might also do the extreme CAS mode and design a sim for every cottage I do. My sims gallery ID is Henry2020E. Feel free to join me!
[I don’t have all the packs, so some items might be missing when I download submissions. However, I find it much easier to deal with that rather than try to match packs with everyone. I’ll view the submissions as best I can; I stream on PS4, so no CC is essential. thanks!]  
You’ve got 6 weeks! Good luck simmers!
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rnbwrv · 3 years
"Star Wars Battle Front II” [PS4] Gamer Review 8/10
hey yall, this is Rainbow Raven Jezell here with another amateur game review. I stream on the PS4 on twitch. “Star Wars Battle Front II” is the next game up. I enjoyed this game, and I reviewed it below with my 3 top areas to consider. Disclaimer, I am fairly new to gaming, and as I said, this is an amateur review. I enjoyed this game as a casual Star Wars fan; I would not say that I am a dedicated fan, so keep that in mind. Hope you enjoy!
“Star Wars Battle Front II” [PS4]- Still worth the money for old and new fans alike. 8 out of 10 stars.
Gameplay- There is are a lot of gameplay options for this game. With multiple modes, I give SW Battlefront II 3 out of 3 for gameplay. The story mode follows a pretty interesting story of main character Iden Versio, originally a top solider for the Galatic Empire, leader of Inferno Squad (sick black outfits btw) until she quickly comes over to the Rebel’s side. It was easy for me to connect to Iden as she is a strong female lead that ultimately believes and fights for “the good” and justice which I love to see. Iden is a tough fighter as well and the story mode flowed fairly easily even for a new gamer like myself. The main story felt a little short, but Resurrection (the second campaign / expanded) brought more content later on the in the storyline that felt authentic. If you enjoy other modes, battle vs. and take-over type modes are available too. There is a lot of content here, so if you’re a fan of Star Wars at all, I would recommend.
Aesthetics- For aesthetics, I give SW Battlefront II 3 out of 3. Even though it might not be my personal aesthetic or vibe for my channel, I must give credit that this game was beautiful. This game ran smoothly for me on my PS4 pro. Loading times are pretty fast, and the graphics did not disappoint. Being a casual Star Wars fan, I’m sure a lot of the nostalgia and lore were lost on me, but the worlds felt immersive and made me want to watch the movies all over again. The look and feel of Iden made it easy to connect to the flow of the game and enjoy the story and look of the scenes. Even with story mode being linear rather than open world, the settings of the gameplay feel wide and otherworldly as needed. The many modes allow players to engage in battle as their fav characters, such as Darth Vader or Hans Solo, and the looks of these folx do not disappoint.
Enjoyment- I give SW Battlefront II a 2 out of 3 for enjoyment. Even as a casual Star Wars fan, I felt invested in seeing the story through to the end, which I admit is rare for me as an inexperienced gamer. I never felt stuck and the diverse situations, such as running the battle field as a land soldier, fighting in space ships of the Galactic and Rebel forces, and roleplaying as a droid, kept the gameplay fresh. I enjoyed the added gameplay of Resurrection. As you probably noticed, I focused a lot of story mode as I am more of a storytelling streamer / gamer. I tend to not enjoy coop. and battle modes as much, so that’s why I chose 2 rather than 3. However, for hardcore and dedicated SW fans as well as people who really enjoy dominance type battles and the replay-ability of those, this game will be a good choice.
Overall- I give SW Battlefront 8 out of 10 stars. I saved my spare point the game since SW is not my fav gameplay. But I recognize that this game was very enjoyable for even a casual newbie fan, and the possibilities for older + more ex. fans is really expansive.      
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rnbwrv · 3 years
Coming soon will be a couple of posts. We have the amateur game review for Star Wars Battle Front II + I will be starting a blog-post series recapping my Sims 4 legacy challenge.  
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rnbwrv · 3 years
“The Sims 4″ Gamer Review 6/10
Hello everyone! This is Rainbow Raven Jezell (he/him) with the initial major post of this tumblr, the intro & 1st gamer review. I hope you enjoy!
Welcome to the Rainbow Rave, home of the Rainbow Raven streaming community based from my twitch, twitch.tv/rnbwrvnjezell. Here I will be doing amateur game reviews. I am by no means an expert or even an experienced gamer. All of these are my own opinions. I am writing with the primary audience of new or non-gamers in mind, those who are interested in getting started gaming in-general or in different game genres / platforms than they are used to. Ultimately my goal is to get you thinking about what you enjoy about games and whether the games I review are worth your time and money.  
“The Sims 4” - 7 years after release, is the simmer dream still alive? …Eh yeah, if you believe in it enough- 6 out of 10 stars  
[Disclaimer: I play and stream on the PS4. I have multiple packs and kits of different varieties, but I do not own them all. I have owned “The Sims 4” since 2018, and it is the primary sims game that I have played as well as my primary game overall. I stream Sims 4 on Twitch through console 2-3 times a week.]
Gameplay- I’ll be putting my reviews into 3 categories that mean the most to me. The 1st of which is “gameplay,” and I say “gameplay” for lack of a better word. What I mean is the overall experience of the game, such as the main activities, side quests, actions, and diversity of things to do in the game. Is it complex or simple? But most importantly, does its content engage with the player to pull them in? “The Sims 4” is a “sandbox game.” There are aspirations, worlds, careers, and families to engage with / build up. However, there is no “story mode.” And it might be controversial to say, but I give “The Sims 4” 3 out of 3 stars for gameplay. I never lack for activities or things to do in this game. You are only limited by your imagination. There are so many player-created challenges that can keep one occupied for years. I don’t see this as lack of gameplay in the sims. I see the open nature of the sims as it’s strongest point. For me, it is a storytelling device, and I keep coming back to the sims to create unique sims and narratives. I return to many other simmers / content creators on twitch + youtube to watch their stories / series as well.    
Aesthetics- As all of these are subjective, aesthetics really are a personal preference. For me, I give “The Sims 4” 1.5 out of 3 stars for aesthetics. I like more realistic looking games personally. Overall, “The Sims 4” has a good look; the quirky nature and styles of the sims are realistic enough but campy in the right ways. However, it was knocked down in points due to the visuals not working often because of glitches and crashing. Top simmer news sites, other content creators, and myself can name multiple visual glitches that happen every time the game is played, breaking the emersion too much to avoid deceasing the quality of the game. Also, players with strong PCs can get custom content to make their sims look more realistic or more cartoon-like. Build and buy objects can also be downloaded, often for free or much less than EA sells “The Sims 4” DLCs. Custom content allows the game to become more personalized in gameplay and aesthetics. Sadly, a lot of PC high quality tech is needed to use this content plus console players, like myself, cannot get custom content at all. With a franchise as old and well-supported by a huge fan-base as the sims, the game should be fully playable and customizable for players of all ages (teen and up) on all platforms to enjoy the whole experience, running relatively-well.    
Enjoyment- This is the hardest one to rate for me. “The Sims 4” offers a sandbox experience like no other out right out. I constantly play the sims and, for the most part, enjoy the experience. However, the experience is by no means smooth. I give “The Sims 4” 1.5 out of 3 for enjoyment. “The Sims 4” has a huge fanbase with tons of content creators + storytellers + modders that are constantly inventing new ways to play and improve the game. The blank slate of no story mode with the backdrop of the sims worlds allows a wonderful individual playground on your platform while connecting you to a community of lovely simmers. If you love the idea of creating your own sims and growing their grandkids up for generations, “The Sims 4” is for you. If you like the idea of being left alone to provide care or inflict chaos on your sims while also having a huge base of fan ideas for gameplay, give this game a shot! However, to the other side, if the past two sentences don’t intrigue you, there might not be much for you in the sims. There is no direction for how to play from the game itself and sims can feel generic on console without a lot of imagination. From a larger view, the enjoyment of the game is largely knocked down by the constant crashing and game-breaking bugs that frequently prevent the storytelling that players are tying to portray. The lack of response from the sims team is concerning. Some apologies and explanations have been posted, but it’s unrealistic to expect the average player to constantly be turning in save files for bug inspection when everyday gameplay is prevented due to those issues. Larger social justice issues like bad skin tones and hair textures for sims of color still linger while pronouns have finally made the “laundry list” too little too late in 2021. With DLC such as “The Sims 4: Knifty Knitting” less than a year old (July 2020) excluding non-binary sims + they/them pronouns, featuring “Lord and/or Lady of the Knits,” I fail to see the sims team living up to their proclamation of being super progressive in their support of the LGBTQIA+ community. Supporting a few LGBTQIA+ content creators and adding a trans flag to new trailers (Dream Home Decorator Game Pack, 2021) does not de-construct the gender binary in the game (language such as “boyfriend/girlfriend, male/female bodies, he/she” only pronouns). The sims team listens to some of the sims community, but whether it is EA or Maxis or something else that is blocking a deeper social justice dialogue is still unclear. Only time will tell if “The Sims 4” addresses the issues with an overhaul, but with leaders discussing 10-15 years of sims 4 while sims 5 is in process, I am not hopeful.        
Overall -  6 out of 10 stars. “The Sims 4” is worth buying, especially if you’re new to the game and if the game is on sale. With 3 points for each above category (9 total), I leave a single point for myself to award games if I definitely recommend them. However, I stand by 6/10 for “The Sims 4.” The game offers an experience like no other main simulation title out there right now, but the lack of forward planning and game-improvement focus leaves many with unfulfilled dreams 7 years after release. Some of the packs are worth the time and money, but sims content for the sake of content is becoming unplayable due to bugs. I recommend buying the packs that intrigue if they go on sale while leaving out the rest. Spend your money on other games to experience, “The Sims 4” will likely be here for you to come back to with us simmers trekking along (hopefully not) decades later.  
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rnbwrv · 3 years
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Introducing my #twitch & #twitter re-brand. Go follow those socials for daily gaming content!
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rnbwrv · 3 years
🌈 welcome to the Rainbow Rave 🌈 Home of the Rainbow Ravens 🪶 more coming soon
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rnbwrv · 3 years
Elemental Legacy Challenge
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Required Packs:
Expansions - Island Living, Snowy Escape, Get Famous, Cats and Dogs, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Get To Work
Game Packs - Dine Out, Outdoor Retreat, Jungle Adventure, Vampires
Lifespan - Normal
No money cheats, you can use ‘FreeRealEstate’ to move your first sim into their first house! Your sim can live anywhere unless stated otherwise in the rules of the generation
You MUST complete ALL of the tasks within each generation before moving onto the next!
Each heir and their home must try and closely represent the element of that generation, for example fire could use colours Red, Orange and Yellow!
Feel free to share this challenge with the hashtag #elementallegacy
Have fun!
Gen 1: Fire [Dine Out]
Base the Sim/House off Fire, try to use the colours Red, Orange and Yellow as much as possible.
As the Fire element, you want to be as close to the heat as possible, where has a lot of heat? THE KITCHEN! You’re hot headed (a bit like Gordon Ramsey), You manage to reach level 8 of your cooking career but decide you don’t work in someone else's kitchen, you want your own! You decide to open up your own restaurant and get it to 5 stars!
Traits: Hot Headed[Child Trait], Perfectionist, Mean
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary Career(Until Level 8), Run a Restaurant (Get it to 5 Stars)
Experience at least 1 fire!
Complete only 8 levels of the Cooking Career then leave!
Run a Restaurant and get it to 5 star
Make enemies with 5 of your employees (Can be either Culinary Career or Restaurant)
Master Cooking Skill
Redeem the “Heat Proof” Aspiration Reward (Requires Seasons)
Complete Master Chef Aspiration!
Gen 2: Water [Island Living]
As the ‘Water’ generation you are the OPPOSITE of your parent because of this, you didn’t really get along! You saw how hot headed they were and you decided you did not want that for your life, you want to FLOW through life like water!
Base the Sim/House off Water, try to use the colours Light Blue, Turquoise, White as much as possible.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Active, Child of the Islands
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist > Marine Biologist Branch
Live in an ‘Off The Grid’ lot for one whole sim week
Complete the Conservation Career
Complete the Beach Life Aspiration
Master Active Skill and Logic Skill!
Be Best Friends with a mermaid
Locate ‘Mermadic Kelp’ on the island and become a Mermaid (Do not buy it from the reward store, your sim must locate it themselves)
Gen 3: Ice [Snowy Escape]
The cold never bothered you anyway! Your relationship with your parents was STRONG and they want you to chase your dreams! You like adventure but only COLD adventure, it’s always been your dream to move to Mt Komorebi and you want to explore all of what it offers! Just like how Ice doesn’t move, you will do the same by settling down here!
Base the Sim/House off Ice, try to use the colours White, Grey, Dark Blue as much as possible.
Traits: Adventurous[Child trait], Family Oriented, Proper
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Career: Professional Athlete
Goals: Mt Komorebi Activities
Complete ‘Extreme Sports Enthusiast’ aspiration
Complete Professional Athlete career
Complete the ‘Simmies’ Collection and display them in your house!
Meet a sim on the slopes, get married in Mt. Komorebi and have 2 children
Take a Selfie with the Mt. Komorebi Mascot and display in your house!
Max AT LEAST 2 of the following traits: Rock climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding.
Redeem the “Cold Proof” Aspiration Reward [Requires Seasons]
Gen 4: Electric [Get Famous]
FAME, FAME, FAME! It’s all you can think of, the thought of you being the most famous actor is ELECTRIFYING! You were raised in Mt. Komorebi but the quiet family life wasn’t for you, you want to move to the CITY, somewhere you can really shine your acting skills and live a fast paced life!
Base the Sim/House off Electric, try to use the colours Purple, Yellow and Blue as much as possible.
Traits: Self Assured, Self Absorbed, Ambitious
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress
Career: Actor
Move to either Los Santos OR San Myshuno
Complete the ‘Actor’ career
Complete the ‘Master Actor/Actress’ Aspiration
Achieve either a ‘Pristine’ or ‘Atrocious’ reputation
Have 3 failed relationships with celebrity sims before you find the one
Win an award at the Starlight Accolades awards show
Redeem the “Storm Chaser” Aspiration Reward [Seasons Required]
Gen 5: Air [Outdoor Retreat/Jungle Adventure]
Something about the outside air just makes you feel at home! You grew up reading LOTS of books about nature and dreamt about one day spending everyday being one with the natural world! You’re so inspired by the beauty of the world that you want to write books about EVERY adventure you go on!
Base the Sim/House off Outdoors/Air, try to use the colours Green, Brown and Blue as much as possible.
Colours: Green, Brown, Blue
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Bookworm, Creative
Aspiration: You have TWO aspirations: Outdoor Enthusiast + Jungle Explorer
Career: Freelance Author
Master Writing Skill and Herbalism Skill
Complete 10 Freelance Writer Tasks
Complete and publish at least 10 books
Complete BOTH the ‘Outdoor Enthusiast’ AND ‘Jungle Explorer’ Aspirations
Complete at least ONE of the following collections: Insects, Ancient Omiscan artifacts, Omiscan treasures
Gen 6: Animals [Cats And Dogs]
You read your parents books and saw pictures of the creatures and insects they came across on their adventure BUT your heart always laid with the… fluffier kind! You are an ANIMAL LOVER! You much prefer the company of animals over sims! You care for them so much that opening your own veterinary is your goal in life!
Base the Sim/House off Pets, try to use the colours Brown, White and Black as much as possible.
Traits: Cat/Dog Lover, Goofball, Cheerful
Aspiration: Friend of Animals
Career: Open a Vet Clinic.
Have at least one dog AND one cat
Master Vet Skill and Pet Training Skill
Complete the ‘Friend of Animals’ Aspiration
Complete the ‘Feather’ collection
Run a Veterinary and get it to 5 Stars!
Have your sim Woohoo in the Brindleton Bay's lighthouse
Gen 7: Earth [Eco Lifestyle]
The world is so PRECIOUS and you want to do everything you can to protect it! You want to live your life making a positive and green impact on the world! You’re moving to Evergreen Harbor to pursue this and make a change!
Base the Sim/House off Eco/Earth, try to use the colours Green, Yellow, Blue as much as possible.
Traits: Green Fiend, Recycle Disciple, Maker
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Career: Civil Designer
Move to ‘Evergreen Harbor’
Master ‘Fabrication’ Skill and have at least 10 fabricated items in your home!
Complete the ‘Civil Designer’ Career
Complete ‘Eco Innovator’ Aspiration
Achieve a ‘Green’ Eco Footprint and sustain it!
Have a yard sale AT LEAST once a week selling your fabricated goods!
Reach Level 10 Gardening Skill and grow a Cow Plant!
Gen 8: Metal [Discover University]
Your toy robot was always your favourite toy as a child, but your mind expanded beyond it being just… a toy! You studied hard in school so one day you could go to university and become the world's BEST engineer! Will you be able to craft that robot? What features will it have? WILL IT TAKE OVER THE WORLD? You need to make sure you study hard, the fate of the world could very well lay in your hands!
Base the Sim/House off Metal, try to use the colours Grey, Black, Gold as much as possible.
Traits: Genius, Romantic, Geek
Aspiration: Academic
Career: Engineer
Enroll at University and move to Britechester during your course
Complete University and get a degree
Build a Servo
Master Research & Debate skill, Engineering skill and Handiness Skill
Find a love interest whilst at University
Complete the ‘Academic’ Aspiration
Complete the ‘Engineer’ Career
Complete the ‘Metal’ Collection
Gen 9: Dark [Vampires]
The Dark just calls to you and you want nothing more than to embrace the dark side of life. You are known as a prankster as a child, but as you get older, your pranks become more creative and you turn to petty crime. Once you discover that Vampires actually exist, you would do anything to become one of them. Will you succeed and will you become the most powerful Vampire?
Base the Sim/House off Dark, try to use the colours Black, Grey, Purple as much as possible.
Traits: Mean, Evil, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Master Vampire
Career: Criminal, Oracle branch
Move to Forgotten Hollow as soon as you move out of your parents’ house.
Have an atrocious reputation
Have at least 5 enemies
Successfully pickpocket 10 different Sims
Successfully hack the Supercomputer twice
Befriend and fall in love with a vampire
Get turned into a Vampire on your wedding day
Have at least one non-Vampire child
Gen 10: Light/Angelic [Get To Work]
You’re the last gen… but technically not the last… You are the light at the end of the ‘Element Tunnel’, Family and looking after those you love is so important to you! You look back at the past 9 generations of your family's legacy and feel pride to be continuing the ‘Element’ name! Not only your family, but you care for those around you! You have a BIG heart! This gen is the last of the challenge but sets you up to continuing playing if you so wish to!
Base the Sim/House off Light/Angelic, try to use the colours White, Pink, Yellow as much as possible.
Traits: Good, Outgoing, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Doctor
Complete the Doctor Career
Complete the ‘Big Happy Family’ Aspiration
Fall in love with a colleague and get married
Master the ‘Baking’ and ‘Photography’ Skills
Have 4 children, take pictures of each one in each life stage and display them
Have a grandchild get married and attend their wedding
There you go! You have completed the ‘Elemental Legacy Challenge’ created by JakeDavidBTG and BellaLessai. We really hope you loved and enjoyed this challenge as much as we did creating it! We left the last generation open for you to take the Element Family Tree down more exciting routes and adventures, we’d love to hear what you do next or any feedback on the challenge! Feel free to find our socials here:
♥ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/jakedavidbtg
♥ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/jakedavid
♥ Twitter - https://twitter.com/JakeDavidBTG
♥ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jakedavidbtg/
♥ Sims Gallery - JakeDavidBTG14
♥ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/bellalessai
♥ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/bellalessai
♥ Twitter - https://twitter.com/BellaLessai
♥ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/bellalessai/
♥ Sims Gallery - BellaLessai
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