roandymon · 7 years
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Rakan was made for this meme.
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roandymon · 7 years
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Happy holidays everyone!! At first it was supposed to be for christmas but i couldnt finish it till now haha.
Hope you guys like it.
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roandymon · 8 years
i refuse to let this video die
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roandymon · 8 years
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figma 叫び
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roandymon · 8 years
Aaaahhh more ~
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Targon, League of Legends fan webcomic, Chapter 1, Page 1
Please do not repost. Instead, reblog or share.
Author’s comments: Leona looked like a tiny gremlin when she was small x_x
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roandymon · 8 years
Reposter Alert
So this particular reposter has counter claimed, which forces an artist into a messy legal situation where they have to prove to YouTube they are the actual content creators, and potentially attend court in the U.S. 
The artist they have countered is our friend @ferisae, They have threatened to sue (an empty threat), they’ve also dared to re-upload the reported videos.
They claim it’s under ‘fair use’ but this is not how fair use works.
At this point she has sent an email to YouTube with proof of her claim and rights.
I was in a situation like this earlier in the year. You guys helped me out by reporting your content on the offender’s channel.  Please extend your kindness to Feri.
Content in this channel from:
@zippi44 @starrycove @caprette ( also snuck into this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ONAXVFqHsQ) @angiensca @hchano (snuck in at the end of this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpQhypbEkLw) @spatziline (also snuck into this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbtghhrphKk) @edorazzi @calicovu ( snuck in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb_aHuadTp4)
As you can see they mash up comics to hide some of what they’ve taken.
Take back what’s yours and help Feri in the process.
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roandymon · 8 years
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“My Profession!” by Grimm
It looks like things are heating up in the kitchen between Baker Pantheon and Barbecue Leona…
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roandymon · 8 years
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SFW: CHIBI Barbecue Leona and Baker Pantheon
Hurry Riot! I need them on the store x3
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roandymon · 8 years
cuutee <3
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“So baby, come light me up and baby I’ll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that’s how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body ‘Cause I’m so into you, into you, into you”
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roandymon · 8 years
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roandymon · 8 years
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Finally, a skin series to really get me pumped into playing league again!
I’m so happy…Pantheon finally is living his dream.
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roandymon · 8 years
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After much encouragement from friends (and @welovefine clearing up their guidelines) I finally submitted a design for the Miraculous Ladybug Fanforge! I’ll be working on two new designs as well, but people seemed to like this design <3 so i submitted it, too!
Spare a rate please? Thank you so so much!
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roandymon · 8 years
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“Only Forward” by Grimm “Every scar is a testament to his tale. Molded from birth, he has only ever known one path.”
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roandymon · 8 years
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ねんどろいど アインズ・ウール・ゴウン
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roandymon · 8 years
Sometimes you just want your OTP to be cute together.
Sometimes you just want your OTP to kiss.
Sometimes you just want your OTP to go through a hard time, but come out of it OK.
And then..
Sometimes you just want your OTP TO FUCK HARD.
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roandymon · 8 years
@eeriechan tu y angela
One cockatoo LOVES Elvis, the other…not so much.    [Mark Muldoon on YouTube]
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roandymon · 8 years
What advice do you have for a 14 year old who's trying to learn how to animate?
There’s a LOT of things that go into animation and I definitely can’t cover everything all at once (im sure you dont want me to either) so I’ll try to keep it simple!
But for forewarning, I take animation very seriously and can’t help but info dump.
1. Your animation isnt going to work immediately. it’s going to be awful. accept that and move on.
2. Don’t give up when your animation doesn’t work!!! i swear ive seen people try to animate for their very first time with like a walk cycle and immediately after the first test shoot they played they just dropped it and i was like honey!! honey no you made half of a single step and didnt in-between it. You aren’t done, thats why it looks bad! You don’t say a drawing sucks and throw it out halfway through drawing a single eye, you draw the rest of the face and see how it looks in the end. that’s how you have to look at making animation.
3. It’s a lot more work than you think it’s going to be. animation runs at 24 frames per second, that’s 24 drawings a second. some people do it 12 drawings or even 8 drawings a second, but no matter what it’s a lot of dang drawings.
4. Rough drawing rough drawing ROUGH DRAWING! when you start animating things, don’t even THINK about detail! for example, if you want to animate someone walking, animate a circle for the head and a rectangle for their body, that’s all the detail you need to start with. once that is COMPLETELY and i mean completely entirely animated to a point where you are satisfied, THEN you can start to add detail.
5. References!!!! they’re everywhere! and you need to use them! if you want to animate a bird flying, you either look out your window, find a video on youtube, or get a diagram but don’t just try to guess or it won’t work, i promise you
6. Try as many different methods as you can! everyone animates differently. maybe my advice won’t apply to you at all, these things are just what works for me! I have friends who animate from the roughest of rough drawings and others who start every drawing completely detailed. some friends animate from major pose to major pose and others animate frame by frame.
7. HAVE FUN! if you aren’t having a fun time animating, then what are you doing? Ask yourself this question and then figure out what you need to do to MAKE it fun! It makes the work better for everyone in the end!
Now get ready for a link dump!
other animation advice from yours truly! which will be somewhat repetitive
tips for beginners
basic tips
12 principles of animation
living lines library: archive of old animation tests for many movies
really good animation books (links to amazon)
animators survival kit
the illusion of life: disney animation
cartoon animation
elemental magic: the art of special effects animation
animation programs
tv paint (indefinite free trial, does not allow saving or exports)
toon boom has 21 day free trials
pencil 2d is free to use
adobe photoshop and flash also work
if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! some things here might sound like nonsense to someone with no prior animation knowledge and I will GLADLY explain in better detail
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