robynsnakedtruth-blog · 10 years
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Take advantage of your full self everyday! 
Remember to rock a smile because regardless of designer clothing you're wearing, a smile always looks best! Carpe diem, seize the day! Pura Vida,
love from Costa Rica,
Robyn Rock xx
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robynsnakedtruth-blog · 10 years
                     The Naked Truth of "monkey see monkey do"
    Wow, 61 seconds of pure truth and the message is crystal clear. No need for words. Children mimic their surroundings and are heavily influenced by the thoughts, words and actions of their guardians and role models. 
    Watching the families fight in this video hit home for me. As a child I became angry and withdrawn because that's how I saw the adults deal with frustrations. I hurt myself and other living beings due to this anger and the lack of knowledge to siphon it off in healthy ways.
    Meditation, healing on all levels, exercise, breath work, laughing, socializing and spending time with your soul all help to create healthy ways of being.  
    Choosing to release the past and make decisions that are coming from your soul is the pathway to freedom.
: )
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robynsnakedtruth-blog · 10 years
The Naked Truth behind cosmetics products.
I've worked as a hairstylist for nearly 9 years and only within the last couple years have I become more aware of how dangerous this industry is.  Physical toxins in salon products aside, another extremely overlooked danger is the messages that the youth are receiving about what true beauty is. 
Earth 2014.  With so many businesses competing with each other to have the 'number one product' many health and safety regulations are overlooked. Only 20% of the chemicals in drug store beauty products have been tested for their carcinogenic affects! This in turn affects the health of our magnificent planet, our beautiful children as well as our wonderful selves.  
Do yourself, and your family, a favour and take a gander in your cosmetics cabinet.  Read labels, do your research and enjoy a trip to the local health food store for safer beauty alternatives!  Look at it as an adventure to greater health as well as an opportunity to uplift yourself from suppression. You deserve it!
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