rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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Good evening/morning, Rockband-ers. I am sad to say this, but Rockband will be shutting down officially. The mods had great intentions and plans for this rp and high hopes that it would suceed in its revival but many things have came up ooc for the mods (particularly Mod Nala). We want to thank each and everyone of you for being apart of Rockband's last hoorah and for making it such a lovely experience for us all. If anyone would like to keep in touch with each other, please do so! It was a pleasure being here with you all. xx Mod Nala.
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
I'll be dropping Alex, thanks for having him though!
Thank you for being here! Unfollow, everyone. 
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Hey there! You should come join Rockband today! Or reserve. We would would love to have you and we have tons of open roles that you can pick from.
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
I don't think Chrissy's sb is listed but it is: hcllcwlies
Updated for you!
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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give a hearty farewell to…
✧ Malia Thomas, gh: malia.gif  ✧ Hayley Williams, gh: n/a
activity warnings...
activity is warned at 4+ days!
✧ @ificrashh [4/7 days] ✧ @taintedlungss [5/7 days]
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Hey tag lurkers, you should check us out! We’d love to have you and we’d really love to have members of the following: The 1975, The Summer Set, All Time Low, The Maine, Greyscale, As It Is, Roam, My Chemical Romance, and more!
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Hello tags! I’m going to be on for the rest of the night and would love to see some new faces around here, so why not come give us a look? 
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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Just a little update for you guys that we have decided to get rid of the OOC blog. Overall, it’d just be a huge time saver for not only us but you guys.  However, if you have any questions about anything, don’t be afraid to send us a message and we’ll gladly help out with whatever you need!  
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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welcome to the family to… 
✧ Connor Montgomery, gh: papimontgomery
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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give a hearty farewell to…
✧  Lynn Gunn, gh: den.uement
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Hello hello, we are here and we would love to see some apps or reserves!
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
Any interest in have a Chad Gilbert 'round here?
I would say so! What do you guys think?
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
going to be sending these out soon (likely tomorrow), just a reminder!
hey cuties! if you haven’t received an invite to our ooc sideblog, like this post and we will get you one asap!
also don’t forget to do your task, located on the confessions blog, and tag it as rb.task.
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
hii your hayley hasnt posted in two weeks. can i reserve her for s?
Hi, love, she's actually on hiatus until May 15th, but we would love to have you still!
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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welcome to the family to…
✧ Samara Carlisle, gh: tempochanges
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
if anyone is interested in plotting with an oc, hmu at tempochanges on hangouts!
you heard them! go and hit them up for some plots.
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rockbandrpg-blog1 · 7 years
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Just a reminder that today is your last day at Disney! Get your fill, spend the last of your $600 voucher, and begin packing for your trip home. You have just spent a week, all crowded and roomed together, in the most magical and happiest place on earth. Tomorrow, you leave at noon to go wherever you desire, whether that be to home or back to tour. Each of you will receive a flight on the house, no matter your destination, however.
With this in mind, we will begin planning our next event and if you have any ideas, we would love to hear from you about them! No idea is bad because we want to make sure it is something that you all would enjoy doing.
Now is also a great time to check us out in the tags, if you haven’t already!
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