rockoushi · 3 years
I just wanna say your work is amazing keep up the good work!
oh my god you're so nice thank you so much <333 this made my night, and sureee i have a few things in mind but you made me feel more ready to write now hahdjjd omg tysm again
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rockoushi · 3 years
fluff, crack, domestic scenario
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, A LOT OF FLUFF, sugawara in his 20s, suga being a gemini, sharing liquids from mouth to mouth (?), the shower water is potable so yea :), stated relationship, aftercare kinda.
You slowly open your eyes as you hear your boyfriend saying something you were too tired and distracted, still below the effects of the third round, to comprehend. You just buried your head even closer to him as you both cuddled and let out a confused noise to make him know that you didn't hear anything he just said, the gesture made him chuckle lightly (and a bit proudly) at your state. It was not until he placed a hand on your head, gently playing with your hair as he tightened a little the hold in your body, that you finally hear him clearly say "I said that let's go shower babe".
You groan tiredly as he starts to grin, and you quickly regret it, because the next words that fall from his mouth are "Or are your legs too weak? Need me to walk you to the bathroom? Hmm?" and if it wasn't because of his too obvious teasing tone you would've considered saying yes, but, refusing to indulge into his ego, you bump him with your elbow to get him off you.
He yelps at the unexpected hit but lets go of your body as you start to get up from the bed, "Fuck you" you say as you start to enter the bathroom that was just a few steps away from where you were comfortably lying down in the bed a few seconds ago, he laughs loudly as he sees you walking completely naked to the bathroom stubbornly "Ohh, are you proposing a fourth round?" he keeps on bugging you, you roll your eyes but crack a smile as his laugh echoes through your apartment and the walls of the small bathroom.
You turn around to face him, crossing your arms in your chest at the doorframe of the bathroom with a still annoyed face as you wait for him to stand up and join you already.
He reads your lack of patience, walking towards you, and kissing you without a warning as he grabs your hips to bring you closer, you smile through the kiss as you find your heart skipping a beat at his stupidly charming self, the false facade of annoyance falling apart as you both give into the undeniable love you felt for eachother, moving your lips in a needy way to feel more and more of him.
The pretty setter pulls away due the lack of air and you smile like a highschooler in love admiring his cute eyes and the way his pupils expand when he watches you just as intensely, you examine the cute mole next to his eye and leave a kiss there too. You don't miss the oportunity to tease him at the way he always ran out of breath before you whenever you kissed this passionately, and he mocks your voice at the comments as he enters the floor of the shower still making silly faces and high pitched nonesenses of his impressions of you.
You don't wait any time in entering with him, smiling softly, used to this unspoken routine whenever you showered after sex you both agreed, remembering how Suga scolded you about UTIs and being clean as you tried to get him to sleep with you everytime you did something sexual and him refusing everytime because he knew any other way you wouldn't shower, he had tried himself but you always had a silly excuse not to, saying how you already had showered or that you didn't want to "lose more time of the day" (ironically contradictory to you asking to take a nap with him) so he had to be this persistent, at the end of the day you are what he cherishes the most and he couldn't stand anything bad happening to you.
The water begins to fall from the head of the shower and you both laugh a little at the coldness that hit both of your bodies, the water begins to warm and you let it flow through your face, you hum lowly at the satisfaction of the heat in your skin and Suga grabs the soap to start cleaning himself.
You push him playfully, saying that he's "taking too long" and he pushes you back, he tries to put soap in your boobs, saying something about that it makes them look pretty but you take the soap from his hand, he gives up and silently watches you with a suspicious look on his face, you notice the way his cheeks were full of something and, cracking the code, you sfuff your mouth full of the water falling in front of you and blow it at him before he had the chance to, he shakes his head dramatically as if he wasn't about to do the same, you both laugh at the silly game.
"Wait wait! I have an idea" you said laughing in your head at the stupid idea that crossed your mind. He made you feel like a little girl, safe, and you never felt like you had to hide anything from him, not even the childish lowkey disgusting ideas.
He raises an eyebrow at your direction "Just open your mouth" you say. He obligues hesitant and you stuff your mouth with more water as you blow it but trying to make a curve with it, he undertands with not even enough time to laugh out loud in as he quickly tries to catch the floating water into his own mouth.
"How gross, you actually did it" You can't contain the smile as you look at him as he smiles just as wide before succesfully catching the water and then even blowing it back to you, you failed to catch it back, too bussy laughing desperately at the way your boyfriend always seemed to make everything you asked him to do.
"Shut up, you are the one who even thought about it" He bites back. You ignore him and stop the water faucet, getting out of the shower and throwing a towel at his face, he catches it before it could impact his head. "Kinda wished you didn't have those stupid good reflexes y'know?" "I know" he replys confident while he examined your features and you dried your hair, you didn't have to say anything to understand what was going on in his head with the way he got close to you and traced circles in your bare back, he loved you, and you loved him and you could and will never get enough of eachother.
A/N: thank you so much if you read until here, English is not my first language and this is my first time ever writing fanfic and I'm also super new in tumblr, honestly I'm just self indulging so yeah idk habsjans sorry I don't even know why I thought of this scenario but I enjoyed it so much (sorry again for the blowing water scene JQVSHEB) feel free to comment and ty again for reading <3
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