rockytilly · 1 year
Rocky grimaced before breaking into laughter, the shot tasting of bittersweet acidity more so than it did an apple. He slammed his shot glass back down onto the table, licking the remnants of the shot from his lips. "That's sour," Rocky said through squinted eyes and puckered lips. "I think it was radioactive, will you tell me if I start growing an extra appendage?" He was already reaching for his next drink, sipping at the salty margarita to wash away the bitterness of the shot. "Noooooo," Rocky booed, almost spilling his margarita, "You can't quit on me after only one drink!"
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Ava couldn't help but chuckle as she pulled her frozen margarita close to her. It was rare that she got to unwind outside of her evening glass of wine with Maya. But today was different and after volunteering at one of the pride booths in the hot sun, she was spent and in need of some AC and a fun, cheesy alcoholic beverage before heading home and picking up takeout on the way to the apartment. "That one looks fun, a little too bright, bright enough to get me shit-faced. I'm telling ya, I'm one and done tonight, I gotta get home to Maya."
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rockytilly · 1 year
Rocky raised his brows at Laurie's question. He'd never took him for a sea witch kind of guy. "Oh yeah? All those tentacles do it for you, you freaky little bastard?" Rocky chuckles, stifling his laugh against the back of his hand. He sets the empty shot glass on the table in front of them, reaching for the Frozen inspired frozen margarita and leaning back against the leather of the booth. "What did you expect?" Rocky scoffed, sipping on his frozen margarita. "A Lightning McQueen inspired moscow mule?" He stretches one arm across the back of the booth, craning his head over his shoulder to glance in the direction of the bar. "I think they had some tequila based ones, but I figured we'd start off tame."
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"Is it strange that it's slightly attractive? Or have these crazy ass drinks started going to my head already?" Laurie chuckled, following Rocky's movement as he returned to the table with some interesting looking drinks. His forehead furrowed as he eyed up the drinks, unsure if this was a good idea but he always had a good time with Rocky so why not. "Disney themed then huh? Though I hope they have way more alcohol in them than you'd find there, otherwise I'm out." He laughed once again, shaking his head as he reached forward to take one of the shots and necked it back, sucking in his cheeks as he swallowed. "Needs a touch of tequila."
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rockytilly · 1 year
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rockytilly · 1 year
Rocky felt as if he had somehow irritated her, perhaps he had said something by mistake and spoken out of turn, but if he had he couldn't figure out what it had been. Not that he cared much, the amount of time he spent wondering about her or what she might think about him was considerably insignificant.
"Not really," Rocky answered honestly, offering her a shrug of his shoulder. "I just remember Thadd mentioning you were a dancer once."
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The bartender returned with their drinks, sliding their glasses across the bar. Rocky thanked the bartender before raising his glass for a cheers. "To stripper poles and dance studios." He cheered before bringing the glass to his lips for a generous sip. "Thadd always said you were busy with dancing, I figured you were some kind of Dance Mom's star type workaholic."
The entire time, Asha had been sitting there, she couldn't deny the unmistakable voice of the one, the only Rocky Tilly. Try as she might, she couldn't exactly tune him out. What was supposed to be her escape was turning out to be anything but, especially when Rocky found himself beside her. Turning her head slowly, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly and she pursed her lips. "Studio?" she questioned him. "You have no idea, do you?"
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"I wouldn't exactly call a stage with a pole on it a studio," she sucked her teeth slightly. "And... where did you get that ludicrous idea from?" She was for sure all play - outside of school - as far as she was concerned.
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rockytilly · 1 year
rumor has it you hate the beach
"Not half as much as I hate sand."
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rockytilly · 1 year
urmour has it you've never been in love
"Not true. I'm in love with birria tacos."
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rockytilly · 1 year
rumor has it you're lonely
"Well shit, go for the throat why don't you?"
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rockytilly · 1 year
Rumour has it you're still in love with Thadd
"You need to check your sources. I was never in love with Thadd to begin with, it was only a fling."
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rockytilly · 1 year
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Everyone loves to keep up to date on all the latest gossip and drama that goes on around this town...whether you want to admit it or not. Now is your chance to anonymously (or not) send everyone the juiciest rumors you've heard about their muses.
Rumor has it...
REBLOG THIS POST to participate. Like anything else, common courtesy applies — make sure you're sending asks out to others that are taking part! We all want to have notifications next to our inboxes. Have fun 🤍
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rockytilly · 1 year
Rocky’s spent the last hour avoiding Thaddeus at his own birthday party, despite being reassured by himself and Mack that it would be cool for him to attend even after the chain of events that lead to their break-up. It’s his avoidance tactics that find him lingering in the corner of their apartment’s living area, standing as inconspicuously beside a large plant as he can with only local degenerate and music elitist Colin to keep him company — who was also one of his closest friends.
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“Absolutely n— wait, is that Ty’s laptop or Thadd’s?” Rocky leans down, holding the bottle of mixed fruit cider against his chest with one hand and resting the other on the arm of the chair that Colin was occupying so he could get a better look at the screen. “Changing Ty’s background won’t fuck with him,” Rocky explained, “If you want to fuck with him then you need to hijack his phone and mess with his shortcut settings so that every time he types hungry it autocorrects to horny.”
location: thadd and tallulah's birthday party for: @fairfordstarters
Buzzed from two shots and a joint hanging from his mouth, it'd taken Colin about five minutes to hack his way into the laptop hooked up to the sound system -- Tyson's, which makes it funnier -- and he says to the person next to him, "Help me decide what to change this motherfucker's background to and I'll put on whatever song you want."
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rockytilly · 1 year
"Interesting?" Rocky guwaffed, dumb-founded by Grey's understatement. "Interesting is the way I'm almost certain Ursula grabbed my ass with her tentacle when I slipped her a twenty. This was the lip-sync of the century!" Rocky exclaimed passionately, a feat no less of the two shots he'd done at the bar afterwards with the Yzma drag queen.
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"How about you? Seen anything interesting tonight or have you just been watching everybody come through the door like an unpaid bouncer?"
"Well, that's interesting." Grey replied. Even though he wasn't pure gay, the fact he was dating only one guy was talking by itself. He had an urge to be on Pride event. People in general didn't know almost nothing about his personal life and although he wanted it to stay that way, he couldn't help but come. "Cheers, then! This night is gonna be very busy for him, according to all this people coming in."
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rockytilly · 1 year
Slamming his glass back down on the table, Rocky shook his head and stuck his tongue out with disgust. The green liquid left an overly sweet but bitter taste in his mouth — like a rotting fruit instead of a soured apple.
"Fuck," Rocky winced with a chuckle, reaching for the Maui inspired cocktail to wash down the taste of artificial fruit. "That was bad. Remind me never to take drink recommendations from somebody wearing Malificent horns ever again."
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"Don't take this the wrong way," Rocky said waving his hands, his alcohol infused candour like a runaway train. "But I'm surprised to see you down here mingling with the riff raff instead of some boujie country club getting your benz valeted and other country club shit."
Matty opted for the green elixir of the options Rocky brought over, instant regret taking hold as he smelled it and got a whiff of artificial apple, like someone's grandmother's favorite hard-boiled sweets in a glass.
He kept his expression neutral, his presence there in the first place was to let loose and enjoy himself for once -- which meant he had to be less stuck-up about things, including shot choices.
On Rocky's command, he downs the shot, swallowing it smoothly before it rebelled against him and he had to cover it with a faux cough.
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"That..." He planned to be cool about it, but his plans fell apart as he put the shot glass down beside the one that had yet to be consumed. "Fucking disgusting."
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rockytilly · 1 year
Thalloween? It took Rocky a moment to decipher the moniker for his joint birthday bash with his twin sister, a direct result of having already indulged in several shots at his apartment before plucking up the courage to show his face tonight. Before he had a moment to evade Thadd’s toast, their glasses clinked together and Rocky felt the familiar sting of alcohol in his stomach albeit dulled after his pre-gaming.
“Why do you always shot the nastiest shit?” Rocky lamented, suddenly remembering why he had always been in charge of ordering drinks at the bar when they had been dating.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Rocky frowned, glancing down at his body that the sleeveless denim jacket was doing very little to cover, a pair of white boxer-briefs peeking out from under his jeans. A trademark name written across the waistband. “I’m just Ken.”
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location: thadd and tyson's apartment
for: @fairfordstarters
"Happy fucking Thalloween, baby!" Thadd toasted (the decided compromise of both his and Tallulah's names, as distinguishing between the two had already begun to grow old), clinking his shot glass against the other's. What it was, where it'd come from, and how many he'd already had were all questions that were lost on him in the moment, but not the most pressing of the evening.
"Thanks for fucking coming. Here's to Thaddy Phantom and--shit, sorry, what are you supposed to be again?"
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rockytilly · 1 year
status: open location: pride palace when: friday night
"I just watched a drag queen dressed as Ursula and another queen dressed as Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove lip-sync for their lives to Dangerous Woman." Rocky said with a sort of bewildered amusement, returning from the bar with a tray of three brightly coloured drinks and setting them down before dropping unceremoniously into the chaise lounge. "The bartender called it a Maui Tai," Rocky chuckled, jerking his chin towards the drink that looked like a sunset before reeling off the names of the other two cocktails—a twist on a frozen margarita inspired by Frozen and a green and glittering shot with golden flakes inspired by Tinkerbell that smelt suspiciously of Apple Sourz. "Bottoms up!" Rocky declared, picking up the shot glass and shooting it down the hatch. @fairfordstarters
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rockytilly · 1 year
Rocky hit the last ball on the pool table, a smug smile stretched across his lips as the ball sunk into the corner pocket. Before his opponent could beg for a rematch, he tossed the cue stick onto the table and signalled him to pay up before disappearing towards the bar.
"I'll have whatever she's having" Leaning against the bar, Rocky held up the wad of cash he'd won in his game of pool before sliding enough to cover their drinks and a tip across towards the bartender. "I thought you were all work and no play," Rocky teased, cocking his heads towards Asha, "What or who finally dragged you out of the dance studio?"
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open for all location: shooters.
Asha sat on the stool in the hole-in-the-wall bar nursing her third glass of whiskey and coke. She'd lost track of how long she'd been there a while ago. And while, she wasn't exactly drunk yet, she was getting there. The last few weeks were finally catching up with her and she needed a breather. She hadn't even realized it but she had been running a marathon. It was one thing after another. Now, she was on her water break - exhausted. Gulping down the last of the brown liquor, Asha flagged down the waiter for another.
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rockytilly · 1 year
rocky: WHY ARE YOU BEING SO LOUD? rocky:
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rocky: what the hell is thaddoween? 🧐🧐🧐 rocky: it's the middle of june rocky: you sure it's cool that i come? rocky: i don't want to bring the bad juju to thaddoween rocky: what time's this birthday bash kicking off?
mack 📲 open.
mack: attention!!!!!! mack: do u remember where u were june 17th 2023?? i hope not bc it hasn't happened yet mack: but u will cause u'll be at thaddoween mack: aka big daddy thaddy's turning 27 🎂 mack: its also talloween bc his hotter twins also turning 27, big up tallulah mack: only rule no costume no entry bro mack: actually 2 rules other one is if u're not an asteroid cowgirl/boy/person skip it dawg we be bumping our shit all night mack: see u there 🙏🏻 mack: [drops a 📍 for thadd/tyson's place] @fairfordstarters
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rockytilly · 1 year
combat, I'm ready for combat / i say I don't want that, but what if I do? / 'cause cruelty wins in the movies / i've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you / easy they come, easy they go / i jump from the train, I ride off alone / i never grew up, it's getting so old / help me hold onto you / i've been the archer / i've been the prey / who could ever leave me, darling? / but who could stay?
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