rodolfo-256-blog · 3 years
Fake online reviews. Fake online reviews are when people have never tried a restaurant or place and leave bad reviews. Sometimes people do this just for fun and others to ruin competition. This can really ruin a business reputation because when people check the reviews and see all of these fake bad or good reviews it creates a false impression on the actual business intern creating less capital. Overall fake online reviews are bad for business.
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rodolfo-256-blog · 3 years
The role of social media in health care. I think that for the most part people being able to get medical information online is very good, however, this can lead to further worry in patients. It is always good to go to a physical doctor for your specific problem because information online is very broad and generic. Seeing a doctor can help treat your needs specifically. Being able to access medical information quickly can also be useful when your problem isn’t too severe.
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rodolfo-256-blog · 3 years
Assisted Suicide. Assisted Suicide is when a patient is provided lethal drugs because they are suffering from an incurable disease. I believe that this medical practice is okay if both the patient and doctor are in agreement. If the patient has a terminal disease and would rather choose to end their suffering at that point it would be cruel to let their suffering continue. I also believe that this should be confidential between patients and doctors until the patient has passed so that family members can have no say in the patients decision.
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rodolfo-256-blog · 3 years
My high school experience has been all over the place. I transferred to North Dallas High School halfway through my softmore year and 2 months later the pandemic started. My whole junior year was online and it was pretty boring. Now my senior year I have plans to graduate in December and start working and saving up money to eventually start my own business.
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