roelmichael · 8 years
The Boy Named Crow by: Haruki Murakami
I can relate to this because to be honest, I have a "slight" bad relationship with my parents especially with my father. I will not elaborate more about it. So let's get back to the story and my life again. I just can say that just listen to your parents. Thay know what the best for you. Just follow them. At the end of the day, they're still your parents. They will still love you no matter what. In return, you just have to love them back.
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roelmichael · 8 years
The Thousand Splendid Suns by: Khaled Hosseini
This literary peace has almost the same message as the previous one. The thing is it has the message of accepting oneself. You might find something new, you find might something different but it doesn't mean it's good. You dont have to label yourself on how other people label there self. So therefore, I can say that sometimes it hurts to see people being different from you but I doesn't matter. Just be the best version of yourself.
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roelmichael · 8 years
The Valley of Amazement by: Amy Tan
This literary piece is inspiring because it has message that no matter who you are, no matter what circumstances you face in your life, all you have to do is accept it. A lot of people will judge you, and a lot of people try to control your life. They’ll turn you into someone that they want you to be. But it’s your life, it’s your choice, we always have a choice, we are who we choose to be. So therefore, I can say that #BE YOURSELF
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roelmichael · 8 years
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“We are who we choose to be”
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roelmichael · 8 years
The Folded Earth by: Anuradha Roy
     This literary piece is so inspiring. It has a message for everyone that your first love is always alive and lives all the time in your heart. How much you try to forget, it never goes away from your heart.       The story has affected me so much. It made me realized that love is all about sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love is called “True Love”.      No matter how much you love someone, you have to understand that he/she is living in his/her own life. Yes, you can control them, but not all the time.       To end this “movie drama” of mine, I’ll just say that love is accepting someone. And the best proof of love is trust. 
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roelmichael · 8 years
Malinche  by: Laura Esquivel
     Off course, among the three literary pieces, this is the best for me. I really appreciated and understand what’s the message of the story.       I can say that this story made a great impact in my life. Why? Cause this is the story assigned for us to report. So I made myself a leader and help my members do their corresponding roles. By then, I realized that I have a good leadership skills, I realized that I can take something into a different level. I felt good that we were able to deliver our play/ report well.     Okay, back in the story. In my own understanding, it gives us the message that “Culture, traditions and language are the foundations which build one country’s identity.” Malinalli may be considered as a traitor but at the end of the day, she just chose to love.      So to end this one, I just want to share that upon reading the literary piece, I realized that in love, there’s no boundary, there’s no religion. It’s just a matter of loving someone even the whole world is against it.
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roelmichael · 8 years
A Low Art  by: Margaret Atwood
     This literary piece let me understand and realize that we really do have a big difference in terms of Gender approach between the past generation and in the current generation.      I admit that I don’t understand why’s the title like that. But after knowing the real reason behind it, I felt sad cause I believed that everyone should received equal treatment and not be discriminated because of their gender.       But the author was awesome for her braveness to fight for what she believed that everyone should be treated as equal so she made the main character a woman.       In the story, Penelope played a very important role that has an effect on me/ in my life. After reading the story, I understand that no matter what you do, people will hate you. People will be jealous because you have something that they don’t have. Envy will take control of their lives and it will allow them to do things, even it’s not good.      Overall, this literary piece is one of the many classics that I have read. And it gave me a “new life perspective” - ‘Trust No One’
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