rohas98-blog · 5 years
The madrasa have a strong following among the less fortunate section of both rural and urban Pakistan. With the spread of radical Islam into the hinterland of the country the madrasas have started to behave like a centre of power and politics. Therefore, the construction of madrasas generally receive more funds and donation in comparison to schools. On the other hand, the so-called educated section of Pakistan with cadet, public and missionary school upbringings do not want to get associated with madrasas.
The madrasa students are not open towards the western educated people, as they are considered forerunners of un-Islamic thoughts and morally delinquent. Therefore, they start refuting the western concepts of capitalism, socialism, liberty, economic ideas and individualism and consider these concepts to be disruptive on the Muslim society. Most madrasas do not teach secular subjects. Religious leaders who decide the curriculum contend that every aspect of knowledge that a Muslim needs to know has been revealed to the Prophet and is contained in Qura’an. Given this resistance to secular knowledge, most religious schools are not designed to prepare students for employment.
The religious and emotion concept of sawab or getting ‘reward’ for good deeds is very well attached with the concept of charity vis-a-vis madrasa. People with enormous amount of landed property and good fortune often sponsor the madrasas in lieu of a getting reward and blessings of the God and also for a better after-life.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
It’s fair to say maths is not everyone’s favourite subject. In fact, for many people, the feelings of tension and anxiety that arise when trying to solve a mathematical problem can be all consuming. This is known as maths anxiety – and this feeling of being a failure at maths can affect people’s self-worth for years to come.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
To counter societal messages about who is able to be successful in math, teachers can help all students recognize their math brilliance.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
Transforming Schools through Arts Integration
Structuring a school around the arts can help students excel academically and develop social and emotional skills.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
Types and Importance of Rubric
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
Pakistani scientists have made a huge contribution in the field of science and technology and helped the world in reaching the position in which it is today.  Resources in Pakistan may be minimal but these scientists have been able to make a name because of their intelligent minds and thinking process. Unfortunately, Pakistani students are seldom taught about them.....
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
The Cult of Prescription
While doing my reading for another course I came across a critique of the concept of Backward design by Wiggins and McTighe. P.L Thomas writes;
“Recently, I witnessed first-hand how pervasive the cult of prescription is even within the educational establishment. One of the hot ideas and subsequent books and materials of the year is the concept of backward design, embodied by the work of Wiggins and McTighe (1998), Understanding by Design. To me, this concept of backward design is simply prescription light, and it indirectly reinforces all of the problems I have detailed above. This is difficult to state bluntly, but few have looked closely enough at the concept of backward design. Determining for a learner what is to be learned or performed and then offering that learner a template to fulfill those expectations is a highly manageable and efficient process but it is not education; it is training. Educators—mainly administrators—have fallen prey to trying to outdo the critics, without considering the flaws in the political and commercial calls for school reform. “
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
Sibi Mela
A little insight into the Sibi Mela that I talked about during my presentation in class.
he Sibi Mela is an annual cultural show held in Sibi, in the Balochistan Province of Pakistan. The first Sibi Mela was held in Sibi in January 1885. It has subsequently developed into a cultural festival, with animal markets, camel racing, tent pegging and exhibitions of handicrafts, tribal dresses and folk dances. The article attached shows some pictures of the 2018 Mela.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
A short video explaining how backward mapping (in policy making) works ……
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
I was excited to see hundreds of New York City teachers in preparation for the social and emotional curriculum training. This new approach will help us educate the whole child AND create a more positive school climate with greater support for staff.
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
5 Brilliant Insights about Education - John Dewey
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
It’s such a shame that even in this day and age, when people claim to be so supportive and tolerant of each other, problems like racial discrimination still exist. And that too in schools! I’m glad that schools in UK are taking action against bullies but their increasing number is problematic.
Watching Chimamanda’s Ted-talk in class today made me realize that one of the major causes of discrimination could be the lack of proper knowledge that the discriminators have about the people they discriminate against (mostly a minority group). Their entire perception of the minority group is based on a single story that is sometimes the misinterpretation of reality. The single story creates stereotypes because they aren't true and lack complete information. 
While students who are racial bullies should be discouraged and punished if need be but educators should also talk to those students explicitly about racism.They should discuss the cultural misunderstandings that surround some groups. Also the curriculum should address difficult issues of race, culture and ethnicity in thoughtful ways and shouldn't just expose students to a SINGLE STORY! 
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
12 Ways to kill Understanding by Design
While we’ve keep talking about the advantages of the backward design and the benefits its implementation will bring, lets not forget that it isn't easy for a teacher or curriculum makers to get used to it (especially if they have been using traditional methods before). This article addresses common mistakes that people make when using the UbD model and also gives suggestions for how to avoid them. 
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
A short video to recap the concept of accommodation and assimilation.... 
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rohas98-blog · 5 years
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Flexible Seating—rearrange the classroom space to help meet the diverse needs of your students
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