romanodelatorchwick · 10 years
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romanodelatorchwick · 10 years
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Roman Torchwick-RWBY
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romanodelatorchwick · 11 years
I must say the Dust shop down town has a rather exquisite and fine selection. On another note, the cafe across the street has some rather good coffee  
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romanodelatorchwick · 11 years
well that was rather anticlimactic, but hey what did i expect. As entertaining as it would have been to see the claws come out, it was unreasonable to think that they would do it here.
"Oh well" i said out loud again tapping the ash from my cigar "best i get back to work." I turn away from the two women and disappeared into the crowd. There we dust shops to case and heist to plan, and it best to avoid any unplanned confrontation with Cinder.
I wandered through the crowd and step in to a small cafe. Ordering a simple drink, I sat at one of the tables outside, watching the people. Across the street was one of the largest dust shops in Vale. I sipped my drink and watch the building and the people, looking for details that would be helpful to know when planning a heist.
The teasing voice made the Huntress angrier, and she grit her teeth just for a moment before taking a breath to calm down. Cinder hadn’t already started the eventual, deadly fight that they were sure to have at some point, so she likely wasn’t...
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romanodelatorchwick · 11 years
(Language warning)
Well this should be entertaining, I thought, taping my cigar to know the ash of the tip. two of the most stuck up c***s meeting in middle of town and they can't show their claw with out starting a panic. I watch from across the way, as the two women gave each other cold stares and exchanged harsh words. This annoying festival had its advantages, such as hiding in plain sight, disguised by the sheer number of people. 
I wanted to see how this would turn out so i causally hung around the women, close enough to hear the words, but not conspicuous enough to be notice, at least not immediately. the amount of loathing and animosity between the two was obvious so much that it almost seemed to blaze like fire. This show be entertaining indeed.
Cinder Fall.
Glynda’s first instinct was to go for her riding crop but quickly realized that a sudden battle in the middle of a dense crowd would go very badly, especially since she knew the criminal in front of her would undoubtedly use the...
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romanodelatorchwick · 11 years
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Ozpin’s, Roman’s, Crimson’s, and Glynda’s emblems
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romanodelatorchwick · 11 years
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