romantic-hero · 2 years
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Demelza found it hard to believe it had been over two years since Ross had left for France in the late summer of 1801. Now it was spring of 1803 and though time had passed swiftly, in some ways it had stood still. Out on Hendrawna Beach, Demelza sat in the dunes out of the direct wind, her thin muslin swimming dress did nothing to keep the chill away and she wrapped her shawl tightly around her shoulders. Though the weather was warming up, the water was still too cold to even dip more than a toe in. Far out to sea, she saw a fisherman rowing towards shore. Idly, she watched the dark haired man row against the current and wondered what he might have caught this early morning. As he got closer to shore Demelza took note of his bushy black beard. Did his wife enjoy his kisses with all that around his mouth, she wondered. His shoulders were broad and he must be strong she told herself for it wasn’t just a dingy he was maneuvering through the rough waters but a sailboat whose mast had been broken off. As Demelza watched, something about the tilt of his head made her heart race and for a moment she thought she might faint. Ross! It was Ross at long last returning to her. Surely, she was dreaming. She watched as the man, more burly than Ross, and much hairier, leapt from the boat and wadded in the breaking waves towing the boat ashore. His wild black curls danced in the wind, as he pulled his craft high up into the sand. Demelza stared as he leaned into the boat and as he lifted something heavy up and out, Demelza knew with a certainty born of many years of intimacy that this heavily bearded, extremely muscular man was no stranger, but was indeed her long gone husband, Ross Venor Poldark.
Ross had returned and just as suddenly as the sun broke through the fog, Demelza’s world shifted on its axis and she found herself running towards the shore at the same moment a huge smile broke through that great huge beard and he shouted her name, “Demelza!” before he broke into a run and met her where the ocean waves receded back to the water. “Judas! Ross! Is it really you?” she cried as she leapt into his arms. “Oh, my love,” he picked her up and held her in a hug so tight she thought she might pass out as Ross squeezed the very breath out of her. “Never did I dream of such a homecoming!” Demelza hung onto his neck breathing in his sent that was mingled with the salt of the sea. “Judas, Ross, what took ye so long?” He stopped her question with his mouth. His lips found hers, and they kissed long and deep. Hungry, hard kisses that were both excitingly new and yet wonderfully familiar. As his tongue greedily searched the softness of her lips and pushed past the hardness of her teeth, Demelza’s hands first tangled in his hair then slipped down to his shoulders and she kneaded his shoulders, the tight muscles stronger and tight before slipping down to his waist, deceptively lean under the fullness of his chest. “I want you now. Here.” His voice was a low growl as he dipped his head and his hot, rough lips kissed her neck. She urgently lead him along deep into the dunes and looked straight into his his smoldering dark eyes before pulling her shawl off. Ross helped her spread it out in the sand. Demelza dropped to the ground and looked up at Ross. He held out his hand and she tugged until he was beside her, and they lay together quietly for a moment. “Do you often come alone to swim in a dress that is as good as nothing,” he asked, his finger tracing the contours of her face. “Only when I hope to meet a fearsome stranger,” she whispered, as her hands found the buttons of his breeches. She bit her lip in concentration as she unfastened first one and then the other button, and gently grasped his long missed but not forgotten ramrod of desire. Ross gasped. “Do you greet all strangers in such a manner?” He found the hem of her sheer muslin gown and drew it up over her hips. “Only when they are great hairy beasts,” she retorted and she didn’t resist when Ross pushed her flat and freed her breasts and began sucking their hard rosy tips. Demelza held his head as she enjoyed the pleasure that had so long been denied her. She moaned his name and and groaned when he gently nipped her, making her hips buck with desire. She almost screamed when his fingers at last dipped between her legs and stroked her womanly bower. Demelza’s breathing quickened and she stroked the remembered hardness of his cock. She had thought she’d want him inside her, but she welcomed his attentions to her flowery mound, pushing against his mouth as he teased and tormented her with his lips and tongue. Had it been twenty years, Ross would not have missed the change in Demelza’s moan, and swiftly he he was on his knees as she welcomed him home at his first deep thrust. Her legs gripped him as they rode long and hard to to that never forgotten moment of mutual bliss. Then spent and exhausted, they clung to each other as they regained their senses. “The children won’t know you, with that wild animal on your face,” Demelza teased him. “Do you know me?” Ross asked. His stare was intense and piercing. “As well as I know myself,” she answered. For though his curls and his thick bearded were now streaked with silver, the twinkle in his eyes, the love in his touch, the way her name rang like bells when he called her, were all she needed to know that her husband, her lover, her dearly beloved was finally home. She could lie here in the dunes forever with Ross. Ross! Ross was home! The dislike of his beard by many inspired this. Sorry. I’m out of practice.
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romantic-hero · 3 years
When are the next chapters coming out you have me waiting patiently (Not). lol
Probably never. But then…..who knows? xxx thank you for reading and liking my writing ❤️❤️❤️
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romantic-hero · 3 years
can you believe it!!! Microsoft won't allow me to open what I have written because of it's "content" - so I'm unable to submit!
Well that certainly is disappointing!!! Message it to me and I’ll post it.
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romantic-hero · 3 years
reread your favourite fanfic one more time. as a treat.
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romantic-hero · 4 years
Thank you. We are desperate for more Ross and Demelza ❤️❤️❤️
An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose. Ross and Demelza
Not related to any universe I’ve written...
Demelza wanted to murder Caroline. Through misfortune or fate, God only knows, she ended up on the inside seat of the booth, hemmed in by Ross. She had spent most of the evening staring daggers at her so-called friend sitting directly across from her while being squished. Caroline just grinned back like the Cheshire cat.  The Red LIon was exceptionally busy that evening with England playing France in a  friendly.
It was no secret in their small circle of friends that Demelza was stupidly and madly and utterly in love with Ross Poldark.  The only person who seemed completely obvious to her fancy was the man himself. To be fair to him, he was often away. His last assignment had sent him to Kenya for training for the past six months. The time and distance had not lessened her feelings for him one bit. Now he was home for a bit to see to his ailing father.
So she’d spent most of the night trying to memorize every little detail she possibly could. His dark hair was still impossibly short, but he’d allowed the scruffiness of his beard to flourish. He’d chosen to wear a black t-shirt and jeans with a deep, dark red jumper. He smelled of cedar and sandalwood. 
“You should make a move,” Caroline urged once she’d caught up with Demelza outside of the loos. The match was over and the crowd was starting to disperse.
“I couldn’t,” Demelza said reflexively, dragging her eyes from Ross still sitting at their table with Dwight, the both of them nursing the last of their pints. Her friend had been not-so-subtly pushing her to be more assertive when it came to the handsome soldier.
“Do it.”
“I can’t.”
“Why ever not?”
“He doesn’t know I exist.”
“Not all of us are you,” Demezla said in a huff. Caroline was exquisitely beautiful with her china doll coloring and vivacious personality. She could have any man she wanted eating from her palm with a bat of her eyes.
Caroline narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Then make him notice.”
“I couldn’t!” Demelza squeaked, mortified at the very thought.
“I’ll just have to have a chat with him then.”  Caroline started across the crowded room in a confident strut that left Demelza trying to catch up.
“You wouldn’t dare!” she hissed.
“Ross, darling,” Caroline cooed, stopping at Dwight’s side,  “could you help Demelza with her coat?”
He was up immediately, and Demelza could feel the blush rising in her cheeks when his dark eyes swept over her then his face softened with a smile.  “Of course,” he all but purred, reaching over her to grab her coat from the wall peg.
The deep, rich sound of his voice washed over her, making her knees weak and dangerously close to melting into an embarrassing puddle on the floor.   “T-thank you.”
Ross had her practically pinned to the wall with his long, lean body after he was jostled from behind.   “Sorry,” he apologized, but made no move to right himself.
“S’ok,” she breathed, not upset in the least at being pressed intimately against the object of her desire, and somehow managing to lock eyes with him.
The second time he was knocked from behind he was close enough to Demelza that his mouth grazed hers before he managed to put a bit of distance between them.
“Oh,” they both said in unison, shocked by the intimate contact, and Demelza was sure she’d been struck by lightning. It was the only thing that explained the short-circuit in her brain.
Their eyes met in a dim light of the pub, and her breath caught in her throat. “Bloody hell,” she muttered before launching herself at him, arms going instantly around his neck to pull him back to her for a proper kiss that left them both panting when she finally released him. Her mouth tingled with the lingering electricity of the spark that had suddenly arced between them and she kept her head ducked because she could not bear to look at him; the sound of Caroline’s laughter ringing in her ears.
His hands had somehow found their way to her hips in the midst of everything, his strong fingers gripping her tight.  “Bloody hell, huh?” he asked, clearly amused. “That’s definitely a first for me.”
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romantic-hero · 4 years
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Many thanks to all who read and reblog and comment on my Poldark fanfiction. ❤️❤️❤️
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romantic-hero · 4 years
Verity’s Secret Desire....
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(Who knew Verity had a kink....set off by Captain Blamey saying the words “spanker boom”. Just a touch of smut...not very much...)
All Verity could think of was Captain Blamey’s mouth as he said the words, “spanker  boom”. 
 Spank.   Verity had always been intrigued by the word spank. When she was little, her father would bellow and threaten to spank her when she was naughty, but in fact, her father had never laid a hand on her or her brother, Francis.
The wave of desire that started in her stomach and ended as an ache between her thighs was new to Verity and she decided that she liked it very much and she was certain that only Andrew, her Captain Blamey could soothe it. “Spanker boom,” he had said to her at the ball. At that moment she had fallen in love.
Now, she was going to again  sneak away and see Andrew. The ride had only added to her excitement. How she wished she had the courage to ride astride, but this was no gallop along the cliffs. Verity wanted to seem composed when she met Captain Blamey at his ship.
This would be the third time she’d met with Andrew. The first time on Hendrawna Beach he’d told her about his marriage and how it had ended. The second time they’d met in the woods behind Trenwith and after endless kisses, Verity had confessed her most intimate desire.  Andrew had pulled her roughly to his chest, and to her great excitement had lifted her skirts, softly rubbing her buttocks then striking her derrière with his open hand, before pushing her away. Now she was here to meet him  alone where no one could happen upon them. Though he had an unfortunate reputation, entirely based upon a dreadful accident, Verity was certain she had found her soul mate. And neither  father nor Francis would deprive her of happiness.
After leaving her horse at the town stables, she hurried along the busy streets to the quay where the small ship was tied. To her horror, Verity heard her cousin, Ross, call her name and she hurried on with her head down. She had no desire to explain herself or to put Ross in the middle should her meeting with Andrew be discovered.
When  Verity turned the onto the quay she saw her Captain Blamey waiting by the gangplank of his ship. Verity hurried toward him, his uniform adding to his dangerous yet dashing air.
She smiled at him, and he wordlessly offered her his hand and lead her up the gangplank and to his captain’s quarters on board.
As soon as he shut the door, Verity removed her hat and tossed it on the his desk. She hurled herself into his arms and lifted her face for a kiss.
“My dear,” murmured Andrew as he captured  Verity’s mouth with his own. Verity boldly ran her tongue along the inside of his lower lip before pushing past his teeth to explore. The taste of him, port and faint tobacco, was intoxicating. She was lost in their kissses until her Captain Blamey took her arms from around his neck and held her hands tightly behind her back.
“What a naughty girl you are, Verity.” Captain Blamey stared into her eyes. “What should I do about this?”
Verity tried hard to catch her breath. This new passion made her bold and she said the forbidden. “A spanking, sir. I deserve a spanking.”
“Tell me, Verity. Why do you deserve a spanking?” Captain Blamey demanded to know, a smile playing on his lips.
“I am alone with a sea captain on his ship. A man I have been forbidden to see.”   Verity licked her lips.
“Then turn around, Miss Poldark. Put your hands on my desk and lean forward.”
Verity did as she was told. She felt Captain Blamey lift her skirts and soon her bared bottom was expose to the damp cabin air and though he was behind her,  she could sense Andrew’s pleasure. For though she long been told her face was plain,  she knew round pert buttocks were to be admired.
“Oh, Miss Poldark,” Andrew whispered in awe before lightly stroking her derrière with his finger tips. The soft skin was pale white with just a hint of rose. “Please move your  feet farther apart.” Verity did so, causing her to head to rest upon the desk top and her hips to rise higher. Andrew was bewitched.
“Spank me, sir,” Verity said. Andrew shook himself from his daze. He kept his fingers together as his hand slapped first one cheek and then the other. Soon her bottom was bright pink. He stopped too soothe her skin with his touch and as soon as her breathing calmed he surprised her with four more spanks, harder than the others.  Verity moaned. “More Andrew, please.”
Andrew did as he was bidden. He spanked  Verity four more times, His finger prints were bright against the harsh red.  He pulled down her skirts. “That is all for today.” Andrew would not take the chance of taking her virginity before marriage.That she was bold and hungry for attention was not surprising considering she’d been hidden away at her family home. Andrew would not dare risk their future.
Andrew helped  Verity straighten her clothes. He tied her bonnet under her chin. “Go home before you are missed,” he told her.
“Come to my cousin’s house tomorrow. He said we could meet there.”  Verity smiled up at Andrew. Though she wanted more, she understood the danger wasn’t worth it. Tomorrow at Ross’s they would plan how to tell her family. With her desire of a husband and finding a man who understood and granted her the enjoyment of her secret fantasy, Verity knew she could not rush things. She kissed her lover goodbye.
As she hurried to the stables, her step was lively. Her buttocks were pleasantly sore. As the hostler saddled her mare, she thought of Andrew. His kisses. His stern voice. His touch. As soon as they could be married her body would be his to pleasure. Though she was alone riding along the Cornish cliffs, she felt herself blush. Thinking about her desire and the brief satisfaction of what she could only hope was a promise of the deeper enjoyment  man and wife could experience.  Andrew was willing to please her. For the first time in her life she felt pretty and loved and desired. She wanted more.
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romantic-hero · 4 years
One October Night....
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Ross handed Demelza a glass of brandy.
“Thank you, Ross,” she said before taking a sip. Demelza loved a late night brandy, for it usually predicated a night of bliss, and as Ross leaned in for a kiss she shivered in anticipation.
As his lips found hers, Demelza turned towards Ross, and put one hand on the back of his neck, she held her brandy in the other. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly her against his chest. His kiss was deep and long, it took her breath away. She pulled away and finished her brandy. “Now I am ready, sir.”
Ross stared at her while he unbuttoned his britches and when they fell to the floor he stepped out of them while he pulled his shirt off over his head. Demelza set her glass on her vanity table and began to unfasten her bodice. She took off each piece slowly and deliberately. She knew Ross enjoyed watching her disrobe and she was enthralled as ever by his obvious enjoyment of her body. Ross drank his brandy and as soon as Demelza was naked, Ross picked her up and gently tossed her on the bed. He climbed up on the bed and crawled over her, trapping her beneath him. Demelza ran her hands through his dark unruly curls and pulled his head down for another kiss.
“Mmmmm brandy,” she murmured against his lips. After he had throughly kissed her mouth, he found her neck and his stubble tickled in just the right way as to make Demelza quaver, then he dipped his head and found one rosy peak to please with his tongue. Demelza arched towards him as her hands stroked his back . “Oh, Ross,” she sighed. Ross rolled on to his side facing her. Propped up on his right elbow, he toyed with her, running his fingers over her breasts then tormenting her as he caressed her silken thighs.
Demelza reached out for Ross. He never ceased to amaze and astound her. Ross shook his head. His hand was on her hip and he moved to kneel between her legs. Demelza made room for him, her breath quickening, her desire for him sweeping away her inhibitions.
To her delight, Ross put both hands under her derrière and lifted her up. Demelza could feel him cover her with his mouth, using his lips and tongue, driving her to distraction and back. She knotted the bed sheet in her hands, as she writhed in delight, until all her pleasure exploded, and she cried out, “Ross, Ross!!”
Ross smiled wickedly up at Demelza, lifting one eyebrow to make her laugh out loud. And then, just like that, he was up and over her, his hand guiding himself until at last he was filling her and she gasped as Ross pushed in deeply and completely. How she loved feeling him rock in and out, and then she realized she was climbing the peak once again, and when she let go, Ross allowed his own release and they stopped and lay together, until they could once again breathe without gasping.
“More brandy, my love?” asked Ross and when she nodded he got up and fetched the bottle refilling their glasses. Then they lay side by side among the pillows sipping their drinks.
“Ross,” Demelza turned to face him. “Do you think we will ever tire of this?”
“This? What do you mean, Demelza,” Ross’s brown eyes lit up.
“This. We.” She smiled shyly. “Me.”
“Never, my love.” Ross said. He held her close. “Never.”
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romantic-hero · 4 years
Ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝
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What are your favorite fanfics?
How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
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Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
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What have others criticized about your fanfic?
OCs or no OCs?
Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
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Dead or overused tropes?
Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
What’s your shortest fanfic?
Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
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How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
How many WIPs will you finish?
First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
Do you take requests?
I will name you three things (object — scenario — fandom/ship): write a paragraph or two!
What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
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How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
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Did your work ever get plagiarized?
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Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
What is something you don’t like about your writing?
Rudest review?
Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
Where do you draw inspiration from?
Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Show your favorite fanfic writers some love and ask questions about them and their work!
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romantic-hero · 4 years
6. Shopping (for needs)
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Ross and Demelza got off the train at Paddington Station. He hadn’t wanted to bring her, but he couldn’t leave his new kitchen help alone with Jud and Prudie. Not that they’d hurt her, but he could imagine the three of them in a wrestling match over some perceived slight.
“Caroline lives not too far,” Ross told Demelza. “First, I’ll stop at Sainsbury. I hate to show up empty handed.”
“Mr Ross,” Demelza’s voice was so low he could hardly hear her over the noise of the crowded station. “Ummm.” She turned bright red before gesturing towards Boots which was just down a ways.
Ross hurriedly pressed some pound notes in her hand. “Get what you need, Demelza. I’ll meet you right out here.” It wasn’t that he was thoughtless, he just knew nothing about such things. Caroline would see to Demelza and help her buy some proper clothes. Her hospital thrift shop garments were well worn. Then they needed to stop at the off-license on the way to Caroline’s townhouse in Radnor Mews.
Ross laughed out loud. He couldn’t wait to see Caroline’s face when he showed up with Demelza!
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romantic-hero · 4 years
The Night Ross Went To Elizabeth
Warning if you hate the idea of Ross and Elizabeth, scroll on by. Ross repeatedly asks Elizabeth if she wants him to continue. If spanking is a trigger, scroll on by. I hope the keep reading break works.....If not, don’t look!
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When Ross read the note from Elizabeth, all he could see was red. The fury was all consuming. He could see that Demelza was speaking, but he could not hear the words. She was an impediment that he had to get past, and later when he thought about that night, he was ashamed he had pushed her out of his way.
Ross didn’t remember the ride to Trenwith. The next thing he remembered was kicking in the front door and making his way upstairs. And then there was  Elizabeth, her long hair brushed and brilliant in the candle light. He had never seen her in nightclothes before, and even though they were arguing, part of his mind was preoccupied with taking her. It had been hard enough to know Francis had stolen what he had always felt was his, but he’d be damned if he gave her up to George Warleggan.  
When she spat at him that she loved George to distraction, the red anger turned to black and he roughly pulled Elizabeth and found her mouth and started kissing her. He was furious. Here he was finally kissing the woman he thought he loved and his kisses were harsh. His lips were bruising her’s and he forced his tongue past her mouth, but he felt her yield and she returned his kisses just as forcefully.
Ross picked Elizabeth up and threw her on the bed. Though she was protesting,  she laid back against the pillows, if she hadn’t wanted him, she could have screamed.  She could have hit him, but instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him kiss her. Ross was more tempestuous than he meant to be and pulled back. He licked his lips and kissed her again. He tentatively ran his tongue over her  lips, and when she didn’t protest, he put his tongue fully in her mouth.  Elizabeth instantly responded kissing him back. She didn’t stop him when he pulled her nightdress off. At last, after years of dreaming, her body was his.  
Her breasts were milky white and her nipples were large and deep pink. He started to massage both breasts. Then he sucked one nipple and then the other. He’d never heard Elizabeth moan in ecstasy before. “Elizabeth! Do you like this? “
“Oh, Ross. Please don’t stop.” Elizabeth tangled her fingers in his hair and arched her back.  Ross licked one nipple, then blew on it.  It tightened into a point and he gently took it between his teeth, before turning his head and kissing her other nipple. Then while he still squeezed her breasts he started kissing her belly. He took his hands and pushed her knees apart.
A bower of dark curls crowned her womanhood. Without thinking he kissed her between the legs.  
“Ross, stop! You mustn’t do that!” She was yanking his hair and he took both of her hands in one of his and held her arms behind her head.
“Why, Elizabeth? Didn’t your husband ever kiss you there? Taste your honey?” He growled and bit her neck and was pleased her hips bucked up.
“I..I n-never let him.”  
“Then you will let me.  If you don’t keep your legs apart Elizabeth, you will be sorry.” Ross stroked her cunny. It was wet and and her knees fell open. He took his fingers and opened her gash. “You’re beautiful, Elizabeth.” And he stoked her with his fingers before lowering his mouth and covering her mound completely. His tongue found that little nub of pleasure and he circled it gently until Elizabeth was crying his name over and over. He knew she’d never had any release if this was the first time her flower had been tasted. He would be the first to pleasure her completely. And for the rest of her life she’d think of Ross Poldark every time George made love to her.
“Do you like this, Elizabeth? Should I stop now?”  His cock was rock hard and he had to take his clothes off.
He stood beside the bed and undressed. Elizabeth was heaving.  She looked at his cock, standing at attention. She didn’t know it but she was licking her lips. “I like it, Ross. I like it very much.”
“I am glad.” He got back in the bed and knelt between her legs. Again he he ran his fingers up and down her dripping slit. When he felt that little bud harden he rolled her over on her stomach. He straddled her hips and rubbed her shoulders. He kissed her neck and worked down to her buttocks.  He squeezed her cheeks and kissed her soft skin. He lightly ran his fingers over her bottom. And then his mind went red again.
“Elizabeth, You deserve a good spanking.  You lied to me. You married my cousin and now you want to marry my greatest enemy. “ Ross got up and sat on the side of the bed. “Come here. “ He knew he was being unreasonable. He pulled Elizabeth over his lap and he held her legs down with one of his. His cock was hard and stood erect between his belly and the side of Elizabeth’s breasts. Her ass looked ripe. He bet in her life it had never been struck. And now he would make her beg for him. To strum her after. Margaret had  taught him that a little spanking made a lady’s bits tingle and want more.
Elizabeth was unnaturally calm and didn’t squirm or protest. Ross caressed her gorgeous derriere.  He spread her cheeks and her hips raised as she gasped. Then without warning, he spanked first one cheek and then the other. Twice. Then he lightly ran his fingers over the slight redness.
“Should I stop, Elizabeth?” he asked as he put his finger in her vale, surprised at the amount of jelly he found.
“No, Ross. I think you should spank me hard.” She looked at him, her eyes glowing. “Shall I get my brush?”
Ross held her arm and helped her get to her feet. She glided to her dressing table and returned with the brush and handed it to him. “Kneel on the bed,” he told her and Elizabeth obeyed. Put your face down and he pulled her hips until her ass was in the air.  Again the sight of her bower was too much to resist and Ross dipped his fingers in.  Then he spanked her. Slowly, one side and then the other. When her posterior was bright red, he threw the brush across the room and picked her up in his arms. He placed her in the bed and wordlessly she spread her legs. Again he could tell she was shocked but he knew unless he worshiped her alter with his tongue, he would not be satisfied.
Ross licked her center of attraction and when he again found that secret little bud, he circled it with the tip of his tongue until he thought Elizabeth might pull all of his hair out.  “Should I stop, Elizabeth?”
Her breath was ragged. “Oh my god, no!” And he again slurped and licked and finally her whole body quivered and her bower pulsated and she let go in his mouth.
“Ross what happened?” She lay back panting.
“That is what pleasure is, Elizabeth.” His cock was ready he stroked it and said rather primly, “May I plow the field?” To his surprise Elizabeth took him in hand and guided him to her sugar-hole.
He was finally balls deep in the place he’d dreamed of since he’d gone to America. Elizabeth wrapped her legs around his waist. They didn’t kiss or talk but Ross rode her hard and long until at last he filled her kitty with his cream.
In exhaustion they fell asleep. The sun woke Ross. He jumped out of bed. His head was clear. Clear at last to know he had committed the worse mistake of his life.  He couldn’t look at Elizabeth and could hardly answer her questions. He vaguely promised to come back and talk but at that instant he realized his heart belonged to only one.  
He couldn’t kiss Elizabeth. He just hurried down the stairs and thanked God the horse hadn’t wandered off. He flew along the coast path to Nampara and he had never been more frightened in his life by anything as he was by the sight of Demelza hanging the laundry in the courtyard, her face  as thunderous as any storm that had ever  battered Cornwall. Ross had no idea what his punishment would be, but he had no doubt he deserved every thing that was to befall him for his idiocy.
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romantic-hero · 4 years
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Demelza stood against the wall drinking wine as she watched the dance before her. She had not wanted to come to the Treneglos party, but Ross had insisted. She was infuriated because Ross always claimed to hate dancing or excused himself due to his long ago healed ankle, yet there he was dancing with Ruth  Treneglos. Demelza was not usually jealous, and she didn’t rightly know if she was jealous or just plain did not like Ruth. Though John was considered  a better catch than Ross, Ruth and her horrid mother,  Mrs Teague, still fawned over him when ever they met out in society.
Caroline appeared at her side. “Dearest, your face is a storm cloud. Can’t you hide your feelings better than that?” Caroline took Demelza’s empty glass and replaced it with a full one from the tray of a hovering servant. “Drink this. And calm down.”
Demelza seethed with anger as she watched Ross and Ruth smile as they maneuvered the tricky steps of the minuet. She knew she was being unreasonable. If only Ross looked miserable, she wouldn’t care as much.
“Judas!” exclaimed Demelza. “I could crown him for looking so pleased.” She swallowed a great gulp of wine.  
“Demelza, you could dance with John. That would irritate both of them.”
Caroline watched Dwight dancing with Elizabeth. She noticed George scowling at the entire scene before leaving the room with his Uncle Cary. If George was displeased, then Caroline didn’t mind in the least about Dwight dancing with Elizabeth.
“John is dancing with Ruth’s sister,” grumbled Demelza.
“Then I suggest...” and Caroline leaned in and whispered in Demelza’s ear. An observant person would have noticed Demelza’s scowl turn to laughter as her cheeks turned crimson.
“Caroline! I could never!”  Demelza hid behind her fan unable to control her giggles.  “What if someone saw us?”
“They are all in their cups, my dear.”  Caroline watched the dancers. “It’s entirely up to you. But I can assure you that you would have Ross’s undivided attention for the rest of the evening.” Caroline turned and looked at Demelza. “It always works with Dwight.”
Demelza sputtered in disbelief. “You’ve actually done this? Where? I don’t believe you.”
“Remember last Christmas at Lord Basset’s ball?” Caroline asked.
“Dwight never left your side.”
“Exactly.” Caroline smiled.
“Caroline, perhaps Dwight is more easily pleased than Ross,” Demelza whispered to her friend.
“Nonsense,” chided Caroline.  “They are both men.” She tapped Demelza’s shoulder with her fan.  “Here comes Ross. I dare you.”
Demelza certainly  never turned down a dare and with a calm face but a beating heart, Demelza smiled at Ross. “Caroline will you excuse us?” She took Ross’s arm.  “Ross, I need to speak with you.”  She stopped a servant and took two glasses of brandy from the tray. She handed one to Ross, nodded at Caroline and lead Ross outside.
The outside of Mingoose House was alit with torches. Many couples wandered in the gardens with the servants at the ready to fetch drinks as the need arose.
Demelza headed towards the trees that were cloaked in darkness and  once she felt she was beyond the the firelight, pushed Ross up against a sturdy trunk.
“Demelza, what is this urgency?” asked Ross. He drained his glass and waited as Demelza drank her brandy. Demelza looked at Ross over the rim of her glass. Already she was excited. She handed Ross her glass and he set them down in the grass.
Demelza put her arms around Ross. “I want you, Ross,” Demelza murmured into the hollow where his neck cloth and curls met.
“Are you drunk, my love?” asked Ross not unkindly, for Demelza was quite shy about love making except in the privacy of their bedchamber.
“I am drunk with desire for you,”  Demelza softly moaned.
“What do you desire, Demelza?” Ross asked as he took Demelza’s arms from around his neck and held her hands behind her back.
“Just to please you, Ross.” Demelza’s back was arched from the way Ross was holding her and she felt his mouth on hers, his tongue pushing between her lips before moving down her  décolletage to the tops of her pale white breasts.
“What would please me, Demelza,” Ross said between kisses, “would be you. The food tonight has been lacking and I have quite an appetite.”
“Ross...” Demelza started to object, but Ross pulled her deeper into the trees and he knew that among the woods that bordered  Mingoose were low stone benches that had been there since before he was a boy. Well away from the party and all it’s lights and noise, Ross made Demelza sit. “Unfasten your bodice,” Ross told her roughly as he knelt before her.
“Yes, Ross.” Her fingers trembled as she did as she was told.
“Now unlace your corset,” Ross commanded next and as soon as her breasts were free, Ross, now between Demelza’s knees, began to tease their rosy peaks with his mouth, gently sucking one while his hand caressed the other, alternating attention between them as Demelza started to whimper.
“Ross, people will hear,” she protested as her fingers wove their way into his curls holding his head.
“No one will hear, my love,” Ross said. “ The music will drown out any noise you might make.” As he continued, his hands found the hem of her dress and Ross began to lift the fabric until it was bunched around her waist.
“Ross, what if someone sees?” Demelza gasped, as Ross let his attention wander downward.
“I will be sure they do not,” Ross assured her and he lifted one slim leg and kissed her thigh above the creamy white stocking that was held in place with blue satin ribbon. His stubble scratched the delicate skin in a most pleasing way and Demelza relaxed against the back of the bench, the stone, cold against her bare skin. Ross rested her leg on his shoulder, then began nibbling her other thigh, lifting it so that both Demelza’s legs were around his neck.
Ross marveled that Demelza followed the trend of wearing nothing but stockings under her evening clothes. He silently thanked Caroline for he was sure her influence was behind Demelza’s recent fashion choices. Ross slowly tormented his wife by slowly trailing kisses and gentle bites up one leg and down the other while his hands explored the rest of her body.
“Ross,” Demelza groaned. “ Please,” she pleaded and she didn’t know wether to to pull his head closer or to push it away, his torment of her bordered between agony and ecstasy.
Ross lifted his head. “Was this not what you had in mind, my love?”
“Mmmmm,” was the only sound Demelza could make and Ross returned to the task at hand, ravishing his wife on a public path through the grounds of Mingoose. Ross delighted in making  Demelza writhe and moan he knew just where he could create the most pleasure. Ross finally kissed his way to the center of her passion and he took his time flicking that delicate spot with his tongue until he at last felt the pulsating tremors that told him Demelza was about to find release and when she did, Ross held her still with his hands and and teased her to the brink once more. She called his name as she reached  the height of satisfaction.
Demelza couldn’t move. She felt Ross pull her skirts down and place her feet on the ground. She let him fasten her corset and bodice. Then she stood up and Ross took her in his arms and kissed her long and hard before holding her at arms length and looking her up and down. “I think if you can stop looking like the cat who stole the cream, no one will suspect what you’ve been up to, Mrs Poldark.”
Demelza laughed. They found their empty goblets and walked arm and arm as if they been out for nothing more than a stroll. A servant approached them with a full tray and they both took a glass of wine. Then they slipped back into the party and joined Dwight and Caroline for supper. Dwight wondered why Caroline and Demelza couldn’t stop smiling and were trying desperately not to laugh. “I really have no idea,” said Ross. “It’s almost to the point we can’t take them out in society.”
“Almost,” agreed Dwight. Then he turned his attention to Mrs Ogden on his left while Ross glared at Caroline and Demelza. But it only made then laugh all the more and Ross couldn’t help but smile before he returned to his roasted quail.
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romantic-hero · 4 years
Fluffy Drabble....
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The sunlight streamed softly through the window, but it was the warmth of her husband’s lips against her own that woke Demelza.
“Good Morning, Ross,” Demelza murmured, rolling over to kiss him properly.
Ross let out a quiet mmm as he returned the kiss. They held each other tightly, neither wanting the moment to end.
Eventually, however, Demelza pulled away and smiled—only to be met with a frown. “What’s wrong, my love?”
“I know we kissed ten times, but ten more, please?” Ross asked, trailing a fingertip down Demelza’s cheek.
Demelza laughed. “Yes, Ross.”
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romantic-hero · 4 years
A Little Friday Smut.....
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Demelza hummed to herself as she watched Ross repairing the stone wall of the courtyard through the kitchen window. Demelza bit her lip each time Ross bent down to pick up another stone. She didn’t know what she admired more, his firm round buttocks straining his breeches or his muscular arms as he pounded the stone into place.
Demelza started scrubbing the window sill when she heard the door slam and  Ross walked into the kitchen.
“Did you enjoy watching me?” he asked as he washed his hands at the sink. “ I saw you staring at me.” He grinned wickedly at her as he flicked the dish towel towards his wife.
“Judas, Ross!” Demelza laughed and grabbed the towel pulling Ross towards her.
Ross let go of the dish towel and put his hands on either side of Demelza’s face before rubbing her nose with his. “What a naughty wife you are, neglecting your chores like that! “  He stood back and  asked, “ Where are the children?”
“Prudie has taken them to the beach,” answered Demelza with a little catch in her voice as Ross took her by the hand and lead her upstairs.
When they got to their bedroom, Ross playfully picked up Demelza and threw her on the bed before pouncing on her. He began kissing her tenderly as he ran his hands up her bodice. He expertly undid the fastening and loosened her stays enough to reveal her bare breasts, the nipples tightening in anticipation. He caresses them gently as they began to kiss, grinding their bodies against each other. Through they layers of fabric that separated them, Demelza could feel Ross harden against her. She whimpered with lust.
Ross pulled away just enough to undo his breeches  as Demelza hurriedly lifted her skirts. Ross hovered above her for a moment to admire his wife before slowly pushing his way into her. Demelza wrapped her legs around his hips as he began to thrust at a steady pace. Demelza wiggled to get into place. Even after all this time with Ross, Demelza was not used to his size. Each time Ross pushed into her, Demelza was brought closer to the edge of reason. She moaned his name as she began to let go, falling into that exquisite place that only Ross could take her.
“My love,” he groaned over and over. He panted  as he gave one last thrust before kissing her face and breasts as he reached his own moment of passion  and Demelza could feel his hot release explode inside of her.
Ross collapsed beside Demelza and took her in his arms.  His black unruly forelock fell across his brow.  His dark eyes searched her face and then he nuzzled her neck.  “I am your servant, and I love you,” he whispered, his breath hot against her skin.
Demelza smiled. “Yes, Ross.”
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romantic-hero · 4 years
Hiya. How about Nighttime routine for Ross and Demelza? Thankyou!
As she did every night, Demelza sat at her dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror as she brushed her unruly curls one hundred times. When she heard Ross coming up the stairs, her heart gave a little leap. Would he be moody and silent with thoughts he would not or could not share or would he be pleasant and talkative, wanting to go over the day or plans for the future? Demelza never knew. Ross was an enigma, one never was quite sure which Ross would be coming to bed. The shadows hid his face, but the lips on her neck reassured her as they did every night, that her husband, in good mood or foul, needed her and wanted her. His hands pushed her night dress off her shoulders and his mouth left a hot trail of kisses down her neck. “Come to bed, my love,” he whispered in her ear. Demelza laid her brush down. “Yes, Ross,” she replied as she got up from her stool. As she stood by their bed, she lifted her arms as Ross pulled her gown up over her head and let it fall to the floor. In the darkness of their room, lit only by the dying fire, Demelza was not shy and let her husband admire her. “My God, you are beautiful,” he told her before picking her up and laying her down amongst the pillows. She watched as Ross removed his shirt and breeches and then he slowly lowered him self on top of her. Demelza arched her body to meet his, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their love, their need, their passion. The constant that sealed their love and devotion
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romantic-hero · 4 years
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The sun woke Demelza up. She raised her arms over her head and stretched. Then she turned on her side and propped up on her elbow, looked down at her still sleeping husband. Demelza never tired looking at Ross. His black curls were always wild, and he always needed a shave. Even when he was asleep, Demelza could feel the restlessness that drove her husband. She couldn’t resist and she gently touched his lips with her finger. Ross opened his eyes and wordlessly pulled her in for a kiss. She laughed with happiness, then got up to start the day.
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romantic-hero · 4 years
I might try this....
30 Days of Domestic Fluff
I wanted to do a 30 day challenge for my OTP to get over this major writer’s block I have, but couldn’t find many that I really wanted to do, so I made this list. I really just want to write domestic fluff lol
This can be for anything, fandoms or OCs, writing or drawing, and whatever else people want!
Waking Up Together
Morning Routine
Doing Laundry
Night In
Nighttime Routine
Shopping (For Needs)
Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
Nursing the Sick One
Coffee and/or Tea
Cooking Together
Washing Dishes
Homework and/or Job Work
Family Visits
Trying Something New
Forgetting Something
A Heated Argument
Road Trips
Double Date
Shopping (For Fun)
Keeping Plants
Doctor Visits
House Cleaning
I Love You’s
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