romecanons · 1 month
a little chloe fic, under the cut! chloe's pinterest board santi's pinterest board
Chloe was having a terrible day. Sleeping through her alarm, showing up to work super late, getting chewed out by her supervisor. Bates was away on a business trip with his partner, Langly, for the whole week so there was no one to get her up and out the door on time. And no freshly brewed pot of coffee waiting for her in the kitchen in the morning.
The only thing getting her through the workday was the date she had later that evening. Some guy from the apps. Chloe didn't like him that much, he was a little boring - but he had a big dick and always paid for everything so she kept agreeing to a second, third, and now fourth date.
But he kindly waited until she was all dressed up and waiting for him outside of Bunny's motorcycle bar to text her to ask if they could reschedule. Something about a family emergency. Chloe actually stomped her foot out of frustration and had to resist the urge to throw her phone on the ground.
Could this day get any worse?
"What's got you all twisted?"
Chloe looked up. Santiago was a mere few feet away from her, smoking a cigarette. They weren't alone - a few other folks were milling about outside, smoking cigs and checking out each other's bikes. She hadn't noticed him. He looked annoyingly good in his leather jacket and jeans that hugged his big thighs just right. Chloe caught herself staring and huffed, looking away. She busied herself with her purse, putting away her phone and fishing around for her cigarette case.
"None of your business, Santi."
Santiago tilted his head, watching her open a little red tin from her purse and delicately pluck out a cig. She placed it between her painted lips and rummaged in her purse some more, searching for her lighter. Santiago knew exactly what it looked like - a black Bic bedazzled with dollar store jewels, and little beads that spelled out her name. She had shown it to him once, on one of the occasional weekend nights at Bunny's where both of them drink enough to forget their distaste for each other and share a smoke outside.
"Where is it," He hears Chloe mutter to herself, cursing under her breath.
He retrieves his lighter from his pocket. An old Zippo. He flips it open, the flame flickering. "C'mere," He says, beckoning her over. She looks at him suspiciously, lips still puckered around her unlit cigarette. But she relents, her heels clacking noisily on the pavement as she steps over to him and leans over the flame to light up.
They smoke together in silence. Chloe didn't step away after her cigarette was lit, staying in his personal space - but Santiago didn't mind. Once he had enough, he flicked away the cigarette butt.
"You need a ride home?"
Chloe looked up at him, surprised. Her pointed tail swayed slowly behind her. A ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, "Why are you being so nice to me?"
Santiago smirked, "It's purely out of pity, babe. Don't worry."
"You jerk," Chloe spat at him, but turned on heel and started walking towards his motorcycle. Santiago chuckled to himself, following after her, feeling some type of satisfaction that she knew exactly which bike was his.
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romecanons · 2 months
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Kelp Forest by divindk
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romecanons · 2 months
Hates kids but is good with kids
Is never afraid to cause a scene. Candy bar stuck in the vending machine? You better believe he is shaking punching and kicking that thing until he gets his Twix
Speaking of, he's got a big ol sweet tooth. He loves pastries and candy bars and cake and ice cream etc etc. You will find this man pondering the Ben and Jerry's at 2am at the 7-11 on a weekly basis
Spends a lot of his free time at Bunny's, the biker bar owned by the O'Rourke matriarch, Bunny O'Rourke. It is attached to O'Rourke's Autobodies, which Bunny also owns
It is the home of the Steel Vultures, a decades-old biker gang that Lalo has been riding with since the 90s, when he and Roger first came to Chicago
Lalo shares a house with some of the guys in the gang. It is a total bachelor pad, but about once a month Lalo dons a flowery apron and makes everyone clean bc Roger taught him that he should respect himself and his space
Roger is a pseudo father figure to Lalo for sure but neither would ever admit it willingly
oc intro; Lalo
a grim reaper, zoned in Chicago, trained under Roger the Reaper
A mercenary and hitman of sorts in his human life, involved in crime and violence ever since he was young
Grew up in Southern California, but in his adult life he would travel all over the country on his Harley, following the next job, the next payout
Died in a shootout when he was 30-something - his reaper form still has the bullet wounds to prove it
Roger showed up to reap his soul, but Lalo didn’t want to go to the afterlife (he was scareddd but you won’t hear him telling anyone that) so Roger offered him a reaper apprenticeship
As a reaper, Lalo answers to Roger, who answers to the Reaper Council
He's a violent, dangerous person. Violence is his first resort, not last
Lalo is loud and brash and rude. Does what he wants, when he wants, and has trouble with authority. He can butt heads with Roger sometimes as a result, but there is a great deal of respect there as well
He calls Roger “old man”
Lalo exclusively reaps souls of people who have died particularly violent deaths, so he can be found hanging around only the seediest of places. When he’s not reaping souls and driving around on his loud as fuck motorcycle, he’s getting loaded at some dive or biker bar and getting into a fistfight with someone who looked at him wrong
Has some daddy issues - he grew up without a father, and used to imagine his grown-up life with a wife and a family who he loves in a little home of their own. The more he got involved in bad shit, the more he realized that life was out of the cards, so that dream died a looong time ago
Reaps souls with a big af hunting knife. He also uses it to stab people who piss him off
Wardrobe includes: all black pretty much all the time. Big rugged leather jacket, big biker boots, big shades on. Wears a big skull ring that was given to him by Roger when he was granted the rank of Reaper.
The crows that like to follow Roger around don’t like Lalo. They peck and bite at him and he hates them.
Lalo is in a supernatural biker gang with Leo’s vamp OC Santi. That’s his bestieee!
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romecanons · 2 months
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Ballerinas of the Paris Opera Company’s Corps de Ballet, 1958. Photographed by Baron.
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romecanons · 4 months
wip weds
a snippet from a longer fic in my drafts. beverly interviews the supernatural for a book she's writing. kitty is one such subject. under the cut!
“I was spotted, once.” 
Beverly patiently sips her tea, waiting for elaboration. Kitty is stirring a spoonful of honey into her own teacup, looking out the window thoughtfully.
It was her sloppiest meal to date, she goes on to admit. An outdoor kill, away from the safety of her home. Her anger swept her away a bit - “But that's what happens when you cross paths with your husband on a late-night rendezvous with his mistress.” 
“Cross paths.” Beverly would use air quotes if she weren’t clutching her teacup like a lifeline. 
Kitty’s jaw twitches minutely. Bev stiffens up, fearful of upsetting her host. But, a tight smile pulls at the corners of Kitty’s mouth. She taps the tip of her nose twice with a gloved finger. 
“Everyone loves to talk about the beauty and strength and the thirst…the sense of smell, now. That’s seldom brought up, isn’t it? I could smell her on his clothes every single night he came home late from work. And I found them like a bloodhound finds its hunt.”
"And someone saw?"
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romecanons · 4 months
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Bloody bride look @ Robert Wun spring 2024 couture
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romecanons · 4 months
writing ila, figuring her out, etc etc. she has issues! under the cut
Candlelight flickered over Ila’s flushed face as she hunched over the splintering wooden desk in her room, writing her latest letter to her knight. When she first started sending letters home, she decided it was best to spare Sir Cassius no detail. He had requested her correspondence, after all. 
The words usually flowed from her like water - she often used up at least two bottles of ink before she was done. This letter was even longer, considering just how much had happened since meeting her newest travel companions. 
But, her quill slowed down as she recounted the group’s museum adventure. She couldn’t find it in her to share just what exactly she did with the cute museum guard to find the basement stairs, which would have been another means of escape for her and her companions. 
It was harmless, sure. Even a little fun. Ok, a lot of fun. But writing it down would be embarrassing, probably even more so than voicing it aloud. 
Not that Sir Cassius was a prude, by any means. The kingdom’s brothel could assure you of that. But still, Ila’s face burned at the idea of Cassius knowing what she was getting herself into while she was off on her own.
She still felt lingering regret for leaving his side at all. Her actions somehow felt like a betrayal. 
Guilty feelings consumed her as she skipped to the end of the heist in her letter - much more important things transpired, after all. Like Zarrus dying. Again. 
The guilt didn’t wane until Ila cut away a lock of her hair, magically binding it into a neatly tied curl and sealing it in the envelope with her letter. She had read about the significance of a lock of hair during one of her adventures with Sir Cassius - in a book about witch priestesses making sacrifices to their gods. A sign of devotion. It seemed appropriate. 
Ila delivered the letter to the post office, feeling lighter on her feet knowing that Sir Cassius would be updated on her whereabouts soon.
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romecanons · 5 months
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one for me and one for you! ❤︎
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romecanons · 5 months
yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now
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romecanons · 7 months
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romecanons · 8 months
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romecanons · 8 months
oc intro; Lalo
a grim reaper, zoned in Chicago, trained under Roger the Reaper
A mercenary and hitman of sorts in his human life, involved in crime and violence ever since he was young
Grew up in Southern California, but in his adult life he would travel all over the country on his Harley, following the next job, the next payout
Died in a shootout when he was 30-something - his reaper form still has the bullet wounds to prove it
Roger showed up to reap his soul, but Lalo didn’t want to go to the afterlife (he was scareddd but you won’t hear him telling anyone that) so Roger offered him a reaper apprenticeship
As a reaper, Lalo answers to Roger, who answers to the Reaper Council
He's a violent, dangerous person. Violence is his first resort, not last
Lalo is loud and brash and rude. Does what he wants, when he wants, and has trouble with authority. He can butt heads with Roger sometimes as a result, but there is a great deal of respect there as well
He calls Roger “old man”
Lalo exclusively reaps souls of people who have died particularly violent deaths, so he can be found hanging around only the seediest of places. When he’s not reaping souls and driving around on his loud as fuck motorcycle, he’s getting loaded at some dive or biker bar and getting into a fistfight with someone who looked at him wrong
Has some daddy issues - he grew up without a father, and used to imagine his grown-up life with a wife and a family who he loves in a little home of their own. The more he got involved in bad shit, the more he realized that life was out of the cards, so that dream died a looong time ago
Reaps souls with a big af hunting knife. He also uses it to stab people who piss him off
Wardrobe includes: all black pretty much all the time. Big rugged leather jacket, big biker boots, big shades on. Wears a big skull ring that was given to him by Roger when he was granted the rank of Reaper.
The crows that like to follow Roger around don’t like Lalo. They peck and bite at him and he hates them.
Lalo is in a supernatural biker gang with Leo’s vamp OC Santi. That’s his bestieee!
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romecanons · 8 months
LOLLLL I LOVE THIS lucas definitely takes the worst pictures of them lolol
i love our girls!!!!!
prompt: chloe third-wheeling lu and anya
prompted by @romecanons 🖤
this became lucas third wheeling chloe and anya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“It’s so fucking coldd,” the demon whines, clutching Anya’s arm as they walk down the trodden dirt paths between the apple trees. “I hate fall.”
“But you look amazing,” Anya replies, stopping to give her friend a thorough once over. “The jacket, it’s perfect,” she says, touching the black leather of the oversized coat. The midriff-baring long sleeve top doesn’t look very warm, and the mini skirt underneath leaves Chloe’s long legs exposed to the brisk October breezes, and her red knees knock together.
“You can wear my sweater if you’re cold, Chloe,” Lucas pipes up from Anya’s other side, one hand holding Anya’s, the other adjusting his cap as his cheeks flush.
“Thanks Lu, but it doesn’t like, really go with the rest of my outfit,” Chloe replies, leaning around her friend as they walk. Anya laughs dryly, tugging on Lucas’ hand.
“You’re too thoughtful, baby,” she teases, leaning up to give him a kiss. “I’ll wear your sweater later,” she adds slyly, and both women watch the blush creep over Lucas’ face. 
“Uh, I’ll um, go get us a basket,” he stammers, heading over to the table in the front of the barn to pay for the pick-your-own-apples. 
Anya sighs and holds Chloe’s hand, blue eyes watching her husband walk away from them.  
“Girl, thirsty,” Chloe says appreciatively at the dreamy expression on her friend’s face. “How are your legs not freezing?” she finally asks, looking down at Anya’s bare legs. 
“I’m Russian,” Anya replies, brushing a manicured hand over the tartan mini skirt, pulling out her phone from her designer bag. “Ok, go stand by that tree and I’ll get some photos before Lucas comes back and we go pick fruit.” 
Chloe shoves her hands in the pockets of her jacket, sticks her tongue out and winks, leaning forward as Anya snaps photo after photo.
“Chlo, turn around,” she directs, crouching in her platform leather boots to get Chloe’s best angles. “We should set up a fall themed shoot for your OnlyFans. Bend over a little? No kids are looking - yes, wow you’re so hot.”
“Well I’m still fuckingg freezing,” Chloe complains, doing as Anya says. “But you’re like, totally right. I could do like, a little apron or something.”
“Sexy,” Anya agrees, flipping through the pictures.
“Your turn Stas!” the demon chirps, making grabby hands at Anya’s phone as the dolgozhi passes it over. “Gorgeeouss,” Chloe cheers, as Lucas comes back with a bushel barrel.
“Wow Doc,” Lucas says, looking over Chloe’s shoulder. “You look so beautiful!”
Anya’s expression turns Grinchly, blowing a kiss to him over Chloe’s shoulder, her wedding bands glinting on her finger. Chloe’s thumb hits the capture button over and over again as Anya poses suggestively, the flush deepening on Lucas’ cheeks as she leans forward.
“Chlo, come here,” she calls, gesturing for Lucas to take the phone. “Baby, can you take a few of us?”
He smiles boyishly, setting down the apple baskets to take the phone from Chloe, tipping his hat up.
“Of course,” he says, “Uh, smile!”
Anya grins, flashing a middle finger while Chloe kisses her cheek, hugging her tight.
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romecanons · 8 months
prompt; anya + chloe at the dive
a prompt from erica. she actually prompted me anya + chloe at the club, but i changed gears. its like, kind of a fic but also kind of just vibes.
what if its a tuesday and chloe just can't find it in herself to go to work. but she has these magical things at the sbi called sick days, which is a brand new concept to her. back when she was in the movies, they had a schedule to stick to. trying to look sexy with a head cold was no easy gig. but now she can just call in sick, and text the girls to see who can join her at the dive down the block from her and freddie's apartment.
carlie doesn't answer - she will, eventually, but fashionably late. she's a busy woman. so is anya, but anya, somehow, has a rare free tuesday.
so its 3pm and her and chloe are two of eight people in the establishment, and that's including the bartender. it's a human bar - chloe has her glamour ring on. she sits cross-legged in the peeling leather booth, smiling at the men who look at her like they know her from somewhere.
anya is sipping her drink and lamenting about her work. unprompted, they trade their cocktails between each other (a mojito for chloe, an espresso martini for anya), taste, and trade back. it's a wordless exchange, a routine they do every time they drink together.
anya asks how chloe's date was over the weekend (she had just got generally displeased texts about it, but wanted details).
"he was looking at other girls, like, the whole night. like, hello, i'm right here!"
"no way. fuck that!"
"right? so lame." chloe shakes her head, chewing on a slice of lime from her drink. "but it made me so jealous that the sex was awesome. he's begginggg to see me again."
anya giggles, and downs the dregs of her martini. she checks the time - 3:23pm. she looks up at chloe, who grins, like she's reading her mind.
"want to do shots?"
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romecanons · 8 months
checking mutuals blogs like . lifting up large stones to look at rhe creepy crawleys and gently setting it back down
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romecanons · 9 months
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romecanons · 9 months
when i have a crush i dont kick my feet or twirl my hair instead i am in my kitchen at 3am pacing in circles with my hands clasped behind my back like a middle-aged divorced detective haunted by a cold case he just cant crack
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