ronlett · 5 years
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PLEASE READ. WILL NOT HURT TO AND FORWARD. Kids are putting Drano, tin foil, and a little water in plastic drink bottles and capping it up - leaving it on lawns, in mail boxes, in gardens, on driveways etc. just waiting for you to pick it up intending to put it in the rubbish, but you’ll never make it!!!
If the bottle is picked up, and the bottle is shaken even just a little - in about 30 seconds or less it builds up enough gas which then explodes with enough force to remove some your extremities. The liquid that comes out is boiling hot as well. Don’t pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yards or in the gutter, etc. Pay attention to this. A plastic bottle with a cap. A little Drano. A little water. A small piece of foil. Disturb it by moving it; and BOOM!! No fingers left and other serious effects to your face, eyes, etc. Please ensure that everyone that may not have email access are also informed of this. 
Snopes confirms.
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ronlett · 5 years
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My schedule is still not as free as I want it to be but have some Bakudeku doodle. I miss drawing these bois.
[Do Not Repost]
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ronlett · 5 years
Just to update...
I’m not uploading anything for a while. Things in my life have gotten busy so I don’t know if I’ll have spare time to be able to draw anything. As soon as there is time I’ll get to drawing straight away. I’m still available for ask.
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ronlett · 5 years
Reblog if a fanfic has ever made you cry
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ronlett · 5 years
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Japanese Maple in full fall colours
Mark Bowen
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ronlett · 5 years
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Practicing backgrounds!
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ronlett · 5 years
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Before and after I sign good boy to my deaf dog
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ronlett · 5 years
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ronlett · 5 years
I love it the new bakudeku fanart thank you!
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Aaaahh I’m glad you liked it!! ( I suppose you’re the anon that requested it?) ☆
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ronlett · 5 years
Ok I love the idea of bakudeku as ironman and Captain america. Imagine deku doing that scene were he breaks the log of wood with just his hands and bakugou is just staring at him kinda afraid and aroused at the same time.
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Bakugou: Well, mark me down as scared AND horny.
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ronlett · 5 years
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childhood bakudeku :D
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ronlett · 5 years
Inatodo is goddamn amazing.
Todomomo is goddamn fabulous.
Momojirou is goddamn beautiful.
I love them all ❤️
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ronlett · 5 years
Soft bkdk cuddling after a long day of hero work
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*sobbing* YES PLEASE, they deserve it so much!,,,,!
( They get dinner together before watching some old All Might movies while cuddling)
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ronlett · 5 years
Would you mind if i tagged you in a promo post?
I don’t mind ^_^. Tho I don’t know what the promo post is (^^;).
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ronlett · 5 years
Ooh. Consider a film crew BKDK story. They could both be actors; actor and crew member; or both crew members. If Katsuki were a crew member I see him as a pyrotechnic or stuntman. For Izuku, I think a script supervisor or stuntman - but tbh I prefer him as a first time actor hanging out with the cute angry pyrotechnician/stuntman during their break. The rest of Class 1-A can fill in for other roles like cameraman, director, etc.
I think for a film crew story, Izuku would be an actor who insists on doing all his own stunts because they’re risky and he doesn’t want anyone else getting hurt. As a result, he’s gotten hurt several times. The director would’ve forced him to let a stuntman do them, but Izuku has a very unique movement style that means it ends up looking wrong every time someone else tries. He’s new to the acting scene but trained under All-Might whose a well-established star.
Katsuki is also an actor, the co-star of the film and playing an antagonist (an anti-hero who ends up saving the group at the end). He also does all his own stunts but unlike Izuku he can actual do the stunts without getting hurt. Katsuki was a child star (starting at like 4-5), and so far he’s managed to avoid the path a lot of child stars go down with getting addicted to drugs or alcohol, it left him pretty jaded and a bit of a jerk. He doesn’t put up with the media’s bullshit even a little bit, and he has few fucks to give in general. People have been trying to take advantage of him and suck up to him since he was old enough to know that’s why they were doing, and he’s got no damn time for that. He and Izuku were childhood friends, but grew apart after Katsuki’s acting career kicked off because he was traveling so much. In this AU they wouldn’t have as much of a negative history, it’s mostly just Katsuki being jealous that Izuku had someone to guide him through all this while he went through all this alone.
Despite being a bit of a jerk, Katsuki is well-loved among the set design, costuming, and makeup crews. One of the ways he kept himself sober as a child star (beyond pure stubborn will power) was he picked up a number of hobbies and real life skills. People expect him to be pampered and spoiled, and somehow he’s the opposite. His favorite thing is backpacking on his own with low-tech equipment. If he can do something himself, he will do it himself. Cooking, cleaning, building things, etc. He has a particular interest in pyrotechnics and he’s damn good at them. When he’s not acting he can often be found helping out the set design crews, he’s the makeup crew’s favorite because he not only knows how to make their lives easier, but he also has a lot of good suggestions. Costuming and him get along well too, with him having helped them out with more than one last minute sewing rush. Some of the crew that have known him longest will actively seek him out to consult on particularly difficult set/costume/makeup designs for scenes he’s in. He’ll almost always have a workaround, either for the problem itself or changing up his performance to make a different solution work. 
If it involves pyrotechnics, Katsuki is absolutely consulted for any movie he’s in. Not only does he know a lot about it, but he’ll bully the other actors (see: Izuku) into not being morons around fire.
For this imaginary movie, Uraraka is playing the role of the forced love interest. She and Izuku are trying their best but it’s just not happening. Meanwhile, Katsuki and Izuku have a ton of chemistry despite Izuku playing the hero and Katsuki playing the anti-hero (Or because of it). Currently there’s an ongoing fight between the director (Aizawa maybe) and the producers who are against any queer romance on screen.
Izuku and Katsuki hear about that, and the two of them talk about it and decide to do everything in their power to imply a relationship between their characters despite not being allowed to explicitly say it. It seems like the perfect plan.
Problem: Izuku is very gay & has had a crush on Katsuki since he was like 4. This was kinda of manageable when Katsuki was being a jerk/avoiding him on and off-screen. It is much, much worse now that on-screen Katsuki is going out of his way to be flirty/kind and off-screen Katsuki has chilled out a bit. His heart can’t take this.
As for the rest of the class:
- Uraraka & Iida are both actors playing the love interest and sidekick respectively.
- Sato is the head caterer & everyone’s favorite person pretty much.
- Kaminari is a lighting tech who works closely with Sero in rigging.
- Asui and Shinsou are both script supervisors.
- Momo heads up the set department, with Shoji and Ojiro working under her.
- Aoyama and Hagakure both work in make-up
- Tokoyami is in costuming and he’s very dramatic about everything all the time. He wears a bird-head mask everywhere and everyone has just accepted that’s his look.
- Koda is the head guy for animal handling. He’s just got a way with them.
- Shouto isn’t actually a part of the crew at all. Instead, Endeavor’s is on the company’s board of directors and is grooming him to take over that role. All Shouto’s older siblings were deemed unfit for the job by their father. Shouto was sent to observe the film production side of things as a training exercise. He still has his scar.
The league of villains in this AU wouldn’t be actual villains, but some of them play the villains in the film:
- Dabi was originally supposed to take over the company position. He and his father got into an argument, and he stormed off. As a result he got into an accident that gave him a lot of nasty scars. He got taken to a hospital and treated, but couldn’t be identified. When he finally woke up, he decided to run away. Since his parents never found out he was in the one in that accident, they didn’t recognize him when he started working as an actor. He plays one of the films villains, and took the role as a favor to his boyfriend. He didn’t know that his dad’s company was involved, and he had no fucking clue Shouto was going to be there. So for the entire time he’s trying to not get figured out by them.
- Tomura is Dabi’s boyfriend and playing the other villain in the series. He’s kinda a weird guy, but nice enough. His agent (All for One) makes everyone very uncomfortable though. The other issue is Tomura is really clumsy & breaks nearly everything he touches. He’s got coordination and balance issues which causes part of this, and the other part is just really bad luck.
- Toga and Magne both work in Makeup, Magne’s the head of the department & everyone loves her both for her astounding work and because she gives good life advice when you need it. Toga has weird vibes, but she’s absolutely amazing at what she does so, and like, she’s generally pretty nice too, so everyone just ignores the fact that sometimes the things she says implies she has killed someone and would do it again.
- Twice works in costuming, and even if his ideas are little sporadic and contrasting, he still does good work. Spinner works partially in costuming and partially in props.
- Mr. Compress heads up the props department. If you need something he has it. He seems to be able to make stuff appear from thin air, and he’s always carrying way more than you think he ought to be able to.
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ronlett · 5 years
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Part II
The teddy bear is probably an odd concept that only few of you may know, but it’s actually a trend that originated from a Japanese cafe, here’s the link if you want to know more about it: https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/japan-moomin-cafe/index.html
This story actually took me a while to produce, mainly because I had a hard time wrapping up the ending, and even longer time to translate. Well, better late than never, here’s my latest creation!   (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
I am still struggling with which story to draw next, but stay tune for my next work! Thanks for your support and million kudos to you guys! 
See you next in my next work~
Follow my on my Instagram: il_li_an
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ronlett · 5 years
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