ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
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Congrats on Being Hot (5/?): Kathryn Prescott
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
Following his lead, she cupped her hands around her eyes in order to peer through the tinted glass. He was right, the place was filled with walkers, and the revelation caused her to let out a small sigh. Muttering under her breath more out of habit than making sure to keep quiet, she spoke, "Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw." His next words earned him his third eyebrow raise of the day, but she stopped herself from making any rash decisions. 
Although she'd been deterred from her original plans, taking out a group of walkers could be a decent alternative. And the two of them could happily go back to camp and tell all that they'd single handedly taken down a handful of the undead. Not that she necessarily felt the need to gloat - but it was a win win. Nils would look good and capable, and it would appear that she were playing a role in helping out. 
Pressing back against the window, she began to count the walkers. Two behind the counter, one near the door, and two more loitering near the back. Five total. Not bad. And suddenly she found herself feeling more than capable. 'You'll get yourself killed. But maybe that's a good thing, then you can come back to us.'
'Shut up, Mother.'
Nodding to Nils, a smile broke out on her face. "Okay - yeah. Let's do this, my young padawan. Now, uh - " looking at the hedge clippers he carried, she hesitated, "Don't try and decapitate anyone, okay? That thing isn't going to do it, and it take too much effort. Stab the head. And... um - oh! Back of the knee, it's the best way to get 'em down. Especially for people who aren't as skilled as fighting or are a bit on the shorter side," She gestured towards herself. "I'm thinking we draw them out - or as many as we can out. It's easier than going in there and possibly getting backed into a corner."
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Morning Glory || Ronnie & Nils
  Letting the hedge trimmers fall to his side, he pondered Ronnie’s question, quickly coming up with a response. 
"Oh, yeah… I’m sure they’ve got at least one hookah pen. Hope they have two though, I love fruit flavored shit… and I think fruit flavored vape sounds very loveable." He said with a small laugh, his empty hand snapping to the rhythm of jingle bells.
The thought of Christmas quickly weighed down his mood, his Mom loved Christmas. His Dad? Not so much. Everything was always decorated do nicely, gifts wrapped by professionals, the food delicious. But, there was always yelling. Always. So much yelling that he and his sister would sit on the kitchen counter together every year eating cookies and guessing what the next insult would be. Nils wasn’t very good at guessing, Chantal much better than he. Sometimes she would even get the insult word for word, causing them both to erupt with laughter. 
Nils breathed in deeply, trying to clear his mind. He and Ronnie were almost to the tobacco store, the street shockingly clear of walkers. Squinting his eyes, he tried to see into the store. The windows were slightly tinted, making it hard to see. As the got closer the windows became easier to see through, the sight disheartening. 
"Whole place is fucking filled with walkers. But this will not deter me. I will use this as a learning experience… hopefully with a very wise, and short, sensei. Eh? What do you say, Veronika? You want that hookah pen or not?” He said, playfully nudging Ronnie with his elbow.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
Holding her hands up in mock surrender, she shook her head, an amused expression on her face, mainly due to the flustered one on his. "Whatever, man. It's none of my business. But kudos to you for taking in a stray or whatnot, no matter how possessive that 'mine' sounded." Who was she to talk about weird familial relationships, anyway? Given up by a family that hadn't wanted her to a family of full fledged freaks. There were more than a few occasions where Ronnie wondered what her birth parents would have done if they'd known what kind of people they were giving their child to. Nothing. We raised you rightly - purely. It's you who deceived and abandoned us. 
Ignoring the voice, she turned her attention back to him with a slight shake of her head. "I couldn't agree more."
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  "Not exactly your a-its complicated, alright?" 
Flustered, face flushing a bit, Weston gave the girl a wide sort of grin. After so long, he had started to get tired of people questioning him, of having to explain himself to people who didn’t really matter. Anymore, he wished that they just knew, that the thought of him having claimed a young woman as his daughter wouldn’t bring about such confusion and question.
"She used to be one of my students at the school I taught, and she didn’t have a father anymore. We bonded, a couple years back, and she’s just…been mine, since then.”
Flicking his hands down into his pockets, catching the fabric there for long enough to give himself something to do, Weston slid his gaze from the girl to where the sunlight streamed in through her window. Already, he would feel the heat rolling in from the outside world, and it made his skin feel sticky, tense. It would be a short spent trip in this time then, he was already feeling too tight, could feel it creeping in again.
"I’m more helpful when I’m out there."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"Then call me Veronika," she offered him a half grin, happy to be on decent terms despite the attitude they'd been giving each other a few moments prior, "Makes no difference to me. Might help me remember my name." Who knew? It might've done some good to have a fresh face call her by her given name. The fact of the matter was, only her parents had ever called her it, and Ronnie had grown to resent it just as she had them. She could practically hear - no, she could hear her mother screaming it in her head, chastising her for her actions. 'Veronika Elise - you should even be here.'
Ignoring the voice as she usually did, Ronnie instead focused on Nils' words, nodding as she wiped the sweat that began run down her temple. 'This fucking heat is ridiculous.' "Never smoked one of those myself, but I've always loved those hookah pens. Y'know, you get to play with the smoke and they taste so good." Following him out, she swung her backpack over her shoulder, looping her other arm through. "Think they'll have any there?"
Pulling out the tomahawk that she'd stowed once they'd cleared the walkers, she raised an eyebrow as he took out his own weapon. Her expression was one of amusement, and she let out a laugh at his words. "Maybe, although try not to get your arm chewed on when you do. It'd be a damn shame."
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Morning Glory || Ronnie & Nils
  "Well damn, I liked Veronika. Suits you." Nils offered, trying to be some what civil in the hopes of making a friend. His people skills were less than desirable. His random thoughts paired with his foul mouth left most people disinterested in carrying on any kind of conversation with him. His looks used to get him noticed, but being attractive didn’t matter anymore. Survival did, and Nils was barely hanging on. 
He watched as Ronnie pulled her hair back, admiring her hair color. He hadn’t seen a red head in a long time. Her copper strands were now on top of her head, assuming the new style was because of the heat he removed his gaze from her hair, focusing on the sweat dripping from his lip. 
"I really, really need a cigar. Well, I really want a cigar… but it’s all the same, really.” Nils said, scratching his head, his hair damp from sweat. He closed his eyes briefly, trying to enjoy the heat of the sun. Deciding the whole enjoyment thing wasn’t going to happen, he started towards the tobacco store, reaching for the hedge trimmers he had hooked to the back of his pants. 
Stopping after a few steps he turned towards Ronnie, trimmers in hand. “I bet I could kill a bitch with these! I haven’t tried ‘em yet!” He said excitedly, opening and closing the trimmers with a wild smile on his face.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"True." She could admit that though he was strange, he could at least do what needed done without bothering anyone - or her, specifically. Ronnie hadn't made many friends in the months she'd been at the prison, and credited that to the fact that she simply didn't want to. She'd grown up living a lonely life; never being allowed the friends she'd wanted and shying away from those her family nudged her towards, and now was no different. The only change being that she felt no need to cause herself future pain. She could form relationships if and when this all ended - when she didn't have to worry about her friends dying at a moments notice. 
Following Eva out of the cell and towards where they kept all the weapons available for both fence duty and leaving the prison, and neither said much. It wasn't until they were both armed - the girl with a crowbar, and Ronnie with a hunting knife - that the former spoke. Nodding, she only paused to grab a refilled bottle of water before heading out towards the fence. "As I'll ever be." 
The fence itself didn't look too bad today, and it seemed like they'd eventually have to go out and clear some of the bodies from around the fence. "That section looks like it's leaning too much - we should take it first."
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  "Uhm," she paused in confusion as to whether or not the girl’s comment was a compliment, "Thank you," finally saying slowly. But the girl did have a point. There were many strange personalities that Eva has encountered ever since the world went downhill. People who she never in a million years would guess that she would meet. And it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing all the time— just different. "Yeah he’s a little off I suppose," Eva responded remembering the man, "Least he can get the job done, right?"
The redhead gave Ronnie a smile and a nod as she walked out of the cell. They walked together towards where they kept the items for fence duty. Evangeline picked up a small rag and stuffed it in her pocket, then decided her weapon of choice for the day would be the crowbar. Her bottle of water was filled and she was prepared for fence duty. “You ready?”
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"Really?" She grinned, sarcasm evident in her tone, "I'd figured you'd be all for that." Pulling at the waistband of her pants, she fought back the urge to laugh, "Although I guess I'd be a bit nervous comparing too." Rolling her eyes at his next words, she resisted the urge to throw a biting comment back, reminding herself of the promise to be nicer to those in the group. If he'd wanted to learn how to take down the undead, there were easier ways to do it. Ways that usually didn't involve dying in the process. "Maybe you should ask someone to teach you, then, instead of coming out here and almost dying."
When he spoke of how he'd been let out of the prison, she raised an eyebrow, disbelief clear on her face. God, she'd always hated people like that, overtly confident, cocky, and self absorbed. Granted, she hadn't seen to many of them since the outbreak, so he was practically a dying race. "Don't call me Powerpuff. If you must, I'd prefer one of their actual names. I think Blossom fits best - although I'm not much a fan of those..."
Sticking the bottle of water back in her backpack, curious at his excitement. She definitely hadn't been expecting capri sun, but at the sight of the juice box she let out a small laugh. "I've never actually tried one of those. My parents were freaks." Along with all the other absurd rules they'd given her growing up, she hadn't been allowed sugar filled snacks and unhealthy drinks either. Although she had tried to make up for lost time in the period she'd spent away from home. 
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"Good vibes?" Laughing, she shook her head, but then readily agreed to make a stop at the tobacco store. Maybe there'd be something there she could try out herself. "And I'm Veronika -" she paused, correcting herself. "Ronnie. You can call me Ronnie." Smiling, she suddenly bent over in order to gather her long hair into a messy bun. The heat had begun to rise in the last hour or so, and the redhead could already feels beads of sweat forming at the back of her neck. 
Morning Glory || Ronnie & Nils
  Great. Just what he needed, some chick half his size trying to bully him in the middle of the apocalypse. Running his fingers through his ruffled hair, he eyed the girl frustratedly, not in the mood to listen to her feminine tone. 
"Look here, sunshine. I’m glad you think I’m pretty, but I’m not in the mood to compare the sizes of our dicks right now." He said with a sly smile, sucking in an unnecessary breath, huffing it out before speaking. "Anywho, I don’t need you trying to dog on me about my ability to kill dead things. I don’t give a fuck if I’m good at it, I just care that I’m alive. Hey, maybe one day somebody will stop telling me how shitty I am and actually teach me something.” 
Nils continued to stare at the girl, unsure of his other options at the moment. She seemed to be amazed that he was standing in front of her, although he was unsure of why. However, his unsureness didn’t last long as he was asked yet another question. 
"Oh, shit. Someone is supposed to let you go? I just smiled at the chick at the gate and she let me out. I’m charming like that." Nils said with a loud laugh, staring at her with a sarcastic look of shock on his face. "I don’t know who it was, I just said I wanted to go try and kill things and they let me go. Good enough answer for you, powerpuff?" 
Shuffling his feet on the pavement, he started to try and make as many different noises as possible with his boot and the ground. During his research the girl gestured for him to follow her. Nils rolled his eyes, realizing he had been picked up for his own good. He watched as she dug into her bag, grabbing a water bottle and taking a sip, then gesturing the bottle towards him, offering a drink. 
An excited glint then appeared in his eyes as he slung his backpack off. ”I’ve got something better, want some?” He said excitedly as he pulled out a Capri Sun from his backpack. “I almost shit myself when I found this. I love Capri Suns, they’re flavorful and wholesome.” 
Nils sucked on the straw, his eyes full of contentment. Looking around the town, he remembered the tobacco store and prepared to ask if the girl would like to accompany him, only to be beaten to the punch when she extended her invitation first. 
"Ok, sounds cool. I want to go to the tobacco store, it’s been givin’ me good vibes. I’m Nils, by the way… I like naps."  Another smile creeped on his face as he finished his words. It had been a long time since he’d actually spoken to someone and wasn’t being told to do things. It was nice to be asked.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
She let out a laugh that sounded more like a scoff at his words, and more so his defensive expression. "Don't look so pissy, you could be walker lunch by now." Pausing, realization finally struck her, and she knew where she recognized him from. "What're you doing out here anyway, pretty boy? Aren't you like... allergic to anything that moves without a heartbeat?" Although she'd seen him more than a few times inside the prison, this was the last place Ronnie had expected to see the man. What was even more surprising was that someone had actually let him out on his own, "Who even let you leave by yourself?"
Gesturing for him to follow her back to the small store she'd left her bag in, Ronnie quickly reached for it. Pulling out one of the water bottles she'd taken with her, she took a sip from it before offering him some. She'd have to make sure he got back now, knowing that he'd probably be in the same situation if she left him alone. 
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Although she hadn't had set plans this morning, she'd been hoping to run into someone. Preferably someone who didn't come from the same group of people that she did. "You can stay with me the rest of the afternoon if you'd like, I just want to check out a few more stores in the place. Maybe a house or two."
Morning Glory || Ronnie & Nils
  "Why did I leave… why…" Nils whispered breathlessly, running quickly through the street accompanied by three chomping corpses, glancing backward only to see a fourth had found its way into the mix. 
The chase hadn’t lasted long before Nils started saying his prayers in hopes of being forgiven by a higher power. Before finishing up his prayer, he made sure to pray that he’d be give some good booze in whatever utopia that awaited him after said forgiveness.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he glanced around the town for anymore surprises he may have missed before. Eyes flicking through the stores, a tobacco store sent a deep longing for nicotine through his body. Still running, he noted the location of the tobacco store and continued to scan the other buildings, nothing catching his attention. 
Nils started to feel his knees grow weaker, his prayers now audible. A sudden thud could be heard behind him, the noise awarded with a quick glace. There was that girl, the small one, from the prison. She’d just killed a walker without even flinching, causing Nils to stop running and look at her with his mouth hanging open. His staring only lasted for a moment before he was bombarded by the other walkers, their glazed eyes locked ferociously on him. 
Yanking his hammer from his pocket Nils hurled it towards the walker closest to him, only leaving a small crack with his first hit. Heaving the hammer backwards and smashing it into its skull  once more did the job, causing a grin to find its way onto Nils’ face. Looking up, he could see the girl had taken care of the rest, clearly offended by his lack of immediate graciousness.
"Well, Jesus, you didn’t even give me time to say thanks… so, thanks." He said defensively, pressing his lips together.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
Morning Glory || Ronnie & Open
Wanting to spend some time in the good ol' outdoors, Ronnie had left the prison earlier than usual that morning. Leaving notice with whoever it was that had been watching the fence during the AM shift - some actually cute looking boy with no sense of humor, a sad fact that she'd learned the hard way. She'd spent the morning walking along the road, keeping her eyes open for anyone - or thing - that could possibly make its way out of the woods. 
Eventually she found herself in a town she had yet to come by, and seemed satisfied at the fact that it was a change of scenery. Not that that was much, mind you, as Ronnie noted that their only seemed to be one building in the neighborhood that had more than a third floor. Tomahawk in hand as she walked through the deserted streets, Ronnie had been glad when she'd discovered that no one had taken her favorite weapon from the armory. 
After maybe an hour or so of exploring that led her nowhere, the faint sounds of the undead began to reach her ears. The moans were faint, though the fact that she was even hearing them indicated that she could be heading in the wrong direction. Stopping to see if she could tell which direction the sounds were coming from, Ronnie noted that there was definitely more than one of them, and quickly moved toward one of the abandoned stores that littered main street.
It wasn't long until the dead came into view, but what shocked her more was the person that ran in front of them. Outnumbered four to one, they seemed to be making a dash, and a large smile flitted to Ronnie's face. She hadn't killed a walker in days - not in the fun way, in a way that didn't involve a fence between them, and so she stepped outside, eager to plunge the metal of the tomahawk between one of their skulls. Their attentions were focused on the individual as they moved ahead, and Ronnie took advantage - running towards it, she swiftly kicked at the back of its knee, forcing the corpse to fall to the ground. With her short stature, it was easier to get a shot at their skull this way, and she paused for only a moment before continuing. 
Moving towards the next zombie, she saw out of the corner of her eye that the individual had taken out one of their own. Wanting to get the third, she all but sprinted to it, jamming the metal into it's skull.
Breath heavy, she turned to the only other living individual in the area, stopping only to wipe the blood of the walkers on one of their shirts. "You're welcome, by the way."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"Twas only a joke," she conceded, "Whether you have or don't have virgin eyes is entirely unimportant to me." Still, she thought the entire situation entertaining. Mainly because was, in fact, probably the most inexperienced person on the planet. The fact that she'd stood half naked in a room with a strange man should've made her uncomfortable, and she'd found she couldn't have cared less. Suddenly another part of what he'd said struck her, and she looked up at him sharply, "Wait - my age? How old do you think I am? Twelve?" She paused to scoff, finishing the lacing on her book, "Or did you knock someone up at age five?"
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All ready to leave the cell, her skin itched with the urge to get away, to leave the confines of the walls that surrounded them. Truthfully, the harsh reality of where they now lived struck too close to home, and reminded her far too much of the life she'd lived before now. Once in a prison, always in a prison, it seemed. And she hated it. But even if she hated being here, she couldn't deny the safety. Even Ronnie had grown tired of endlessly watching her back and sleeping with one eye open; not that much had changed from the months she'd spent on her own.
"I was raised to be polite." She shrugged, "And this place still offers a few things that earn a few words of kindness from me."
Did she have her reasons? Certainly. Freedom, the ability to quell the anger that seemed to constantly burn inside of her. The were countless reasons, most of which she couldn't voice out loud. "As I'm sure you do."
  "I have a daughter about you’re age, sweetheart, my virgin eyes are the last thing you need to worry about.”
Tipping his head at her, too amused to be started by her words and her form, Weston sighed. There was nothing around them, nothing except for the quiet sounds of the brittle breeze where it sifted through the window. There were no quiet moans, no hungry groans, for they were too far away from the wall be to able to hear them, but his skin felt tight all the same. 
It was difficult, being trapped inside. There was a reason this place was a prison, lived up to its name as far as his system was concerned majority of the time. The walls were too high, the air was too stifling, and there was nothing he could do about it. He had check-ins he had to make, times he had to report within the walls. 
Braden catered to him in a way,working with a way that kept him the most at east, but that only went so far. Being in such close confines with this girl was giving him a certain, anxious sort of twist in his stomach, but the gnawing hunger there was early unmistakable, and Weston’s jaw clenched against it.
"Stuffy is a…polite way of putting it," Lips molding over the words, he gave another bit of a shrug. "Gallivanting off into the wild isn’t a safe habit to have anymore, but I’m sure you’ve got your reasons."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
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endless list of beautiful people: kathryn prescott.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"Yay," she spoke enthusiastically, as if chores were a fun thing to do. Though the tone of her voice implied sarcasm, she couldn't outright deny that fence duty was her favorite thing to do in the prison. Well, besides sleep. It helped keep the edge off, and she welcomed any distraction. "I actually do like fence duty, though. At least now we'll both have semi-normal people around... at least in my case. You're about as normal as it gets around here." Pausing to check if she'd missed anything in the tiny cell that she'd dubbed her room, Ronnie appeared satisfied that she hadn't forgotten any part of her morning routine. "I'm usually stuck with that one guy; no hand that likes to brood and stare at shit? Kind of creepy, if you ask me. Which, you didn't. But still." 
Letting out a quick breathe, she gestured towards the door. "Shall we?"
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  "Isn’t that the truth," Eva agreed in regards to the air conditioning comment. It was truly a luxury that she took for granted when she was in school. Her house never had air conditioning, but at least they had a couple of fans blowing around.
"Glad to hear that," she responded and continued to look at her list. "Oh wait," the redhead said as she noticed something on the list, "Looks like I’ll be joining you. Just on fence duty though. I did dinner yesterday," and gave her a sheepish smile. "Guess we’ll be able to get to know each other more now," Eva added looking on the bright side of things. She didn’t mind fence duty, she actually liked it, but this heat right now made even standing difficult. "We’ll need to bring plenty of water before we go out there."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
She was satisfied, at least, that he'd cracked a smile at her comment, glad that not everyone around here seemed to have a stick up their ass at all times of the day. Of course, she understood the seriousness of the lives they now lived - how dangerous things were, how difficult it was to get by. Hell, she probably knew better than most. But titty comments and jokes were something she refused to give up. It seemed like a stupid idea to want to. "Nahh, don't worry. I won't. I do apologize if I've scorned your virgin eyes, though." Teasing, she finished getting ready, lacing up her combat boots. "Mother would be so ashamed." 
Raising an eyebrow as he responded, Ronnie realized with a raise of her brows that she'd been talking to herself for the past minute or so. Although she couldn't blame him, not really. It was weird, seeing him inside the walls - inside her cell. She'd kept her distance from the man, although it hadn't exactly been a hard thing to do, and realized that he probably stayed away for a reason. "Not surprising. I try to get out of here as much as I can too. It's too... stuffy for my taste."
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  "It’s not distracting, it’s diffe-" Breaking off, keeping his gaze up, Weston’s face crinkled into an exasperated sort of smile. Arms crossing, he shook his head slightly, eyes moving instead to glance around the cell she’d claimed as her own. "I hope you don’t take it personally if you ignore that second part."
It felt almost claustrophobic, to be back within the prison while the sun was up. There was no breeze, no heavy shade from the trees and no crunch of grass or dirt under his feet. Instead, the concrete felt stiff under foot, the walls where thick and the windows barred, and any shade came from the tall, man-made structures all around. It was all so different from the freedom that he had become accustomed to in the shambled, outside world, and while he knew there was nothing lavish about it, more often than not, he would rather be out there.
It felt better when he had a purpose, something to search for, and anymore, finding Tony wasn’t his only reason for leaving. Ella was out there, separated from him but never parted for how often she was in his thoughts. Anymore, Braden needed him, relied on him to be the prison’s eyes and ears on how the outside world was faring. Any bandit raids or towns that fell or tried to rise in the carnage crossed his eye, and in turn, were whispered about in Braden’s ear.
It helped, being able to do something. Kept the hunger away just a bit more.
"Hm?" Coming back at the sound of his name, Weston tipped his head back to look at her, watchful. Mindless to her state of undress, it was nothing he hadn’t seen before, manners kept his eyes above the slope of her shoulders still. "Oh. Yes, that’d be about right. That’s probably one of the only time you’ll see me, actually."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"I'm from Pennsylvania, and even when it got this hot and humid, it wasn't this hot and humid." She paused, chuckling at her words. "If that makes any sense at all. God, I wish we could have some air conditioning. Would make everything so much easier."
"Thank God." Laughing along with her, Ronnie thought back to the last time she'd been assigned to watch the little ones. Granted, not all of them were much younger than her, and there were hardly any infants, but she'd probably have had a bit of more luck with those. Kids had never taken to her. "Fence duty I can totally handle," she nodded at the instructions, raising her hand in a mock salute. One that would, undoubtedly, cause more than a few eyebrows to raise were anyone who'd spent more than a week in an ROTC program see. "Ay ay captain."
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  "It really is hot though. I grew up here and I still can barely take it," Eva responded and gave a small chuckle. She leaned her upper body against the side of the cell entrance, pulling the wooden clip board she held up towards her chest. 
"Yeah we learned our lesson on that one— no kiddie duty for you anymore," she said and laughed, "We’re lucky nobody’s arm got taken off," and she laughed again. Eva leaned the clipboard away from her and cleared her throat before reading out the girl’s responsibilities for the day. "No no— no children to supervise. But you do have fence duty in the next hour, then it’s your turn to help serve dinner and wash dishes," the redhead explained to the girl before her.
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
"Well, thank you," she spoke in an exaggerated tone, amused, and flipped her hair with a wave of her hand. "I know the red is a bit distracting, but it's a bit sad that my tits aren't a bit nicer." Grabbing her bra off the one char that adorned the room, the easily slipped it on, hands moving to her back in order to clasp it. "I'm kidding." Her smile remained, and she let out a chuckle. "Mostly.
"Also - I do have a door. However, do to the fact that it's made of fabric, I'll forgive you for ignoring the age old tradition of going 'knock knock.'" The tone in her voice was clear, and she even surprised herself at how totally okay she was with the fact that an apparent stranger had walked in on her half naked. Growing up, she'd been taught to cover and hide her body, and at sixteen the thought of a man - or of anyone - seeing her so scantily would have left her with cheeks as red as tomato's. 
As she sat on her bed and grabbed her pants - long pants, that caused her to frown when she touched. It was much too hot for them, but if she planned on leaving the grounds they'd have to do. Better to sweat than risk being bitten because she'd chosen to wear booty shorts. As Ronnie pulled them on, she looked up at the man, trying to recall his name. She'd made an effort to know the names of all the prisoners as they came in, and though she'd been here just as long as he, they'd never gotten a chance to speak. 
"It's so fucking hot in here at night, I don't know how anyone could sleep with clo-" She cut herself off as the name became apparent, gesturing towards him with a flick of her hand as the name formed on her lips, "You're Weston, right? You're always talking to El Presidente."
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  "It would be polite if you actually had a door, but we don’t exactly have those privileges anymore."
He’d been sent out to make sure that people were actually up, given a job since he was within the walls for a change rather than catching glimpses of them in the distance like he usually did. With that, he’d assumed the room would be empty, a miscalculation if the scantly clad girl within was anything to go by.
Eyes jerking up almost instantly, West kept them focused on her face for a lack of anywhere else to look. She looked like she could be the same age as Tony, though far different from his baby, but the sentiment was just the same.
"If it makes you feel any better, I’m admiring your hair color, nothing else."
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ronnie-reese-blog · 10 years
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