roommates-au · 1 year
It's been a while since I last did an ask. Sorry about that! I forgot Tumblr existed for a while, then when I remembered about it, I wouldn't remember the password to my account. I then reset it, only to proceed to forget Tumblr existed again.
It's no excuse, really, but it's the only reason I have for not having been active for so long,
It's cool, man. Honestly, I haven't been too active on this page myself. Losing motivation for the ask blog. Thinking of writing the rest of this as a fanfic, to be honest. It's a good story and I planned a lot of shit I could make more robust in fanfic form.
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roommates-au · 2 years
Sorry for the recent lack of posting.
Just really busy with school as of late. I will try to wrap up this mini arc soon. Just been busy.
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roommates-au · 2 years
And THAT'S why you don't underestimate people. I told you to give it a chance
The man took her shock to lift his leg and kick her back. Gabriella stumbled back, catching herself on the wall opposite of him.
"Maybe you should listen to the people who talk to you! Such a shame your head is so far up your own ass!"
"Son of a bitch..."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Telepathy and associated psychic powers, huh? Must be useful
"He's fucking WHAT?!"
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roommates-au · 2 years
I think you're underestimating him a bit. You'll see
"C'mon, you ain't gonna find your answers at the bottom of your barrel! Step on up and-"
Her hand shot out, grabbing him by the collar, and yanking him along into a nearby alley. Her full force went into pinning him to the wall by his neck.
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"Listen here. Me trying to take my own life is nothing of your concern. I don't know shit about you, but you better back off before I take my revolver and take you with..."
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".... with..."
Herr fur grew lighter as an look of fear washed over her face.
"What the hell... why am I so.... exhausted?"
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"Oh ho! Looks like you should have taken the deal, ma'am. Maybe I can interest you with... my other services."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Gabriella, can you please just give it a chance? Maybe he's got something you don't expect?
"I can smell the essential oils from here, dear. He's just some shill of a multilevel marketing company trying to get rid of product for a quota."
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roommates-au · 2 years
How perceptive. Onto the meat of the pitch?
"... that's a dumb guess."
"Oh, miss, I am never wrong with these! My rate of being correct is 100% thus far! Let me just-"
"Not. Interested."
She continued to walk down the street, only for him to follow.
"But I can se-"
"Fred, I am sure you are a nice guy, but my motives are beyond the understanding of a wares peddler like you. This is your last warning."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Pretty cool that you can do that. And I gotta say, it's a smart idea. I just don't think you get how focused she is on what she's trying to do.
*Well, you don't get how a bit of magic can change someone's mind when coupled with modern advertising.*
"You sure? I can see looking at you something is veeeeery wrong! What is it? Love life got you down? Fired from a job?"
"Go away."
His eyes gave a deep blue flash.
"Planning to kill yourself because you're a failure to your past ideals?"
Gabriella fell silent, back to the young man. Her body stiffened up; her fur grew about a few shades darker. The young man gave a low chuckle.
"I'm guessing I hit the nail right on the head! Maybe I have something here that can help cure your feelings of inadequacy."
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roommates-au · 2 years
(Updike) If the revolver isn't for her, how are you going to neutralize her?
She averts her gaze from the young man to stare at you. The aggression in her eyes was gone. It just felt... empty.
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roommates-au · 2 years
(Famine) …so you thought a solution was to sell her something? Uh, what was it?
A voice begins to echo through your head...
*We all have an ability to read someone. Pestilence can see your physical health. War can see your aggressiveness and how you can react. Death can guess motives based off a person's expression. Me? I am in tune with emotions and thoughts. This woman, despite her resolve, can only focus on one thing at a time. I have to shift her focus to my act and piss her off enough to change her goal. Trust the process, Anon!*
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roommates-au · 2 years
Hey, look at that, someone who could possibly help in what seems like a dark moment!
"Gooooooood evening, ma'am!"
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Gabriella rolled her eyes. Just a salesman.
"I am Fred Thanios, the top rated salesman the law doesn't wish to acknowledge! I can't help but notice you're not exactly in the best state of mind. May I interest you in-"
Before he could open his case, Gabriella was walking. "Not interested."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Are you okay?
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"I do not see why you insist on knowing that much of my well being. My well being is nothing for my job. As long as I keep people alive, I don't care where I end up. I-"
Light footsteps made her stop and turn her head.
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A figure slides into position.
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roommates-au · 2 years
What happened with your father?
"He passed from his weak heart finally giving out... I don't wish to get into it...."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Can you talk to us about your brother? How close are you?
"He's always busy... we never really have time to talk much.... well, at all. We used to be inseparable. A lot changes when you change your career path."
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roommates-au · 2 years
Maybe there's a better way! how long ago was the last time you tried talking to her?
"I don't remember. I tried and I tried... but I guess my reputation precedes me. She's too scared to face me." She lowered her head, lowering her gaze to the ground. "Funny how the mighty have fallen...."
"You seeing this?"
"Bitch seems upset."
"Not upset. Suicidal."
"How can you tell, man?"
"Her clothing choice. Her expression. The way she ensured her revolver was loaded. She's good at covering it up, but she wants this to be her final night."
"... i-is she gonna be okay?"
"Dude. He just said she's gonna blast herself."
"I'm going to interfere. I ain't sitting by while she is about to end her life."
Footsteps come from the alleyway, slowly following the woman. From the dark, two pairs of eyes stared out.
One, a man in a red crop top. Another, a man in cream-colored robes, face wrapped in bandages. Behind them was a man with skin of a corpse in a cloak, who watched the last man run out after her with a blank look that somehow felt worried.
"Good luck, Famine."
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roommates-au · 2 years
...You're trying to kill her now, aren't you?
"I have faced her many times. Many times, I spoke to her. Many times she refused my civility." Her empty eyes closed. "Besides, the revolver isn't for her."
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roommates-au · 2 years
I'm sorry about your loss... What's happened in terms of your goal so far?
"My main goal is not complete. Whitnoir proves to be an elusive target, truly. It's almost impressive."
Her eyes looked horribly empty as she raised her revolver, making sure it was loaded. A small sigh escapes hernlips as she returned it to the holster hidden on her outfit.
"I hope to end this tonight. Her running around... could cause more harm than good."
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