roomofretirement · 2 months
thanks for the tag yny! :)
Get to know me: I'm beth! I have many hobbies and I love all of them, including writing (novels + fanfiction), video games, soapmaking, candlemaking, pottery, costuming, thrifting, etc. I have also done horseback riding, wood engraving, baking, art, and more! I am currently finishing up my master's program and my first novel. I love cats!! I absolutely love everything medieval and fantasy, and it's my favorite thing to go to ren faires or medieval festivals. I would love to get back to art one day. Finally, I'm obsessed with a certain ex-Auror potions master, as we all are :,)
tagging: @julietpricee @voyagerlotus (and anyone else that would like to!)
@machiavellli @strawberrypinky @fantasyfictionfables @octarinecat @firlionemoontav @coffeeandmagicaltales @atrueneutral
I see tag games are making their rounds. I’m sorry to be overwhelmed by them 🙏 Thank you for thinking of me. Y’all are so sweet.
Get to know me: I am a hermit who enjoys long walks on the beach with Mr. Gufu. My Raphael Spotify playlist is as bonkers as he is. And I am always honored to be tagged in tumblr games, but, admittedly, don’t always make the time to play them. My DM’s here are always open, and I love messaging on discord, as always 🙏
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roomofretirement · 2 months
ooh this was fun i loved the sword!! thanks for the tag @julietpricee
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tagging @voyagerlotus :)
oh, these are such beautiful picrews, and I just had to!
make your OC + their sword of choice
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np tagging: @valyrra @localravenclaw @shanaraharlyah @thriftstorebabayaga @eternalremorse @charmedcleric @sebastianswallows @ominisss @trulyblockedout @ephemerasnape, and really anyone who'd like to join
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roomofretirement · 2 months
thanks so much for the tag @do2faj !! <3
Last Song:
Favourite Colour: mustard yellow or olive green
Currently Watching: just finished the mandalorian! not a star wars person but i am a pedro pascal person so it was great
Last Movie: dune part 2
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet, i have a massive sweet tooth. very closely followed by savory
Relationship Status: married!
Current Obsession: ghost and HL!
Last Thing Googled: 'weather for beginning of may' lol planning ahead
I summon: i don't think i have any other ghost mutuals :,) but if i'm wrong consider yourself tagged!
I have been summoned whilst trying to write Rain smut, you have committed a grievous sin @totallynotmystuff. /j Thanks for the tag!
Uhhhh hmmm let's see... -adjusts glasses-
LAST SONG: Rats by Ghost. (I do be practicing for a drag performance)
FAVORITE COLOR: Any cool shade of green, and blue
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Does Game Grumps count? If so, then yeah that.
LAST MOVIE: A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes didn't really enjoy it tbh :/
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY: Love me some sweet and savory. Can't do spice unfortunately, my stomach can't handle it.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single and damn happy about it
CURRENT OBSESSION: Ghost, Ghost, and uhh Ghost
LAST THING I GOOGLED: The translation of "small flower" in French.
I summon @batghouleh @codythecheshirecat @dewdrops-whammy-bar @eros-ghoulette @forest-rot @hypnoneghoul AND @littlemoon-beam! If you're interested ☺️
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roomofretirement · 3 months
1 year of miss heather!!
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on april 1 of 2023, i posted the first chapter of 'trumpets sound as you're crowned', my very first fic for hogwarts legacy, and my very first fic for my mc heather yarrowfield!
sappy stuff below:
i'm not on tumblr very much but i wanted to acknowledge this special day for me, and it is so special because of everyone that's supported me along the way! i have been writing fic for a Long time, and can't remember receiving support on TSAYC and its sequel in the same way ever before. those who were part of that original group of commenters, please know that i sincerely think of you often, and my gratitude is very strong. i rarely write fics for other fandoms (spent over a decade writing fic for another video game) and was nervous to break into HL, and TSAYC was a litmus test of sorts of how it would go. now, i'm sitting here with a bunch of published fics and wips and am unable to imagine my primary fandom being anything else. i also don't think i've ever churned out a fic that fast LOL, i was literally updating daily and genuinely so possessed with doing nothing else but finishing it lmfao
i also found the sharpies discord at a vulnerable time for me when i was moving across the world, and that was a great source of community and friendship when i really needed it. now, our little group is so close to my heart. i told myself i probably wouldn't ever participate in a discord community again after getting really fatigued from it but i'm so glad i gave it a shot. i really appreciate all the friends i've met and made, the counsel, ideas and advice i can ask for, and the people who repeatedly comment on my stuff. yes, i'd still be here and typing away if there wasn't anyone interested, but it makes a huge difference. receiving overflowingly kind and detailed comments genuinely spurs me on like nothing else lol, so i'm sure i wouldn't have put out nearly as much stuff if not for you guys.
anyway, back to heather. i love her so much. i love developing her character and cosplaying her and writing her relationship with sharp. she is a major outlet for me to connect with my inner teen(when i first got into HP) and be nostalgic! i have a lot of fun here and again it's really funny to me imagining going back to my previous fandoms when i feel like i've firmly lodged myself here! so, just wanted to celebrate how far i've come and all the lovely people i've met <3 thank you, thank you, thank you!
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roomofretirement · 4 months
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You know, Sharp used to run, jump and fly a lot with 40 pounds of glass in his coat) Yeah, one day he won't be able to run like that anymore 😞 I wish you all at least not to sit on bottles and eat more soups with nettle from cemetery 🌿🌿🌿 for your health of course 💀 take care
You can find me in cozy Telegram
Also my VK Instagram Artstation
Fic about detective-Sharp on ficbook
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roomofretirement · 4 months
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scottish knight aesop ❤
big thanks to @roomofretirement for bringing the hunk sir jeff is to my attention
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roomofretirement · 4 months
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roomofretirement · 4 months
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malewife + girlboss dynamic.
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roomofretirement · 4 months
hogwarts legacy main character ask game !!
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How did you choose your MC’s name?
Would your MC become a Prefect in sixth or seventh year, or Head Boy/Girl?
Would your MC play Quidditch if it was offered? What position?
What is your MC’s favorite class? Least favorite?
What is your MC’s Patronus?
If your MC was an Animagus, what form would they take?
Describe your MC’s family.
Why is your MC in whichever Hogwarts house they’re in?
What are your MC’s relationships with other students like? Do they have a best friend at school, and/or a worst enemy? 
What are your MC’s likes/dislikes?
What are your MC’s fears?
What is your MC’s best memory at school? Their worst?
What is your MC’s style like when not in school uniform? 
What are your MC’s hobbies? 
What is your MC’s ideal first date?
What does your MC do after Hogwarts? Why did you choose that path for them?
Does your MC have a pet/familiar?
reblog to share and drop some numbers in some ask boxes!! <3
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roomofretirement · 4 months
Hello! #2 for the MC ask game :) would Heather ever become a Prefect or Head Girl?
hi!! thanks very much for the ask, i actually answered that one here :D
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roomofretirement · 4 months
Me chilling with the demon I accidentally summoned by singing the Latin part of a Ghost song
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roomofretirement · 4 months
7. and 16. from the ask game i like to see what lore people come up with for their MCs
this one got long so putting under a cut!
7. describe mc's family!
heather is a muggleborn witch, her mom died soon after she was born and heather misses her very much. she has a pretty terrible relationship with her dad, he became a massive alcoholic after heather's mom died and treated heather with a lot of derision and neglect. heather's aunt is mirabel's mother, but since mirabel is around/over a decade older than heather they didn't hang out very much growing up (also because heather's dad hated magic and his wife's connection, even small, to it.) any signs of magic that heather showed her father made a sincere effort to stamp out. after heather got her belated hogwarts letter, mirabel was ecstatic and makes a huge effort to be present in heather's life and a stand-in mom, to some degree :)
i hc a pretty strong regret for mirabel is not pressing her parents to adopt heather or having done something for her sooner, but she didn't really know what was going on in heather's household and thought that both heather + her dad really wanted no contact with her since she was a witch. anyway, heather has a hard time admitting how her father actually treats her and feels quite bad for him/a lot of internalized guilt that her mere presence/magical gifts made him so unhappy.
16. mc after hogwarts!
heather becomes a healer! she works at st. mungo's for several years and her specialities are plant/potion/poisoning related injuries. her two favorite subjects at hogwarts were herbology and potions and i wanted to pick something related to that; but i didn't want to boot out either mirabel or aesop for a teaching position because they're pretty relevant to her adult story lol. there wasn't really another subject that fit more strongly. i think heather would feel a lot of guilt over those who she injured (even very rightfully stopping poachers etc) and want to go into a field where she could help and heal. aesop actually recommends healing as a field for her, and she works with nurse blainey a bit as a sort of internship before graduating and going into the st. mungo's training program.
but, in my story for her she realizes that st. mungo's is not for her, even though she really excels at it. it's very fast-paced, demanding, and stressful, and it's just too much when she's still trying to recover from the ptsd of her fifth year as she has a lot of unresolved trauma. so, when nurse blainey decides to leave her post, she decides to give it a shot and finds that she likes the hogwarts environment a lot better!!
thanks very much for asking :)
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roomofretirement · 4 months
1 and 5 for the ask game, please?
how did you choose mc's name?
well, i keep a list in my google drive of names that i come across and really like, and slap them down in case i want to eventually use them for something! heather had been on there for Ages actually. i really like botanical names for characters, and it felt fitting since she was going to be a hufflepuff :,) but when i started the game, i actually just named her my name because i couldn't think of anything, it can be really hard for me to come up with this whole backstory when i don't have the full picture! but maybe midway through autumn in the game i was ready to name her so i restarted. heather just fit really well and seemed like her, and it also fit with all the heather plants in the highlands :)
when i met mirabel, i had never seen her before the game, and i was like holy shit. you and my mc look uncannily alike. and fun fact, when i was picking my wand, i picked the exact same wand mirabel has! it started my personal joke that they were related, and then when i restarted, i was like....ok i'm gonna make them related. so i was actually trying to pick a last name for a while that would kind of go with garlick (like a type of onion or something) but nothing really fit. i wanted something botanical at least, and went over plant names that i really like...yarrow was on there but too short, so came up with yarrowfield :) i really adore heather's whole name, i think it fits her so well!
sorry that was long but in my head the explanation is even longer LMAO
5. patronus!
heather's patronus is a dapple gray mare! i had to take like 5 different patronus tests to decide on it haha, i never agreed with the 90% match ones and i think this one was like 80%, but it fits the best.
more about that patronus & my analysis under the cut!
"Having a dapple gray mare as a patronus means that you find comfort in stability. Unlike others, who might thrive in lives full of quick changes and exciting upheavals, you find that you are most content when you can look around and find everything working just as it should be. This stability allows for you to relax, it gives you order, and it allows for you to move forward with your life by your own choice, not because of some random event that forced you to do so."
Your passion for the things you love is hard to beat, you become very involved in your friends, family, hobbies & study. If the Dapple grey stallion is your patronus then it is likely you are very sensitive and emotional. This means you can be hurt easily and may often feel melancholy. However, this emotional intelligence allows you to understand others and empathise extremely well. Those with this patronus are often very creative and intelligent.
i think this fits heather extremely well. while she wasn't happy with her life before hogwarts by any means, it was stable and regular, and she knew how to handle it. after discovering her power everything was upended, and i think she's been chasing that sense of control and stability ever since. she just wants to live her life in peace :,) and is always fighting to get back to it. she's very passionate about the people she loves and her interests, and is a very sensitive/emotional person! it's easy for her to be quite moody/susceptible to stronger moods. above all, i think it paints a picture of her as a powerful, emotional soul who just wants to live a normal life.
also, extra trivia, the patronus that was 'strongest' was dolphin. but i honestly didn't feel like that fit her as well as dapple gray mare!
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roomofretirement · 4 months
17, 2 & 9 :3
17. does your mc have a pet/familiar?
yes!! but after hogwarts only, i think that professor fig wouldn't have prioritized getting heather a pet when he was tutoring her before the start of fifth year, and she never got around to it with how busy she was in years 5-7. i feel like mirabel is the type of person to have several pets, so heather would help take care of those whilst they lived together, and then when she lived on her own when working as a healer she also never got around to it.
her late-blooming familiar is ginger, an orange half-kneazle :) ginger comes with the cottage that she and aesop buy when they eventually move in together! <3 i named her after the main ingredient in the warming salve heather always made for aesop's leg. this is honestly a parallel to my own life as well haha because i've always lived with other people's cats but haven't gotten a cat yet that feels like 'mine', hopefully will be doing so next yr with my partner!
2. would your mc become a prefect/head girl
i don't think so. i did for a bit because heather is such a people pleaser and would want to do everything she could to be a 'good' student, but i think in 6th and 7th year she would also just be craving some time without as many additional responsibilities!
9. mc's relationships with other students/best friend
i always canon heather's best friend as poppy :,) since they are both hufflepuffs and i always loved the poacher quests with poppy the best in game! they also seem really similar in personality. but i also think that heather would get along extremely well with natty and ominis, probably. i don't think heather would have any enemies, i generally write her as pretty well liked apart from other students being like 'oh yeah, that weird new fifth year who dropped out of the sky and then was involved in the death of a teacher' etc etc. but she has the type of personality where she gets along with everyone she meets!
thanks for the ask!! <3
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roomofretirement · 4 months
hogwarts legacy main character ask game !!
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How did you choose your MC’s name?
Would your MC become a Prefect in sixth or seventh year, or Head Boy/Girl?
Would your MC play Quidditch if it was offered? What position?
What is your MC’s favorite class? Least favorite?
What is your MC’s Patronus?
If your MC was an Animagus, what form would they take?
Describe your MC’s family.
Why is your MC in whichever Hogwarts house they’re in?
What are your MC’s relationships with other students like? Do they have a best friend at school, and/or a worst enemy? 
What are your MC’s likes/dislikes?
What are your MC’s fears?
What is your MC’s best memory at school? Their worst?
What is your MC’s style like when not in school uniform? 
What are your MC’s hobbies? 
What is your MC’s ideal first date?
What does your MC do after Hogwarts? Why did you choose that path for them?
Does your MC have a pet/familiar?
reblog to share and drop some numbers in some ask boxes!! <3
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roomofretirement · 4 months
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roomofretirement · 4 months
thanks for the tag @julietpricee !! i can always count on you :,)
90% of the time, i'm listening to ghost :,) but i tried to shake it up a little bit with some songs from my heather playlist!!
tagging: open tag! (i can never remember who hasn't been tagged because i'm barely on tumblr, i'm sorry !!)
music tag game
Top 5 favourite songs right now, tagged by @tolovaj (asnakjnwdkjs thank youuuuuu 💞)
My Love - Sia
Doin' Time - Lana del Rey
Suspirium - Thom Yorke
Warm You - Matty
not a song, it's just perfect, I listen to it all the time.
I'm tagging: @vulnus-sanare, @giosnape, @mitsuki91, @kookooka2, @monarcho-mysticism, @redroses694, @mmad-lover, @shostakobitchh @indihpblog
and everyone who wants to join!
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