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rooswines-blog · 5 years
Cabernet Sauvignon – An Alternative To Syrah
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If not Syrah, it can be Cabernet Sauvignon!
Both Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon are two different variations of red wine that is quite popular among wine lovers. Although Syrah is darker than Cabernet Sauvignon and contains a sufficient amount of health-invigorating antioxidants, Cabernet Sauvignon does not keep a space to impress the wine lovers.
If Syrah red wine has fascinated you, then you will definitely be in love with Cabernet Sauvignon as well. Let's find out how.
Cabernet Sauvignon is an extraordinary wine, unique in taste and flavor. If you ask any wine connoisseur, you will definitely get a positive responsive from their side. If not today, then certainly tomorrow you will recognize its value. It is that much interesting. Here in this blog, we have portrayed the characteristics of this red wine. Reading this you will certainly love to buy red wine online.
1. Color: Cabernet Sauvignon mainly appears in rich, dark, inky, purple color. Such an attractive color is the result of the dark, thick-skinned grapes especially grown to produce wine. These fruit juices when aged, adopt a lighter “brick” red color that you can well-noticed at the edge of your wine glass. Half of the wine lovers just fell for this lovely color, before having a sip.  
2. Aromas and Flavors: Another reason for buying this red wine is the mesmerizing flavor. Oh my god! It's so delicious that you hardly love to keep the glass on the table. If you are a wine lover then you will definitely love the taste and the aroma both. It is just a fantasy. However, the taste depends on the region it is grown and the climate of course.
Cabernet Sauvignon, when grown in the warmer climates, produce high fruit-notes like black cherries, plums, and blackberries. While in colder climates, the wine produce aromas rich with an earthy flavor. Herbs, spices, mint, tomato, leaf, eucalyptus, and leather are some of them. Above all, the red wine is known for its blackcurrant flavor that is found in both warmer and cooler areas.
3. Storage and Aging: Want to buy imported red wine online? Go for the Australian wines. They are delicious and concurrently healthy. Regions like Australia make use of oak that soften the tannins, thus providing better complexity of flavors and aromas. The oak used to age the fruit even affects the flavor. Some flavors that give rise with this storage and aging are like tobacco, vanilla, cedar, coconut, and smoke.
4. Food Pairing: Now, it's time to pair the glass of red wine with some food and make it more delicious. Due to the high acidic level and tannins present in Cabernet Sauvignon, the wine pairs amazingly with food. The best meal that can be paired with red wine is the one that contains meat or cheese. In such recipes, the tannins break down by protein and the acidity helps in reducing the fat.
Love for a cheeseburger? Cheeseburger contains a lot of fat and umami flavors. Addition of Cabernet Sauvignon to the dish soften the tannins and reduce the fat level. Even the mushroom pizza or any dish that includes tomato, cheese, and mushroom flavors.  
Wine lovers or the wine connoisseurs can better present the similarities between the above two and can even display how Cabernet Sauvignon can be used as an alternative to Syrah.
Are you interested in buying this particular red wine to change the taste for a while, instead of taking a sip of Syrah over and over again? Then you can definitely look for the branded online or offline branded Australian wine suppliers like Roo's Wines. Like the cemented stores, online shops are even gaining great familiarity in recent days.
Buy red wine online and enjoy hosting a wine tasting party.
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
The Beauty of Red Wine that Draws People Towards Them
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Wine is slowly becoming popular as the top alcoholic beverage choice. Its origin date back to hundreds of years ago and its significant health benefits is leading more and more people to fall in love with them. Well, to be particular, red wine is one of the most popular and loved ones. Today, you will find a lot of people going for them instead of other popular drinks.
Red wine with its anti-oxidant properties has made its mark among liquor lovers and it continues to do so even now. It can be tough for beginners to stand in a liquor store or a wine shop and navigate and come away with a delicious bottle of wine that will serve the purpose they have in mind.  
You can always go with red wine when in a dilemma. But what makes them so special? This is what we will discuss in this blog.  
An insight into red wine
The red color comes because of the involvement of the grape skins. There is a variety of grape types, each as colorful and diverse as the next. Each variety offers a unique shade of red to red wine and this is what makes them so special and appealing. There are different kinds of red wine but they are generally judged by their body.
Like for instance, light-bodied wine is not much demanding on the taste buds. It goes fine with food that is flavor intensive. For the best quality wines, you can rely on names like Florida Roo's Wines. They have an impressive stock and your red wine needs will be beautifully met. They offer the best wine at a low price.
Then there is also the medium-bodied red wine that is a bit heavier but not like a full-bodied one. The latter are denser and have more alcohol content. When it comes to red wine, you can expect a lot of health benefits. Like if you wish to develop a healthier diet, just buy an imported red wine online and enjoy your meal.
So, if you are a beginner, then you must experiment and explore as much as possible. Try out the different varieties that the world has to offer and then, you will understand the true magic of this kind of wine! Once you have decided on your favorites, it will not be a daunting task anymore to go for the best kind when offered.
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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rooswines-blog · 5 years
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