roquetopuss · 2 years
Me: "hey Google what's the weather today?"
Google: "today it is sunny with a high of 95 degrees"
Me: "hey Google how long does it take for an adult to die in a hot sealed car?"
Google: "hot cars can reach deadly temperatures within a little as one hour"
Me: "hey Google, play the queen discography"
Google: *plays thrive car speakers*
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roquetopuss · 4 years
Lost 2 lbs over the weekend. I'm dieting but not 1lb/day dieting.
Can't wait until this whole cancer scare is over so I can go back to mistreating my body like a normal 28 year old.
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roquetopuss · 4 years
After finally getting a hold of my doctor she suspects I have endometrial cancer. It was the first solution she offered me, and the advice nurse when I talked about my symptoms was very worried. I've been suffering with menhorragia(sp?) For two years and have been currently experiencing the delights of a 28 day long menstrual cycle. This happened in November, also, but that doctor just told me it's because I'm fat 🙄 like if you're fat you deserve to have month long periods with only 3 week breaks between them. 😡 Anyway, because the bleeding won't stop even after double dosing on progesterone, I have to have an ultrasound to find out if it's a horrendously large evil & fibroid, or cancer, in either case I would have to have a pretty major surgery to either remove my fibroid, or to remove my entire uterus. So that's fun. Only plus side I can see to all of this is that I won't have nightmare periods anymore.
Fun fact: the average woman uses approximately 20 tampons during a 5 day cycle. If you use significantly more than that, a super plus tampon lasts less than 4 hours, or you bled through everything suddenly, you should get checked for endometrial irregularities. Uterine cancer can spread to the colon, the bladder, the appendix, etc, and catching it early usually means you can just cut it out, but if you don't catch it early you could end up needing much more removed. Under 40 and/or before menopause it's rarer, but it still happens and if your family members have had cancers before, you're more at risk, and if you're obese your more at risk. So take care of your junk, folks.
I am fairly sure at this point I'll need at the very least a fibroid removed, and at the most I'll hopefully only be looking at a historectomy (maybe they can save my ovaries 🤷)
It's kinda crazy to be told something like this. I don't even know how to tell people and I'm usually the biggest over-sharer. I guess I'll wait until I have an official diagnosis, but I just have a bad feeling after reading about the symptoms and fully relating to them. I should've probably seen my doctor after I bled through a super plus, a maxi pad, and my clothing so terribly that I had to leave work and go home. I probably should've started looking earlier. Now I'm just hoping it's a fibroid and if it's not, that it's only affecting the endometrium. 😤 This is dumb!
Plus, I have to wait there weeks for imaging and another couple for the biopsy appointment.
It's crazy how when you aren't that sick you can get into an appointment next-day, but you're told you've got 3/5 major symptoms and every risk factor for a type of CANCER and suddenly they can't schedule you for several weeks. 🥴
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roquetopuss · 4 years
Me: I’m having such a hard time, can y’all please go easy on me?
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roquetopuss · 4 years
I've reached the point where all I wanna do is order Postmates, get high, eat my Postmated food while high, and then watch Netflix inside my virtual reality headset where I have a nice, clean, rustic style, big, expensive living room all to myself. ...while wrapped in a blankey
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roquetopuss · 4 years
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I know I'm intimidating, but no.
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roquetopuss · 4 years
Today my depression took me to the movies to cry in the dark.
...so Onward is pretty cute.
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roquetopuss · 4 years
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Me and my Ex-Husband c. 2012.
We found a poloroid camera in a thrift store while looking for a pair of red high heels for my soon-to-be sister in law/bridesmaid. It worked and had film in it still do she shit this photo of us. This was before my while life totally fell apart. I had no idea what was coming. I don't even feel like I know that girl. I have the memory, but it feels like a story I read somewhere.
I'm nothing like her anymore.
I was also like ~240lbs here and I'm about 70 more than that now.
I'm gonna fix that last thing, though. I have to.
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roquetopuss · 4 years
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Hydration does wonders for my skin.
Being single frees my mind.
Having green hair enriches my soul.
I wanted to document my eyeliner which I love at the moment even though I'm a solid 6+ foggy and rainy work hours into wearing it.
Also I'm in love with my hair getting loooong.
I'm just digging myself lately and looking around wondering how I let this be my life. I'm worth so much more than the shit I'm in the middle of.
I'm fighting my way out.🤜👊💪🙌
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roquetopuss · 5 years
Reblogging for myself for later
Whale Dragon
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That is all.
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roquetopuss · 5 years
Wine drunk
And I love everyone.
That's all.
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roquetopuss · 5 years
Fuck, a haiku:
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
P.s. I have a crush and it's the WORST.
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roquetopuss · 5 years
I have green hair now ♥️
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roquetopuss · 5 years
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roquetopuss · 5 years
GOD so many quotable lines from this such as
“Ew yucky… that is gunk”
“It is just potatoes”
“Not the problem I was expecting, but I problem I can handle”
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roquetopuss · 5 years
Drawing I did today :)
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roquetopuss · 5 years
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My mermaid doodle
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