roseifemina-blog · 9 years
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Dear friends, I guess I’m just extremely disappointed at what’s happened with frw and so I will be dropping Alice (this blog), Azula ( favillautcinis ), and Madame Red ( roseifemina ). I’m not too sure I’ll have time to go indie with all my blogs, but if anyone would like to continue any of the threads we’ve had on here, I would be more than happy to do so. 
This, of course, applies to both Azula and Madame Red.
Oh and you may find me on twitter at @mana_bear.
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
Send me a ship; Ultimate Edition
Who was the one to propose:
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Who decorated the house:
Who does the cooking:
Who is more organized:
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Who suggested kids first:
Who’s more dominant:
Who’s the cuddler: 
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon:.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: 
Who cooks: 
Who comes home drunk at 3am:
Who kills the spiders: 
Who falls asleep first: 
A head canon: 
Their relationship summed up in a gif: 
Do they have any “rituals”?
Who is louder?
Who is more experimental?
Who takes more risks?
Do they fuck or make love?
Lights on or off?
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating?
Who is more likely to suggest a threesome?
Who comes first?
Who is better at oral and who prefers it?
Who is more submissive?
Who usually initiates things?
Who is more sensitive?
Who has the most patience?
Which kinks do they share?
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
The Fool: Tell an embarrassing story. The Magician: Do you have a special talent? The High Priestess: Are you good at keeping secrets? The Empress: What do you desire most? The Emperor: Do you have any family traditions? The Hierophant: What is/was your favourite school subject? The Lovers: What qualities would your ideal partner have? The Chariot: Have you ever had to fight for something? Strength: What gives you strength? The Hermit: Could you cope with living alone? Wheel of Fortune: If you won a million pounds, what would you do with it? Justice: If you could be a super hero (or villain) what would you call yourself and what powers would you have? The Hanged Man: Would you sacrifice your own life to save someone else’s? Death: If you were able to reincarnate, what would your next life be? Temperance: Do you have good self control? The Devil: What do you think your worst quality is? The Tower: Describe your dream home. The Star: What inspires you? The Moon: Describe a dream (or nightmare) you’ve had recently. The Sun: Describe a childhood memory. Judgement: Have you ever done something that you were really ashamed of? The World: What country would you most like to visit?
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
(´∇ノ`*)ノ .`-;-
(Of course! Although I am not too familiar with your character, I would be happy to do something with them)
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
[insert pre-established relationship expression here] (mobile tumblr is awful)
(YES! I am all for this!)
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(Did you have anything in mind?)
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
Send me a (´∇ノ`*)ノ .`-;- if you'd like to make a pre-established relationship with my character!
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
☂ - with a large, bleeding wound
She didn’t expect this.
It was foolish really. Hadn’’t thought to confirm that her latest target was unarmed and well, she was certainly paying the price now. 
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One hand grasped tightly against her red overcoat, Angelina managed two more steps and a weak knock against the wooden frame before she collapsed head first against the door with a dull thud.
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
Send me symbol and my muse will show up at your character's front door at 4am...
♣ - drunk and unable to talk without slurring
♚ - aggressive and ready for a fight
✯ - emotional and in tears
≛ - wrapped up like a present
☠ - with something to confess to your character
☂ - with a large, bleeding wound
☾ - with a cunning plan
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
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“Yes, you see, my water system is a bit unreliable as of late and until I can have the plumber around to take a look, I suppose I would be frequenting your bath house often.” The woman paused and looked still rather unsure. “However, I wonder how a bath house works... exactly.”
03. Spirited Bath House. roseifemina.
     “Hello, madam.” Rin chirped, a courteous smile plastered on her features. The bath house wasn’t particularly busy today but she had spotted a few unfamiliar faces among the regular customers. This person was one of them. Called by someone to provide assisstance, something the higher ups couldn’t be bothered to do, Rin had come over to help. “Is there a problem?”
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
There was no doubt her new maid seemed a little cold, but Madame Red was certainly not one to see that as a deterrent. Rather, it was more in nature to an obstacle she would have to overcome, and such challenges in life were more than interesting.
“Well then you know where to find me.” A smile graced her lips as she raised one hand up to wave goodbye.
The ringing of her door bell stirred her to action as Angelina readjusted the lady’s hat. Her ascot smoothed out, she looked quite different from the woman who had hired the maid in the morning.
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“Good evening, love.” She extended her hand forward for her to shake. “I’ve managed to get you a copy of the key, but please settle in. I’ve no need of your services this evening, so perhaps you would be interested in dining with me instead.”
“Ah… then I see. Yes.” Rakisu still kept her pout. It was no excuse to phrase it in that manner, how was she supposed to know and not fall for such and embarrassing trick? This woman needed to act more simply. Looking down at the napkin, her pout became a disinterested glare. A napkin? Really? Truly she had none of the class Rakisu was looking for. This was not the air of an elegant lady, but something else entirely. She had potential though, and was nothing if not fair looking. Which is why her words as she turned to leave left Rakisu with quite a startling blush and coyly put smile.
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“Of course… mistress. I shall be happy to serve you in such a way.” Rakisu was smitten red for a moment before she made way to follow. She should have figured that someone with such a filthy dress would have equally dirty needs. As long as she got paid extra for such nights when her body would keep her mistress company. At least, that’s what Rakisu assumed this woman had in mind. 
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
“Oh I don’t doubt your qualifications. It’s simply a question of when you’re able to start.”
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“After all, I’ve only recently moved into this country and have yet had time to unpack. So I would expect a maid to be more than capable in helping me through this arduous process.” The handshake concluded, Angelina let herself size the girl up before passing onto her a hastily scribbled address on a restaurant napkin.
“When you’re all packed up, I’ll expect you to show up at home.” Of course, she certainly held no manor, nor anything even resembling such a stately building. It was merely a normal home in the countryside, a home which could at the very least easily fit two.
And as she turned to leave, Madame Red paused, almost as if for dramatic effect. Turning around she graced the woman with another small smile. “Although I may require your aid in a manner beyond the capacities of a maid after you have claimed your room.”
“Well of course. I have served under countless masters wh-…” Rakisu felt rudely cut off by that comment. There was simply no way that this woman knew of her current state. Impossible! No no, she was the one in formal attitude, not this ill-mannered woman who looked like she just rolled out of bed. How distasteful, but she would have to let it slide for now. She really need the housing. 
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Rakisu coughed, straightening her dress, before shaking the woman’s hand with her own delicately laced fingers. “Very well then, that will be suitable… once I see the establishment and confirm it is a manor of respectable legacy. I only serve wealthy and reputable lords and ladies… I do hope you are not putting this offer out in jest.”
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
“The drink of choice?”
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”Martini. With gin, not vodka, obviously. Stirred for 10 seconds while staring at an unopened bottle of vermouth. Perfect for any social occasions.”
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     “Alright!        So what kind of booze do you need for a party?       I feel like anything cheap will be gross,”
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
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“Rice balls, here? I’m afraid you’re getting your countries mixed up, dear. I’ve not seen a rice ball shop for ages.”
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She just kind’ve came out of nowhere or simply, that he just kinda stood there and talked. Loudly at that. “Oh- sorry am I in your way or something– ah, I can move but hey, do you know where I can get to eat? I wouldn’t even mind if it were rice balls–” 
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
“I didn’t realize you offered such a service, or are you merely making such a suggestion knowing that you would be homeless soon?” The lady smiled as though the too large t-shirt and pyjamas she had on was of no bother. One hand extended outwards for her to shake as she took her seat besides her.
“Regardless of the matter, I’m sure I could see you finding a place in my home. The guest bedroom is free and I shall see into procuring a key for your use.”
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“So, welcome aboard, love.”
“Indeed, I am always prepared to preform my duty to it’s fullest as a maid. You shall never be at a lack for elegant and timely service at my hands, I can assure you.” Rakisu looked her over once more, smiling to herself as if judging her lack of dress. She had already accepted the offer in her mind though. It was important to now come off as too desperate for work. 
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“Hmmmm, I believe you will be an acceptable mistress to serve under. Shall you be requiring my services part-time, or will you be in need of a full time caretaker for your estates?” 
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
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“Come now your honour, I see it hardly fair to discount my appearance in court simply due to one single previous drunken misdemeanour.”
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
She leaned in ever so slightly to signal the bartender over as she held her empty glass outwards.
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“Hey uh... Meiko was it? Have you ever had that feeling where nothing you do is ever correct? I guess it’s just one of these days...”
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roseifemina-blog · 9 years
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“Dear me, dear me. You’re all dressed up for work, and here I am completely unprepared. So I suppose settle in and we’ll discuss matters of payment and employment.”
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