rosexmarls · 9 years
Okay, and pretty sure I would stop by beforehand. Sweet. Well, thank you for having faith in me Cal. I’ll definitely let you know when I go back home, so that way it would be a surprise kind of thing? Oh really? Im sure he’d be happy to try it. Thank you, really. So, have any big plans for Spring Break besides drinking?
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No, you don’t need to. I won’t forget, no way but you can stop by before. That’d be cool with me. You will. I got faith in you. Oh, yeah. Next time you go home, I’ll send you with some more. I got something good coming his way. All You are. Don’t think anything but positive and don’t sweat the writing contest. You’re still good enough.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Great, and I could always send you a text the day of? Or even swing by your place before I head over? To make sure you’ll be there. I really do hope so, or Im never going to be a  singer on the radio. Speaking of which, my dad called and bugged me about your homemade beer. Hopefully that Im LA good and know what it takes in LA. Granted the song writing contests has been helping me get use to rejections. Alright.
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I’ll definitely be there. I’m putting a reminder in my nonexistent calendar. You’re ahead of the game, huh? I mean, I know what I’m going to do after graduation but I’ve known since I was 16 and had my first sip of beer. Yeah, but you’re good. You got what it takes, Marley. Oh, yeah. Everything’s cool. Drinking is what I do every break.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
@nickyrevans: @redrosemarls I am! Vince, Phoebs, and I took the little Evans to Disney.
@redrosemarls: @nickyrevans SO JEALOUS RIGHT NOW!! Im sure they loved it! Did you guys go to Wizardry world?
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Okay! And good, I am too but Im sure it’s going to end soon.
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Don’t worry about it, Marley! It’s cool. I’m glad you’re feeling so liberated right now, though.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Yes really. Great! Its going to be on the 24th, at seven pm and at the theater on campus. Mhm, I figured that way I can get a taste of what its really like there instead of applying a job, moving there and not really liking it. That or even New York, since some companies has offices there. Either way, there’s going to be tough competition. Oh, everything okay?
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Really? Let me know when and where, and I’ll be there. Smart idea. I guess LA would be perfect place for your music and sing writing. More like hitting the alcohol.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
@nickyrevans: @redrosemarls I've been pretty good I guess. Desperately in need of break.
@redrosemarls: @nickyrevans That's great, and I agree with you there. Though, hopefully you're doing something quite fun for Spring break!
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Exactly, that’s always the plus side.
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It is! And they try to interrupt you whenever you’re explaining yourself. Things can be solved without yelling and name calling.
They can… but at least you’re bound to have someone with you if you invite all of your friends. 
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Yes! I can’t stand that either. It’s so stupid. Things can be a discussion rather than just telling someone they’re wrong. 
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Oh yeah, I started to hum one of the tunes in class and I gotten a glare from one of my professors. Lets just say that’s the last time I hummed a tune. That’s cool! And, I still haven’t seen Quantico, but I hear it’s pretty good. I keep on adding onto my list of tv shows.
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There’s not enough hours in the day to watch all of the TV you want.
Most of them are pretty catchy, right? Pretty much anything really. If I read about it and it seems interesting enough, I’ll probably be watching it in my free time. I started that Quantico show around Christmas time, so that’s something else to add to my list.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Good! And that’s great! Im glad that you didn’t need to do anything else as well. Im glad that you’re going to be enjoying your Sunday.
Thank you! And awesome! I figured it’d be a fun event!
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Yeah, definitely next time. I was gone about an hour or two after I posted that. Just glad that I didn’t need to do anything else. So now I’m going to enjoy my Sunday by lounging around and drinking a few beers before bed. 
Oh? That’s great Marls! I’ll definitely be there.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
That’s for sure, yes. Sweet! Well, getting help doesnt hurt anything and you could buy yourself a space heater? That’s what I ended up doing like weeks ago, along with having a lot of blankets on you.
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Well, my siblings are here so I can kind of see the whole, home away from home aspect. Oh, that’d be great! As much as I am getting the hang of it, I do wonder if there are faster ways around so I don’t freeze my butt off. 
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Yes, them. Oh dear, and really? What did you say? And Was this before or after you gotten arrested? That’s true.
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Oh them, yeah. Whatever. Yes, six long and oh so torturous hours. I had a coke and flirted with one of the female cops. Even got her number. If I smart mouthed a cop, it was always on purpose.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
LIKE IM SURE WE COULD’VE BROKE A RECORD FOR TOO MUCH GOODIES, and exactly!!! Good to know, and I’ll check it out once of these days.
Okay! Awww, well thank you Teddy!
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ME TOO!   SO MANY GOODIES, and for such a good cause, which basically eliminates any and all guilt that a person could get from stuffing their face with too many brownies in the first place.  Oh my gosh, they’re all over the place!  You can literally download an app to find the Girl Scout booth nearest your location, it’s kind of magic.  I’m up to my ears in Tagalogs by this point.
Honestly, don’t worry about it!  I don’t think your memory or any part of yourself could ever be anything even remotely resembling horrible.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Same, because you’ve binged watch the series and most people haven’t had the chance of watching it yet. What all series have you seen? Out of curiosity?
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Yes! I hate being that guy who spoils things. Sometimes I forget that not everyone has seen almost every movie and show. Not that I have. I guess I just think I’ve seen more than the average person. I guess. 
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Thanks, and that sounds fun too. 
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Sounds fun and going to New York.
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rosexmarls · 9 years
Very awkward and it could be. It wouldnt hurt if you want to talk to him about it, and try to be friends or whatnot. Rowan and I are good friends, you guys might be too. Who knows with Finn. Yes! I was thinking leaving early tomorrow morning? There’s one that leaves at seven and gets at LAX at ten?
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Yep, it’d be all kinds of awkward. Honestly, I don’t really know where we stand. We’re obviously on good enough terms for him to come over and kill spiders for me, but I think that’s the extent of it. I’m all packed and ready to leave whenever you are, Marls!
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rosexmarls · 9 years
@harleycc: ask your parents for money to DONATE TO MY PHONEATHON ACK the proceeds go to the CHICAGO WOMENS SHELTER for women who have been assaulted
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rosexmarls · 9 years
I will, thank you Culls! And hopefully I will, if not then I guess I’ll be looking at different places. I’ll make sure to come back, but if Im going to love it out there. There might be a chance I might not come back.
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Have fun M! I know you’ll love it out there, but you better come back and not just stay after spring break. 
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