rosiehwestwick · 1 day
uhummm and sometimes I just needed to make some questions to our nanny about what she heard in school when she had to pick them up and it was enough to realize how popular you were and how they seemed to know the westwicks were not together anymore but look at us now, awaking jealousy again in more than one of these ladies who brunch together. i didn't pay attention to anyone else during these weeks so i can't tell if there was someone attracted to me or attempting to make an approach. —Actually, yes, I love it and i'd love to get some tonight. She will be fine, won't she? We won't make her feel replaced because we have been done this before and we know what to do and how to manage jeaulosy, tantrums and all this in little kids. so am i not allowed to start the fun without you? not even a little bit?
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Oh, really? The gossip at our kids' school is better than a tabloid. I didn't pay any attention to it. I much prefer being with my baby mama. I didn't know how I would do it, but I had to get you back. I love you, beautiful. I'll love you forever, and I couldn't be more excited about that, about what's coming for us and this family. I used to dream about you guys and you are more incredible than anything I imagined. I mean, I love to mark my territory on you so, I'm very proud. Don't act like you don't love a good spanking. I'll give you one now if you need a reminder. Our baby girl as a big sister — I'll be just as surprised by that transition as she is. She's been our little princess. We're all a little guilty of spoiling her but we can't help it. The face on that kid, and the way she always knows how to get her way. She's still a lot like her mommy and big sister, so I'm sure she will fall into that role just fine. Just like Aves did. One thing that's making me really excited about having another baby with you is how experienced I feel as a dad. I'm not going to sweat anything that comes with the newborn phase. In fact, that part feels easy. They sleep a lot, and they don't have opinions yet. You're an experienced rider, too, my love. Not just talking about the horses. I won't keep you waiting long. What if you start touching yourself and cum before I get there? I'd be pissed.
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rosiehwestwick · 1 day
You were a very attractive and sexy single dad, rumors say many moms who knew something were already making line in case you announced the official divorce, thankfully, it didn't happen, they didn't have a chance. I wanted you to come home every single day, I felt you were in my mind day and night. But, here we are, celebrating our anniversary and making plans for what is coming ahead for you and I and the family we have built together. I love you, Ed, I love you more than anything and it will never change, not even in a million of years. Are you talking about the marks you left on my butt? are you proud of it, aren't you? —I'm so curious about seeing Devon in the role of older sister, I think she is still a tiny baby, she will be so cute but i don't want to lose my toddler yet, but God, she is the sweetest thing, i know that a baby would make her a little jealous but then the most adorable protective baby girl. Uhumm, exactly, I want a little kitten like that. Oh, hell, yes! i know daddy likes riding too. I've had nice experiences with your skills. Sealed deal. I'll be waiting as you like to, daddy but don't take too long. okay?
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I had a taste of the depressed single dad life and let me tell you, I didn't like it. Not at all. I felt physically unwell during those months at the thought of losing you forever. Love is crazy, baby. It's never going to happen but just so we're clear, I would be a miserable partner to anyone else. I'd be comparing them to you, and it wouldn't be fair to any party involved. I don't know how people move on from the love of their lives. I could never do it. To be fair, baby, I get turned on when you touch my arm. Winking at me is enough to start problems. It would incredibly easy for you to take advantage of me if you wanted to. But yes, I find your confidence and how comfortable you are in your skin to be so sexy. You have that body after having our babies, and that's beautiful, too. Might I add you timed that shot you posted really well: the spanking marks I gave you in Italy had faded by then. If I had been there in Cannes — well, different story. Oh, so it was really a little scare. I mean, that's good. I wouldn't want you to be stressed for days. Spoiling you is one of my favorite things to do under any circumstance, but when you're pregnant, it goes up a notch. And I love to pamper the bump. I become obsessed with those new curves every single time. That will be one lucky, blessed little baby getting the best mommy and the sweetest four siblings. The oldest three, I know they will. They had the absolute best reaction to Devon when she was born, and now they're even older and more mature. Do you remember that? I think it'll go either one of two ways with Devon and a new baby. Either she loves the idea and loves being a big sister and treats the baby like one of her dolls, or we're going to have a little terror with extreme levels of jealousy around the house until she gets used to it. She might ask us to give the baby back! Okay, so you want a glamorous, fluffy white cat. Noted. Excuse me, you're forgetting someone. Daddy likes riding, too. Maybe we do need two horses. It's intentional. I do everything I can to make you so addicted and keep you wanting more. I have an idea. I'll check the kids and make sure they're sleeping. I want you to go to our bedroom and wait for me on your stomach like you are in that picture that broke the internet. Clothes off.
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rosiehwestwick · 1 day
rosiehw: oh well, 🔥
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@edwestwick: Saturday nights these days 😎
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rosiehwestwick · 1 day
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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for Harper’s Bazaar Australia June/July 2024
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
My heart breaks, the only idea of you thinking i'd fall out in love with you. God, No, it would never happen baby, never. but i thought the same, i had that feeling you'd never want to get back to my side for one or another reason. i can't even attempt to imagine my life as your friend as we co-parenting or getting to know a new person next to you while you come to pick up the kids for the weekend, ouch! no, my stomach hurts just thinking about it. well, it seems like i have a lot and different ways to turn you on and i'm glad one of them is being self confident about my body and how i express through my body but you know this body and this booty are only yours. no, i just had to wait one day, my period arrived in non-time, it was just my phone app which told me my period was delayed but it was just one day or two, but the idea ran through my mind a few times during these few hours. and it's nice to have a baby inside me, and th way you spoil me and you love my baby bump and now imagine how spoiled a new baby would be by four siblings, god! do you think they'd be okay with a new baby? devon would be fine with it? a cat, a fluffy white cat as fancy as her mommy. and a horse to share with the girls and boys, they love horses as much as i do. how not to be addicted to you? you fuck me really good and i love it, i never get enough of it.
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Yes and no. At the start of that break we took from each other, I thought, "there's no way that this will last more than a week. I'll be home in no time." But then, time went on and we settled into this routine of living apart and coparenting and it felt devastating inside, but we were making it work. I wondered if there could still be a way for us to be best friends, even if you fell out of love with me. That would be miserable for me, though, being in love with you and stuck being just a friend. I'd still have the kids, but it wouldn't be a complete life anymore. I pity the dudes who still think like that. Huge red flag if your wife can't be her full self with you. I like being a progressive man; I love being with a confident, strong woman. Turns me on like crazy. I hope our boys grow up with a similar attitude towards their partners. Did you? Did you take a test, or just waited it out that one day? If you had told me, I might have gotten a little excited and now I'm calm finding out about this and we can actually talk face to face. Good move on your part. You got a little preview of what that might be like, and it didn't scare you. Isn't that a good sign? Because that's exactly what I'm talking about — That feeling, that experience, of seeing our love in a new, and perfect little baby. There's nothing like it. Other than being a new dad, which of course is completely life changing, the most beautiful part is seeing you with our newborn in your arms. The way you look at them. It makes me tear up thinking about it, if I'm being honest. Imagine Devon as a big sister, baby. You want a cat this time? I could be cool with a cat. A puppy is nearly as much work as a baby. The horse doesn't even have to live with us, so I'm sure you'll convince me to get two, but yes, a cat and a horse. You got a deal, but you're hilarious. I thought sex addictions were bad, no? I guess not for us. I'm down to practice with you, my love. We only have a few days out of the month to try to make one, so we have to be good at this. And very consistent.
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
thankfully we did. i've got a question, did you ever doubt about we would figure it out and get our shit fixed? because i must confess that i hesitated a few times, i thought we wouldn't make it more than once. no, baby, there's no need of replying to them, it's just fun how they think you are one of those old fashioned dudes with a retrograde mind when in fact you are the most respectful ad wonderful partner a woman could wish. and you got the ones without censure, and i know you enjoyed them. —so, it's a yes, we are bringing up the topic about a new baby, i've had just one scare the other day but it disappears sooner than i could tell you, it was just one day, and deep inside i knew it couldn't be, because i'm taking my precautions since we got back together but it made me wonder, how it would be like and if it's would be a good idea. what i know is that i'd love a little baby again, my toddler is getting bigger and i always miss a little baby in my arms and seeing a little of you and myself in one little person, is pure magic and a new way to celebrate our love. i want a cat this time, and what about a horse? can we get both? and meanwhile we can still have a lot. of sex because i'm addicted and while we make it happen and we decide it's about time to make a new baby, we can have all the practice.
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We had a little bump in the road last year, but we got our shit together. Thank God. You did it first, you almost made me cry thinking about what those years will be like. Everything will be fine, I'm sure, if I still have you. Always by my side. I love you. I did see those comments, and I laughed at them all. Almost replied to a few of them defending you but then I thought, these people aren't even worth it. If they only knew you sent me those pictures first and when you asked me if you should post them, I said "Hell yeah. Post it." They don't have a clue who your husband is, baby, and they don't know that we aren't raising sheltered kids who freak out over a little nudity. Are we having that conversation? It was about time we had it, as much as we love teasing each other about it. Thinking about how "active" we have been in that department, I guess I've been mentally preparing myself for you to tell me at any point, "Ed, I'm pregnant." I don't want to freak out if that happens. Didn't you once say "you never know when you're ready"? Because I feel that now. I won't pretend that a fifth kid isn't an intimidating thought, because it is. But, I also know us, and know how we felt when we met each of our kids and how instantly we couldn't imagine life without them. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. We can start with the pet for now. Dogs, cats,...horses? Don't overthink about the baby idea, alright? If we want it bad enough, we'll make it happen.
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
We've learned a lot through all these years, the way we manage a relationship and our kids, everything has been a long process of learning and I've loved every second of it. i think one of worst crisis was last year, and we still managed it to solve it. —are you trying to make me cry now? that's sweet, and yes, I will go and find you in the next life, I want to be with you this life, the next and next one too. it's a promise, my darling. so, did you see all the comments and how concerned people went because i have a husband and kids and i should not be showing off my butt? i laughed a little, they don't know a shit about my husband. oh! edward, so are we having this conversation about a possible fifth kid? i've been nervous about it for a while, and not because i don''t want to, but because when are we going to be ready with all the work and things we have going on but, i want to be clear about it, i want another baby at some point. i'm ready to start practicing for the baby and start looking for a new pet.
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I never think about that time or those relationships before you. I can appreciate it for what it was, though, because it put me in the position and state of mind to create something amazing with you. A healthy love, from the start. I will absolutely feel the same when you're 89 and slightly crazier, but thinking about it feels bittersweet when one lifetime isn't long enough with you. You'll have to find me in the next one so we can do this all over again. Do I think so? I can't be the only one who thinks you're the sexiest thing walking this planet. And I fully support you showing it off. That ass is too perfect to hide. Maybe I'm so comfortable with my wife posting whatever she wants because you're the most respectful, and have never given me anything to worry about. All that and more, and it will be better than our dreams. And I do mean kids, but I threw the pets idea out there as an option if you're not sold on the kids. We'll start trying when you're ready. How about more babies and more pets?
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
it's never too late to make a new way to scare ladies off. Oh! I almost forgot you had exes, i don't even remember their names now, i wonder how they got over you and your nice ways to make a woman swoon. i hope you feel in the same way until i'm 89. I'm getting closer to that but i will be ready to spend my last years in your company and making you laugh a lot with my traits which probably would be worst at that age. do you think so? i'm not sure, i never notice any man when you are around me and when you're not, i'm always surrounded by my gay friends. oh! i thought you mean kids! but pets and our dream house sound perfect, i want all that and more with you. there's still a lot to do together baby.
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It's been a while since you had to scare anyone off. Some exes who I won't mention now out of fear of making you see red. I only have eyes for you, but that's inevitable when you get more beautiful every year. I'm not only talking about what's on the outside. You are a beautiful soul. I don't tell you that often enough. You're in the fantasies of many guys out there, but they know better than to act on it — I don't play around when it comes to you. Trust, communication, a sense of humor, and really, really good sex. If anyone asks, those are our keys to success in love. That was a perfect answer. You stole three of mine already, but I'll say that I want to keep prioritizing health with you, building our dream countryside home, and growing our family, however it's meant to happen. Doesn't necessarily have to be kids. It could easily be pets, if you want.
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
My husband is not offended by this pictures. 🫣😉
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
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rosiehwestwick · 8 days
my healthy amount of jealousy will always be part of me, it's fun making some scenes here and there but you know that i'm sure that no one will ever drive you crazy as I do, i know you wouldn't look at anyone else in the way you look at me but i have fun pouting and moaning about other girls wanting you, because that's fire sure! many ladies want you and it's okay too. uhummm,, part of our success love life is the sex so it is part of our history in pics. —wow! three things? okay, our sex life, our movie nights together, and our trips together. is that a good answer? what is yours?
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Don't ever change. You keep my life very exciting with all your little moods and quirks. A healthy amount of jealousy is good to have. You protect what's yours, and I am very much yours. I've always known that you love me, but it's the way that you love me that is so incredible. We're just getting started, beautiful. I'll show you over dinner because have a date, only for two tonight. So is your album just proof of how horny we've been the past ten years? Nice, baby. I have a serious question for you now. If you could have three things in the next ten years with me, what would they be?
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rosiehwestwick · 9 days
we have learned to deal with everything, haven't we? i'm still a little chaotic and impulsive at times, but you know how to deal with me and my crazy ways to act. my jealousy, and how clingy i can get. i love you, i couldn't be the same without you, i'm the happiest. i love you, you know that, right? you know i adore you and i always will. ten years and we're still getting strong, handsome! i want to see that photo album created by your phone, and i'll show you mine. but mine is a little bit dirty too.
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It's easier now to back on the hard moments, because we got through them, baby. You get me like no one else. Our friends have said that we speak our own language, and they're right. Every inside joke, every kiss, every car ride, where you reach over to touch me, I never want them to end. You're not alone feeling that way. This morning my phone created one of those automatic photo albums, and it was full of memories with you. Our wedding, our kids' births, big adventures we've had and the everyday moments — so many wins, losses, and everything in between. I had a good cry, and some laughs, just looking through them all.
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rosiehwestwick · 9 days
it's been easy, except for the hard moments we've been through but i feel like i've been with you just for a couple of years, i never get tired of you, of your company and the daily little things we share every day. I'm a little nostalgic, we've grown up together and life couldn't get better than this, the good things always wink over all the downs, the losses and the heartbreaks we could have been gone through.
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Ten years as my wife, was it just as easy for you? I don't take a second of it for granted, my love, and I have a strong suspicion that the next ten will be full of wonderful surprises. Celebrating with you and the kids all week. I'm in love with this current phase of life. In twenty years we wont be able to pick them up and take them anywhere in the world to spend our anniversary with us, so I'm soaking every bit of this in.
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rosiehwestwick · 9 days
Happy Anniversary, my love!! I don't take this for granted, it's been 10 years but i want many years more by your side, every year is a new adventure, a new period with a lot of surprises. I can't wait to see what the future is awaiting for us, for our kids and that in twenty years or more, it's been only you and me again.
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How have I coped with ten years of marriage? Simply that it's you, and you're the one I get to do this with. The woman of my dreams and I've loved every version of you. Overwhelmed with pride and love would be the best way to describe how I feel at the moment. Happy Anniversary, Rose.
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rosiehwestwick · 9 days
I love you endlessly and until the day I die. That's a promise. Thanks for being by my side for 10 years. How have you done to cope with me during all this time? Please, let's never end this. You and Me together forever.
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edwestwick — Instagram: 10. My heart is full today as I think about this life we created together and the endless commitment you have shown me. The most magical years spent next to you, growing with you, and loving you with everything I've got. Through the unimaginable highs and devastating lows, you are my constant. I'd do it all over again. There is nothing I value more than being your husband. Here's to another 10, and 10 more after that. Until the end of time. It's you and me, rosiehw. x E @rosiehwestwick
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rosiehwestwick · 14 days
you always steal the show with your presence in every event here, this time i'm not having my date but i keep telling them you're working and kicking some butts in italy plus i never forget to mention how proud i am of you. my favorite actor. I'm still your biggest fan, can you sign my bra and panties next time? —my pleasure, i'll send you one video for each outfit i wear. —God! of course you can say that, but I get aroused when you talk about my tits. I wish you had your sexy face between them. Oops! did i just say that?
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Miss you, my baby. This suite still smells like your perfume and for that, I'm thankful. First time in years that I'm not in Cannes, but I know my other half is representing us extremely well. Send me another one of those "get ready with me" videos. You know I love those. You look incredible. Your tits look incredible. Can I say that?
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rosiehwestwick · 14 days
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