rosienyol · 2 years
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Un relleu secret de muntanyes fugaces
s'esvaeix a trenc d'alba de la seva pell.
N'és insultant que tot el que puc somiar
és quelcom que ja he viscut amb ell...
No era Déu despert quan irrompérem a casa
Santa Maria sospirà patint amb ulls cloent
Penso pregàries que mai li dedicaria
"Tant de bo ens prenguéssim el nostre temps..."
Però tu no en tens,
no, tu no en tens.
Sóc una pausa, un annexe, un secret,
El teu índex passa en diagonal sobre el meu text.
Què faig jo gastant aquesta tinta que em dóna la vida
en algú tan fora de context?
Tot quedarà en el pròleg d'un mite
que només jo compartiré
com una boja a les portes de Troia
mai creguda, esperant el seu moment...
Però tu no em sents,
no, tu no em sents.
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rosienyol · 2 years
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Doctor, there's nobody in this town who
could help me to end my shift!
Doctor, I've been fixing alien shit too long,
'forgot my fist could bleed!
And I know you cannot mend it all,
but I guess you know
when to wink so I flee...
Doctor, please be careful with your promises,
I always keep receipts!
The wounds that we hold
are waiting to be closed
as we take another blow.
You're too busy, my love
and I can't wait to go!
Time's just space in our souls...
And it's getting cold.
Doctor, there's a fractal factor: you're an actor
anywhere we've intervened!
Doctor, if I witness your lies to be sold,
what do you expect me to believe?
And I know you hate to be alone,
so am I just someone
that had nowhere else to be?
Doctor, I'm struggling a bit breathing here,
your ego's weighing down your ship...
The wounds that we hold
are waiting to be closed
as we take another blow.
You're too busy, my love
and I can't wait to go!
Time's just space in our souls...
And it's getting cold.
Doctor, my feet have been missing the ground, now
I'm kind of feeling seasick.
Doctor, please spare a bit of daydream,
there's a life I have to live!
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rosienyol · 2 years
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Els pitjors adeus són aquells que et perds... 
Em permets divagar? Qui serem després?
Sé que esdevindràs un cometa expert, 
mentre jo arrossego el meu dol pel firmament.
Deixa rastre, deixa rastre si estàs bé.
Deixa rastre, deixa rastre si estàs bé. 
Jo ho intentaré... Ja ho intentaré... 
Jo ho intentaré... Prou que ho intentaré.
M'arriben ecos tard del teu present. 
Porto el passat cordat al clatell. 
Orbito records jugant amb els anells... 
Sembla tan sensat sortir a buscar un nou estel!
Deixa rastre, deixa rastre si estàs bé. 
Deixa rastre, deixa rastre si estàs bé. 
Jo ho intentaré... Ja ho intentaré... 
Jo ho intentaré... Prou que ho intentaré.
I accelero, i accelero, i accelero, 
però la foscor és llenç de l'univers!
I accelero, i accelero i accelero,
esperant poder... aterrar dret. 
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rosienyol · 2 years
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Frozen thighs,
beams of Sun are rough,
cold wind squeezed at night,
sheets were rolled from sorrow...
Where do I belong
if I’m a homeless soul…?
Where do I belong
if I believed in dust…?
Spirals keep tangling fights,
windows shield the world.
Voices drown your mind,
and chaos calls your door...
Where do I belong
if I’m a homeless soul…?
Where do I belong
if I believed in dust…?
Where do I belong
if I yearn getting lost?
Where do I belong?
if only you could know…
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rosienyol · 2 years
a cada bugada / eterna revetlla
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a cada
perdem un
ja porto
vint vespres
que em sento
de dol...
m'he fet
les dos trosses
semblo de
porta crosses,
diumenge farà
tinc amics que no vull veure,
em ve de gust deixar morir el cos,
al sofà m'enterraré tendra,
i deixaré als gats destrossar el meu món...
a les deu
perquè això
és tot
el que pot
enmig del
tant de bo sigui revetlla
d'un divendres gloriós
però tot ara apunta que no.
'deixo emportar per tu
que sé que em veneres!
parlaré pels ulls,
ballarem havaneres...!
'deixo emportar per tu,
serem les estrelles
d'un cel tan profund
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rosienyol · 2 years
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Where’s the fog leading me now?
‘Been told here’s no place to heal a wound.
I find myself combing the night,
no one’s around to drag me back home.
Some shield gleams in the way,
and I know a battle’s been fought.
Found you abandoned and I knelt
to your stone-cold words about a life beyond control,
and it cracks my head…

I perceive you so ethereally now
that I’m frightened by the mere act of a slight murmur.
You look up to my light but hide your eyes,
I’ll try to guess what’s in your skull...
Blue knight cries for his ribs,
while I know the mending of his ache.
We both pretend solemnity
not to scare each other with horror tales,
and it cracks my head…
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rosienyol · 2 years
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El Núvol d'Oort
M'escampo per l'espai,
però tot segueix girant entorn de tu
de vegades voldria ser
objecte amb gravetat pròpia i nucli dur.
Has fet el volt espacial
que somiava pels dos
però l'escafandre no te l'he posat pas jo...
Tap, tap a l'esquena
i vinga noia que això no és res!
No és pas cap condemna,
és que vas amb el cap ben ple!
I tu diràs "doncs no sé jo,
per què vull ser si no en soc prou?"
Tots amb llunes i mel
mentre floto com núvol d'Oort...
En detriment del cel
llenço de tant en tant míssils entre el fum.
És depriment saber que
no rebràs el missatge segur.
Es distorsionen paraules, ni parlem de connotació!
Si us plau, no resignifiquis el que vam viure tu i jo...
Tap, tap a l'esquena
i vinga noia que això no és res!
No és pas cap condemna,
és que vas amb el cap ben ple!
I tu diràs "doncs no sé jo,
per què vull ser si no en soc prou?"
Tots amb llunes i mel
mentre floto com núvol d'Oort...
Diuen que arribarà el meu cicle
(vinga va, no vull perdre un minut!)
quan algú mirarà enrere
i se'm presentarà a contrallum,
ajustaré les pupil·les,
sort de ser el núvol d'Oort
que podré abraçar-te des d'un any llum al Sol...!
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rosienyol · 8 years
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stripped pulse is extinct to my files
well, I hope you say you don’t mind,
I fought destabilized
but I feel you’ve been alone
just don’t fuel
there’s still time
though I drew your line,
now I freeze my heart,
if you come by
still I
got something for you, dear
hold my hand while I’m drunk
we’ll forget but now feel like home,
let yourself go in the forest for fun
but we know the dance sync and sink our hopes
our see-through
burning lies
that we’ve been telling us
make me freeze my heart
if you come by
still I
got something for you, dear
that’s too much wandering for friends
that’s too much wondering for kids
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rosienyol · 8 years
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A hundred rails that got nowhere but still I tried, the glass just blown and I sit there as fire dies.
Nine hundred years of oceans that could waft your heart; no step in land just because I got no path.
Milestones as breakfast, son, stress makes me smile. I’m scared but reckless, keeping stories in my rucksack.
Shivers the whisper, I live in Autumn and let me tell you why, I rather feel nostalgia of warmth than burn myself to dust.
D’you ever feel the rush of blood when you’re unaware and they stare back just pleased to share time and space with you, and right away just leave?
Memories won’t fade as long as we take care of bliss, though I’m the first one here who cannot reach a single bridge.
And I just drown a little bit every time a current fills the gap between these sharpened hills, ‘cause I believed my leap was weak...
I’m sorry for all the storms I could’ve caused, but now I leave behind the gardens I brought forth.
I’m sort of guided by the absence of my own core. No sense of home, but if you miss me I’ll be in the north.
Milestones as breakfast, son, stress makes me smile I’m scared but reckless, keeping stories in my rucksack.
Shivers the whisper, I live in Autumn and let me tell you why, I rather let my leaves fall down to start all over.
D’you ever feel the rush of blood when you’re unaware and they stare back just pleased to share time and space with you, and right away just leave?
Memories won’t fade as long as we take care of bliss, though I’m the first one here who cannot reach a single bridge.
And I just drown a little bit every time a current fills the gap between these sharpened hills ‘cause I believed my leap was weak...
“Everything arrives, my dear” but how could you know? It’s easy to say when you’re already home, and your face is full of glow.
I feel in my bones, everywhere is where I must fly. But all I hear by now it is “Saturday is fine”...
...It is fine for me, I heard it is fine for me, I said it is fine for me, I hope it is fine for me, I pray it is fine for me, I feel it isn’t fine for me.
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rosienyol · 8 years
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I was twenty years old that night that I found out there were no more candles around.
Echo had the way clear to feel the world is round, and no one’s gonna pull my hand to come back home if there’s something like that.
Pour me an effervescent aspirin of your fleeting warmth in this glass full of tears from the skies I roamed alone.
The breeze that comes from tomorrow mutters my name, not yours. But binary sunsets could be real just if you sat with me now, and forgot to speak and began to feel.
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rosienyol · 8 years
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Can’t criminalize your mistakes
but I know for sure my soul has fallen
                                                                         into limbo once again.
We argue in nightmares that my yearn
                                                                            has dyed as dreams.
In-between the red and the blue
my lilac thoughts gain weight as the hits I take
for missing my helmet when I chose
to stare at your eyes and sail into them
                                                                             I’m fucked up, man.
I knew the routes I took were risky
                                                      and dark
                                                                      and lonely
                                                                                        and endless, but
forgot every fear when I found the gold thread
and so hold on to some purl at last,
in this labyrinthine mind
                                      oh, what a shame
                                                                     the thread was cut.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
I walked infinite miles alone
holding out my hand for someone
who no one told me to trust at all,
                                                     but I saw myself as an explorer…
What a failed discovery to turn around
and guessing my fears were shorter,
and feeling again the next step for me
                                                           would be damn harder…
I’ll try to leave you
Cried and grieved for weeks
to all my hopes and lies,
and now you’re all:
“here’s your strength,
                                    and here’s your soul,
         just put yourself together or
drown your fantasies,
all what they do is tear you up, my love”,
it’d be easier if I wasn’t this scared to oblivion,
Maybe I was meant to fall.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
When I believed you.
I won’t destroy the memory of that time
               I won’t deny I shuddered more than once
                                     I miss that feeling of illusory bliss
                                                                                   Oh my….
That’s why I guess
                               this won’t be the last one.
‘Cause I’d believe you.
‘Cause I’d believe you.
‘Cause I’d believe you.
‘Cause I’d believe you.
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rosienyol · 8 years
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“You’re mad, your eyes are a great downfall […]”
Time strikes, and all I got is wasted in words.
I’ve tried to rescue myself from quicksands that were born in me, while everyone was tasting fear from all I couldn’t do. And I was born with shoes in steel, held by these marzipan feet; I cannot just pass by.
But I’m done waiting, waving to those who leave. I’m done just waiting, just waving to those who leave… me here.
Hold me close I lost the knack of longing our past, but I’m stuck in future deeds. Can you believe detachment is the new black now? And I’m dressed in mourning.
‘Been to find, ‘had always been the kind who would start a fight ‘cause there’s no kind at all.
‘Been to find, ‘had always been the kind who would start a fight ‘cause there’s no kind at all.
Keep that letter to yourself, it’s been so long I’m not anymore who wrote it. I won’t miss anything, doesn’t mean I won’t think about it.
‘Cause I’m done waiting, waving to those who leave. Yes, I’m done just waiting, just waving to those who leave… me
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