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“Oh, right. Yeah, I was definitely checking myself out. I was just there, doing my thing and all the sudden, bam. My reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t help myself. I had to see the gains, if the booty was poppin’ and what not. Was that convincing enough? There was, actually. Could you imagine how embarrassing it would’ve been to walk around with lint on my butt? It would’ve been social suicide.”
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“There you go, I don’t blame you or find you weird for that. The booty’s always poppin’. Yeah, totally, but at least now I’ll know you could never lie to me, since you suck at it. Is social murder better? ‘Cause I’ll definitely go tell everyone about your lint butt, since I genuinely want to see if it’s that life-threatening.”
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“What? No! I wasn’t checking myself out. I was trying to see if I had lint on my butt. Detergent’s always trying to ruin my outfits, you know.” 
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“Why the hell not? That’s so much worse, you should have just gone with my thing. So, was there any butt-lint lingering?”
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“I know what this looks like, but I can explain.”
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“You don’t need to explain why you were checking yourself out, Chris, it’s pretty explanatory. I don’t blame you.” 
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“I guess you’re right, I kind of had it coming. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know if it was supposed to be an ultra secret brother kind of thing, but then Percy told me he told Annabeth and then I felt bad and realized I probably should’ve said something, but by the time I did, it was a little too late. I appreciate the poetic effort though. Wow, you make him sound great. Maybe I should be Chris Kardashian more often. You’re right, I don’t understand, but maybe you can help me understand. Smart people can be wrong about things too, you know. I mean, just think of scientists. Their theories can be proven wrong. I think Annabeth’s just so deep into her theory about you that she can’t or doesn’t want to see the factors that could prove her and her theory wrong. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. The only way I’ll leave your life is if I want to, but I don’t wanna do that and I don’t think I ever will, so you’re stuck with me for probably the rest of your life unless I die first. And even then, I’d still find a way to stick around. I like the mess that is Rose Woods, why is that so hard to understand? Rose, I think you’re misunderstanding the situation. They should be the ones trying to become better people by learning how to shut their mouths, not you. If they talk smack about you, I’ll smack them in the face, how about that? Maybe that’ll teach them.” 
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“I get it, but I also don’t get why that would ever be an ultra secret brother kind of thing. You went to a spa, it wasn’t exactly like Percy was proposing to Annabeth. Like, I really don’t care, I just didn’t know where you were and I was so so so bored. You and Chris Kardashian are the same, how can you not see that? I just think you get it or you don’t, and it’s okay either way--but I’m not gonna apologise for using my powers, would you? Like, it’s not my fault I can’t save an idiot from some assholes with my cool water gift, or make daisy chains, or summon some skeletons, but I still want to learn and use it when I can. So, yeah, that might mean people get hurt or whatever but that was their fault for trusting me, and also saying yes, obviously. I’ve been nice--okay, maybe not nice, but I’ve been a decent enough human being to Annabeth and she’s just evil. I even offered her some of my cookie pizza once. You’re definitely going to die first, Chris, I’m immortal. It’s not hard to understand, it’s just dumb, and a waste of your time and I’m sick of Annabeth, and even Percy sometimes, judging me because we’re friends. Well, I mean, I’m not one to condone violence, but yeah, that sounds super fun, do that.”
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“Well, not really. You can form opinions on people and stuff, but just because she’s in the spotlight it’s more like biased. But I feel like I’ve done enough research to genuinely know I don’t like her personality as far as you can judge that without meeting someone. I don’t know, I’m not like mean about it or anything, I just kind of get irked when I hear her on interviews and stuff. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t like someone who kept trying really hard to be relatable in regular life anyways? So I don’t feel too bad? You know, nothing you do would come as a surprise. I mean, I’m sure they do have those, but they’re not televised or talked about outside the medical world. When it comes the time to bridge it down, I’ll let you know. If your very last resort to save your own life was to kick someone in the face, you’re a goner anyway, so I’m fine with that. But like, you should be? I point the blame on you because I’ve gotten in trouble by not putting it on you. Also, you’re a demon, and Chris is an angel, so naturally, you would have done the wrong. Do you not remember? Chris is perfect. I do get the annoying thing though, so I will put that on him. I’m not taking sides. I’m just being nosy, like you’ve been in my past affairs. I’ll have you know, I kicked Clarisse’s ass in the end, and her dads. Most people underestimate me, but it gives me the element of surprise so I’m fine with that. You’ve probably just never seen me fight, because I’d like to think I’m pretty badass. At least I hear really dramatic, badass music playing in sequences when I train. Just because I don’t go around intimidating people doesn’t mean I can’t kick ass. Maybe if you agree that I’m badass, I can let you in on what I need done.”
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“She could be so different in person, though, like in actual person, and not just interviews and stuff. But I get that she seems kind of annoying, like she needs to be centre of attention all the time. Yeah, don’t feel too bad. She supposedly broke up Anna Faris and Chris Pratt so screw her, I guess. Nothing at all? Well, they should be, they should have posters and big award shows on red carpets, or blue carpets--the medical world seems very blue. What if we’re climbing something and they grab my leg? I’d need to be good at kicking them in the face. That’s definitely not a fair reason to point the blame at me, but if you ever need to get out of some bullshit argument with Annabeth then sure, then you have permission to throw me under the bus but I haven’t done anything wrong this time. I was actually helping someone out, and Chris totally gave me the OK, I asked him first and he said that I could. Then, whatever, people did dumb shit that I didn’t make them do in anyway, and now Chris wants me to take responsibility and do something about it, when again, nothing is my fault. The element of surprise is a pretty neat tactic. I just think you’d complain at all my complaining if you tried to teach me, because I won’t hold back--I will complain the whole time. Okay, Percy, I think you’re super badass, so badass even that I can’t believe just how badass you are. Can I help now?”
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“That can be easily fixed. Let’s be real, I’ll probably be on my death bed and you’ll still be holding this over me. As long as you don’t go engraving that on my epitaph, I’ll learn to live with it. Chris Kardashian, that’s who I’m gonna be right now. Sure, this whole thing helped them in the end, but like I said, they all got hurt in the process. Maybe some more than others and that’s not cool. I know it wasn’t your fault, I’m well aware of that, but don’t you feel the slightest bit bad about it? And since when do you care what people think of you? People are gonna judge you and bash you no matter what you do, it’s in their nature. I’m not just talking about Annabeth right now, I’m talking about every single person in the world. I’m sorry you have to find out like this, but I’ve been a part of the so-called mess that is Rose Woods for how many years now? Five? What I’m trying to say is I didn’t get dragged into anything, Rose. I willingly walked into it. So, if someone starts talking smack about you, yes, I’m gonna defend you. And guess what? I don’t care if you like it or not, because that’s what friends do. They defend each other. I don’t want you to be sorry, Rose. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to be a woman of word, that’s all.” 
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“Probably, but if you’re ever in doubt, just remember it was your fault that you didn’t tell me. Awh, damnit, I had it worded all nice and everything just for your epitaph. Flawless, sassy, one of a kind, that’s who Chris Kardashian is. Feeling bad would mean I feel guilty, and I don’t because I didn’t make their choices for them, they did. You just don’t get it, and that’s fine, I mean, I don’t think anyone ever will other than my siblings because it’s just not something that other people understand. I don’t know, I think Annabeth just got to me, she’s so annoying--but she’s right, I think. Like, a lot of what she says makes sense, and she’s supposedly smart so maybe she knows what she’s talking about. Well, maybe you should willingly walk away, five years is enough damage. I just think maybe I need to be a better person and then people won’t need to talk smack, but I don’t know how to do that. Okay, I’ll try to be. I mean, I will, I’ll sort it out.”
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“Well, next time you make yourself a cup of hot cocoa, give me a call. Maybe not a literal call, but you know. I promise I won’t be in some Colorado town living it up in a spa. That was one time and I already apologized for leaving without saying anything. Who said you were the bad guy? All you did was try to help someone, which is why I agreed to this in the first place. I know Dakota was the one who came to you and I know she’s the one who asked for it. There was no possible way for us to know that it would end up like this, but it did. And I don’t mean to pull a Kim Kardashian and get all my receipts out there, but you promised you’d try to make things better if they went downhill. Well, things went downhill. I know it’s not your job or our job for that matter to go clean up other people’s messes, but we can’t just stand here, cross our arms and do nothing. We meddled into their love lives, Rose. It’s the least we can do. Listen, Annabeth will judge you no matter what you do, that’s a fact. But I won’t and I don’t. How could I judge someone I think the world of?  I think it’s funny that you think I judge you when literally all I do is defend you tooth and nail. If that’s what judging is to you, then sure, I judge you so hard.”
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“Alright, fine, I will. I’ll have to go get more mini marshmallows, though. And I accept your apology and it’s totally fine, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hold it over you forever, or at least until I see fit. Everyone, all the time, especially when it’s to do with potions and what not. Oh, Gods, not another Kardashian named Chris. I very much doubt things are downhill, he kissed her, you said he was happy to know she liked him, so if anything, I’d say this whole parade has helped them massively. Who knows where they’d be without me? I just don’t know what you want me to do, I’m not a healer, I can’t help Sam, I’m sure if he was pissed then he won’t want to talk to me, and Dakota’s not exactly got the best record for listening to anything I say. Annabeth can go to Hell for all I care, though she’d probably enjoy it like the weird demon she is. Can’t you see how bad that is? You shouldn’t need to defend me, I shouldn’t have people bashing me to the point I need defending--I’m clearly doing something wrong and I don’t want you getting dragged into the whole mess that is Rose Woods. Chris, look, I’m sorry, I’ll sort it all out, I promise.” 
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“If you told me you made a cup of hot cocoa for me, of course I would’ve been there to drink it. One does not reject hot cocoa, ever. Oprah-ish can be good as long as no one starts crying. I know, I know, but you should’ve seen his face. I felt bad. Especially since I was the one gave you the green light to do this whole thing, so this is kind of my fault too. Well, he told me they were in the middle of an argument and that he ended up kissing her, so maybe she just had a lot of emotions. I didn’t want to ask for more details, but it sounds like a lot of people got hurt in the process–Piper, Dakota, Sam. This potion thing was really a bad idea, Rose. Is there anything we can do to make things better?” 
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“But you weren’t there when I was making mine, who knows where you’d be--probably in some Colorado town living it up in spa. Well, did anyone cry? I think you just have some weird weakness for Sam, no one else I know has ever felt bad for the guy. Yeah, you did. Why is it my fault she has emotions? Listen, Chris, I didn’t do this out of spite or because I was bored, I did this because Dakota asked me to. She came to me. And I know people like you and Annabeth all judge me for whatever but I asked you because I care about what you think of me and you said I could do it. It’s not my job to make things better, if Dakota didn’t want this then she shouldn’t have asked me. Both Dakota and Piper knew what they were doing, and yes, it sucks that Sam had no idea and he ended up hurt but I’m not to blame for that. But I like how she literally burnt Sam, while I used my powers to actually help someone and yet I’m still the bad guy.”
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“And you didn’t make a cup for me? That’s just mean. You know how much I love hot cocoa and mini marshmallows. They make everything better. My day was alright. A bit Oprah-ish, but okay nonetheless. I stopped by the infirmary and guess who was there? Sam. Apparently things kind of went downhill with Dakota and she ended up burning him. Poor guy, he looked awful. He was so conflicted too, he kept rambling on and on about him not knowing why Dakota did what she did and I kind of ended up telling him about the whole potion deal. And let me tell you, the guy wasn’t happy. I mean, he kind of was when he found out Dakota liked him, but he was kind of mad at me for not saying anything before. Gods, I felt so bad. Maybe I should bring him some mini marshmallows next time I see him.”
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“Well, you weren’t there to drink it if I had so you’re just as much at fault, unless you want me wasting hot cocoa and mini marshmallows? Oprah-ish is good, no? I didn’t know people just stopped by the infirmary. Chris, it’s not your job to tell him, it’s Dakota’s, and she didn’t so you’re not to blame and you definitely shouldn’t feel bad. You didn’t do anything wrong. And I don’t know why she burned him, but she must have had a reason to because my potions don’t burn people. Maybe you should.”
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“That can be true, yes, but I know I can’t be the only person that monologue has touched. Hell, I think I like it better than the song itself. Oh, it looks like someone is having trouble accepting her Swiftiness. Someone whose name starts with an R and ends with ose. I wonder who it could be. So, what did you do today, Swiftie Rose? Other than studying Taylor Swift’s entire discography that is.”
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“Chris, I didn’t want to have to be the one to tell you this but you definitely are the only one who’s ever been affected by that monologue. Shut up, I’m a lover of music and she does produce music so what can I say? You’re the worst at trying to be mysterious. Not much, I was clearly too wrapped up with Tay-Tay to function. But I did make a fantastic cup of hot cocoa earlier, with mini marshmallows and everything. Did you have a good day?”
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“Yeah, that’s why it’s important to just not give a fuck. I don’t know if I’m being overly critical, but I was never on the J-Law train, like I just thought that she was fake trying to be relatable and stuff, but I also get that that’s just who she is probably. I don’t know, I mean, I can definitely see why people got annoyed? I feel like you’d be the one out of anyone here to be praying to that god honestly. I assume the fame and massive following is what brought it. I don’t think doctors have groupies, or fans of their work. And that’s actually really stupid because all celebrities do are sometimes provide entertainment, whereas doctors and lawyers save peoples lives. They should be worshipped like the celebrities are. Or it was like other celebrities who were saying shit. We should just burn the bridge down. I’ve taken a bridge down before. It’s not a limitation though, you just need to be careful because if you go to hardcore on a kick, you might wipe out and land on your back, though it’ll be funny, you’ll probably bitch about it into the new age. No more food. Get that out of your head. It’s not that embarrassing? And why? Are you guys fighting? Trouble in paradise? Is the honey moon phase already over? What did you do? Um, excuse you, you forgot one person who is good at fighting that you don’t hate. This guy. Who knows, she just comes and goes sometime. But wherever she is, I’m sure she’s kicking ass. None of your business.”
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“But you’re proving the point that celebrities can’t catch a break, because J-Law is relatable but you’re complaining it’s forced, which, you know, it could be, but what if that is just her? If she wasn’t famous and she was just a regular person there would be nothing wrong with how she acts. How do you know I haven’t been texting the guy? We’re on a first name basis. No, they don’t, but they should, like big awards for how many lives they’ve saved and who did the best surgery and stuff like that--it’d be very dramatic. I’ll happily burn the bridge, bulldoze it, bombard it, whatever needs to happen, I’m down. Well, now you’re just giving me more reasons to not want to learn how to kick someone in the face, so if I end up dying because I couldn’t save myself by kicking someone in the face then it’s on you. Fine. It is embarrassing, why would I want him to see me suck at something? Oh, shut up, we’re not together like that. Why do you always point the blame at me? But no, we’re not fighting, he’s just annoyed me. But you’ll probably be on his side so I’m not even going to give you the opportunity by telling you. Are you, like, good good though? You’re just kind of a loser, and I mean that in the best way, but you know, you’re no Karine or Clarisse. Like, you’re not a badass, I’m not scared of you, and I want people to be scared of me. Yeah, definitely. Please? You know I love doing bad things for good people.”
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“Like, going out to a pub to get a drink, maybe dancing, is deemed as really taboo. When in reality, it’s a normal thing that about 90% of the population does every weekend. It’s kind of fucked up. Oh what? That sounds really inhumane, but if she’s down with it. Oh yeah, she’s been praying to the Many Faced God. I totally believe that. Pop culture is taking over as the new holy grail, literally. I don’t get her whole squad thing, but I honestly wouldn’t put it past them. I’ve seen a bunch of Tweets and stuff about how her squad was really exclusive and stuff, and a lot of people hated on her for that. So that’s the only thing I’d even bash her for, if that’s true, I don’t know. Yeah, that’s why they’re called trolls. Nasty, little creatures who live under a bridge, except the bridge is now anonymous faces on the internet. Is it because you can’t reach regular peoples faces? Oh well, for starters, don’t blackmail people into teaching you. I’m sure Chris would love to show you. He probably has never kicked anyone before, but he’d definitely find someone to help you if it meant you’d be safer. Please do. I need to purchase a clone asap to do my dirty deeds.”
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“Yeah, wearing certain clothes, doing certain things, it’s all criticised by people who do the same themselves yet have the audacity to complain when a celebrity does it. That’s why everyone liked J-Law because she did normal people stuff, but now people find her annoying so I guess you can’t win at all. I assume she was down with it. And the Many Faced God has been providing her with the skills she needs. Which is weird, like, could you imagine if the world viewed doctors and scientists as celebrities, like, who said that actors and singers were the ones that should have been worshipped? She just had a group of friends, and people started calling it squad goals, I don’t think she ever did, literally was all the media once again. We need to find a way to crush them under the bridge. Well,..that might be a reason, but whatever, Percy, you don’t need to stoop to my height. Ugh, come on, by blackmail you know I totally mean give food to. I don’t want Chris to show me, that’s a billion levels of lame and embarrassing and I don’t even want to talk to him right now. Everyone I know who’s good at fighting I hate, apart from Karine but gods knows where she is right now. What dirty deeds do you need doing?”
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“Yeah. I can definitely imagine it being really weird being idolized to that extent. Like, under it all, most of them are normal. It’d also be super annoying to not have any privacy. Like how did she even stay of the radar this past year? Did she peel some guys face off and use it as a disguise? Who knows how they do it. But then I also feel like idolizing others has been a thing since way back in the ancient times. I wouldn’t be able to deal either. They’re leeching for views and money basically. They twist one thing, take it out of context, and make it a bigger deal than it has to be. Then comes along the opinionated people who are really ignorant and are just being trolls and rude cause they want to be heard. It’s honestly a mess. I’m sure you won’t have a problem learning to kick people in the face? I’m actually surprised thats not a talent of yours? It almost sounds like it could be the company name cause it’s fast and there are so many. Swift Company.”
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“Exactly, and people shame them for absoloutely everything, if they act like celebrities they get bashed, if they act like normal people they get bashed--no wonder so many of them go to rehab. No idea, I heard she was transported via box, like a delivery. But yeah, she’s definitely used some Arya Stark technique somehow. Maybe that’s why religion isn’t as prominent nowadays, celebrities are the new gods in their own weird way. I saw a buzzfeed article that theorised that Taylor fell out with three members of her squad because their names weren’t on her shirt in the video, like no, she’s just taunting the media and they fell right in her trap. Trolls annoy the hell out of me, it’s so hard to ignore them when they’re just so wrong all the time. You’d think so but I’m not that great at it. I actually need to learn how to kick butt because of the whole date thing that happened with Chris but I don’t know who to blackmail into teaching me because I literally hate everyone. If it’s not already a thing then I’m funding it.”
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“I’m pretty sure this whole thing and most celebrity drama is literally just a scheme that they’re all in on to maximize traffic to their videos and stuff. So yeah, she’s probably laughing, sitting on her golden toilet that actually converts her shit to money, while her fans are hard core going after the details in her video that she put there on purpose to make them think there was more to it than there actually is. Oh yeah, she’s dating a guy, watch them break up as soon as the media gets onto them like they did with all her other ones. Kind of sucks, maybe it shows that media breaks apart her relationships, it might not actually be her. I also really enjoyed how she kicked one in the face. I mean, don’t we all want to do that sometimes. Clones would be interesting though. I’m sure they’re all legit clones because, well, why not?”
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“Probably, no one really knows what they’re like behind closed doors and I bet it’s so so different to what we get to see. It’s kind of weird that people are idolised the way that they are today, I’d probably go crazy if I couldn’t walk from A to B without someone reporting on it. Exactly, people just love analysing it all, no one has anything better to do with their lives. Then it’ll be her fault all over again with everyone calling her a slut. Definitely, ‘cause if you think about how twisted the media make everything, they literally form stories up out of nothing, so I’m sure it puts a strain on everything. It was a good kick, too. I need to learn how to kick people in the face. If I was a cloning company I’d definitely invest in Swift.”
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“I feel like the fact that she made this song shows that she never didn’t care in the first place. But I feel like she now really doesn’t care. Does that make sense? Yeah, the video was pretty neat, but also, I feel like she’s over analyzing her life at the same time. Kudos to keeping up with the tabloids in that much detail though. I couldn’t do it. Mostly because I’d feel too ashamed and just never come out of my house again. I think the question should be, who is the real T-Swizzle? No one really knows.”
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“Yeah, if she really didn’t care then there’d be no song at all, so it’s obviously got to her enough for her to release it. So, yeah, it makes sense. There’s a lot of hidden messages in it that are so intentional, and barely even subtle, but whatever, she can do what she wants--she’ll still make millions either way. I think she’s in tabloids so often that it’s hard to not be aware of it all. Weird how she’s been with her new boyfriend for almost a year though, goes to show how good privacy can be. I hope all the versions of her in the video are actually clones, I’d definitely believe it.”
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“I just think it’s funny how she tried to not care with the whole Shake It Off thing, and then was like, fuck it, I agree, I’m annoying. But like kudos to the self deprecating jokes, I’m there with her.”
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“I feel like she still doesn’t care, I think the songs are definitely targeting the media, and the music video kind of confirmed that, ‘cause she’s kind of calling them out for all the ways they’ve made her look like an idiot and what not. But then half of it is like, maybe this is just a desperate attempt to pretend to be someone she’s not. Who knows? Not me.”
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