rossochday · 8 years
Whirlpool Headquarters-Och Day Trek
On Friday morning I got to spend my whole day at the North American Headquarters for Whirlpool Corporation. It was my second Och Trek and if I might say so myself it won’t be the last. I was eager to reunite with some of the ladies that had been on the previous Chicago Trek and also meet new faces. 
Lisa and her colleagues had a busy day prepared for us and I enjoyed every bit of it. Hearing from Chris Bealer, the North American Division CFO share some insight into the company and express his successful leadership style was quite the gift. I also liked hearing about the new environmentally friendly product, Vessi. It was interesting to actually be in person walking the building of where the engineers do their best work and create ideas that could potentially give rise to the market. 
I want to commend the team for doing a job well done for making my peers and I feel welcome. You could definitely tell they put a lot of time, effort, and thought in how they wanted the day to flow. Lastly, I really enjoyed visiting the headquarters of Whirlpool. It’s not everyday you get to visit a company’s headquarters. I know a few employees at the Chicago Trek wanted some of us to come to the headquarters in Benton Harbor, MI and also see one of the highlight's of their day, the beach. I’m glad we were able to do that and I could definitely see myself potentially working for the company due to their value to diversity, inclusiveness, work life balance and more. 
-Taylor A. Williams
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rossochday · 8 years
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Recently, I had the opportunity to attend my first Och Women in Finance Day Trek to Whirlpool in Benton Harbor. Even though I knew a bit about the company before through friends that worked there and my own research, the experience I had was great for learning about the company and what I would be doing there. We started off with a presentation by the CFO of North America, and had opportunities to talk to analysts in the Finance Leadership Development Program as well as other employees. We also got to learn about the innovation that Whirlpool was investing in through The Garage, and explore a little bit of the city.What stuck out to me most was how kind and easy to talk to everyone was, which was a change since I’m usually intimidated by talking to people that are higher up in the company. I loved that they were all honest and genuine about their experiences in Whirlpool, which made the experience so much more useful than only getting information about the perks of the job. It was also great that we got to talk to them in small groups or even one on one during lunch, which helped me connect with them in a way I never would have in a normal recruiting setting. From the people I met, I learned so much about what Whirlpool stands for, its corporate culture, and all the different ways it gives back to its community. I’m so glad I went on this trek and I hope to be able to call upon this experience if I ever get to visit again!
-Manasvini Rao
Whirlpool Day Trek
Benton Harbor, MI
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rossochday · 8 years
Ross Och Initiative Day Trek to Whirlpool
This past Friday I visited the Whirlpool North American Headquarters in Benton Harbor, MI through the Och Initiative for Women in Finance. From our enthusiastic bus driver decked out in maize and blue to the beautiful beach we visited, it was an amazing experience. I learned so much about corporate finance while getting to know my fellow BBAs and meet great people.
One thing I really loved about Whirlpool was the company culture there. Everyone was so passionate about the company, and you could tell they were all truly happy to be there. They cultivate a rich culture in which all the employees really get to own their careers, and they allow for a great work life balance. We met with three different employees that were all at different stages in their FDP program, and it was really great to hear about what these different positions entail and what their functions are. They were all able to give us a different perspective. 
Whirlpool is located in a small town, so it was interesting to learn about what life is like there, and how it differs from a big city. I have never lived in a small town, so this was a new experience for me. It was a really cute town with its own unique qualities. My favorite part of the area was the beach we visited. It was so beautiful, and it had a pizza place there that’s supposed to have the best pizza. I definitely want to eat there next time I’m around, so hopefully I will be able to visit again soon!
-Savannah Klein
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rossochday · 8 years
Day Trek to Whirpool
Attending the Och Women in Finance Day Trek to Whirlpool was an eye opening experience that helped me learn more about potential careers in finance, meet fellow BBA students, and explore the quaint town of Benton Harbor, Michigan. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting different people who would in different functions of the finance department at Whirlpool so they could share their experiences and advice. Attending the trek definitely helped dispel many misconceptions I had about corporate finance. I was amazed at the reasonable work life balance many of the people we talked to said they had and how important company culture can be when choosing where to work. In addition, it was very helpful hearing from the North American CFO Chris Bealer hearing about how his career progressed and why he chose to eventually work at Whirlpool. It was also interesting to hear about his opinions on leadership and company vision. In addition, I am glad we got to hear from 3 people at different stages in the Financial Development Program and the different functions within finance they work in and what they enjoy about their jobs. It was also refreshing to see that Whirlpool is headquartered in a small town like Benton Harbor rather than a bustling city like New York or Chicago, where I expected most financial jobs to exist. 
The highlight of the trek was definitely taking a tour down to the beach in Benton Harbor. As someone from New Jersey, I often miss being a 30 minute drive away from the beach, so I was very excited to see that Benton Harbor had an adorable beach area. I definitely hope to make another trip to Benton Harbor again in the near future!
-  Anuksha Singh
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rossochday · 8 years
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When students think about what they are going to do after they graduate from Ross, many tend to think about going to the “big cities” to start out their careers in the business world. I, however, have always questioned whether I want to go to a big city or stay in a smaller town. I have never pictured myself living in a large city (due to the fact that I had been raised in a small town my whole life), so I have always had doubts in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t be able to be successful in business if I didn’t go to those “big cities”. After going on the Och Day Trek to the Whirlpool Headquarters in Benton Harbor, MI, all of those doubts vanished. Benton Harbor, and even the larger city of St. Joseph, are small in size but contain the vast buildings and opportunities of Whirlpool Corporation.
During this Trek, I was fortunate enough to receive some advice from the North American Region CFO (Chris Bealer), speak with some people in Whirlpool’s Financial Development Program, tour the Whirlpool Garage, eat some delicious food, and meet a very enthusiastic bus driver (shoutout to Jim!).
Even during this short visit at Whirlpool, I could feel the values that the company holds so dear by just speaking to some of the employees. I also learned how Whirlpool allows its employees to really take charge in their own careers, which is appealing to anyone, such as myself, who is searching for a perfect work and life balance. Overall, this Day Trek made me realize that large corporations and opportunities in finance aren’t just in the “big cities” of America; they might just be an hour train ride away from one of these cities instead! 
By: Zoey Provenzano
Trek Location: Whirlpool Corporation, Benton Harbor, MI
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rossochday · 8 years
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Typical of Och Treks, this day also started bright and early at 8am. I was excited to reunite with ladies on the previous Chicago trek and meet new people. At first, I was skeptical of the 2.5hr drive one way but the great bus driver, Jim, in his hat and matching tie, foreshadowed an equally amazing day! Go Blue!
The day flew past and we were busy doing something every second of our visit at Whirlpool. From the talk by Chris Bealer, the North American Division CFO to the tour of the innovation garage that showcased the latest product, Vessi, everything provided a first-hand insight to the company. I love going on these treks because seeing something in flesh is completely different to something you research on the internet or hear about. Whirlpool did a fantastic job of making us feel welcome and the whole tour reflected the thought and effort they had put into hosting us. Furthermore, I really enjoyed seeing the HQ firsthand and walking through the open offices where the employees were working and I thought the whiteboard walls were very clever. It was much easier to imagine myself potentially working here than the showroom we visited back in Chicago during Fall Break, although both buildings were beautiful. A personal favorite of mine was the community tour when we explored downtown, the art scene and the beach. Yes - the beach! This was the most valuable to me because it showcased an atypical workplace with a better work-life balance, considering the other Treks are in big cities.     
- Rui Zhong  
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rossochday · 8 years
Ross Och Initiative Day Trek to the Whirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor, MI
On Friday, I had the honor to travel to the Whirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor, MI on a Ross Och Initiative Day Trek. The day began bright and early at 8am as our group made the bus drive across the state. Our bus driver was probably the cutest man I had ever seen. He pulled up to the Winter Garden decked out in a maize and blue tie, a Michigan hat, and had a huge block M sign on the front of the vehicle. It was safe to say everyone from Whirlpool and who saw us driving around knew where we were from. The entire experience was so enriching. We were able to listen to the CFO for the U.S segment of Whirlpool present and ask him questions. We were given a more small group feel with individuals in the Financial Development Program at the company as well. Being able to ask questions to people in roles that I will hopefully be in in a couple of years about their jobs/life with the company through genuine, unrehearsed conversations was so beneficial. We were also able to have lunch and converse with other leaders in the company. The day was so educational and I am so happy I was able to represent the University of Michigan on the trek.
-  Katie Kleabir
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rossochday · 8 years
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To anyone considering an Och day trek, apply!! 
Here's just a few reasons I think Och treks are the best opportunities to take advantage of..
- Meet tons of new people. From your classmates on the trek to the employees of the companies, you develop so many new meaningful connections and see other perspectives. 
-See first-hand where you would be working. After going on the Chicago trek and learning that the Whirlpool building space in Chicago is not where the employees actually work, I was eager to see the environment I would be working in if I was a part of their Finance Development program. I had never been to the southwestern side of Michigan (Benton Harbor, St. Joe area). So, the Whirlpool Benton Harbor day trek was the perfect opportunity to explore this area. I was thankful for the opportunity to not only see the Whirlpool buildings but also go on a short tour through the Benton Harbor and St. Joe communities. (We even got to stop at the beach :)) 
-Talk with people who do the job you would potentially be doing. Having the opportunity to talk to recent college graduates and learn about what they do on a daily basis is an invaluable experience. Through speaking with 3 members of the finance development program, I got a flavor for each section of the program from the "accounting role" opportunities to examples of the variety of "project-based" 3rd year options.  
-Further your understanding of the culture of the company. The company website cannot fully immerse you in the company's culture. From seeing the space the employees work in to how they interact with other team members, you are able to get a much clearer feel of company culture. 
-Callie Tobin, Benton Harbor, MI 
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