rottedjudgement · 4 days
A wicked smile flashed on her face the moment he attempted at challenging her. Meg didn't really think he had it in him to tease her at this point and it was a delightful surprise that he was. She was expecting a predictable, but satisfying time but this was far better. "Don't worry, baby, I'll make sure this is all you can think about afterwards."
She tilted her head back, greedily taking the kisses her gave her. Every touch felt like her body was on fire and she didn't even care that he could feel her eagerness through the thin fabric of her panties. No matter how hot and bothered he got her, she always made sure he had him begging for a taste of what she could offer. She wasted no time digging into his pockets for his keys, slowly taking them out and making sure her hand brushed against the growing bulge in his pants. Holding the keys up to him, she sighed softly. "What rush? I'm just trying to get away from your noisy neighbors. Though, they'll be hearing us sure enough anyways." Her other hand slowly descended back to his pants and she squeezed him through the fabric, almost daring him to do something about it right in front of his door. "Open the door, Maddox," she said, her voice lower than it had been a moment ago. "Unless you want me to find somewhere else to be."
Maddox's feet instantaneously began to follow the direction Meg walked towards the moment she took a step. The shiver that had run down his spine from her words about a 'thorough reunion' ran back up the minute her hand had run down his chest. Despite the hair standing on the back of his neck and the throbbing against black denim he didn't take the time to recover as he followed. He really was like a lovesick puppy who had just bonded to its owner the way he followed her so quickly and closely behind. He didn't say much on the walk, almost on auto-pilot mode as he walked, eyes wandering to her ass every now and then as they walked.
When they reached his front door and she turned around to look at him his instinct to grab his keys was suddenly gone. Instead, Maddox rose a brow before closing the space between their bodies and placing a hand on the door above her head as he leaned down. A smirk crossed over his features and his free hand ran along her thigh until his hand was in the right position to being her leg up around his waist. "If you're in such a rush just tell me. You have somewhere better to be? I thought we had all night," he said just above her whisper into her ear. His free hand moved from the door to bring her other leg up around him.
"If you want in so badly maybe you should grab my keys." Keys that were deep in his pocket near the bulge in his pants that was growing increasingly needy for Meg. His hips pressed upwards against her as his lips moved to her neck, placing rough and needy kisses on her skin. Her scent was so intoxicating, the feeling of her against him was, and so was the way she tasted on his lips. Maddox stopped kissing her neck as lips made their way to her collarbone. It was almost instinctual the way he kissed down to her cleavage. One of his hands slowly lets down her leg so his fingertips could trail up her inner thigh to reach the outside of her panties. "Or, maybe you're not in a rush at all. Maybe you just need to fuck me so bad you can hardly contain yourself much longer," he said with a smirk as his finger rubs up and down against her panties.
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rottedjudgement · 1 month
"People are so predictable sometimes, y'know?" Boringly so most of the time in Meg's opinion. It was hard to be excited or thrilled when it came to others because they typically ended up letting her down by doing the same stupid shit anyone else would do. Even she found herself guilty of it here and there which was why she started drinking at this fancy ass place to begin with. Anything to change the routine. "I've learned that it's the ones who dress the nicest and talk the biggest talk that are the shittiest people," she added with a shrug. "I'm having a cabernet with a name I cannot pronounce. Cheers!"
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"But sometimes you can't help it." Evelyn knew that well enough. Without meaning to, you start noticing people, the same traits in different people and then patterns emerged. Patterns were everywhere and Evelyn knew that well. "Even classy places, let in riffraff, you can't keep them out all the time." Perhaps that was why the security at DevTech was so tight, she didn't need people being where they shouldn't. "Couldn't agree more. What are you having?"
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rottedjudgement · 1 month
Meg didn't mind the teasing as long as the results were the same. It was probably cruel to string Maddox along for a night simply because she wanted to, but hey, he knows what kind of person she is. She might look like someone that wants love or a connection or whatever but she was a rotting soul with a rotten personality. A walking red flag. She let him think he had more control by allowing him to lean forward first and tug at her lip. She was more than fine with giving up control if it meant she could get out of her own head.
"Who knows? It's been a while. Gotta make sure we have a thorough reunion." She dragged a hand down his chest before turning to walk towards the familiar path to his place. She's for sure been there enough times to know her way from here. Turning back to look at him once she gave him a wink before continuing, knowing full well he was following her. Whether he was pissed at himself or not for giving into her, he always followed. Some would find that charming and endearing and somewhere deep down, Meg did, but she wasn't going to let that show. She could never let it show that while she knew he wasn't going to reject her, she couldn't have handled it if he did.
When they arrived to his place she leaned against the door, turning to look at him. They've done this song and dance so many times she was sure she could predict his next moves. All there really was to predict was the fact that he was going to try to be unpredictable. He was going to try and show her that there was no one else like him, that he was the only one who could satisfy her urges, and all that jazz. He was both right and wrong, but the outcome was the same no matter what. He could never be hers and she could never fully be his. "Are you gonna let me in, hothead?"
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Was he so foolish that he would toss everything he'd just said to her aside for the chance to taste or lips and get intoxicated from the scent of her perfume one last time? He sure the fuck was and Maddox knew he didn't need to speak the words to confirm it's true. Thoughts of missing her transformed into ones of kissing her neck and running his hands up her thighs, among explicit ideas of what he desired to do with her. "Provoke me? Is that what your goal is here?" He took a step towards her and looked down at her. If provoking is what she wanted he could play along just fine. "Alright, fine. Do you want me to say you're making me hot and bothered? Because you are. I can admit I'd take the chance to fuck you for a night." Maybe it would be the last night, he thought to himself, and he this could be his goodbye to her that he thought he needed.
His words rang true with how flushed he already was for her. His heart was pounding so hard he felt it would burst from his chest. Even his already warmer than average temperature was rising because he was both aggravated from her words and felt lust seeping into every cell of his body. Both things were her fault, he thought to himself. He shouldn't be this fucking turned on right now by her. She was supposed to be a lost memory yet there they were, standing face to face as Maddox threw away every ounce of rationality he had. His impulsiveness would be the death of him someday. Without thinking he took the half step left towards her until he was nearly touching her. He could smell her perfume and it nearly made him weak at the knees. He really always had been putty in her hand. He would have done anything for her at one point, and it was arguable that he would still.
His arm went around her waist and he leaned down slightly. There was no denying he was only agreed being his emotions had gotten the better of him. "Alright then, let's go. We don't have to make this an all night thing if you don't want. I think you'd prefer that." He could be wrong. He was wrong about a lot of things. He pulled her closer and brushed his lips against hers, lightly biting down on her lower lip and tugging it with his teeth as he looked her in the eyes. Maddox then pulled away suddenly, arm dropping from her waist. "Unless you have all night, in which case I think we could find plenty of ways to pass the time."
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rottedjudgement · 2 months
"I don't intentionally keep track of people with warning," Meg said with a small shrug of the shoulder. "Even classy places have shitty rules. I mean...that guy only comes here to hit on women out of his league and yet here he is...if he has the money, the business doesn't give a shit until it goes too far." This place was far safer than Wonderland but at the same time Meg felt like the same stupid shit went on every now and then. "Honestly, I hope he does get banned. I feel like he revealed that I come here waay too often. Anyways, disaster averted. Only thing to do now is have more wine."
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"They do warnings here? I thought it was classier than that." To be fair, the guy in question seemed to be well-dressed and groomed, but at some point even style or money couldn't buy common sense. A fact that had been made clear to Evelyn at a young age in the form of her own brother. She knew she should have listened to the warning bells ringing in her head to not leave her house tonight, there were so rarely things out in the world worth her attention and that was made even more abundantly clear every time she left. The disgust was not hidden on her face as Evelyn watched the man until he finally stood up and went somewhere else. Did he leave? She didn't know and didn't care. All that mattered was that he wasn't nearby anymore. "You keep track of the people who have warnings around here or what?"
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rottedjudgement · 2 months
Meg really didn't like to get involved with other people's shit, especially when she was drinking alone. She wanted to just have a nice time pretending she was some rich heiress who only liked the fancy wine and drink herself into oblivion. However, as much as she pretended, she was a girl's girl, and she knew that if she was the one who was looking at her like she needed help, she would be cursing under her breath if she didn't receive it. So she sat up straighter and narrowed her eyes at the guy bothering the woman next to her. "You heard the woman. She obviously doesn't want you to whisk her away and give her five seconds of heaven while you sob about your ex-wife after. You come here all the time...just because you think wine girls are easy doesn't mean there aren't people here to kick you out." Turning to the woman she forced a smile that she pretended didn't hurt to make. "Ignore him. He's on his last warning here so he won't do shit."
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location: de la vigne @evermorehqsstart
"Oh no, no, thank you." Evelyn had no idea how, but there had been some kind of miscommunication between herself and the person sitting next to her at the wine bar - one that included them believing they were friends and the reality in which they absolutely were not. "I really have no interest in seeing a picture of your niece or cat or whatever Betty is." She cringed at the thought of it, making eye contact with someone else who could hopefully intervene or would make it onto her shit list for leaving her in this predicament.
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rottedjudgement · 3 months
Meg had thought she made it pretty clear what her goal was, but knowing Maddox he was wasting his energy having some broody inner monologue instead of facing the truth of it all that was in front of him. She could tell she was getting him hot and bothered in more ways than one and if she was a good person, she'd back off and leave him with his fantasies. It was almost adorable how much he thought he could break through her walls and get to the center of her feelings. Meg's walls were made of the toughest material there was and she would probably drop dead before she let them crumble. Maddox was always hoping Meg would be more than what she was capable of being and while that was sweet of him, it was a fool's dream.
"Miss you? Didn't I already said I did? There's nothing to admit. I can admit that I miss the fun we used to have. If that's not enough for you, sweetie, well, I'm sorry to say that's all it is." She wasn't going to rehash the part she played in messing him up or messing herself up further. It was pretty black and white. It was clear as anything. The two of them were a toxic match made in hell and that was why she wasn't seeking more than a warm body for the night. As much as she hated to admit it, she was someone who both enjoyed the days of solitude and was desperate for a temporary connection. She shouldn't be able to have it both ways, but she managed just fine.
"I'm talking to you now because you look as good as the day I left you and I think you're easy to provoke enough to have a good night. If you really want to waste that chance with me, I'm more than capable of finding someone different." Maybe that increased her risks of meeting some stupid guy who couldn't deliver in the ways that mattered, but it was what it was. Life was a gamble and Meg tended to always come out on the unlucky side. It didn't mean she wasn't still going to try and gamble with fate when the moment came. Pushing off from the wall she sighed as if she was already ready to move on. She wasn't, but maybe Maddox would stop brooding faster if he thought she was going to go.
"Obviously, the ball in your court, hot shot," she said with a smirk. "Either take me or don't. You're not going to get a tearful confession or proclamation of passion. But you'll get something better, even if it's only a one night only thing."
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Her words shouldn't have caught him off guard. He shouldn't be surprised by the way she was acting with flirtatious insinuations. Maddox knew Meg so well like she had been a routine he had done every morning for his whole existence. In a way she had been a routine. It was routine to tell her good morning and try and fix the mess they'd made after an argument later the same day. It felt like in the end that the latter was their only routine. Maddox gazed into her eyes, so vacant that it almost scared him. "There's no rush," he tried to play off coolly as he brought the cigarette to his lips to inhale again. He almost choked on the cigarette at the mention of him leaving her breathless. "Trust me, buttercup, you and I both know I've done a lot more than leave you breathless," he said after he exhaled the smoke that he had nearly choked on moments prior.
Meg had once been Maddox's starlight, a little nickname he'd ended up adopting to use for her. She had brought light to the darkness around him despite how she viewed herself. Even now she somehow ignited a feeling within him that made him feel like they were just talking as they once did. She really brought out light in the darkest of moments. "Of course I'm tired of pretending," he said in an almost exhausted tone. He wasn't one to normally give in so quickly. He wasn't even really drunk like he had been last time they crossed paths at Wonderland. Maybe a little buzzed, but hardly enough to be considered liquid courage. "I only really have because I thought that's what you'd prefer. I've only ever done anything that involved the two of us because I thought it was what you wanted."
His words had bit him in the ass. What she said was true though; there really weren't any strangers in Evermore. Maddox may not have known the whole town by name but he certainly did see enough of the same faces that it became dull and depressing. "Even if I was hoping to see you tonight what's your goal here, Megara? Throw it in my face and piss me off? Or do you have some other ulterior motive." Or maybe you feel the longing I have for so long. Was he a big enough of a fool to say that though? It was an uphill battle that he'd lost the moment he said, "or maybe you're just too afraid to admit you miss me too. Not just missing things or how they were. But...me. Do you really miss memories of us screaming in each other's faces or do you just only remember the heated make-up sex afterwards?" But, god, was it some of the best sex he'd ever had. Meg had been a lot of the best he had ever had.
For someone who was so hellbent on getting out of the damned town he sure had a hard time letting go of her. He should have never got hooked on her, he had told himself. He should have never fell for her spell. Did he regret it though? Not a damn bit. If anything he regretted how he treated her and that he should have done better. He had a temper, that much was true, but she had brought him to levels of anger he didn't know he was capable of feeling. At the end of it all though she'd meant everything to him. She really was his starlight. Even now, his heart aching at the sight of her and cigarette long forgotten about because his thoughts were entranced by her, she still meant so much. Maddox tossed the cigarette into the street after he realized the fire in it had died out. He didn't even want to relight it and finish it at this point. It wasn't like he technically had a physical lighter and he wasn't about to ask her for one to relight it. He didn't even care. His emotions were getting the best of him and it was starting to piss him off. He masked his emotions with anger most of the time. It seemed like it was the only emotion he knew sometimes.
"Maybe the best dynamic isn't that at all," he said, trying to seem calm despite his tensed shoulders and the fingernails digging into his palms so he could focus on something other than the explosive thoughts he wanted to yell out. "Maybe it's admitting we're both dickheads that hurt each other and move on. Isn't that what you want? I don't know what pot you're trying to stir here, but...but...I don't know." His expression changed into visible discomfort and hurt as he looked away from her. "Do you just want to hear me say that I miss you? Because I do. I always do. I just have to block you out of my mind. I don't think you would have went out of your way to talk to me tonight if you didn't still give a shit." He glanced back at her, catching her eyes out of the corners of his. "Tell me right now that you don't miss more than just the dynamic we had. Tell me you miss me too."
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rottedjudgement · 3 months
His misery and his pain were something they shared, though none of it reflected in Meg's eyes. They remained glazed over and void of light, as they had for most of her life. The only thing to ever shine through them these days was mischief, and that didn't seem to have its limitations. Maddox was clearly hoping for Meg to give him peace and Meg didn't know the meaning of the word. She was feeling restless and she wanted to know she could have a good time with whoever she chose for company tonight. Maddox...as much as they fought and hurt each other over and over....he always made sure she was safe. And sometimes that was what she needed. Even if she didn't deserve it by any means.
"What's the rush?" she asked, leaning against the wall as she studied him. "I'm not afraid to lose a little breath. I think you know better than most how to leave me breathless." She had forgotten about the cigarette she was going to get herself. She had made her mind up and the only thing that was going to stop her was him outright rejecting her. She wouldn't push him if he didn't want anything to do with her in the moment.
"Do you ever get tired of pretending that you don't....miss things sometimes? We fought a lot...but we made up a lot too. Sometimes I think that's the best dynamic to have. A lot easier than meeting some stranger and not knowing what to expect....though, like you said there aren't that many strangers in Evermore anymore." Meg didn't know a lot of people in town because she didn't want to. It was a waste of time to put herself out there for those who couldn't afford to stay around her anyways. Bad things always happened when she cared too hard....so she had to care less. Especially around the ones who matter. Case and point...Maddox. "I think a part of you was hoping to run into me tonight. Even if you don't want to admit it."
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Maddox wasn't sure how he ended up at Wonderland or what had brought him there. Well, he did, but he was ignoring the fact of the matter. On top of him just being there he had come alone. Why the hell would he do this to himself, he had thought after having a few drinks at the bar. He tossed some cash on the bar before exiting, a cigarette already in his mouth by the time he stepped out of the door. He stepped to the side to light it and inhaled deeply as he took the first drag off of it. When he turned around and exhaled he saw her approaching. He had seen her working and had hoped he'd disappeared quick enough that she hadn't noticed him.
Being face to face with Megara after the last time they spoke, which had been an unpleasant experience all around, left an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Maybe he hadn't been ready to talk to her again which only left him more puzzled as to why he so desperately felt he needed to see her again. There was still a part of him that wanted her to be okay, but when his mind would wander back to memories of them screaming at each other during a heated an argument that usually left him with regret by the next morning. There were good times. There were so many good times. And in that moment as he stared at her, cigarette burning between his fingers, he could only remember the good ones. The way she batted her lashes at him had all but made him collapse from the way his legs suddenly seemed to become gelatin. He really did miss her and her words made it evident that it was becoming more clear as to why he came back.
Maddox flicked the ash off of his cigarette before bringing it back to his lips and inhaling. "There's only so many places to go in this town," he stated as he exhaled. "I figured by now we could just ignore each other and move on with our lives, whether or not we're in the same place." He shrugged, trying to play off as nonchalant. "And for the record, I never said I hated seeing you." Not that he could recall, at least. He had been beyond drunk the night they had spoke and Maddox only remembered bits and pieces of their conversation. Maybe that was for the best. He hoped it was. His expression had mostly stayed the same. He was trying to act like her presence didn't bother him and there wasn't a throbbing ache in his chest whenever he saw her. He also knew he was likely failing miserably. He was still angry though, there was no denying that. He was angry at so much but mostly at himself for giving up. Looking back on the past had no use though and Maddox knew he should take his own advice and act like she doesn't exist. Showing up at her job doesn't really help with that though. The whole night was a mistake, he thought, and he needed a way out before he got too caught up on the way she looked or lost in her eyes. He'd avoided eye contact thus far but he had no control as his eyes went to gaze into hers at this point. "I was just leaving anyways. Don't waste your breath on me."
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rottedjudgement · 5 months
closed starter @lightthematches location: outside wonderland
Megara was not known for making good choices. She was not known for making smart choices and she was especially not known for making choices that wouldn't blow up in her face. But this was the second time now that Meg was forced into close proximity with her ex and she had already drank enough to make the most unwise choices she wanted to. After their disastrous encounter while she was on the clock she was sure he hated her even more than he did before, which was honestly kind of impressive. It sucked that it bothered her, but instead of leaving well enough alone, she decided to poke the bear even further.
She happened to be leaving her shift at Wonderland, taking a quick smoke break outside when she spotted him doing what she assumed was the same thing. Feeling exceptionally chaotic, she walked over to him, batted her eyes even. She really did have no soul. "For someone who hates seeing me, you really do come around here a lot."
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rottedjudgement · 5 months
Meg nodded her head. She was serious, people did sniff her hair like it was a completely normal thing to do. "I know I use good shampoos and shit, but still. It is probably the number one way to make someone look so unfuckable that I almost consider celibacy." Not that she would ever go through with it if she did say she was going in that direction. "You deserve a good dick. I don't say that for everyone."
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"Maybe for you but I'm not seeing any prospects." Morgan sighed, lifting her hand to place against her forehead, like she was on a safari searching for a dick to hop onto. To be fair, they hadn't exactly been worried about it for a while and felt like they were out of practice. God, why was life so hard?? It wasn't fair. Gulping down the last of their wine, Morgan sighed and looked off into the distance in a thousand yard stare. "Did you say sniffing your hair?" The words finally processed. "I'm sure that works for some people..."
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rottedjudgement · 6 months
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rottedjudgement · 6 months
"It only ends in an argument when you decide to be a big ol' hothead about everything," she pointed out, sipping at her drink with a lazy smirk on her face. Honestly, she didn't know she was this good at keeping an act up. Having him so close to her was scorching her, but she had always been someone who poked at flames instead of squashed them out. Maddox was....just the easiest to provoke. Maybe that made her an awful person, but she missed him sometimes. And she didn't allow herself to feel that way much. She had thought he was going to run out the door after seeing she wasn't going anywhere but he stayed and well...he must be an idiot, but at one point in time he was her idiot.
"Probably the same reason you didn't walk out the door the moment you realized who was hired to keep you entertained," she said with a shrug. Finishing her drink she quickly made work on fixing herself another. Maybe the burn of the drink would make her keep her mouth shut a little better...but probably not. "You are the one that sound scared, though. Just because you're reacting with that good old anger and bitterness at my existence doesn't mean I don't know you." She dared to take a step closer to his seat, even sit near him a little bit. He looked too good. It was not something she should even be thinking about but all she could stare at were the way his muscles fit in that shirt. "Talking to you is never a waste of time. In all honesty, it can even be enjoyable sometimes."
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His head was spinning and Megara's words echoing against the four walls didn't help the matter. He could get up, walk right past her, then head straight through the door. Instead though he didn't. He couldn't. Not when she was just arms length away, pouring herself a drink. His eyes followed her as she moved across the room but he couldn't quite focus. Not when there was a horrible longing feeling in his chest. She was so close and yet...untouchable. She was unobtainable in every sense of the word and as much as he'd longed for her touch in the past there was still the small craving to be close enough to feel her soft skin and the scent of her perfume. He couldn't let those thoughts consume him though. He was better than that. It was her that made him swear off relationships all together, knowing now what it was like to get close to someone only for them to obliterate his soul. He was bitter and he had every right to be, or so he believed.
"We both know how this is going to end. In an argument, like it always has. I'm wasting your time more than you're wasting mine. You're the one that was probably expecting some scumbag that's a bit too handsy but has a pocket full of cash that you don't give a fuck where it came from." His words were slurred and angry. It was almost like he didn't know how to treat her other than aggressively. His light the flame and would likely add fuel to the fire. He was the one that bit first this time. The idea of drinking with a ghost was almost laughable. Meg wasn't a ghost. No, she was something far worse and scarier. Maddox could deal with phantoms but Megara crossed into the barrier of banshee. She was a walking bad omen and that almost hurt Maddox more than seeing her.
"I'm not afraid," he scoffed. "Maybe you are. I don't know. I don't care." He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back into the couch he was sat on. His head kept spinning and he wasn't sure what else to say. He should have wanted to leave the room, though Meg could have walked out as soon as she'd seen him. Yet, she hadn't. "What's the point anyways? You're wasting your time talking to me. You should have walked out that door the minute you saw me. You didn't though...why?"
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rottedjudgement · 6 months
"mmm. i'm not really good at conversation. i thought that was painfully obvious by now." meg leaned back a little bit, ending her massage and relaxing into her seat. if he was really going to insist that she do nothing, then she guessed she was taking a half-break right now. there was something about the way he spoke about her job that just...made her wonder if there was far more sinister ideas going on in that deranged head of his. she should care about that more, but at the end of the day while she liked that wonderland was owned by an insane businesswoman, francis would at least not throw her to the rats to fend for herself. "happy. yeah. that's a word that could probably be used for it." less bored was more like it. "don't you get bored just talking to me? i'm sure there are way more interesting dancers here."
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❛ whatever you want, ❜ francis sighed with a shrug, swirling the contents of his glass with a lazy wrist as he tilted his head up to glance over at her, raising his brows curiously. ❛ want more to be more than someone to chat with ... ?? ❜ he mused, amusement lacing in his words. ❛ you know, i could count on one hand the amount of people who would find a way to complain about being paid for conversation but, if you want to put more on the table, megara, you know i'm not opposed to paying whatever fee you want. ❜ her intentions, what she was implying, felt muddled... and francis couldn't decipher if it was a dig at him or a suggestion; a challenge. he loved a good challenge. he hummed in understanding at her statement, shrugging once more, lifting his glass back to his lips. ❛ well, if it makes you happy, i suppose there's nothing that can be done about it then, hm ?? ❜
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rottedjudgement · 7 months
Megara hasn't had many regrets since waking up in Evermore. She didn't have much, but she had a life of her own and was doing her thing while trying to ignore the dark feeling in the pit of her stomach every time she tried to think of what her life was like before. She had gotten to the point where it was better to just keep moving forward, no matter what. Stick to her guns and herself. If Evermore was all she knew for the rest of her life, she was going to live and die there alone because it was better that way. She always knew there was danger around the corner from her no matter what she did; call it instinct but she couldn't hold much before it was sprinkled with some kind of bad luck. Sharing that with another person sounded insane of her to do, so she tried to stick it all out alone. She was tough, she could handle a little misfortune on her own.
That didn't mean she didn't feel sometimes, even when she knew she shouldn't. In her few years of living at Evermore, she learned the worst part of hurting herself and sometimes others along the way was that she couldn't avoid those people forever. Maddox was her shining example of that. What could have been a normal shift turned into a night of avoidance when she spotted her ex. Funny. Ex was such a loaded word and she regretfully had more than one in this town because of her own selfishness. Maddox was probably one of the only ones to get too close to what was behind her carefully crafted walls. Which made all of this so much shittier.
She didn't know she was brought into a vip room for him. If she had known she would have refused. She might not be the nicest person around but she knew when she burned a bridge too harshly. She didn't let that show when she moved further into the room with a confident step, but on the inside she did panic a little. His words were expected, sure, but Meg couldn't let him know that it bothered her just as much that he was willing to do anything in his power to get rid of her. She couldn't let anything bother her. "A waste of time?" she echoed, flipping some of her hair behind her. "I know I can be a lot of things, but never a waste of time. Surprised to see that you're still so hung up about the past." She walked straight over to the alcohol that was available in the room and got herself a drink. She could at least try to match his energy. "Afraid to drink with a ghost?"
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Closed starter for: @rottedjudgement Location: Wonderland
When a few of Maddox's friends had begrudgingly got Maddox to agree to go to Wonderland he almost immediately regretted it. He couldn't step foot in the place without feeling uneasy. He'd spotted her, briefly, on stage. A flash of brunette hair styled in a familiar manner was all the confirmation he needed to know that she was working. For some reason, probably to make his life more of a living hell, they had booked a private room that would likely end up trashed. Not his problem, Maddox thought, because he wasn't paying. The night was going more smoothly than he had expected. Being in a VIP room meant the aforementioned brunette was out of sight, yet not out of mind. She lingered there, always in the back of Maddox's brain itching to have some of the worst and best memories let out. He hadn't known what number drink he was on after the fourth round of shots and a few too many drinks being handed to him by his friends. At one point they all left, which Maddox thought was suspicious. He was about to get up when someone entered the room. When she entered the room. "Is this some fucking joke?" he asked her. "Did they set this up?" Even stupidly drunk Maddox recognized the familiar feeling in his stomach. The time Maddox had spent with Meg had been some of the best since appearing in town. The sight of her alone was also a stab to the chest, knife twisting into his heart. Still, he was angry at his friends and his hands were shaking from that alone. He made no move to stand, unsure if he would be able to even hold his balance. "You can leave. I will even pay you to make up for your lost time. No need for either of us to waste each other's."
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rottedjudgement · 7 months
megara raised an eyebrow at the mention of his girls, but she didn't comment on it. time and attention were two things that meg hated giving to people the most. francis clearly thrived off of it though, and while the offer still felt tempting enough to taste, she liked belonging to no one. and that was how she was going to stay if she could help it. "thanks for the offer, as always, but no thanks. i like dancing here. creeps and all." she liked feeling like she had control over something in her life. even with the leers, the guys who paid the big bucks were putty in her hands and if they ever tried to cross a line she wasn't willing to cross with them....she had her own ways to take them out. she was by far more than the pretty face she was selling. "maybe i like the hands all over me....maybe i want to be more than someone to chat with...either way, wonderland, as weird as it is, is my second home."
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❛ mmm, not neccessarily, ❜ francis hummed, melting into the relief she was gifting his shoulders. people really underestimated what sitting in a chair for long ours of time could do to a man... even though he had one of the best most suitable chairs for his profession. he smelt her perfume before he felt her hair, and he tilted his head back enough to look at her face, a decorative smirk ornamenting his lips. ❛ i just wanna look after my girls, is all, ❜ he said with a wink, smirk splintering into more of an impish grin. francis sighed, bringing his glass up to his lips. as much as he could go to the spa without having to so much as pinch a penny, there was something about megara that just lured him in. some kind of darkness loomed around her, seemed to grip and tug at her features. it was intriguing, to say the least, and while francis was an easily amused man... he liked to handpick his playthings. ❛ you say that to everyone, megara, ❜ francis argued, shaking his head, but his smile never wavered. ❛ — and you don't have to give me anything, sweetheart. just your time and undivided attention for as long as i pay you for it.❜
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rottedjudgement · 7 months
Meg shrugged, looking at him as she debated her options. A bed was nice, sure, but the real thrill was making due with that worked. She was into it enough to add some spontaneity to her schedule. Though she guessed it really wasn't that spontaneous if they've already exercised all of the options. "Hmm...I dunno. I have weak ankles, you know. Makes it hard to travel very far.....I do so much better sitting, laying down, on my knees...." Her fingers danced across his shirt until they made their way to his shoulders, draping casually on them. "It's not that busy here tonight."
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"All business then." Fine by Luis. There were a variety of levels when it came to people he was sleeping with, some liked to keep up appearances and pretend like they both weren't there for one thing and one thing only. Others, like Meg right now, didn't bother with the pageantry. Excellent. The faster he could get his dick wet, the better. Stepping in close, Luis kept his eyes on her as she looked around, as though inspiration would strike in the dimly lit bar. "Can you make it back to mine or nah? 'Cause if I'm rememberin' right, the bathrooms are pretty roomy here."
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rottedjudgement · 7 months
Meg thought for a moment. It was kind of difficult to make up lies about people she hardly knew...but at the same time that also made it easier. She had been working at Wonderland long enough where she should know a lot of the other employees there better but...that meant more work for Meg and she really didn't like getting attached to others. "There is that weird Cat girl....I swear to god she was sniffing my hair the other night but that is not gossip. I might be bad at coming up with this on the spot, actually. Is there really no one in that super exciting life of yours that isn't misbehaving a little bit?" She snorted at them. "It's not hard to get any dick here that's for sure. The place is crawling with that."
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"It's fineeee but that's not why we're here." It was like a weekly date they had. Morgan would show up at Wonderland after recording her podcast and meet up with Meg for some gossip. That was not possible if there wasn't any gossip. "Alright, I can work with lies. I don't care if they never leave these walls but give me something to get excited over." Pulling her glass of rosé in their direction, Morgan looked around, wishing so hard that something interesting would happen. Ever since Jim started being less of an asshole, their whole social life had taken a dip. "I need a change, Meg. Need one desperately. And maybe need to get some dick as well but that's beside the point."
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rottedjudgement · 7 months
"oh really?" she whispered, leaning forward so that her hair fell ever so slightly in front of her and onto his shoulder. "you wanna be my hero? my savior?" she wished she could entertain the idea of someone trying to spoil her, save her, whatever it be. but that was a fairytale that just wasn't going to happen. meg didn't know why and she didn't really understand how...but things like that just weren't in the cards for her. she never had any amount of good luck. so there was no way that anything francis was telling her was going to go in any kind of positive way in the long run. there was always terms and conditions. always some kind of fine print that just...had her back at square one. "isn't it enough to be my favorite client? i don't know what more i could offer you, handsome." @wildcstwinter
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❛ sure you are, baby, i don't doubt that for a second, ❜ mused the man, waving off the reassurance with a wave of his hand as she sat down next to him. he knew she resented him, for reasons he didn't know because his tips alone certainly contributed their fair share to keeping a roof over her head, but she hid it well enough where he could dismiss it without bothering himself to look any further into it. francis didn't have the time to waste on that kind of bullshit. ❛ it never ends, does it ?? ❜ francis cooed, almost in taunt, sinking into the feeling of her hands on his shoulders. if only she'd swallow her pride and let him spoil her, she wouldn't have to subject herself this kind of job. not that francis saw anything wrong with it, he was a regular customer after all, but someone like meg... well, she'd be much better off entertaining him than any lowlife in this establishment. ❛ i'd buy the place for you, meg. i'd run it how you wanted, how we wanted, and the first order of business would be getting every one of those creeps on a banned list.❜
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