roughertumbledwords · 4 years
Tremble on the edge- Not of falling in love, but In dread fear of falling out…
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roughertumbledwords · 6 years
Woman Do not let your whole heart, soul Nor your life, interest, time Be consumed By a man Who Will never give more than spare thoughts or idle moments For or to you...
How to hold your own
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roughertumbledwords · 6 years
The problem is He’s near Even if you’re the one Who’s been there (For me)
The problem is You’re there Not here… (With me)
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roughertumbledwords · 6 years
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roughertumbledwords · 6 years
Perhaps we don't really know what it is to give love until we can give it freely to someone who can't or won't give love back...
No strings but no less attached
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
So long, sucker
It's not losing if the connection dies only because *you* don't have something to give at a given point in time- If the relation depends on what only one person has to give, it's not a good & true relationship anyway, is it then...? And how is it a loss to own your own soul again & it's surely no folly to guard your heart's investment in life...
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
I don’t want to ever not want you- The worst hurt is that it’s almost always possible to move on Too easy to forget just how much you meant - or how much it seemed to mean to you - maybe it was always me who’s mistaken …
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
It's not in hands of foes that power lies to worst wound souls- No, They only wound the form, the flesh, pride, the ego There is no weapon hate may wield that stabs so deep, no savage steel that brutally bites with bitterness No cut cold and cruel As love spurned in indifference cool No, it's friendships' fade that warps the weave of heartstrings Days, moments, years invested nurturing camaraderie Until its comfort's torn, & care divested It's in distance - not of space between But of dear ones' disinterest that lies pain which wounds most keen...
The rend of once-whole to unbearable hole (Absence of uncaring)
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
You know what really gets me about all of this, is that I was fine before you, maybe happy even. Just kind of existing in the middle. But you show up, uninvited but welcome, make everything all bright and shiny. And then you left and now everything is gray.
R.M. Drake (via wordsnquotes)
Fucked up how people can fuck you up
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
If they don't miss you, why give them a place in your mind, let alone your life?
Priorities do not include supporting passive parasites
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
Je me dégoûte J'ai découvert que ma sœur et son mari vont avoir un bébé Et maintenant je les envie Je moi-même suis mon pire ennemi  ...
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
There can be no 'we' if 'you' don't want it to be For that matter, neither can such a thing as an 'us' exist unless 'I' also agree...
(Stating the obnoxiously obvious) Why does this scenario always end up at odds between such seemingly similar/well-suited beings?
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
Don’t ever fall in love with someone that cannot be yours. I promise you, it’s better that way. Because if you do, it’ll consume you, devour you to the point where you can’t breathe. It’s heartbreaking, knowing that person will never belong to you. But what hurts the most is… Watching them love someone else that isn’t you.
S.V//@Sempiternal.poet on Instagram Quote from an unwritten story that needs to be written soon. (via sempiternal-poet)
Truth learnt too late
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
Give them every reason to miss you- Even if they don’t or won’t. It may seem like it doesn’t matter to them, but if you did all your heart & soul needed, wanted, & were convinced was right to do, Then that’s how you live at peace with yourself when no one else can or will.
Self respect is both the seed & fruit of loving others with unselfish wholehearted care for those whose lives touch ours…
Love them as & for who they are, & let them be whoever, whatever, or wherever they need to be.
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
Mon Dieu (l'homme rend me fou)
G-d, I can’t help it- He’s the worst best person for me to want And it’s driving me crazy to watch him grow fonder of her and be ever so further More distant from me even as he tries to be kind-
Pourqoui est-ce je dois me être le fou chaque fois? /Why do I have to be the fool every time?
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
When hearts’ desires’ sink In soul of one unwanting Harbor was not found- Loss of what’s not ours Tragedy of misplac’d hopes Shipwreck of fools’ lives Where then is true north If vision sought isn’t real What anchor holds firm…?
Lost in souldeeps
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roughertumbledwords · 7 years
Running dry… Everyone I give my love & soul to either has to leave me or doesn’t/care to/want stay- Of course love isn’t just a duty due No obligation nor reciprocation requisitely mutual or else it isn’t true- But why does this heart always choose so wrong in bonding to anyone who won’t or can’t or shouldn’t yearn or bond equally in priority/devotion too?
Why is misinterpretation such unpleasant revelation of unwitting expectation
Only discovered when disappointed & its remedy attempted much too late…?
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