rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Mohzdah Livia, the werewolf
Mohzdah Livia, The Werewolf
Mohzdah was always rather different, though none other than her family knew why. Mohzdah was a werewolf, one who hadn’t yet had her curse activated. Most of her family, her mother, father, brothers, had all activated their curse at a young age. Mohzdah was different though, she never was able to. The small girl knew of her family’s curse, but she was never allowed to know how to do it. She desperately wished to, she wanted to be like them, go off into the woods every month or so.. But they told her she had to figure it out herself. So, she spent her first 12 years of age trying to figure it out. During this time, she did not develop as others in her family did. She remained small and weak, never growing much in a werewolf sense. This led to her being teased by some of her siblings, but her mother always protected her. It was around this time that her family figured out why she never activated it. She had never killed. Multiple times throughout her life she had been given the option to kill some animal or another, which would activate her curse, but she had always let them go. Her family decided to not tell her of this, her father forbidding it. They wished for Mohzdah to have a relatively normal childhood, at least as normal as one can be when living in a village of werewolves. The girl continued to grow as a human would, never gaining the natural strength of a werewolf.
Close to seven years later, things would have changed. A nearby village had found out about the werewolves, and they had decided to exterminate them. This resulted in a bit of a war between the villages, the werewolves dominating in one on ones, but the humans being superior in numbers. At this time, her family changed their views over changing Mohzdah. They were going to turn her, whether she wanted to or not.
Mohzdah awoke from a deep sleep, and immediately frowned. Today was the day, she was going to be turned. She always wanted to be, as a child, but she now knew the cost. Her brothers had told her of the increased anger, the cramps, and the incredibly painful transformation. She shook her head, and sat up. She couldn’t deny what she was, she needed to help her village. She stood from her bed, and grabbed a nearby brush. She began to brush her hair, while going to the chest she kept her clothing in. Mohzdah was very different from the other girls in her village, instead of being large and muscled, the girl was small and delicate. She had rather tiny feet, generally long legs, and hips as well as an ass that put most of the girls in her village to shame. Her waist was flat, and somewhat toned. Her breasts decently sized for us, yet rather large for her village. Her arms were dainty, and ended in tiny hands that could hardly hold an ax. Her face was small and cute, slightly puffy lips, a button nose, and large eyes. Her hair was black, and reached her breasts. It was kept brushed and loose. Mohzdah’s skin was unusually pale, and surprisingly supple. She was spoiled by those in her village, due to her incredibly different looks.
Mohzdah dug through her chest, soon picking out basic clothing that she was told to wear for the night. It was just a simple dress, made with cloth from old blankets. Her village wasn’t too rich, but they got by. She wore simple undergarments. She dressed quickly, smiling once she finished. Actually dressing was her least favorite part of her days. She stretched, before leaving her room, walking through her house until she got outside. It seemed her family was already out in the forest, waiting. She sighed yet again, and began her walk to join them.
It took several hours before she got to the area her family wanted her to be at, and she was surprised to see even her brothers who had gone to war came back for this. She was sad to see a few missing, ones who had been killed. But she knew they did it for a good cause.. To defend their land and homes from the savages who hated them for being werewolves. She looked to her mother and father, Who waved her over. She joined them quickly, looking at what they had on a small table. It was a bunny, and there was also a knife. Her father spoke first, “My dearest daughter.. It is time for you to activate the curse. It is activated by something, anything, dying at your hands.” He grabbed the dagger, and raised it to Mohzdah. Mohzdah’s unhappiness was very easy to see, she was frowning quite terribly. She could’ve been one at such a young age.. But she never killed anything. She shook her head, and took the dagger from her father. She raised it into the air, before bring it down upon the poor bunny’s neck. The sharp dagger pierced it easily, and even the weak and poorly aimed strike killed the animal. Once it was dead, Mohzdah looked up to her mother. This time, her mother spoke, “Mohzdah.. Sorry for forcing this upon you. But now.. You shall be a true Livia werewolf. Tonight we have an attack planned, to wipe out the other village. We need the help of every werewolf, so we decided to turn you. This first turn starts early.. It will hurt. If you keep your mind when you turn, head north to the human village. If not.. Im sure the smell of blood will lure you.” Towards the end of the sentence, Mohzdah had stopped listening. She barely heard north, before the pain started. She gasped in pain, before falling down. Her family quickly left her, to go prepare themselves.
It hurt so badly, everything, everything hurt! It had been perhaps an hour since everyone left, and she didn’t know if she could take much more. Her left leg bones had already begun to break, and she felt the same beginning to happen to her right leg. She screamed as the bones crumbled, before slowly beginning to reform. She cried and screamed for the next five hours, as her bones and flesh morphed. Breaking, reforming, then breaking again. Fur began growing out of her skin, soon leaving her covered in it. It took two more hours for the changes to finish.
As the changes finished, in the girl’s place, there was a eight foot tall werewolf. Due to the curse being inactive so long, the strength she would have normally been receiving at a slow pace all came at once. As if it had been building up behind a dam, then someone suddenly blew a hole in it. She howled, before she grabbed her own head. She had figured that when her family turned, they were like a normal wolf. But no, it was so much better. It was a mix between a wolf and a human. A eight foot creature with sharp claws, and even sharper teeth. Mohzdah was struggling to keep her mind, she was only able to remember one thing. North.  The new werewolf took off in a burst of speed that would’ve normally surprised her, reaching the village in a mere fifteen minutes. There were a few guards posted. But they posed no match for the werewolf with so much overflowing power. With a simple flick of the wrist, she launched one surprised guard through the gate. She grabbed another by their neck, raised the guard up to face her. She gave a simple snarl, before quite literally biting his face off. She loved the taste of human flesh in this form, everything about it being lovely. The warmth, the texture, everything. she dropped the body after eating the poor guard’s face, before pushing her way past the village’s gates. It was this time that her family came out of the woods, each a werewolf like Mohzdah. They hopped the walls, stormed through the gates, and crushed anything in their way. People, Homes, anything.
That night resulted in a change for Mohzdah. While her human form never changed, the bonuses that normally would apply to her human form built up and added to her werewolf form. She was more powerful than most of the others, only being defeated by elders with strategy and experience. Besides for this, humans no longer threatened them. Occasionally, a new village would spring up nearby, and threaten them. But it never lasted. More specifically, Mohzdah’s werewolf raiding party destroyed villages in single nights.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Eliane Shizuka
Eliane Shizuka
(Character designed with help from a close friend)
Eliane Shizuka is a upper middle class elf, 19 years old, going to one of her first cons. This con happening to be a anime con. She did not often watch anime, but she did enjoy it when she did.
Eliane layed in bed, thinking about the day ahead of her. She was finally going to her first con! But, multiple things about it made her nervous. She had heard rumors of perverts, and she was not exactly in the mood to deal with them. She reasoned that she could do a small bit of magic to defend herself, but she didn’t want to make a scene at her first con. She let out a soft sigh, while she sat up. She decided she would just go, no point in worrying about things that may not happen. She slowly got off of her bed, standing up straight. She took a few steps while stretching her arms, raising them above her head as she stretched. Eliane then felt the cold against her breasts, and instantly regretted the stretches. She had not worn clothing to bed, as she loved the feel of her silky sheets against her skin. She covered her breasts with her arms, as she walked into her bathroom. Her bathroom was fair sized, and she did so love it. She flipped the light switch, before stepping over to her shower. She turned the shower on, and set the water to a somewhat hot temperature. While she waited for it to heat up, she walked in front of her mirror to study herself. Make sure nothing was wrong. She then walked to the shower, and slowly got in.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to interrupt the story, and say what she looks like. Eliane is a fairly short girl, perhaps about 4’9 or so. To start from the bottom, Eliane had very small feet. They were perfectly taken care of, soft and beautiful. People with foot fetishes would love her. Her legs were a bit long, and they were rather slender. She had a thigh gap, though not to a disgusting amount. Her hips were not too wide, they were just enough to be noticable. Her ass however was rather nice, it was perhaps a little smaller than a bubble butt. Her waist was rather thin, and very flat. Perhaps a bit toned as well. Her breasts were not incredibly large, they were about C. Her arms were also quite slender and delicate, ending in well manicured hands. Her face was rather cute, with slightly puffy lips, and a button nose. Her eyes were large, and were a deep green color. Eliane also had waist length black hair, it was perfectly straight and incredibly soft. Eliane was also a elf, so she had rather long pointy ears that stuck out from her hair. Eliane’s skin color was a pale white, not a disgusting type, but more of a porcelain doll type. Completely smooth as well.
Eliane stepped out of her shower, while grabbing a towel. She took a moment to wring out her hair, before drying her face. She then wrapped up her hair with the towel. Next, she grabbed a second towel, and used this one to dry off the rest of her body. She spent time rubbing herself down, before wrapping the towel around her body. She walked to her bathroom door, opening it. She flipped the light off, before stepping out of the bathroom. It wasn’t that much longer until Eliane walked to her closet, deciding it was finally time to pick her outfit. Eliane opened the closet door, before stepping into the walk in closet. She looked through the dress filled closet, before deciding on a dress that she thought would do wonderful at the convention. She took it out, pulling it off a hanger. She then turned to her dresser, taking a moment to look through it for other things. She picked out a pair of panties, and a matching bra. She then took out black stockings, before also grabbing a silk collar.
The elf girl would then exit her closet, flipping the light off before closing the closet door. She walked to a tall mirror, and slowly take off the towels. At this point, her body had dried. Her hair hadn’t quite dried, but it was closer. She set her clothes onto the floor, before picking out the panties and bra. She stepped into the panties, Smiling as she felt the soft fabric rub against her thicks, and soon, her pussy. She loved it. She then put on her bra, feeling thankful that she had decided on a more comfortable one for the day. At least, she did for now. Her back may hate her later though. Eliane then took the stockings, and slowly slid them up her legs. They had been custom made, as to be form fitting to her legs. So she would not need anything to hold them up. Eliane then took the black silk collar, and put it on. She loved how it felt around her neck. Eliane bit her lip as she lifted up the dress, feeling excited to dress in it. It was black, with a white lace trim around the bottom. She put it on (Skipping on the details and length in putting it on) and smiled once she saw herself in the mirror. She noticed how short the skirt was, it barely reached her middle thigh. She hoped it would be fine, she just had to remember to not lean down at all. The sleeves were a bit long, and ended at her wrists. There was more white lace trim around the end of the sleeves.
Eliane smiled at her reflection, before she turned to her bathroom door. She walked to her bed after remembering to get her phone, and noticed a notification. It was from her mother, there was a missed call and a text saying to call her back. Eliane sighed softly, and slowly went to call her mother back. Wishing she didn’t have to, but knowing the consequences would be worse if she didn’t. As the phone rang, she walked to her bathroom, opening the door and turning the light on. Her mother picked up, and instantly began talking in a bossy manner. “Eliane, I know about the anime convention. You will not go, you will not dress up, and you will not further embarrass Shizuka family.” Eliane frowned, trying not to curse instantly. She spoke in a calm, yet annoyed manner. “Mother, I no longer live with the family. I do not wish to associate with you, father, or my siblings. I have my own job, use my own money. You can no longer force me to be like you. I have my own style, my own friends, everything. All of it I worked for myself.” As she had been talking, she lifted up a brush, and began to brush her hair a bit. Her hair had dried by this point, so she figured to brush it while speaking with the woman she hated. Her mother answered after a moment, “No. If you dare to disobey me, you will no longer be deserving of the Shizuka family name.” Eliane stopped brushing her hair, and set the brush down.
The elf girl then spoke in a almost angered manner. “I no longer belong to your family, whatever. But the Shizuka family name still belongs to me. You no longer have the right to change it. Perhaps I will make a family of my own with the last name. Me, a wife, an adopted kid.” She smirked softly after that last sentence, knowing it would anger her mother. “You dare to mention your interests in females to me? You dare to give an adopted child the Shizuka name? You little bi-” before her mother could finish, Eliane hung up. She disliked swearing, she found it to be a immature habit of her mother’s. Eliane picked out two silk ribbons that had been sitting on her bathroom counter, and she put her hair into pigtails. She then turned, and left the bathroom. She left the door open, but turned off the lights. She put her phone into a pocket hidden on her dress. She then walked to her room door, opening it and stepping out. She flipped the lights off. She walked through her house, in the dark, to the front door. She opened it, stepped out, and shut it behind her. She locked it then after. Next, Eliane walked to her car parked in her driveway. She felt rather lucky that she had an actual job at her age that allowed for her lifestyle to continue. She knew her family name helped her originally get the job, but she worked hard to keep it. Eliane turned the car on, pulled on her seatbelt, and backed out of her driveway. The elf girl then drove to the convention, eager to have a good time.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Vesni, the Royal Elf part one
Vesni, the Royal Elf
I am not going to start off with talking of Vesni, instead, I shall talk of her home first. Vesni was born in and lived in the country of Noul, a rather small country towards the northern part of the world in which Vesni came from. The country mostly kept away from any others near itself, leaving almost none knowing of the type of people who lived there, or even customs of said people. The country had a mountain range as its border with states south of it, making sure only the brave or foolish would even attempt to get to Noul. These mountains were particularly terrifying, as the entire area tended to have many earthquakes often, and monsters were said to live within the caves, and hunt along the mountainsides. Towards the north of the small country, the Northern, Eastern, and most of the Western borders were the ocean. Due to the cold temperatures of the area, the ocean was filled with ice, so much so that no ships could enter or exit through these waters. evidence of attempts could be found underwater, where many sunken ships can be found. The land of the country itself was not quite as dangerous as its borders, but it still would leave anyone who did not know the area quite well lost. Most of the country was covered in forests, large trees leaving the sun hidden and most animals frozen. The only non covered areas would be the few plains towards the western side of Noul, and the beaches along the borders. The only animals able to survive are the small ones who dig themselves homes in the snow, and other places, and the larger ones that have enough fur to keep warm. This included wolves, bears, and larger, more dangerous things. Of course, the people of this land survived as well. Building cities in the fields usually, or learning to copy the small animals. The people here had also adapted after long enough to fit the area quite well, they were regular elves originally, but their environment changed them.
The elves now had lighter colored skin, not quite pale, but it was enough for them to blend in with the snow. Their bodies were commonly a bit smaller, and and they became lighter. Their hair generally became lighter, even more so than their skin. These elves used to barely survive in Noul, but a certain clan of them had worked to make it easier. This clan was the Ruo clan, and as they built cities, they were often decided to be the rulers. Of course,  the cities of these elves made the traits which let them hide useless, but the elves liked them still. As time went along, the royal Ruo clan was recognized as the true royalty of this land, and the decision on who was made king or queen was soon no longer votable. The Country grew to be a monarchy. The Ruo clan was separated through each of the cities, and over time, most forgot that each royal family was ever a part of the Ruo clan. There was one trait that every member of the bloodline, every generation had it and it marked them as royalty. Every single one had a birthmark in the shape of a crown somewhere on their body. It was generally dark in color, allowing it to be easily seen. Nobody knows for sure on if it is natural, or if the original Ruo clan used magic to allow such a thing to happen, but it was a closely guarded secret as it could be easily copied by some mage. Another thing every member of the royal bloodline had was incredible magic talent. If a city had two children, the next one to inherit the crown would be whichever had the best magical abilities. Siblings would dual, and the victor would be promised the crown, unless the other challenged the winner later on and one.
There were four of five cities in the country of Noul, and while all were great and gained respect in some form or another, one was the the capital, and that city was Delin. Rather terrible name, but the people there liked it, and were willing to fight for the honor of the city. It was definitely the largest of the cities in Noul, and possibly the one with the largest population. It was in a large field near the northern border, despite this location, it had the most roads built from it’s gates to other cities or places. It has a rather large market in the front of the city, filled with goods from blacksmiths, enchanters, hunters, and gardeners. There were even a few taverns in this area, for others to buy cheap rooms in. The general currency was usually just trading, but these was a type of money within Noul. If you could manage to find any sort of metal, it was highly valued. It was rare to come across any sort of material from the ground, but despite this, due to the high prices for any sort of material, many mines were dotted along the country. Those desperate enough even dug straight down sometimes, within their homes if it was too cold. Back to the city of Delin, beyond the market, there was a housing district. This was where.. Well, everyone bought or made homes. This made up most of Delin, and due to the amount of people living in this city, the homes were generally built closer together and had two or three stories to it. Some families would even share homes if one couldn’t afford their own. People were generally kind, and liked to help out others. Towards the center of the city, there was the royal property. Very few were allowed in, and if they were allowed in, it was only to work or deliver to any of the Royal family. There was magic placed throughout the area, leaving it warmer than most of the country was. It allowed gardens to be planted in the outskirts of the royal property, where some of the citizens were allowed to go to plant and harvest crops. There was also the castle of the Ilo family, the descendants of the Ruo clan. They changed their name to avoid confusion with the other cities.
The castle was huge, several stories tall, and filled with rooms not only for the royal family, but also for every servant. The rooms of the Ilo family were often huge, with closets bigger than any person should ever need. Of the current royal family, the only guy was the king, who was often sick. Of the two living daughters, both loved their clothes, so these closets were quite often filled with new clothes from the various cities in Noul. The master room, for the King and Queen, was even larger than the rooms of their daughters. It had way too much space, and several furniture sets covered in dust. Of course, whenever other royal families came by it was cleaned, but that was rare and had not happened for some time. The royal family had not always had only four members, once there were a few sons, and more daughters too. A tragedy had come around soon after the queen had given birth to a daughter, one she had named Vesni. This little girl had been special, her magical abilities were high even for a descendant of the Rou family, and she hardly ever cried, even for a baby. She was being predicted to eventually be the ruler of Delin, until the tragedy happened. A group of rouge elves, from another city, had attacked Delin. They used magically tamed animals to their advantage, took out walls of the city, and even broke into the royal grounds. The number of them had been too much for most of the royal children, and despite their ability, many were killed. The intruders had even killed the baby Vesni. The queen had gone into a rage once that had been found out, and the people had once again become grateful to her. She had completely destroyed the raiding group, quite literally having cooked them alive. The rebuilding process, with the aid of magic, was very fast. And the dead were soon buried. However, something had bothered the Queen, and her two remaining daughters. Her youngest girl’s body had not been found, and the Queen could figure out why. She had taken special care to not melt anything in her rage, so the body should’ve been found. Little did she know, her baby had never been killed. A random servant had found the baby in the destroyed castle, and had taken her home. The raiders only said they killed her, never having given proof, so this had gone by quite easily.  The servant, and her family, had no clue that the girl was of royalty. They figured she was just another dead families child, and they ultimately decided to take her in. The name Vesni had been sewn into the girl’s clothings, so the servant’s family figured that was her name. They gave the girl their own last name, and treated her as their own.
18 years later
Vesni was waking up for the morning, the smell of breakfast forcing her out of bed. She yawned softly, and mentally complained about having to get out of bed. With a small sigh, she sat up, her thick blankets falling down into her lap. She pushed them off, and slowly stood up, and out of bed. Her mother yelled to her from the kitchen, “Vesni! Get down here before the food freezes, you know how quick it can happen.” Vesni gave a short repl, “Coming!” and with that, she began walking down to the kitchen. She walked rather fast, the smell of what had been made becoming more clear as she approached the table. Once she sat, her mother set a plate in front of her, and patted her head. “Eat my daughter, you have a busy day. The queen’s annual feast is tonight. You got a invite due to your school grades, right? She only invites a few non royal people, you’re luck.” Vesni had trouble following along with her mother’s words, she was too focused on eating. She did remember about her invitation to the feast, she had been the lucky one to get it. She had only done so good in school because magic came naturally to her. She was easily at the top of her class, she could even rival her teacher’s strengths. She finally gave her mother a nod, and asked a question. “Why does the Queen have a feast at this time every year?” her mother would frown, before answering her, “The queen has the feast for her dead children, and for all of those who died on the attack 18 years ago. The queen would be angered if you did not know why, so I am glad you asked. Now, finish eating, and go get dressed. I heard that the Queen lets people enter early, and spend time in the Royal property.” With that, Vesni’s mother went back to cooking for the other two people of the house, ones who hardly got up early. Vesni’s older sister, who worked as a servant, and her father. Vesni still wondered why her sister was allowed to live at home, and why she didn’t live in the castle. She imagined it was because they lived close to the royal property. Vesni shook her head, and brought her thoughts back to the topic of today. She did not know what she would do, if she wanted to leave early, or what she would wear. She finished her breakfast, and went to her room so she could answer one or two of those questions.
Once Vesni got into her room, she walked to her closet, and looked at herself in the mirror she had on the closet door. She was around 4’8, short, especially for elves. She didn’t mind it though, as it allowed her to get through crowds quickly. Starting from the legs, she was a rather impressive girl. Her feet were small and dainty, and kept in perfection. Her legs were long, and had a bit of extra weight in all the right places. Her thighs in specific. They weren’t big enough to touch, but they rubbed against each other every once in a while. Her hips were big enough to catch other’s eyes, but it was her ass that was really impressive. It could be considered hand filling, if the hands that were holding it belonged to a 8’ tall amazon. Her waist was rather small, and her belly was flat as a board. It was even slightly toned. Her breasts were not too large, they barely reached C. Her arms were also quite delicate, and ended in soft hands. Her face was partially rounded, with very soft features. Her lips were pouty, and she had a button nose. Her eyes were odd though. They were pure, milky white, as if she was blind. Yet, she could see perfectly, perhaps better than others. She did not know why, and her parent’s could not give her answers. Her hair was a light blond, it was kept in a ponytail, and it reached her waist. Her skin, like most Noul elves, was a greyish color. It was very light, and looked nice near dark colors. Her skin was also perfectly smooth, except for her birthmark. She had two marks on her skin, one was a birthmark, another was a tattoo. The birthmark was a crown just below her right breast, it was black in color, she loved how it looked. The tattoo was a black heart she had gotten just below her right eye. She loved it simply because her parents hated it, they wouldn’t let her get any tattoo, even a hidden one. So she had snuck out and gotten that one a year back, it had gotten her quite the punishment, but she thought it was worth it. She smiled softly at the memory, before finally walking into her closet. She looked through different clothing options, wondering if she even had anything that would work for something such as this. She would eventually decide on a white dress, one made of lace that nearly matched her hair color. This dress she had previously sewn a row of black into, towards the bottom, but she thought it would be fine. She wished she had a black dress, but her parent’s disliked the color.
After picking out the dress, she also got a pair of white stockings, and black shoes. She hoped this would be alright enough, and though the clothes felt odd, they were possibly the best she had. She then began mentally debating on if she should go early, or wait until later. After a five minute long wait, she eventually flipped a coin, and it was decided that she should leave early. She gave a quick goodbye to her family, who were just now eating breakfast, and she left the house. She made sure she had her pass, which would let her into the feast, before continuing on her walk. To speed up her time to get there, she cut corners by going through alleys. Once she finally got to the gates that would let her into the Royal property, she presented her pass to a guard, and the gates were opened. She gasped as she felt the incredibly warm air hit her, and she already knew she liked the area. She had gotten cold due to the snowstorm that had started, but this was amazing, and made her very okay with her clothing choice. A guard would pat her shoulder, and begin to lead her through the royal grounds. Vesni looked about as they walked, amazed at all the gardens and other things throughout the property, but she was hardly given enough time, as she was soon at the castle doors. The guard would open it, and motion for Vesni to enter. Vesni would slowly step in, the door closing behind her. The front room was currently empty, except for a single maid who was working. As the maid noticed Vesni, she spoke softly, “One moment miss, i’ll go get the queen, tell her the first guest of the feast has arrived.” The maid then walked off through a hall, leaving Vesni alone. Vesni looked about in amazement, before her mind urgently told her she was about to meet the queen. She shook her head, and tried to ready herself, but nothing could get her ready for what she saw when the queen entered.
The queen was absolutely stunning. The elf stood at 5’6, and she wore a beautiful white dress, one that made Vesni’s look like a rag. The queen’s body was amazing as well, curves in all the right places, and with a surprisingly large chest. The queen’s face was similar to Vesni’s, soft features, and with pouty lips and a button nose. The queen was smiling happily, and staring right back at Vesni. The queen spoke softly, “What a cute little elf.. I am so glad someone like you won the invitation.” Stunned, Vesni could hardly reply to the queen. She managed to get out a very basic reply, “T-thank you, Queen Len..” Vesni also found her arms shaking softly, so she had to hold them against her stomach. Her nervousness was really showing, and the queen was finding it adorable. The queen spoke again, as she approached Vesni, “Young one.. Could you tell me your name please? After, I will lead you to the library.” Vesni nodded quickly to her question, and after gulping, she spoke, “My name is V-Vesni..” the girl mentally cursed herself for stumbling over a word again, and hoped the queen did not mind. Of course, the queen only smiled softly, and shook her head. “What a lovely name. That is what I had named my youngest, before she had been killed. You remind me of her.” Vesni had been about to reply, but the queen pulled her into a soft hug, holding the girl’s face against her chest. Vesni’s cheeks quickly turned a rose color, and the queen pulled away, leaving a stunned Vesni behind. The queen gave her excuse a few moments later, “Sorry Vesni..  I could not help myself. Now i'll lead you to the library, where we can sit and talk..”
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Embla’s Assignment
Embla’s assignment
Embla’s time since she had been taken in by Aslana had been oddly wonderful. Despite Embla’s original distrust of Aslana, she grew to respect and possibly like the somewhat evil girl. Aslana and Salem had been teaching her how to live in this human world, teaching her to take care of her body correctly, and how to deal with others. She found Salem a bit cute, and she was rather surprised when she found out that the small adorable person was a boy. While she had been taught these things, she also learned of why Aslana had wanted her. Aslana told her of the things that happened in her life. In her childhood, Aslana murdered her parents and was adopted by a demon. Later on, Aslana had been accused of a murder she did not remember committing, but due to Aslana's personality, it was very believable. Aslana had been forced from her home and into the human world. Aslana had then gone on a warpath, even though she was in the lustful forest. She had destroyed town after town, until she found a young boy who reminded her of herself. Aslana told Embla how she had found Salem, a young boy who had murdered his parents. Aslana and Salem had made a deal, Salem would be her apprentice, and Aslana would care for him. Since that time, Aslana had calmed quite a lot, but she had plans for the forest still. Embla had once asked Salem about his parents and why he had killed them, he only said that he was raised as a girl, as girly boys were quite popular and his body type wouldn’t change as he aged, and his parents had been worried. Yet, as Aslana had been destroying whatever she came across, the parents had grown worried and became desperate to escape from the forest. They had been preparing to sell Salem off as a girl, and also as a fallen angel. Embla was delighted to hear of what Embla was, but she did grow a bit disappointed when she learned that Salem had not been a angel himself, just that one of his parents was one. Back to what Salem did, he had learned of his parent’s plans, and he had used a dagger to cut them up.
Aslana’s plans were quite scary, but Embla felt oddly happy that she was needed for them. Aslana wanted to bring chaos and fear to the forest, yet Aslana herself could not go and do it. A kitsune named Rowan had placed magic spells around most of the forest’s towns that would only attack Aslana. The things Aslana had done apparently scared the kitsune, yet the kitsune only wished to save people. Aslana had mentioned that if she knew where the kitsune lived, she would go and kill her. But for now, Aslana needed Embla to take attention away from her. Aslana would also be willing to reward Embla for what she did, she said she would take Embla in, care for her, and keep her safe. These thoughts reassured Embla, even if she would have to do things she found terrible. On a more recent day, Embla had been assigned to read up on famous murders, and other things that would scare the normal people. She had been stuck in Aslana’s relatively small library for an entire day as she read. Embla eventually decided on copying the methods of Jack the Ripper, but she felt she would have to change it up a bit. She couldn’t exclusively go after those who offered their bodies, as in this forest, according to Aslana, that was everybody. She decided to also go after those who were political leaders of the towns and villages, as well as those who were community leaders. Nobody in these towns would be safe, except for children and those who would soon have children. She felt they did not deserve what she could do to them, she was much kinder than Aslana.
A few days later, and it was the day that Aslana had to begin her much more important assignment. It was the day that she had to do all those terrible things she had planned, she had to murder, and mutilate people. She sighed softly, as she laid in her bed, thinking of these things. She did not wish to do it, or.. She believed that she didn’t want to do it. She was trying to push down feelings of enjoyment over even just the thoughts of doing it, the world had been cruel to her, and she wanted to return the favor. Yet, she had trouble pushing away the pure thoughts she had been with for so many years, she did not want to feel as she did.. But she felt too much anger to push down the thoughts of joy at what she had to do. With another soft sigh, Embla would get out of bed, and stumble towards her closet. She had to pick out what to wear to the first town, she knew she would not have access to her closet or even to more clothes in general, so she had to pick out something that would last. She did not like that she would have to be so dirty for so long, but Aslana promised to clean her extra well when she returned. She soon found a pair of black jeans, and a red sweatshirt. She would’ve preferred armor as well, but non of Aslana’s small amount of armor fit her body. She would walk back into her room, and stand in front of her mirror while she dressed herself.
SInce she had been rescued, she had changed very little. The only difference between before and now, was that her red hair had grown a bit in length. Her hair was now about to her shoulders, though she disliked how it got in the way. The only reason she did not cut it, was because Salem loved to brush it. If the boy did not enjoy it so much, she would’ve cut it to its old length. Embla shook her head softly, and looked at her now fully clothed self. She missed her wings greatly, but she was now realizing how easy it would be to sneak into the town, and to get away with her crimes. With a small smiled sneaking its way out, Embla left her room, entering the main living room of Aslana’s home. In this room, there was simply two couches, and a large table. Aslana hadn’t been able to decorate or provide entertainment, as she had trouble getting anything anymore. She also wanted Embla to get a few things while she was in the town. Embla noticed Salem on the couch, and she stopped walking for a moment to say her goodbyes, and to ask a question. “Salem, Dear, where are my daggers? Also, I must say goodbye. It is time for my assignment.” the small boy looked up at her, a frown upon his face. He pointed to the table, “Your daggers are over there.. Goodbye, Embla, please be safe.” Embla nodded softly, and patted his head. After, she walked to the table, and retrieved her two daggers. These had been given to her from Aslana, they were made from a odd black metal, with a spider shape missing from the blade. They were not the type Embla truly liked, but she found them suitable enough. After putting them into sheathes, and attaching them to her belt, she left the room, and soon, Aslana’s home.
The journey to the town was long. Especially due to the location of Aslana’s home, and due to the fact that Embla couldn’t go to the nearest town. She had decided to go a few towns over, as to make people search for her home in the wrong area. The trip took several hours, and she felt tired by the time she got to the town, she decided to set up a temporary base before she killed the first one. She wandered about the medium sized town for a bit, before she found a abandoned church. She decided this would work, giggling softly as she entered. She would set up a makeshift bed in the back, before she left the church to go find her first victim. As she debated on what type of person to kill, she listened in to a few citizens. She heard of how much they were scared of Aslana, and wondering if she would return. Had Aslana continued, they would have been the next town to be destroyed. She giggled slightly as she heard this, before frowning. Why did she giggle? She shook her head, and decided to focus on her assignment. After a bit more walking, she decided on a target.
Her target was a priest. Yet, she did not feel anything but hatred towards this priest. She had spotted him leaving a families home, yet as he hugged a child goodbye, Embla noticed that the man had a boner. Not only would his death serve her assignment, it would not be a death that would disturb her pure thoughts. She followed the priest to his home, and as he went inside, she walked behind the house. She waited a few hours, before she climbed up the side of the house and peeked in through the window. The priest was asleep, and it seemed he did not have a wife. She slid the window open slowly, and quietly entered the room. She walked to the side of the priest’s bed, and stared down at him. With a quick movement, she drew her dagger, and slit the man’s throat. He was dead before he woke up. Embla found this too good of a death for him, but she  had a job to do. As she pulled the man’s shirt off, she thought of which things she should remove from his body. She eventually decided upon the heart and the tongue, taking a few moments to cut into his body, and remove the heart. She then removed the tongue, taking a odd amount of pleasure in removing it from his mouth. As she dropped these disgusting things into a small bag, she sighed as she realized she had to make this body known. She let out a very loud, and girly scream. This scream would be heard by those outside of the house, and even in nearby homes. She then left the home from the window, knowing that the body would soon be found. She returned to her abandoned church, going to her makeshift bed and laying down. She moved the heart and tongue into a larger container, which was sadly close to her bed. She then decided to sleep, knowing that she would have to kill again the next day.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Suzu, the goddess’s lover part two
Suzu, The Goddess’s Lover Part Two
Suzu woke up on her bed, smiling softly. The goddess’s large arms were around her, holding her close. She sighed happily at the warmth of the goddess, and she buried her face into the goddess’s chest softly. The goddess, even in her sleep insistent on spoiling Suzu, would pet the small girl’s head. Suzu giggled softly, and closed her eyes, happy to sleep longer if the goddess wished to keep cuddling. The small girl was dressed in the same clothes she had been dressed in the previous night, when the goddess had fucked her with a futa cock while dressed in amazonian clothing. Suzu noticed that the goddess was back in normal clothing, and that the bulge she had previously had was gone. Suzu also noticed that the goddess’s cum from the previous night had disappeared, which was a relief as she had been filled way too much. As she thought of this, the goddess had slowly been waking up, thinking of the godly duties that she had to perform today. This annoyed her, as she wanted nothing but to spoil Suzu all day, but she had to do what she had to do. She decided she would give her another prize later tonight, and whispered softly as she hugged Suzu. “My dear little girl.. I have another present for you tonight. Be a good girl, wash yourself up, and dress yourself. I hope you have not forgotten in the time since our first play session. If anything worries you though, just call. Ill show up and help. Oh, and dress extra cute tonight please.” With that, the amazonian goddess would slowly rise, and get out of bed. With a simple snap of her fingers, she would disappear from the room.
Suzu felt like pouting. Not only did the goddess have to leave, but Suzu had to get out of bed as well. She didn’t mind bathing and dressing herself, but she wished she could sleep longer. With a long drawn out sigh, Suzu got out of bed. She felt rather tired, and wondered how well she could walk. Not only had she been fucked quite well the previous night, but the goddess had hardly been letting her build up strength recently, and she didn’t know how long she could walk. Suzu would quickly walk to the large bathroom that the goddess had, and she sat on the edge of the large spring that the goddess somehow had transported here, and somehow kept working without all the natural necessities. She took off her clothes shortly after, and dipped her legs into the water. She sighed happily at the hot water, and soon enough, she slid in. sitting on a stone, Suzu decided to think about how the spring worked, while letting herself soak in the water. Obviously, magic was involved in the spring. Not just for making it work, but the water in the spring cleaned off whoever entered it completely, without the need of the person even scrubbing themselves. It shouldn't clean someone so completely, but it did. Along with it, the spring’s water would leave a person’s skin perfectly smooth, and surprisingly soft. At least, soft in Suzu’s case.
A little while after those thoughts, Suzu would realize that she had to get out of the spring, and get ready. A servant would be bringing in food soon, and she didn’t want the servant girl seeing her naked again. She slowly got out of the spring, her legs feeling rather shaky as she did. She took a few steps towards the exit, before she had to use the wall to support herself as she walked. With enough time, Suzu managed to get to a towel rack, and she would slowly dry herself off with a towel from said towel rack. The towels belonged to the goddess, so the were almost adorably oversized for Suzu. still, the small human would dry herself off, before hanging the towel again. Using the wall for support, she left the bathroom, and went to the closet. Once in the closet, she began to poke through it to the start of her section, and she took time looking for a outfit that the goddess would adore. Once she found one she believed to be more than suitable, she would get a pair of stocking, and a silk collar. After, she left to her room again, and went to the mirror so she could watch herself dress.
Suzu had gotten a pink sweater, the sweater being made out of materials incredibly soft to the skin. The sweater itself was a bit big for Suzu, reaching down to her lower thighs, and hiding her body from sight. It was a bit plain, but Suzu had a soft spot for sweaters. The sleeves made her hands not as useful, and due to that, she had a bit of difficulty in putting on the stockings. The stockings were white, and reached her lower thighs, just barely under the end of her sweater. They clung to her legs just perfectly, as to not be too tight, yet also not threaten to fall off if Suzu moved her legs around too much. Finally, Suzu put on the white silk collar, smiling as she hear the tiny bell on the front. This was not a required thing, but both her and the goddess quite enjoyed these collars. She had also decided to go without panties or a bra again, feeling that the goddess would rip them off of her a bit too quickly and perhaps damage them if she had worn them. As she finished dressing, the door to the room was pushed open, and a servant girl entered. Suzu looked at her with a smile, glad she hadn’t entered a few minutes earlier, and watched as the servant set a lunch plate down on a nightstand. As the servant left the room, Suzu slowly made her way to the nightstand, sitting on the bed once she finally reached it. She lifted the plate up, and slowly began to eat, feeding herself for the first time in a surprisingly long minute. As she ate the bacon and eggs, she wondered what the goddess possibly had in mind for her.
The rest of the day was a complete bore. She couldn’t nap at all, she was too excited for that. She tried to read, but she couldn't focus on the book in front of her. She ended up laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling until it was nighttime. She was given more food, but that was eaten quickly, not taking as much time as Suzu had wished. Finally, after hours of waiting, the goddess had returned. And she had a complete surprise for her spoiled little girl. The goddess had walked in, in a simple black shorts and a loose white shirt, and smiled at the adorable little girl. In the goddess’s hands, was a kitty ear headband, and a clip on tail. Except, there was magic radiating off of the items. The goddess spoke softly, “I asked one of the other goddess’s for a favor.. See, i'm not so good at making people have any animal features.. She is great at it. I didn’t bring you to her yourself, as she would want to steal you, but I got these items…” Suzu bit her lip, and kept quiet. She eyed the items, and moved to the front of the bed, waiting for the goddess to approach. Slowly, the goddess would approach, and she put the kitty ear headband on Suzu. she also reached down, and held the tail just above the girl’s ass. Due to her not wearing panties or pants or shorts, the goddess had to hold it there herself. In just a few moments, the magic of the items began to work.
The kitty ears attached themselves to Suzu’s head, and they would move into the correct position. They would be pink furred, the same color as Suzu’s hair. Suzu’s old human ears would slowly disappear. The tail was a fun one. Suzu gasped as she felt it attach to her, and the goddess let go to let it turn into a real tail. It positioned itself right, and Suzu could only gasp as she felt the tail gain its incredible sensitivity. Everything, even her sweater and the bedsheets, felt amazing brushing up against this tail of hers. It’s fur turned the same pink as Suzu’s hair. She bit her lip softly, and looked at the goddess. The goddess, in return, reached down and began petting her kitty ears. Suzu immediately melted, hugging the goddess, and purring softly as she rubbed her head against the goddess’s hand. The goddess giggled, and crawled onto the bed, laying on her back. She would pat herself, and Suzu would quickly lay against where she patted, eager to get more pets. Of course, she did get more pets. The goddess would rub her ears with one hand, and reach down to stroke her tail with another. This treatment had the new kitty girl purring and gasping constantly, rubbing herself against her goddess. Suzu would’ve spoke, but her purring wouldn’t stop long enough for her to do so. And as she felt the hand on her tail slowly travel between her legs, she knew that it would be a moment before she could speak.
The goddess’s hand would rest over Suzu’s pussy, two finger idly rubbing around it. Suzu’s gasp would instead become a moan, as she realized she was now even more sensitive. She could feel and possibly describe every detail of how she was teased and touched, and she loved it. Satisfied at hearing her next moan, the goddess would begin the rub the girl’s pussy directly, yet also gently. She wished to test out the sensitive kitty. After a few moments of hearing Suzu’s desperate moans for more pleasure, the goddess decided to give it to her. The goddess would suddenly push two fingers into the girl, which caused Suzu to moan loudly and curl up a bit. This sensation alone caused the girl to reach her climax, her juices practically exploding out and covering the goddess’s hand. The goddess only giggled, and resumed the rubbing around Suzu’s pussy. She felt she had to experiment a lot tonight.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Suzu, the goddess’s lover
Suzu, the goddess’s lover.
Things had changed since that wonderful night Suzu had shared with her goddess. The goddess had grown more motherly, except possibly too much so. She treated Suzu as a helpless little baby, which Suzu may as well be. The goddess hardly let Suzu do anything for herself now, spoiling the small girl whenever she could. She would dress Suzu, feed her, and even bathe her. Of course, she also pleasured the little human. Suzu found this life to be relaxing, she was safe, and she knew she would be cared for. Her outfits had been growing increasingly girly, and she was hardly complaining. She did find the outfits a bit uncomfortable for heat, but the goddess always fixed it as soon as possible. Today, was going to be a special day. The goddess herself had told Suzu that. And Suzu was incredibly excited, eager to have a fun time with the goddess.
Suzu sat in her room, or, the goddess’s room. She had been moved here so the goddess always knew where she was at. Suzu was dressed in a white dress, with petticoats underneath to make it stick out. The dress itself was rather cute, there was a pink bow just under Suzu’s breasts, and pink ribbons tied on her shoulders. She also wore white stockings with pink bows at the top, and a pink ribbon collar with a little bell attached on the front. Suzu yawned softly, and looked at a clock that the goddess left in this room. It was nearing night, the goddess should be arriving soon.. She wondered what the goddess had in mind. The last surprise she had gotten had lead to this amazing part of her life, and she could only wonder what the goddess had for her this time. She wondered if it was going to be more stuff like this, but also slightly hoped that the goddess would do something unexpected.
Suzu’s hopes were made a reality. In just barely over twenty minutes after that thought, the goddess entered the room. The tall amazon goddess smiled at her helpless lover, and she let the girl examine her from across the room. Suzu’s cheeks turned a tomato red as she saw what the goddess wore. The goddess had worn something that fit her body very well, a amazon inspired look. The goddess had on a fur skirt sort of thing, and a type of shirt that hardly even covered her breasts. Of course, the fur looked delicious next to the goddess’s golden brown skin. But what really took Suzu’s attention was the bulge in the goddess’s skirt. It looked as if the goddess had a.. Dick. Suzu was right, the goddess had in fact been storing up energy to give herself a temporary futa cock. And she would use it on her lover, whether the small girl initially wanted to or not. Of course though, Suzu was excited to receive any type of love from her goddess, and she would welcome anything the goddess wanted. Immediately, Suzu would pull her dress and petticoats up for a moment, flashing the goddess. Suzu never really wore panties, so the goddess expected it, but the sight of how completely wet the small girl was excited the goddess.
The goddess decided to act the part that her clothings led to one thinking, and she let out a bit of a primal roar, before jumping onto the girl. She was careful as to not hurt her, but she made her intentions clear, soon ripping the girl’s dress off of her literally, leaving suzu in her stockings and a collar. Suzu moaned out a single word, “M-mommy..” in a voice which was full of lust. She wanted to be fucked, she had gone so long with only fingers having entered her new deliciously sensitive pussy. The goddess grinned, and turned Suzu over, her large hands resting on the tiny yet plump ass of Suzu. The goddess’s hands traveled to Suzu’s hips, and lifted them slightly. Suzu would spread her legs for the goddess, happy to obey. The goddess pulled her skirt off with a single hand, her fair sized cock falling into view. To Suzu, who had turned her head to see it, it was beautiful. She would arch her back for the goddess, trying to entice the amazonian to hurry up. The goddess did so, pressing her cock against Suzu’s pussy softly, before she began to push it in. due to her magic on Suzu’s body, the girl’s pussy was tight, yet it stretched to fit the cock without tearing at all. Suzu moaned into the bed, biting onto the sheet a moment later. Her hands desperately reached for anything, but found only the bedsheet. The goddess chuckled, and pushed herself further into Suzu, which only drew louder moans from the girl’s mouth.
The goddess soon found herself thrusting in and out of the tiny girl, the pleasure causing even her to gasp out loud. Suzu was completely out of it, moaning out thoughtlessly, pressing herself against the goddess with her only amount of thinking power. It felt so good to her, the cock reached her deepest depths, and hit all the sensitive areas that she knew of. The goddess would be amused, and she would suddenly wrap her arms around Suzu’s knees, and lift  her up. Suzu, due to being flexible, had no problems with this, and was able to still be fucked. The goddess would walk Suzu over to a tall mirror, and press the girl against it as she fucked her. She also spoke after a moment, “Look at you, my little girl. So naughty. So slutty. I love it.. Now watch yourself get filled with my cum.” with that, The goddess’s thrust grew more wild, and much quicker. Suzu could only moan in helplessness, arching her back as she came directly at the same time as the goddess. The goddess’s cum filled her up so wonderfully, and Suzu found herself enjoying the pulses of the cock inside of her. The goddess would keep carrying her, but she walked to a chair and sat, pulling Suzu against her. The two would sit like that for awhile, until the goddess decided she was ready to go again. It was going to be a fun night for Suzu and the goddess.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Suzu the goddess’s doll
Suzu the goddess's doll
Suzu wasn’t always a slave. She was once a regular girl, living in a apartment, with a regular job. But.. she had not ever been satisfied. She never felt happy with how her life was, everything felt fake and sad. But that was all fixed once she was rescued by the goddess. OF course, she acted scared at first, she tried to resist the things the goddess did, the goddess reshaped her body and forced her to dress in cute outfits, but Suzu has recently given in. Ever since she had, the goddess was much nicer. Suzu had been expecting the goddess to pleasure her since she had arrived, but the goddess never did. She always stopped teasing Suzu when Suzy was about to beg. But, Suzu had a feeling that it was gonna be soon, and she felt that she should get dressed extra cute for when that times comes.
Suzu woke up early in the morning, smiling as she sat up. Everything in her room was so soft, and so nice.. She shook her head, remembering that she had to get dressed up especially cute today. The goddess had begun to allow her to dress herself, as she submitted to the goddess’s every desire now. Suzu got out of bed slowly, and she walked to her closet slowly. Inside of the closet, rows upon rows of clothing was available to choose from. Suzu sighed happily as she began to look through her options. She soon decided to pull out a white dress, which had a large pink bow beneath the chest area, and two lines of pink ribbons along the bottom of the dress. It wasn’t her best, but she knew the goddess loved this one. She carried it to a drawer, where she picked out a pair of white stockings, which had the same matching pink bows at the top of them. She found these ones cute, and she took them. She decided to skip on panties or a bra, as she wanted a very specific thing from the goddess who had rescued her. As she walked, she noticed a mirror, and decided to stop and look at herself for a moment. She loved the body the goddess had given her, it was reminding of her old one, but had enough differences to make her happy about the memories. She had originally been quite tall, but now she was barely 5’ tall. She had fairly long legs, with thighs that were a bit thick, as to bring more attention to her hand filling ass. Of course, she also had impressive hips. Her waist was fairly small, but nowhere near as small as a certain white haired kitsune’s waist. It was flat, but it was not toned at all. Her breasts weren't the most impressive, but they were a nice C. they were soft, and yet also had a perfect amount of firmness to them. Her arms were just as delicate as one would expect from someone who needs to do absolutely nothing but be cute. Her face had a soft set of features, not too slutty, but rather adorable. A rounded structure, slightly pouty lips, a button noe, and cute red eyes. Her face had been one of the few things not changed by magic, so it was quite impressive even before. Her hair was the same pink it used to be, but now it was permanently straight, and very easy to clean and brush. its color had been the main thing that caused so much of her stuff to be pink. Her skin color was a creamy white, which was different from the slightly tan she used to have.
Suzu smiled again at her reflection, before she walked into her room again. She would quickly dress herself, putting on the dress before carefully sitting down and pulling the stockings up her legs. The clothes fit perfectly, as they had been made specifically for her. She stood up again, and walked to a table she kept in her room, and retrieved two ribbons, both of color matching her hair, and she put her own hair into pigtails. Smiling at that, she left her room to go find the goddess. She did find the goddess soon enough, sitting in her own room, reading a book. The goddess was.. Amazing. She was closer to 6’5”, and had a amazonian body. Long, powerful legs. Strong thighs, hips that made even most girls drool, a nice ass, and a very muscular torso altogether. Even if her breasts were a bit small, she was very impressive, Suzu couldn't help but to keep looking, eyeing the goddess’s strong big arms, her barely feminine face, and her long black hair. The goddess hardly dressed herself, due to nothing she liked looking quite good on her. She could change her own appearance, but unlike with Suzu, it only lasted a small time. As the goddess noticed Suzu, she smiled and spoke in a deep and powerful voice, “Ah, my little doll.. What brings you here in such an adorable outfit?” the goddess, much like Suzu, couldn’t help but to admire the girl in front of her. Loving the small body and cute dress. Suzu replied in a voice that was the opposite from the goddess’s, quiet, submissive, and cute. “G-goddess..I have come because I’d like to cuddle.. And.. uhm.. Other things..” As Suzu looked down in an embarrassed manner, the goddess recognized by the blush on her cheeks what the girl wanted. The goddess debated on giving it to her, but as she looked at the girl’s outfit, and noticed the lack of panties.. She couldn't help herself.
In the flick of her wrist, the goddess had used her power to practically throw Suzu at her. The goddess caught the frightened, and tiny girl, and kissed her softly. Suzu’s eyes went wide as they kissed, and she melted in the large arms of the goddess. As they pulled away, Suzu tried to speak, “G-Godd-” she was cut off by the goddess. The larger girl smiled, and rubbed Suzu’s back before speaking. “While we are having fun.. Do not call me goddess. Instead, I would prefer a term like Mommy.. Perhaps one of these days i'll tell you my real name, it would normally also work..” Suzu nodded quickly, and she hugged the goddess. “Yes, Mommy..” the goddess giggled, and her large hands trailed down the body of the small girl, soon resting on her ass. The goddess slowly sat up, and she used her hands to slowly spread the legs of the girl, making sure Suzu wrapped them around her. While showering her face with kisses, the goddess would trail a hand down between Suzu’s legs, and soon, a single finger rubbed the tiny girl’s pussy. It had been made to be extra sensitive, and even just a bit of light rubbing had Suzu moaning into the goddess’s ear. The goddess’s breath grew hot on the human girl’s neck, and the goddess slowly pushed one finger into the girl. This brought a slight whimper, before Suzu was again moaning. Those moans sounded so sweet to the goddess.. So delightful.. She wanted to hear more. The goddess pulled the finger out, and she slowly turned the girl on her lap, and she used her legs to again spread Suzu’s legs. The goddess leaned down to suck on the girl’s ear, while her left hand trailed down to Suzu’s pussy, her right going to the girl’s breasts.
Suzu herself was in heaven. Everything felt so much more amazing than she remembered, this body so much more sensitive.. She was glad she waited, even glad she avoided touching herself. This was worth it. She leaned into the goddess, completely submitting to the pleasure as she moaned out two words. “M-More, Mommy..” and that was all that the goddess needed for motivation. Through the dress, the goddess’s right hand groped a breast, kneading it and pinching her nipple. She thought of maybe piercing them later. Her left hand was busy as well, rubbing and pushing fingers into Suzu;s pussy, making the girl arch her back in pure pleasure. Of course, the nibbling on Suzu’s neck helped with that as well. In a few moments afterwards, Suzu hit her climax. It was intense enough to make the girl pass out, right then and there in the arms of the goddess.
Suzu awoke, and she felt something heavy and warm over her. A bit of squirming caused said thing to move. Suzu gasped as she saw the goddess move off of her, and her cheeks turned red as she remembered the recent activities. Before she could speak though, the goddess hugged her and whispered into her ear, “It’s okay.. Just calm down.. Now, I don’t need much pleasure.. But you may enjoy this too.” As Suzu tried to figure out what the goddess meant, her face was lead to the goddess’s tanned breast, and she was forced to put her mouth around the nipple. As she began to suckle, the goddess smiled and whispered again, “Good girl..” The goddess’s hand began to pet Suzu’s head, and the two both closed their eyes, eager to enjoy each other.
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rowanthekitsune · 6 years
Embla, a fallen angel
Embla the fallen angel
Embla awoke in a small crater, in a field outside of a forest. Everything.. Hurt. She could hardly feel most of her body.. And she also noticed a strong smell of burning flesh. Praying that it wasn’t her own flesh, she painfully forced her eyes open, and looked down at herself. Luckily, the burning flesh was not hers. It belonged to a deer that she had landed on. It was… very gross. She tried forcing her body to it’s feet, which she was partially successful at. As soon as she had managed to stand, her weak body fell forwards, and onto the ground. She was off of the dead animal, but still on the ground. The rather hot dirt felt rather terrible against her skin, and she found herself slowly crawling, crawling to get somewhere a bit more comfortable. She did not know why she cared so much for comfort, but she found herself not minding too much. Soon enough, she collapsed onto some softer, cooler dirt. It still wasn’t too good, but it was better than what she had previously been laying in. she took this moment to think, why had she been cast down? What did she do wrong? She tried her hardest to remember, but she could not think of any reason why. It hurt to think of this subject. She sighed, and closed her eyes, for a moment. Despite the pain it caused her, she really did want to remember, but it was as if searching for something that had been destroyed. Her eyes slowly opened again, and she took a peak at the body that she had. She found her body a bit attractive, and it also explained her need for comfort. She had small feet, which she found a bit cute. Long legs, which were toned and hairless. Her hips were a bit bigger than she would like, it could possibly make it harder to fight. She didn’t quite notice her well shaped it, but if she had, she would have been annoyed. She was a fan of her flat stomach, which wasn’t too muscular, but was in good shape. If she had gotten a fat body, she would’ve been upset. Her breasts were not too large, only big enough to slightly be in her way. She would have preferred a completely flat chest, but she imagined they could be useful in dealings with others. She used one hand to pull her hair slightly into her eyes, so she could inspect it. It was cut incredibly short, and pushed to one side. The color was red, a color she did not usually enjoy. But this red she found a bit nice. Her skin was a creamy white, which she had expected. As far as she could tell, her body was short, perhaps five feet tall or so. This body would work for her fighting style, she just wished her hips were not so large. Her skin was soft and sensitive as well, she would have to be careful of what she did.
The reason she had had to inspect her new body is because her old one had been destroyed, perhaps during the fall down, perhaps when she was originally cast out. She did not know. She was lucky enough to not have her powers taken away, so her body remade itself. She did not think about being naked, and being out in the open, it was not something that worried her. She did think that clothes and weapons would be nice, but she did  expect to be without them until she found a place to take them from. She looked at the sky, and realized it would be dark soon. She should probably find some sort of shelter. She stood up, and she began to try and walk again. She lasted a bit longer this time, managing to get to the edge of the forest. But just as she leaned against a tree to rest for a moment, she felt something hit her in the back of the neck, and she collapsed. She didn’t quite get knocked out, but in her weak state,  a blow such as that was enough to make her useless. She felt herself being lifted up, and she sensed a corruption from the person who lifted her up. But, the arms felt soft against her skin, and the grip was not too rough. Her body gave in, and she passed out.
When she awoke, she was surprised to find herself on a soft bed, and in clothes. She had been dressed in a pair of black shorts, and a oversized hoodie. The hoodie was furry on the inside, which felt surprisingly delightful to her skin. There was one off thing, she felt metal wrapped around her ankle. She sat up slowly, and looked at it. It was a shackle, and it was attached to the corner of the bed. Probably meant to stop her escape. She was happy to find her strength and returned as well, and that there was a plate of food near her. She eagerly began to eat it, not suspicious at all of where it came from. As she ate the sandwich she had been given, and sipped on the water, someone entered the room. Embla hardly looked at the person, too focused on her food. The person who had entered had white hair, and skin that matched Embla’s. The difference was the demonic aura coming off of the girl, it wasn’t complete, which lead to Embla believing that the girl had originally be human. As she finally finished her food, the other girl began to speak. “Hello, angel. My name is Aslana, we have a lot to talk about.”
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Rowan masturbation scene
Rowan sat on her bed, reading a book. She was thinking of a few.. things, about her daughter, about her friends. She sighed softly and set her book down, and stood up. She took a few steps to her closet, which she opened. There was a mirror on the inside of the door, and she took a few moments to admire herself. She was completely naked, so it was easy to do. She bit her lip as she stared at her oversized breasts, her shapely hips, and her hand filling ass. She jokingly gave herself a spank, before actually entering her closet. She would crouch down, and she looked through a few boxes for a particular item. She soon found said item, a long and rather thick slime's tentacle, one that had mechanisms that worked through magic. Rowan slowly stood back up, and she walked back into her room. She closed the door to her closet behind her, and then went to her desk. She would sit on her chair, and lift her legs up behind her head. She then pushed the tip of the tentacle against her pussy, gasping softly as she felt the warm and surprisingly nice thing push into her. She slowly pushed it all the way in, little moans of pleasure escaping her lips. As soon as it was all the way in, she activated the magic on the tentacle. Smaller ones would come out of the base of the tentacle, and attach themselves to her thighs. She then snapped, and ribbons appeared out of the air and began to tie her up. Her legs were tied tightly behind her head, to make sure they wouldn't move. Her wrists were tied together, and then the ribbons tied to a hook above her. The tentacle would slowly begin to thrust itself in and out of her, the actual length if of it wiggling and squirminf around inside her. Parts of it even grew bigger, while others grew smaller. Rowan's moans would havw been heard around the tavern she owned, but ribbons had balled up and forcefully gagged her, before two ends wrapped around to the back of her head.Rowan's eyes crossed, and she arched her back in pleasure. The tentacle felt so amazing, reaching every part of her that felt as amazing as it should. It even stretched her out in some areas that normally were never reached, and that simply made her love it all that much more. She managed to snap her fingers again, and two hands, just big hands with nothing else, would appear. These hands began groping her breasts in a very rough manner, kneading them, the thumbs playing with her nipples. This added sensation only served to make her all that much closer to climax, which was fast aproaching. As this was ovbiously coming, she did soon hit her climax, her juices exploded out, covering her plump thighs. She then remembered she did not have a method to undo her own spells, or the tentacle. Her eyes went wide in realization, before the pleasurw yet again took over her mind. The room filled with gagged, yet still loud moans. She was a bit scared of what may happened, but figured that she could use the time of pleasure, to take her mind off of things. She figured the magic would run out in.. perhaps a day or so. She closed her eyes softly, as the next climax went through her body.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Lena with the slimes and their queen
Lena with the slimes and their Queen
Lena would be walking near a lake, yawning as she did so. The dark skinned human would be naked, as she was planning to go skinny dipping. Lena was a fairly impressive individual. Long legs, surprisingly wide hips, and a ss to kill for. Not to mention her very flat stomach, and tiny wait, along with her impressive F breasts. These breasts had little bells pierced into them, that jingled with any movement. Of course, she had a rather adorable face. She had a slight baby face, but it left her looking cute, especially with her pouty lips and button nose. She has white hair, that fell down a bit past her breasts. Her skin was a dark tanned color, shining in the sun as if she was a amazonian girl. Of course, she was much too small and lewd to be an amazon, but her skin resembled the people. As she walked, she did not notice the eyes from the water looking at her. Perhaps if she had, she would have been able to run, and avoid the things that were going to happen to her. As she approached a relatively shallow area of the lake, and began to walk in, suddenly a slime launched out at her, knocking her over. She hit her head on the fall, and passed out immediately after.
Lena awoke some time later, and she felt.. Cold. everything was cold. She opened her eyes, and couldn’t see anything. Yet, she felt like she was in a cave, based off of the dripping, and the rough floor she felt. She went to scream for help, but couldn’t. She tongued around her mouth, and found nothing in the way. Yet, she could not open her mouth, or even hum at all. She tried to reach up to her face, but her arms would not respond either. And.. they felt rather sticky. Suddenly, a torch was lit, and Lena could look around. She was in a cave, yet.. All around her were slimes. So many slimes. Each was similar, yet had a few differences in things such as cock size or breast size. Her head was forcefully turned, and she saw what had been being her. It was another slime, yet this one was bigger. At least 7 feet tall, and with a cock about 10 inches long. The slime smiled, in some form of the word, and spoke softly. “You, tan girl, are now the breeding property of me. My slimes spotted you, noticed your particular breeding potentials, and decided you would be ours. Our slime numbs and paralyzes your body, so you cannot run from us. Now, to get to your duties.” The slime queen grabbed Lena by her waist, and lifted her up, and over her cock. In one movement, the slime forced itself into Lena, its cock shaping itself to fit her perfectly. As soon as Lena was completely on it, the slime queen grinned.
“My dear human.. The eggs wont fit if you’re this tight.” She then snapped, and another slime stepped up and walked behind lena. It forced its slime cock into Rowan’s pussy as well, stretching the poor hole to its limit. The slimes were careful as to not rip her skin, they only wished to stretch her out. Once they had, the queen excused the slime that had helped, and Lena felt something pushing into her yet again. She struggled to look down, seeing a rather large egg pushing against her. In a thrust or two, the slime began to push the egg into Lena. Lena, only being able to moan and groan in helplessness. The queen’s eggs would build up, and slowly, she was filling Lena with them. Once she finished, perhaps a hour or two, along with several Lena orgasms later, she offered Lena;s ass to the other slimes. Their eggs filled the hole and deeper, but none others were allowed to use Lena’s pussy. Once she had been filled completely, her stomach stretched out painfully, she had been brought to a surprisingly soft bed and laid down. The Slime queen fed the sleeping human a small portion of human food, along with its own slime.
The next few weeks were a blur for Lena. all the slimes rushed to do everything for her, not even letting her walk on her own. They said it was too dangerous and that she held too many eggs. They had lessened their paralyzing effect, so she could move when needed, but she was usually numb in most places. The slimes were actually sweet to her, she felt. They treated her like a queen. And when the day came that she had to birth the mass of eggs in her, they were even more kind to her, She, of course, enjoyed the refilling that came immediately after. This process continued for years, Lena getting filled, spoiled, then made to give birth to the eggs that filled her. She eventually learned to live off of only the slime that was fed to her, keeping her body curvy and weak.  She did not mind, she felt that she had a purpose.. A purpose as the queen and her favorite’s breeding whore.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Rowan’s time with Futa Orcs
Rowan’s Time With Futa Orcs
Rowan was walking down a very unused path within the forest, thinking of things. She had recently made herself a daughter, a sweet girl named Yula. She was worried about leaving Yula alone so often, but she knew that the girl would be safe. She had been having friends visit often, and though some found the teenage artificial girl attractive, she trusted that they would protect her as well as they could. She shook her head, and tried to focus on what she was doing now. She had heard rumors of orcs kidnapping women from the forest, and she was planning to go and stop them. Right now, Rowan was dressed in a body hugging set of black robes, which had been enchanted to amplify her magical powers. For those that do not know, Rowan has a rather.. Amazing body. Starting from the bottom, she has tiny feet that would be any perverts dream. Long legs, with thighs that rub together with every step. Rather huge hips, with a hand filling ass. A tiny waist, with a flat stomach. And to finish off the hourglass, she had jaw dropping E breasts, which bounced with every step she took. Her face was a bit cute, yet also was a bit slutty. She had big pouty lips, a button nose, whiskers around said nose, and long eyelashes. She also had white hair, that went to her waist. Of course, this Kitsune also had oversized floppy fox ears, and a single long fox tail. Rowan’s skin was a creamy white, and had no marks upon it.
Rowan continued her walk, slowly approaching the site where she had heard the orcs lived. She was a bit nervous, she had not met any orcs in quite a while. Last she heard, most had gone north to hide from the forest creatures that disliked them, but every once in a while a small rumor spreaded around about an orc capturing creatures. Now, she was wanting proof, and was going to get it. She found a small clearing, and walked out into it. Rowan was not the most careful person, but this mistake turned out to be very bad for her. In moments, the clearing was stormed by around 20 orcs. Yet what Rowan found curios, was the fact that every single one was a girl. Or, as she soon found out, futas. Rowan had attempted to fight back, but there had been simply too many of them, and she had been knocked out in a matter of minutes. The orc leader, a very large futa, had lifted Rowan up and carried her back to their camp. When Rowan awoke, she was scared and confused. She was completely naked, and on a large bed made out of mostly furs. She went to sit up, but felt a chain pull her back down. It was at this moment, that Rowan noticed the collar that had been put around her neck. This collar was rather tight, and Rowan felt a bit of a magical presence falling off of it. As she tugged on it, she suddenly heard loud footsteps approaching the room. She stopped messing with her collar, and waited to see the person approaching. The orc leader walked into the room, grinning at the helpless kitsune in front of her.
Rowan had begun to talk, but she couldn’t get the word to come out. She tried again, while the orc laughed at her softly. The orc then spoke in a deep, intimidating voice. “Kitty is ours. Do not try to escape, you will be punished. Collar is magic, gets rid of your strength and mutes you. If Kitty wants free, kitty must drain every orc in camp of cum.” with that, the orc had grabbed the chain of the collar, ripped it from the bed, and lead Rowan into the camp. Rowan was rather concerned about the orcs lying, and about their intelligence, but she understood what they wanted. She decided she would do it, so she could return home to Yula. What the orc failed to mention, was that orc cum was addictive, and that nobody had ever drained everyone.
Rowan was lead to a table, in the middle of the camp. The chain on her collar was attached to a hook, and four more chains were attached to her ankles and her wrists. These chains were attached to more hooks, and they effectively pulled her legs apart, so any orc standing by the table could just push into her. She also felt like she was expected to use her hands to pleasure, as well as her mouth, as there was room behind her, and to her sides. The orc leader from before spoke, “Kitty is meant to drain everyone, but one gold coin per fuck. Unless you make Kitty cum.” Rowan frowned as she heard this, realizing that some may not wish to pay. But, as she saw the line, she began to actually worry for herself. She was thankful that she could not get pregnant by normal means, as she knew she would be taking in a lot of cum soon..
The first of the orcs stepped up to the table, one setting its hands upon her hips as it pushed itself into her very tight pussy. She gasped as she felt its length, so much bigger than most of the forest dwellers. As she took a moment to look about, she did not see one futa orc cock that was under 8 inches. She gulped, and took the orc in front of her cock into her mouth. She decided to insure that everybody would want to use her, so she could drain everyone. Cocks were taken by her hands, and she began to jerk them off in such a  manner to pleasure them as well as she could, a thing she usually only did for lovers.The orc cock in her pussy suddenly came, and she could hear words of how perfect and soft her body was. Soon, she noticed more and more orcs lining up around, in every area that would give them access to her body. They pulled her hair, groped her breasts and ass, and some even rubbed their cocks against her bare skin. They were amazed at how every single part of her was so soft.. But Rowan only had to focus on the cocks she had to service. She massaged the cock in her mouth with her tongue, and even stuck her tongue out to lick at the orc skin. She palmed and rubbed the cocks in her hands, teasing and pleasuring them as efficiently as she could. She even activated a small enchantment upon her body to give her full control of her muscles, allowing her to massage the cock in her pussy while it fucked her. In a matter of minutes, the table was piling with gold coins, and Rowan was covered and filled with cum. Some orc had gotten the idea to mark her body with tally marks whenever a orc came, and her ass was quickly being covered in the black marks. Soon, they would move to her inner thighs and breasts.
By the end of the day after, Rowan had actually done it. She had pleasured each orc enough to drain them of cum, and to make most of them pass out. As the orc leader left her tent, and saw what had happened, she was surprised to see rowan awake. Yet, the kitsune was a bit.. Different. She was panting, and looking at the drained cocks around her, wanting more cum. She had already licked as much of herself and the table as her tongue could reach, and she was feeling desperate. The addictive orc cum had gotten to her, and she wanted more. The orc leader felt a bit bad about it, as she had done a bit of looking into on if she could keep Rowan. She found out that the girl protected the forest, and was actually popular, so she could not keep her. Yet at this point, Rowan was hopelessly addicted to cum. She sighed, and decided that she would go with Rowan, so she could give the kitsune a daily dose of orc cum to ignore withdrawals. She knocked rowan out, took out some bottles, and filled them with leftover cum. She put them into a bag, lifted Rowan, and left the orc camp, heading to the tavern that belonged to the cum slut Rowan.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Rowan’s daughter, Yula Seras
Rowan’s Daughter, Yula Seras
Rowan was feeling a bit.. Lonely. She hadn’t been spending much time with anyone, and she really wanted someone to cuddle with. Oddly enough, she also found herself wondering what would happen in the coming years. What if she had to leave the forest? What if she was killed? Who would look after the forest for her, who would stop corruption from spreading throughout the forest? The more she thought of this subject, the more worried she got. She got out of her lovely bed, and threw a simple sweater on to cover her body. She then ventured out of her room, to the library. She spent her time over perhaps the next day studying a few interesting subjects, those subjects along the lines of artificial humans, and different methods of how to make them. She forgot to eat, and drink while studying, too focused on the books she had on the subject. After the day had gone up, Rowan had an idea of what she wanted to do. Yet, she knew she had to prepare certain.. Things for it.
A night later, Rowan was within her basement, working on a very specific spell. This spell was to form an entire human being, she originally copied off her own genetic code into the spell, then she went in and has been changing it to make the person unique in both her mind, body, and personality. I shall not spoil what the person would look like, that is for later. She didn’t give the girl magical capabilities herself, as that part of the spell required much greater sacrifices. She did however, copy her memories of how to wield a few weapons into the spell. For the person’s actual knowledge, she included the basic living functions, and how to read and write, along with talk. She wanted her to be smart, yet curios about the world, so she left most other things as a blank. Finally, she entered in what the sacrifices for the spell to actually make this person would be, and smiled as she found that the spell would work perfectly. Her sacrifices were rather.. Perfect for this. She looked down from her book where she was making the spell,and smiled at the bodies near her. It was a kitsune guy and a kitsune girl. They were from a rival clan, one that opposed the Seras, so she hardly cared about them. They were but resources for her. She smiled as she remembered how she had found them, about a month ago. The two had heard of her, a lone Seras kitsune in the forest. She imagined they either wished to kill her, or to become apprentices and learn the Seras magic, but she was not willing to let either possibility happen. She had murdered them both by boiling their blood, then she had thrown them into a freezer she kept down in her basement. Her thoughts returned to the present, and she kneeled down and prepared to cast the spell she had been making.
The room filled with a blue light as Rowan used the spell she had made, and the bodies of the two dead kitsunes evaporated into the air. At the same time, a person began to form in the center of the room. It was a young girl, perhaps 14 or 15, and she was definitely a Seras Kitsune. She was unusually short, at about 4’4, yet her body was already developing in the Seras fashion. The kitsune, from the bottom, had tiny adorable feet, lovely long legs, and thighs that seemed a bit big for her age, rubbing against each other slightly every few steps. Her hips were somewhat wide, and she had an impressive ass for her age. Her waist was flat, and somewhat toned. Her chest was beginning to develop, yet it had not gotten as far as her behind yet. Her arms were delicate, and slightly toned. Her face was adorable, she had a bit of a baby face, with pouty lips, and a button nose. She had whiskers around her nose, that were oddly visible despite being the same color as her skin. Her hair itself was chest length, and snow white. It was straight, and amazingly soft. Her skin was also a creamy white, and was absolutely flawless. A gift from her ‘mother’. She would probably not go through the zit faced high school stage. Of Course, this girl also had fox ears identical to Rowan’s. Oversized, one flopping to the side. And so fluffy. There was a difference in her tails though, the artificial girl had two tails, instead of the single one her maker had. As the girls eyes fluttered open, she spoke in a incredibly delicate and soft voice, ‘Who.. am I?”
Rowan grinned as she heard the girl, and she went to the side of her. Knowing that her spell worked, she held the girl up to her chest, and whispered into her ear. “My dear, you are Yula Seras, of the Seras family. I am your mother, Rowan Seras. Today is your birthday, my sweet little thing..” With that, Rowan lifted her up, and walked out of the basement with her. Rowan knew she would have to tell the girl about what she is in the future, but she would wait until the girl was developed more emotionally, and knew more things. She couldn't wait to show off her little girl to her friends..
(This character is obviously not for erp’s. She is strictly for cuddle and cute rps, or maybe normal rps.)
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Secsica, The Ancient One
Secsica, the ancient one
The story of Secsica is one filled with tragedy, love, and other things. From a mere servant, to almost godlike power. This is her story, and it all starts at her childhood.
It all began with a god, one that lacked any name that could be remembered. This god had a few lovers, and many servants. The family of Secsica was a part of it. There were two, who had the child that, due to the gods wishes, remained unnamed. This child grew up quickly, and soon she became the personal servant of the god’s daughter. The two grew unnaturally close, and were soon seperated. Yet, they sneaked out. One day, while cuddling, they were caught. The god was furious that his daughter was practically dating a servant, and he flung Secsica far off. Or so he thought. The daughter had chosen to use her power to save Secsica, and hide her. This proved to be her downfall. As Secsica watched her family get murdered, each by the gods bare hands, she vowed revenge. In a few simple nights, she had managed to sneak into the kitchen staff’s main room, and she poisoned the drinks of the gods family. Soon Enough, both the wife and the daughter died. Despite having been close to the daughter, Secsica didn't care. The god had remained untouched, his wife having drank his glass as well. As he sensed the servant girl nearby, his rage became overloading, and his power simply exploded the building.
This explosion had knocked Secsica rather far away, yet she didn't care. She was free, and had mostly avenged her family. She took her family name as her own, and began running. She knew the god wouldn't rest until she was dead, so she figured she ought to lose the bastard. After perhaps weeks of running, she had grown very thin, and weak. Lack of proper food had destroyed her body, and the constant running did not help. Yet, she found a inn.. this inn had been full of kind and powerful people. She decided to take a break, and many there helped her regain strength, and she managed to uncover her own amazing magical powers. This would be the changing of her life.
As the few free days had come up to a end, she attempted to run from her new friends. Yet, her note had left enough evidence, and she was soon followed after. These friends were powerful, and as the god caught up, they had managed to defeat, and kill him. Secsica had used a spell to absorb his energy, and through this, increase her strength by quite a lot. After this event though, she began to look back to her dead family, and grew unstable. Over the course of months, her new friends become family. Some simply siblings, one a mother figure. She slowly grew out of her sadness. Yet, this didn't last long. While she had slept, she had been attacked, and turned into a vampire. This devastated her, and she yet again fell into sadness. She did not like hurting people, let alone eating them.. but she made do, by feeding off of those close to her, by their permission. Soon enough, another god showed up. This one friendly. As this had been happening, her closest friend had been having her child, and everybody was afraid. There had been other conflicts, and nobody wanted it to be hurt. Yet, Secsica knew a solution. She traded herself for eternal protection over the child. She did this without telling her closest friends, and yet they had still managed to find her, and they forcibly took her back. Despite her want to leave the goddess alone, her friends had killed her. The goddess had been kind to Secsica, and she had really looked to her as a mother figure along with the other, yet seeing her die.. brought back memories of her own mother.
Due to that, Secsica went down a dark path. She locked herself within her room, and began studying dark magic, necromancy, and how to control it. Her studies were full of darkness, and had quite a few risks.. but it didn't stop her from trying. After a few attempts at it, and having nearly killed herself, she was pretty much adopted by one if her friends, and brought to health. This is where things cut off for a few years..
Years later, Secsica was different. She had managed to grow out of her depressed state, and was more into her studies. She had grown powerful enough to take on most, yet she never fought. She did however, grow to like blood and human flesh. It had been a major issue, yet she hid it so well. Or, she hid it until she met her future wife. A demon princess, who was being hunted by her father. She helped the girl kill her father, and rise to the throne. Soon after, they married. This demon queen brought out the worst in Secsica, she destroyed entire villages, and killed hundreds for her love. She used her enhanced Necromancy to raise a army of the undead, and she did whatever for her love. Our story yet again cuts off here.
Many years later, long after she was no longer with the demon queen, she was a queen herself. She watched over human cities during a time of terror. Some necromancer had used a spell to create.. zombies, pretty much. She protected all she could, which was many. Her power at this point had become incredibly strong, and she was bored. She kept herself young with magic, despite her overwhelming age. She had also stopped caring for others, seeing so many friends die over the years had gotten to her slightly. This was until, that one goddess appeared.. it turned out that she had hid herself in another realm upon her supposed death, and she had built up power. She immediately took in Secsica, and the two were soon rather close. Yet, the goddess didn't care for Secsica’s dismissal of most emotions. She used all of her power to force emotions back into the girl, and to make her almost overly emotional. This worked out.. too well. Over years, Secisca made many more friends, ans grew happy. Yet, her world was dying. The zombies had lowered the world down to just her city, and she wishes for an escape. The goddess wished to give this to her. The goddess forced enchantments upon her, ones if curios effects, before forcing her to another world. This is the end of her past, and what is leading to her future.
The enchantments would take away her past memories, limit her powers, and simply renew her as a person. All of the past gone from her mind, until awoken.
All of her past was from previous rps i've done, yet I'm setting her up for future writings and more rp. Secsica is usually 5’2, long white hair, and a fairly simple body type. Overall cute, yet not slutty. I will go more into this in future stories.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Valon’s shopping trip part one
Valon’s shopping trip part one
Valon walked into a mall, gulping softly. This had been the first time he had been made to go alone, and both guys and girls were already staring at him with lust. Staring at his nice ass, and his cute face. There was no assuming he was a boy, he looked completely like a girl, even dressed the part as well. To describe the clothes, you must first know his body. He had small feet, with well taken care of nails and skin. His legs were somewhat long, and his skin was especially supple around his thighs. He had a thigh gap most women would kill for as well. He had fairly large hips, along with a nice bubble butt. His waist was smaller, and his stomach was completely flat. His chest was soft and sensitive as well. His arms were dainty and ended in small girly hands, which were as well managed as his feet were. His facial structure was completely girly, no trace of a boy anywhere in there. His lips were pouty, and he had a button nose. There were also whiskers around his nose, which tickled the trap’s face every few moments. He also had black neko ears sticking out of his hair, that matches the tail that wrapped around his waist. His hair was waist length and black, and it was soft and fluffy, addicting to touch. The only boyish part about him was his flat chest and the smaller member between his legs, but his clothes even hid that. He wore mary jane shoes over his thigh high white stockings, which suited his other childish clothing. He wore a white dress, which had black ribbons sewn throughout it in embarrassingly cute places. The skirt barely reached his lower thighs, and yet, due to his hips and ass, it threatened to show off his panty covered ass whenever he bent over. His panties were also white, and they matched his bra. He wore the bra off of being forced to, despite his flat chest.
He gave a small sigh as he felt eyes watching him, but he continued his walk, wanting to get to the store he had to go too quickly. He held a note in his hand, it was from his mother. He had been told to give it to the first worker he found in the specific store, and to do whatever the worker told him to. As he finally got to the store’s location, he could only blush as he saw that it was a lingerie shop. Yet, being as obedient as he was, he walked in, and found the first female employee there. As he handed her the note, the girl giggled, before taking Valon’s hand and leading him through the shop. As she led him, she didn’t speak a word, but she did give him a few head pats and rubs every few moments. She also grabbed clothing as they walked, from some high quality cosplay sets, to simple black and white panties and a matching bra. She seemed to be about to dress him up, Valon thought, and he was kinda excited of being dressed up by a girl he hardly knew, yet also a girl that seemed to be nice and accepting of him.
gonna be doing much shorter parts, as I hope to get to them more often then I have been. only the non intro/main writings will get the shorter parts.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Aslana part 3, the introduction of Salem
Aslana part 3, the introduction of Salem
A tiny while after Rowan’s spell was put onto the girl, still within the forest
Aslana was angry. She was feeling attracted to so many things.. And it pissed her off. She gave a growl as she looked at some passing futa, and she resisted the urge to submit. This wasn’t her.. She gasped as she got another urge of arousal, and she frowned. There must have been a spell put onto her.. She had to get rid of the spell. She walked off the path she had been following, until she spotted a small animal. Perfect, she thought. Aslana threw a dagger at the bunny, the dagger slipping into the creatures neck, before bursting out and impaling into the ground. She let out a giggle, walking to the carcass. She dipped her fingers into the hole in the creatures neck, before pulling them out, and rubbing the blood that had stuck to her fingers against her forehead. In the moments that passed, she muttered a spell, and soon, the one Rowan had put onto her went away. She grinned soon after this, and wiped her fingers off on the bunny’s fur. She had some more forest.. Animals to kill. In her complete anger over having that spell put onto her, she used another spell, and a fireball formed in her left hand. She thrusted this hand out, and the fireball went flying off randomly. She repeated this several times, each time setting fire to the forest in a different direction. With that, she pulled the dagger out of the ground, and set off to find a house of some kind. Any animal she passed she killed, and this went the same for any girls, futas, or guys. She was not in the mood to show mercy to creatures such as these, with such lewd intentions, and how they had tried to bring her to be the same.. She was disgusted by it.
The next few weeks saw some changes to the forest. A large part of a single section burned to the ground, other parts were devastated by Aslana. Aslana took no prisoners, not even children. Now though, she felt as if she was doing this not because she had to, she was looking for a apprentice. She figured there would be some suitable child here somewhere, and her magic was agreeing with her. She just had to find the child, but who knows how long it would take. She had seen some maps of the forest, and the thing was enormous. She could spend years just wandering around and looking for the right child.. And she did have specific tastes. As she got to a small town where she hadn’t been seen yet, she broke into the first house on the outskirts.  And in this house.. She was surprised at what she saw, yet overjoyed as well. There were two dead bodies.. Ones that weren't dead by her hands. Yet what really surprised her was the child sitting between them. She.. or he? Was covered in blood, and panting hard. The child also had a dagger in their hands. Aslana spoke in a calm, and reassuring voice. “Child.. Tell me, did you do this to them?” as she spoke, the kid looked up in alarm, “Yes! I only did it because they were gonna touch me..” Aslana smirked, but before she could reply, the child spoke again. “A-are you gonna kill me? You are either from the town, or that wanted woman..” aslana frowned at being interrupted, but began again. “I am the wanted woman, but no, I will not kill you. You fit my requirements, you will be my little apprentice.” the child gasped, and froze. Thinking, there was no way she was serious.. But.. if she were, that would make the child happy. The child slowly nodded, and Aslana walked to pick the child up, and disarm them.
Soon after picking the child up, Aslana took it upstairs, to what seemed to be the bathroom, and set them on the counter, aslana smiled kindly, and spoke, “Tell me about yourself while I use the blood on your shirt to summon up some more clothes that would fit you better..”
The child nodded, and over the next few minutes, Aslana learned a lot of the child. The child’s name was Salem, which was rather interesting to Aslana. Salem had been a witch town in the human world, if she remembered right. The child was also a boy, but confessed that it would prefer to be treated as a girl. It has been taught this way, as cute little boys were usually taken by monsters.. But, he had grown used to it, and liked being like this. The boy was also very small, only around the age of 10 or 12, he had lost count. Yet, he was small and delicate, and hadn’t even begun to mature. Yet, even by the standard of boys is age, he was small and soft. When asked he he would like to stay like this for a long while, the boy had nodded, and Aslana put a few runes onto his body. These would stop his maturing, and make sure even if he does get taller at all, he would stay small and feminine. Yet, she also put the runes onto him that were on herself, the ones that Instava had enchanted her body with. The boy’s body would stop aging at sixteen, and the boy would be incredibly resistant. He would also have surprising strength, capable of going head to head with something such as a minotaur even at his age. Finally, Aslana looked at Salem’s normal features. He was about 4’3, and looked somewhat cute. He had somewhat long, hairless legs, a small torso with a bit of muscles to it, and delicate arms. His face was quite like a little girls, and he even had waist length red hair. Yet the oddest thing Aslana saw.. This boy was a fallen angel. He had small black feathered wings on his back, that only promised to grow in size as he got older.
Aslana found this amazing, and she patted the boy’s head. One of his parent’s must have been a fallen angel. She decided to make sure this kid grew as close to her, and other demons as possible.. She handed the boy new clothes as she stepped out. The boy undressed, and put on what she had given him. It had been a simple long sleeved shirt, some loose shorts, and a oversized hoodie. From what Aslana saw, most of the creatures preferred clothing like this, so it would work. She would get him cute things, made of good material like her clothing soon. But for now, she had to leave, and take this boy to somewhere safe she could talk to him longer at. She handed him a dagger as they went down the stairs, “I will teach you how to use that, just hold onto it for now..” with that, the left the home, and Aslana led the boy away from his old home, and towards his new life.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Rowan as a cow slut
Rowan the cow slut
Decided to move to something lewd for today, I hope to continue Aslana soon.
Rowan was walking to a farm that had been set up in the forest recently, it had been making delicious milk, and Rowan had been given permission to go inside and see how they did it. Rowan, as per usual, looked just as stunning today as usual. Snow white skin that was perfectly soft and supple, with no sort of imperfection on it. Long, beautiful legs that rubbed together at her thighs. Nice, child bearing hips, that only commented on the perfection of her amazing and hand filling ass. Of course, to continue this body, she had a tiny waist and a flat stomach. As if the exact opposite from her stomach, she had huge E sized breasts, and due to her lack of a bra, they shook up and down with every step she made. Her face was no different from her body, she had a cute face normally, but plump lips, a button nose, and long eyelashes that left her looking slutty. Her long white hair was tied into a ponytail, as to not get into her way. The clothes she wore were somewhat good to hide her body, but the way rowan moved acted against them. She wore a loose sweatshirt, though it tightened around her breasts significantly. She also wore some jeans, that thought they hugged her legs tightly, worked to try and take the attention away from her legs, by seeming to be bland and mostly unlikable colors.
Rowan was soon approaching the gates to the massive farm, and she smiled as she saw the large fields and the few barns on the property. She opened the gates and stepped through, not knowing how this would be the first steps of her life in captivity. As she was told before, she soon found the owner of the farm, a girl the opposite of her, working in a field. As the owner saw rowan, she hopped down, and offered Rowan her hand. “I’m Leslie, futa, and partially dragon.” with that said, she grinned, showing off her teeth. Rowan assumed she used magic to hide the other unnatural parts of her body. She then shook Leslie’s hand, smiling happily, “I am Rowan. One of the protectors of this forest. Kitsune, and a bit of a slut sometimes.” she giggled at that introduction, and studied the body of the partial dragon. She really was the opposite of rowan, tall, full of muscles, and not at all curvy. Long legs, yes, but she had small hips and a less than likable ass. Her futa bulged out of her pants, impressive in its size. As the futa wore no shirt, her muscled lower torso was visible, as well as her taped down breasts. Despite this appearance, Rowan felt a small attraction to her. And she was sure the dragon felt the same way about her, based on the stare, and the hardening cock. “So, wanna show me to the barn?”
The dragon girl gave a little nod, but before Rowan could react, the futa took her over her shoulder. The dragon girl gave an excuse, “this is no environment for a pretty young thing like you to go about walking in, you may get bit by some small animal. I will carry you.” Rowan wouldn't normally complain, but the futa’s blond hair covered her eyes, and made it impossible to see. This went all the way until the got to the barn, and even until they went in, and went down a bunch of halls. Once they finally got to a room, and the futa set her down, the dragon was smiling. “Here we are in one of our stalls. There are mirrors in here, so you can see the cows. They get spooked easily, and we don't wanna scare them.” Rowan nodded, smiling as she thought of finally being able to find out why the milk was so good. The futa however, began to talk again. “Did you know, the way to make milk so tasty, is to pleasure the cows? It makes it sweeter, and surprisingly come in larger quantities. And did you know, that it isn't actual cows that make the best cows? It is girls, quite like yourself.” With that, the futa revealed the glass, and Rowan only saw rows and rows of cows getting milked and fucked by some type of machine.
Rowan gasped, and tried pulling back to the entrance, but the futa stood in the way. “Whats wrong, my little cow? Don't you like our milk? You get to drink it, along with futa cum, for all your meals..” the futa giggled, before picking up Rowan again. Before Rowan could even use her magic, a collar was slapped onto her neck, and her clothes were torn away. “That collar is going to take away any magical ability, and also make you about as strong as a toddler.” with that, Rowan was pushed onto a machine in the stall. The machine automatically adjusted to take Rowan’s breasts within its suction cups, and the cups tightened around Rowan’s breasts, and began to milk her. She didn't give too much, in fact, she only gave a little due to her magic, but soon, the futa forced a pill into her mouth. Minutes later, rowan’s breasts exploded in pleasure, and the milk began to spray out constantly. After this, and Rowan began to actually Moo, the futa began to set up her bindings. Rowan’s hands were tied to the side of the machine, with a single button near both hands. Pushing the button would increase the pressure it sucked on her breasts, but there would be no way to turn it back down. Satisfied with that, the futa worked on her legs. It pulled them away from each other, tying them to little spikes in the ground.
Even before the futa set up the pleasuring devices, Rowan had already hit the button a few times, mooing in happiness.. She was a complete natural. The futa decided to do something special, it set up a machine behind Rowan that  would fuck her constantly for a good 30 mins, every time Rowan pushed the button. Yet, it would also increase its pace everytime the button was hit. And this is how rowan’s life went. Every day, she got another pill, and her mind was slowly destroyed by the constant pleasure. She couldn’t help herself, hitting the button every 30 minutes, just about every day. Her milk capacity even increased beyond normal, and as a reward, the futa sometimes fucked her personally, as to Rowan, nothing compared to a real cock. Even when the farm began to go downhill, the futa kept Rowan in there, selling her milk and only her milk, and slutting out her mouth, pussy, and ass to any futa who would want it. Rowan loved her life.
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rowanthekitsune · 7 years
Aslana part 2.5
Part 2.5
A friend of mine asked to see this, and I figured I may as well do it for her.
In the original home of Aslana, a small bit before the death of the girls parents.
Ugh.. his head hurt. He was so tired of his little girl’s problems.. she wasn't making friends, and she was scaring her classmates. But despite that, Aslana was still his little girl, and he loved her. Aslana recognized this, and on the day Instava told her, she exploited it. She got out of her bed, and grabbed her dagger. This was a special one, Instava gave it to her.. she put it aside, and slowly began to rub her eyes. She did this to somewhat bruise them, and make it seem like she had been crying. For just a moment, she experimented with her voice, to see how sad she could make it sound, and she also decided to add in a hint of being scared. With that, she tiptoed out of her room, and to her parent’s room. She saw that her father had woken.. perfect. She knew her mother had troubles waking. She went up to her father, and put her voice to the test. “Daddy, daddy.. there is something under my bed, could you come look..?” she did her best to seem scared, something her father hadn't seen for awhile. The man nodded, and got up slowly. He looked to his wife, before following his little girl to her room. Aslana made sure to get ahead of him, she had to be ready. She slid her hand, with the dagger, under a pillow to hide it. While doing this, she looked to her closet where Instava hid, and nodded. Just after this, her father came in, and smiled. He got to his knees, going to look under the bed near Aslana. Aslana let out a small giggle, before speaking. “Oh daddy.. aren't you such a disgusting boy.. you make mommy sad, but she always decides to love you.” her father was just about to get up and yell, but he felt his mouth couldn't move. Little did he know, Instava had used magic to mute any voice or other sounds from escaping his lips. Aslana grinned, and pulled her hand with the dagger out, and she pushed it into her father’s right arm. The man would've screamed, if he could’ve.
Aslana giggled as she twisted the knife, and pulled it free. Blood spurted out, covering her father’s right side, and pretty much all of Instava. Her father fell back, holding his arm, looking at Instava with rage and confusion. Aslana only giggled, and punched the man. “You are so gross.. i'll have to throw these clothes out.. but, first..” she then thrusted the dagger into his stomach, after climbing over him. She specifically targeted somewhere non lethal, so she could hurt him as terribly as she wanted. She pulled it out slightly, before pushing it back in. Her father desperately tried to scream, get away, anything at all, but he couldn't. He could only lay there, wide eyed, in complete pain, as his own daughter killed him. Aslana resisted another fit of giggles, as she finally pulled the knife free, after wiggling it around. “How does it feel? Your own little girl is killing you.. and she enjoys it!” with that, she backhanded him, before bringing the knife to his throat. She applied little pressure, letting it slowly cut each layer of skin. Before she finally broke through, she pulled it away. “nope! That would be too easy!” and with that, she pushed it into his left arm. Over the next twenty minutes, she spent time stabbing, slapping, and punching her father. When she realized he was gonna bleed out in a few moments, she got off of him, and opened the door. “go, try to crawl to my mom.. I gotta change.” with that, she cleaned the knife up with a rag, before going to her closet. Instava handed her a fresh pair of clothes, knowing she shouldn't immediately frighten her mother. While this happened, Aslana’s dad crawled out of the room, trying to inch his way to his bedroom. He didn't make it. He bled out halfway there, in the hall.
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