rowareads · 6 years
honestly damen threatening to kill the regent the second he realised what he did to laurent and violating his own country’s ancient and sacrosanct customs without a second thought is his MOST iconic action in the whole series, damen outchea once again setting the bar dizzyingly high!!!
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rowareads · 7 years
warcross is my aesthetic Like neon futuristic cities, rainbow dyed hair, hackers, advanced AR, video games and overall Japan?? holy shit
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rowareads · 7 years
Voltron Theory: The Origin of Lotor
So Episode 7 of Season 3 gave us the awesome and tragic backstory of the paladins, as well as the origin stories of Zarkon and Haggar. But one thing was missing from that.
Where was Lotor?
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His absence from their past seems like a strange omission, but the episode gives us one major clue as to what happened.
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This helmet. Looks familiar doesn’t it?
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This helmet, which is a galran helmet, greatly resembles the one Lotor wears in Defenders of the Universe. And I believe this was intentional.
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Look at Zarkon’s face here. He doesn’t look too happy.
I want you to go back and watch this scene with the helmet if you can and listen to their tone of voice. Zarkon and Honvera seem strangely distant. Allura was just born and you’d think they’d be happy for Alfor but… something seems off.
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When Alfor goes to thank Honerva for the gift she doesn’t even look up at him. She seems distant, and Zarkon is watching her intently. Even Alfor seems a bit put off by her.
Not only that, her clothes have changed since we last saw her, from white, to black.
What seems likely is that the helmet they gave to Allura was originally meant for Prince Lotor. Zarkon and Honerva’s despondence may be because… they had lost their son. But, the helmet had already been made for a child of royalty, so they gave it to Allura instead.
Of course we know Lotor is fine now. He must have been revived, likely through the use of quintessence. It ended up poisoning Honerva to death, but the fact that Kova is still alive after 10,000 years shows it’s possible for Lotor to have survived that long too.
But this adds a whole new reason for Zarkon and Honerva to be insistent on continuing their research, to the point where Zarkon loses his composure when Alfor begs him to stop.
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They wanted to find a way to revive their son.
This would also explain Lotor’s white hair, purple skin, and purple eyes, none of which are traits shared by either Honerva or Zarkon. We do know that exposure to quintessence can alter skin and hair color, as we saw with Honerva after spending hundreds of years being exposed to it.
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Why would this be omitted from the episode entirely? I think they may revisit this at some point, when the writers decide it is time for Lotor to find out what happened. But for now, the helmet is the clue they left for us, the only acknowledgement of his existence we get.
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rowareads · 7 years
why was lotor exiled?? is his mother haggar?? does he know about his parents??? what does he want with quintessence???? how did he meet up with his generals???? how does he keep such glorious hair??????
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rowareads · 7 years
I swear if there's no book 2 confirmed I'll need a bone witch to bring me back to life
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rowareads · 7 years
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rowareads · 7 years
tea and kalen….. tealen
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rowareads · 7 years
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rowareads · 7 years
When the author writes in crazy foreshadowing and also literally tells you what's going to happen in the future BUT ALSO ENDS THE FIRST BOOK ON A CLIFFHANGER
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rowareads · 7 years
wow someone just put my incoherent screeching about elucien into actual words
Why do ship elucien? I'm still on the fence.
Because Elain is sweetness and gentleness and quiet, unyielding strength with a half-hidden streak of savagery that her sisters underestimate, and Lucien is wit and cleverness and blazing loyalty with these depths of sensitivity and kindness that go ignored/ suppressed in the service of his abuser and then Feyre in ACOWAR (who is, frankly, a dick to him).
And there’s a lot to be said for Healing Together, after all that they’ve endured and their weird similarities in losing fiances and never being able to go “home” and being continually dismissed by the people closest to them, but more importantly, their personalities compliment each other, bring out the hidden sides I talked about in each other. Elain tempers Luciens GONNA INSULT EVERYONE [fire emojis] inclinations and draws out his soft side, and Lucien’s playfulness challenges Elain just enough that he gets to see and appreciate her sharpness. And they’re both incredibly empathetic, observant, emotionally articulate people who get a lot out of– rather, who need– a parter who reciprocates that.
Like, consider Lucien, who has made a lot of fucked up decisions and burned a lot of bridges and done a lot of soulless political shit and basically had every good thing in his life ruined or taken from him, being in just. complete awe. of how Good this woman is, how undeserving he is of breathing the same air of a creature who was suffered so much but stayed so kind and gentle, how completely fucking baffling it is that the cauldron would tie them together but how if she’d let him he’d happily spend eternity just… making her happy, making her laugh, holding her while she puts herself back together, anything she wants. And consider Elain, who is broken, who thinks she’s never going to love again, who no longer has a home but begins to find one in this man who’s smart and endlessly witty and has a fire in his soul despite the weight he carries on his shoulders and who believes in her like no one ever has, who sees all of her, not just the delicate little flowergirl parts everyone else sees, and loves her for it without ever asking anything in return so of course she comes to reciprocate it.
that was not 100% coherent but anyway, those are my #thoughts on why elucien is The Best Ship. for further reading please see: all of my fics.
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rowareads · 7 years
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since our dark duet is out and we won’t get any new content from schwab until next year, this might be a good time to gather all her fandoms in a fun challenge! so, if you love one/any/all of her books, join us in the schwab week!
schedule + prompts;
AUGUST 13TH: favourite book/series
AUGUST 14TH: favourite male character
AUGUST 15TH: favourite female character
AUGUST 16TH: favourite relationship
AUGUST 17TH: favourite quote
AUGUST 18TH: favourite minor character
AUGUST 19TH: favourite setting (the londons, the archive, the moors, etc.)
[bonus] AUGUST 20TH: favourite species (EOs, antari, sunai/malachai/corsai, etc.)
aditional info;
you can make original content in any format (graphics, gifsets, fanart, etc.) for any of victoria’s books 
tag your creations with #schwabweek and track the tag to see others’ amazing creations as well!
you can message us if you have any questions
if you’re planning on joining us then reblog this to signal boost!
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rowareads · 7 years
This. I'll hate ianthe forever just because Lucien is my child, but why the hell do all the men in this story have their offenses pardoned, and why is it always done in a way by SJM that clearly portrays them in a more positive light and urges/propels the reader towards forgiving them?
I don’t think anyone’s brought this up before, so I’d like to mention the demonization of Amarantha not only as a woman who is fully aware of her sexuality and uses it as a weapon, BUT ALSO as a tool to demonize wlw.
Here goes.
This whole argument centers around a nightmare Feyre has in ACOMAF. I’ll quote the passage in full (from pages 184-185 of the regular Bloomsbury edition of A Court of Mist and Fury:
I tumbled into a sleep so heavy my dreams were an undertow that dragged me down, down, down until I couldn’t escape them.
I lay naked and prone on a familiar red marble floor while Amarantha slid a knife along my bare ribs, the steel scraping softly against my skin. “Lying, traitorous human,” she purred, “with your filthy, lying heart.”
The knife scratched, a cool caress. I struggled to get up, but my body wouldn’t work.
She pressed a kiss to the hollow of my throat. “You’re as much a monster as me.” She curved the knife over my breast, angling it toward my peaked nipple, as if she could see the heart beating beneath. I started sobbing. “Don’t waste your tears.”
Someone far away was roaring my name - begging for me.
“I’m going to make eternity a hell for you,” she promised, the tip of the dagger piercing the sensitive flesh beneath my breast, her lips hovering a breath above mine as she pushed - [end quote]
And then it cuts off as Rhys wakes Feyre up from her nightmare.
The first time - and the subsequent times - I’ve read this scene, it bothers me. A LOT. It’s clearly sexual, from Feyre being naked to the focus on her breasts to Amarantha nearly kissing her in that last paragraph.
This is what bothers me:  there’s lots of sexual content in these books. I know that. Lots and lots. But this is the only time there’s anything remotely like sexual content between two women (everything Mor says in ACOWAR seems rather strangely… desexualized) and not only is it assault, there’s no reason for it.
We already know Amarantha used her sexuality in a way that is wrong. Like Ianthe. I believe the term @valamerys uses is Evil Evil Sluts Who Want to Steal Your Boyfriend. But to me, this is on another level. Amarantha never hurt Feyre sexually - just in physical ways, and emotional/psychological ways. To me, there was no reason to make this dream so dripping with… sex. To me, it becomes an association of “two women in a sexual context” with “horrific torture and assault.” This is very different to the way f/m sexuality is portrayed throughout the series. Only a select few (Ianthe and Amarantha, the twins in ACOWAR though OH WAIT IT’S IMPLIED THAT AT LEAST ONE OF THEM ISN’T STRAIGHT) use their sexuality in ways that are wrong. There’s a lot of sex scenes, all f/m (as Feyre is the narrator and she’s presumably straight), all portrayed in a pretty positive light. Even the scenes that border on sexual assault - the one after Calanmai in ACOTAR, the kiss with Rhys Under the Mountain at the end of ACOTAR - are, in my view, portrayed more positively.
And yet here is the only example of two women in a sexual context, and it’s… this.
Does this mean that Feyre associates women having sex with each other with torture? Does it mean that SJM herself does? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that this is the ONLY depiction of wlw (sort of) sexuality in the entire series that has a focus on sex, and it’s framed as torture.
And this shouldn’t need to be said, but that’s not okay.
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rowareads · 7 years
Victoria Schwab: * Crafts beautifully well developed worlds and characters, amazing writing that improves with each book,is LGBT, has own voices LGBT rep, bi characters who are not stereotyped, characters who are poc, non cis characters, passionately advocates for diversity, listens and responds to criticism and acknowledge her own white privilege, is mentally ill, has characters who deal with ptsd and anxiety and portrays this accurately, kick ass morally Gray female characters, is a sweet funny amazing person, works hard on improving her already great stories, generally just fabulous* Sarah: J Maas
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rowareads · 7 years
Amren: I can fit my whole world in the palm of my hands-
Amren: Varian move out of the way I'm trying to get my jewellery
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rowareads · 7 years
Aelin: My name is Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and I will not-
Aedion: What? Inform others of your plans?
Rowan: Do anything legal and not life threatening?
Chaol: Listen to anyone?
Darrow: Ever sit on the throne?
Aelin: Be afra-
Aelin: You ruined it.
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rowareads · 7 years
Chaol deciding not to blindly follow Aelin was the most logical decision a tog character could make
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rowareads · 7 years
Suriel: "The High Lord of the Night Court is your mate." Feyre: "What?" Suriel:
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