malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Feliz Día del Amor!!!
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Home has never felt so close, yet so far away.
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Clouds of Jupiter - perijove 08
NASA / SwRI / MSSS / Gerald Eichstädt / Seán Doran
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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I thought I’ll never draw for this fandom again but here I am (ok why do they look like they’re looking for someone third to spend the night with lmao)
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Princess Azula. She’s here a little bit Rapunzel )
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Shiro x Keith 😢
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
Moss Lawns?!
Okay so we all agree, lawns suck are outdated and useless relics introduced by the French Monarchy to flex on everyone else, but have we considered:
Moss Lawns 😄
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Massively photosynthetic- produce loads of oxygen
Doesn’t require fertilising- ever! Mosses actually prefer low nutrient soil!
Doesn’t require mowing! Mosses are non vascular so they never grow tall enough to need mowing
Low maintainance- see above
Improving the air quality around you- mosses can metabolise and absorb a variety of airborn pollutants!
Massively improving your home’s Cottagecore and fairytale vibes, I mean look at it it’s beautiful
Looking online I’ve learned that this is a thing! And it’s actually been popular in Japan for hundreds of years!
That makes me really happy actually because if you know me you’ll know I love moss, not only is it cool af but 12 square metres of moss lawn can apparently absorb as much carbon as 275 mature trees. Stunning and brave.
As we all know it’s much easier to work with nature than against it, we’re all busy and tired and maybe… maybe just let the moss have this one? It’s beautiful.
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
emails with “[AO3] Comment on _____” in the subject line give me a better dopamine rush than hard drugs ever will
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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Happy pride!
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
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the more things change the more they stay the same
(keith back on earth, after everything, before the rest of it)
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
Arabian Little Red Riding Hood with a red hijab
A Japanese Snow White with her coveted pale skin and shiny black hair
Mexican Cinderella with colorful Mexican glass blown slippers
Greek Beauty and the Beast where Beast is a minotaur
Culture-bent fairy tales that keep key canonical characteristics
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malenkamyshka · 5 years
The taste of summer
1168 words, chapters : 1/1 [but posted as 4th chapter in a collection of ficlets on AO3], precanon
Little Allura celebrates the summer juniberry festival with her family and friends.
Read it here on AO3 !
“…And with this, I declare the festivities open!” concluded King Alfor.
“You may now begin the harvest!” claimed Queen Melenor.
Allura applauded with the crowd. She felt so honored that her parents were the ones opening the summer juniberry festival. It was her favorite holiday, a celebration of the summer solstice. She loved the juniberry flowers, their delicate fragrance, their vibrant colors and the gracious way they swayed with the wind; but she loved it even more when, once pollinated, they turned into the pink, sweet and tartish berries that she, like most children, craved. She had to hurry now, to pick the most berries she could. She wanted her parents to be proud of her.
This was the most traditional form of the summer juniberry festival. In the cities it was celebrated on the streets, with music, games, booths selling juniberry pastries, and pink lanterns suspended in the trees and between the houses. But in the mountains, people still honored the summer by picking the berries. The child who had the best harvest was proclaimed Guest of Honnor, and was granted the right to be the first to eat at the banquet that followed in the evening.
She joined her best friends Imona and Lanis. They were both wearing their best dresses for the occasion. Imona had an apricot one, with balloon sleeves, white stitching and several undercoats lined with lace. She was almost dancing in place with excited anticipation, swinging her basket, a big smile illuminating her round, freckled face. Lanis’s dress was quite simple and probably more practical for picking berries; it was in fine but strong apple green fabric, falling to her knees, and had juniberry flowers stitched around the collar; she had green ribbons in her black curly hair, and was frowning at Allura.
“Where’s your basket?” she asked.
Allura gasped. She had placed the basket at her feet, so that she could clap after her father’s speech, and had forgotten to pick it up afterwards. Her throat tightened and tears started to prickle her eyes; she tried to run back to get it, but Imona grabbed her arm and held her back.
“You’ll never find it in the middle of the crowd!”
“Come on! We have to hurry, or others will take the lead!”
Keep reading
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