roxanity-blog · 7 years
Re-marathoning the Harry Potter series
Why do I subject myself to this inevitable emotional "abuse"? XD
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roxanity-blog · 11 years
Experimental reads
So, this Friday is Thaipusm, which means that I'm gonna have three days of a holiday, so I might as well make good use of it by conducting a little experiment.
This experiment was inpired when I was doing a research on ways to improve English. Here's the link if you want to check it out: http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/70-ways-to-improve-your-english.html 
To be honest, this experiment is kind of a guilty-pleasure for me, since I'm kind of breaking my New Year's Resolution of reducing my reading...it is for greater good, right? Yeah, it totally is.
Anyway, I'm going to read the original version of Under The Never Sky during the weekends and then do a re-read with the Chinese version. But first, I'll have to finish The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead first...see? Complete addiction to books.
I'll try my best to blog about my progress of the experiment. Let's hope it all goes as planned...
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roxanity-blog · 11 years
Tumblr media
Check it: http://bit.ly/1aWkWNx Art credit to Deviant Art’s Manidiforbice (see more from this artist here: http://manidiforbice.deviantart.com/)Check it: http://bit.ly/1aWkWNx
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roxanity-blog · 11 years
Day offs/ Holidays
Who doesn't look forward to the holidays, no matter how long it lasts. I know I do. Not that I get to be a full time sloth and lay in bed all day (okay, so maybe a litte bit), it's because I get to do what I enjoy doing at last.
Holidays sure have pros and cons. But I highly doubt that I'm going to enjoy my leasuire time -- not with the cons around. Here's what I mean:
- I finally have the time to read novels after all this time -- without my family constantly interrupting me and asking me for favours, that is.
- I get the chance to study peace and quietly -- without my parents suspecting that I'm not doing anything illegal in my room for every 5 seconds, that is.
- I'm getting started with doing pilates, and I find myself getting a kick out of it -- without my parents bursting into my room like police eventhough I have "Do Not Interrupt" signs pasted on my door.
I can list tons more if I have to, but then, I'd be wasting much more time that I already have ranting about it.
Guess you can't have any pros without cons, can you?
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roxanity-blog · 11 years
I've just realised that I have uneven thighs.....lol?
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