royal-descent · 17 hours
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Luke Eisner
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royal-descent · 1 day
"Well then allow me to be the first. I'm not good at much but I would like to perform for you." Aster smiled and blushed a bit as he squeezed the hand he held and enjoyed the way the other's foots rested against his own. He knew just how angry his father would get if he saw him with Leo like this, but he didn't care. It was worth the risk of his ire. Clearing his throat Asker let go and got up from the table, moving to Leo's side and offering his hand this time.
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"Come with me?" he asked softly his hand outstretched, he would take Leo to his special place in the house. A room only meant for him and him alone. A private dance studio below the main floor of the house. It was spectacular in it's own right, but he didn't often let people in. It was for him, and his art.
"All access? Aster you're absolutely spoiling me. I would even daresay you were close to trying to impress me." Leo took a long drink of his wine, setting it down, eyes flickering to the other. "Which you don't have to do, of course, I am already impressed by you." Leo's tone was light, maybe even a little flirtatious. "Dancing for me..." Leo muttered, thinking of it, imagining it. "No one's ever done that for me."
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When the hand moved across the table and Aster's fingers wrapped around his, Leo didn't move. Instead he returned the gesture, looking from their hands to Aster's face. "I'm done now, I think. Couldn't eat another bite. Fit to burst." His foot slid across the floor, nudging Aster's, an accident to anyone else, but Leo left it there, close to the other's. "And I love surprises."
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royal-descent · 1 day
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Luke Eisner
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royal-descent · 1 day
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Luke Eisner
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royal-descent · 1 day
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"Well there are two options. I could become less attractive so you don't want to fuck me. Or you could fuck me."
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"Well that is a matter of opinion. Either way, the statement stands for itself. Just...not sure what to do about it..."
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royal-descent · 1 day
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Aster's mouth went dry for a moment thinking about Leo alone with him in his dressing room. The idea for just how he could surprise the other after dinner popped into his head. "Yeah- yes. All access tour of backstage and I would give you my own personal balcony seats. And you um- I'd be dancing for you on that stage." he said bolding with a little smile. He reached up to push blond hair back from his face, not wanting for once to hide.
"Yes. I would like that. A lot. Just you and I." he said a bit breathlessly. He reached across the table and let his fingers wrap around Leo's for a moment. "Um when you are done eating I would like to show you something. Something. Surprising."
Leo had always been quite taken with Aster. The younger man was not the reason he had gotten into business with Aster's father, but it didn't hurt. He hated the man Aster's father was. He was angry, quick to blow a fuse, and pretentious, but Aster was always around. That always made it worth it. Aster made him smile, made him swoon in his own way. What would be the optics of dating his business partner's son?
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Leo ate his food slowly, politely, not wanting to miss a moment. He wasn't very hungry, but he enjoyed the company and didn't want to give Aster the wrong idea, like he wasn't enjoying it. "You could? I'd be interested. Always found the theatre fascinating. You'd show me your dressing room?" Leo raised an eyebrow. "Also...dinner just us after? Somewhere that's not your home? Just once I'd like to be the one wining and dining you."
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royal-descent · 2 days
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"Well I have enough little brothers to sate everyone there and we can sneak off together." Henri said with a smile as he kissed the back of Nicholas' hand gently. "I have no intention of leaving you out here alone and upset. If the party is not to your liking then we shall do something else." Henri pulled the other prince towards the rose gardens, signaling for the guards to accompany them and to light the foot path for them. The lanterns would help them see the splendor even at night.
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"Oh, no I didn't mean it like that, I just-" Nicholas trailed off, laughing softly as he felt his hand gently tugged, moving with the other prince. "Never mind. I just didn't want you missing any of the good stuff in there." He was generally used to people wanting to be around his brothers more than himself, so this was a pleasant surprise.
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royal-descent · 2 days
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"While you might not be gay, the sentiment you just expressed very much is."
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"I'm attracted to you in a way that a man is attracted to a woman...but I'm not gay!"
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royal-descent · 2 days
"Being only half human is hard. I get it. Humans fear you. Whatever you other side is looks down on you for only being half. I think being a demigod and a half demon are probably much the same thing." Aster said with a wistful little sigh. His mother was always asking him for things as well. Though they were less dignified things than quests for glory.
"Who wouldn't have a crush on the likes of you? So handsome." Aster purred as he slid over to the demigod, wrapping arms around his shoulders, gently playing with his hair in one hand, the other slowly stroking his back. 'Would depend on how much you used it. Between each of your missions would work." he said with a smile. "I'd have thought you'd want a shield like your mothers. Turn people to stone. But the one you want is much more creative. Destructive. I like it. You know virgin boy. If you are a really good fuck I might make you a sword too."
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Garrett let out a chuckle and nods his head. "We do. I like to think that it's because of the divine side of us. Our parents get worshiped and praised for what they offer, we would like our accomplishments to be done the same you know?" Still, Garrett supposed the other man's words made sense. He nods his head and smiles. "A lot of people are. Being the son of the goddess of wisdom has many people feeling onguard around me quite often."
Garrett's cheeks only got more and more red as he spoke. Although his lips only quirked more. "Seems like someone has a little crush on me, huh?" Garrett teased with a chuckle. Still, Garrett nodded his head. "As long as the shield proves to be effective, I'll be more than happy to agree to that deal." Garrett says with a nod. "How often are you thinking?" He asked as he watched his shield get cleaned. It didn't take that much time. Garrett's gear was almost always in pristine condition. Both from the care he takes of it, as well as regular check ups with Hephastus.
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royal-descent · 2 days
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"I would love to turn off the 'lights' as it were but you're just ah- you know. A threat. It's an automatic response." Henri said as he passed the same light into the torches around him, dissipating his own a bit. "The tavern I captured you at, you killed everyone inside. Why? What did you get from it, monster? Was it simply food? Had they offended your kind in some way? Or are you just truly evil?" Henri asked lifting the boy's chin with his hand. "Confess and I might see you not burned alive but put someone to keep you contained. A menagerie of sort."
Henri didn't run across intelligent creatures often and when he did he tried not to simply lean into the fact they weren't human. There were sides to the stories. If he could get facts that could prevent future events he would.
Florian had been careless and that resulted in his capture, he should have known better than to return to the scene of his crime but he couldn't help it this go around, the scene that the monster had left at the tavern was especially gruesome and noteworthy. He should have known that it would have drawn the attention of a monster hunter.
"You're going to have to clarify, which peasants are we talking about?" Florian asked innocently and looked up at Henri from his position on the ground. "Can you turn off the light show, gonna give me a headache with all that glowing." The monster groaned and closed his eyes, the only sign that Florian wasn't human was the sharp fangs that he possessed.
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royal-descent · 2 days
"What no? No I was just. Offering. Guys usually like it when I hold them." Adam was not the smartest fellow, but he was rather well built. He flexed his arms showing off for Henry.
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"I can't say I do know what I'm asking? I mean it's just aa creepy old building. Those stories have to be fake." Adam said with a little shrug of those broad powerful shoulders. "Besides I bet I could spend a night there. Just one night."
"Hold me if I get scared?" Henry smiled, "Are you patronizing me?" He honestly didn't know, but either way it was amusing. "What's in this for you? Why do you want to see this place so badly?"
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Henry took the offered hand and held it firmly, earnestly, making Adam look him in the eyes. "The Overlook is a dangerous place for someone like me, but also for anyone; you've heard the stories. This is not something to fuck around with lightly. Are you sure you know what you're asking?"
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royal-descent · 4 days
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beautiful beautiful face
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royal-descent · 5 days
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"I resent the fact that you thought I would simply abandon you like some common scoundrel." The party was behind them now, the light and the music coming from the event polluting the calm night around it. Henri took Nicholas' hand and pulled him further away from it. "You are plenty of fun yourself you know? They will survive without me."
Closed starter for @royal-descent || Nicholas and Henri
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"I thought you might have rather spent this evening back inside. I'm just not made for that kind of atmosphere..." Nicholas motioned towards the gala that was raging on in the building. "Prefer to get away from the crowd. You don't have to stick with me if you'd rather go and have some fun."
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royal-descent · 5 days
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Honestly who the fuck does he think he is?!?!?
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royal-descent · 5 days
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Henri looked down at the other and tugged on the binds around his wrists. "So you are a filthy monster. These binds leave you powerless and at my mercy. How do you plead to the killing of those peasants?" Henri was a skilled and powerful monster hunter. He had a vast amount of kills under his belt. Protecting his people far and wide.
The demigod radiated a ruddy golden light as he stood before the other. "What do you have to say for yourself? It's not often I find monsters who can talk."
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royal-descent · 5 days
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Because this photoshoot is funny
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royal-descent · 6 days
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Wolfgang Novogratz
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