royal-fm-blog · 8 years
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This week your glorious host sits down with a Royal returner, Kendall Jenner ( @kendallrpg ). Read more below:
NG: Gooood morning Kendall Jenner. I already feel bad for making you come in to see me this early in the morning.
KJ: I think you're forgetting I've got a baby, Nick Grimshaw, this is nothing. I could do these shows with my eyes closed.
NG: Babe, I so could not forget about the baby that throws up on my couch. Anyway. Gooooooood morning. Welcome to our little show, love.
KJ: Gooood morning! So excited to be here, this is so cool.
NG: You think our little radio is cool? That's so sweet of you, considering some of the runways you've been on in the last twelve months.
NG: So straight up, I have to ask. How is motherhood meets modelling going?
KJ: Stuff like this is always way cooler though, isn't it? It's so much more personal and sweet, I love it.
KJ: You know what? It's actually going pretty well. Her dad spends loads of time with her so when I'm off doing my thing I know she's loved and happy and safe and all of that. She's a little model in the making though, let me tell you. Such a little poser, my girl is.
NG: I like to think it's pretty cool, otherwise I might be stuck DJing your parties forever and I don't know that I quite fit in.
NG: Oh really? Are you planning on helping her follow in your footsteps?
KJ: You'll always be welcome at my parties, you know that.
KJ: Oh I'm sure her dad would absolutely love that. I dunno, to be honest. If it's what she wants and she really works for it, I'll definitely help her in any way I can.
NG: Real talk, we're not here to air anyones dirty laundry - but your her mum. You've gotta help her out, right? I don't know what I would have done without my mum growing up.
KJ: Yeahhhhhh. I mean if it's what she wants to do, then absolutely - I'll do anything she needs me to do.
NG: Let's drop that, yeah? We're here to have fun.
NG: So, love, tell me what's going on with you? What should we expect to see next?
KJ: I've been working really closely with Love Magazine at the moment to help build my portfolio and all of that so hopefully I can start shooting people rather than being shot for a change. Nothing overly exciting going on with me, I'm afraid. I'm a horrible guest.
NG: Shooting. Shot. Sounds like we're more Southern than I realised.
NG: That was a bad gun culture joke, for anyone just tuning in. So, photography then? When did that start?
KJ: You're a total nerd sometimes, you know that?
KJ: It's always been a private passion of mine, but in the past two years it's just really grabbed me. I've got a friend who introduced me to some really cool vintage cameras in 2015 and ever since then it's just been - I love it, you know? I love been able to capture sweet candid moments and have them on film forever
NG: I guess we should chuck our thanks to that friend, because some of the stuff you've put out so far really does show how much you love it. Are you planning on using your newly found talents around town? Could turn Royal into your very on CK ad if you wanted to.
KJ: Let's not give him too much thanks, he's got a big enough head as it is. Yeah, maybe! I'm shooting a bunch of models for Love Magazine so maybe once I'm through with all of that I'll start looking into doing photoshoots around Royal. Will you be my first model, Grimmy?
NG: I think we all know someone like that, so I don't mind helping you skip out on the thanks. So when can everyone expect to pop down to the store to pick up a copy of the magazine with your photos through it?
NG: Oh love, I don't know that you could handle the glare my forehead puts out.
KJ: Depends which one you're talking about, Nicholas. I'm actually in the current issue, but the one that's about to come out with Sienna Miller on the cover - I shot all her photos. I think it comes out in a week? A little over a week.
KJ: Shut up, you are perfect.
NG: Wowee, they don't start you off small, do they? Sienna is probably one of my closest pals and I reckon I might have to give her a bit of a talking to for not telling me she was working with you.
NG: What do you think is the biggest difference moving behind the camera though? What's been the big thing to change?
NG: What do you think is the biggest difference moving behind the camera though? What's been the big thing to change?
KJ: I honestly couldn't believe they were letting me shoot her. I mean, it's Sienna Miller for crying out loud.
KJ: Honestly it was the stupidest stuff that I struggled with when I started shooting people who weren't just my family. When I walk into a studio I'm usually sat in make up and hair for three hours before anything gets shot and then I let them tell me what to do and let me body do the thing. When I'm shooting though obviously the roles are totally reversed and I'm the one giving instruction and telling these beautiful women how to move and pose - it's wild. I love it though. I'm so in love with it. It was good starting out with Har - With m friend though, you know? Being able to instruct someone you know and let them be your first is important.
NG: I feel like I need to just tell the listeners at home that I've just looked at Kendall Jenner with the widest eyes possible, because she has forgotten she's Kendall Jenner.
NG: That must be incredible though, right? To have that kind of power over how someone's going to look for millions of people to see?
KJ: Whaaaaat? It doesn't matter what my last name is if I'm useless though, does it?
KJ: It really is the best feeling in the world. Seeing how the photos come out when they look good is such an incredible feeling. Is it lame if I actually kind of prefer the photos I take of my daughter though? I'll show you later. I don't wanna be that mom or anything, but honestly, I've got the cutest kid in the universe. She's my muse, so.
KJ: That was so embarrassing. She's my muse? I sound like a bad British popstar.
NG: I guess it probably would mean more if you were a Kardashian, you're not wrong.
NG: Are you about to become one of those mummy bloggers who try and talk about kale for thirty three hours out of twenty four? Because I'll have to phase you out and I really don't want to do that.
NG: Oi, shhh. You're gonna get us taken off the air
KJ: Keep talking like that and I'll never introduce you to Kanye
KJ: I've honestly considered that. I reckon I'd be an awesome mommy blogger. I've got a cute kid and the pretentious self confidence to do it, don't you think? Oh please, you love my kid more than I do most days, don't pretend you wouldn't be on the edge of your seat waiting for updates.
KJ: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, Grim. It's not my fault they're all total cliches, is it?
NG: You've been promising me that introduction for far too long for me to believe that it's ever going to happen, but it's sweet that you keep me on the edge of my seat like this.
NG: There's nothing to lose right? Have a chat about her on the internet and post some lovely photos, I'm sure more than just a few people would be willing to sponsor you to do it.
NG: Okayyyyyy on that note I think we should wrap this lovely interview up so I can take this lady out for coffee. What do you say?
KJ: Hey, I can call him right now and get him to come visit if you want. I'm sure he'd love to come and say hello.
KJ: That's exactly what I said! It'll give me a good place to post my work and build up a new little portfolio of her life or whatever. At least you get me, Grimmy.
KJ: Coffee sounds absolutely amazing, let's do it before I get myself banned from your lovely lil radio station. Thank you so much for having me. I'm so proud of you, this is honestly so cool.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Friday Interview - Taron Egerton
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This week your glorious host sits down with one of Royal’s most loved residents, Taron Egerton ( @soutterlytaron (. Read more below:
Taron Egerton: Good morning, mate. Thanks for having me!
Nick Grimshaw: Hey Taron! Thanks for joining us on the lovely Friday morning. How are you today?
TE: Quite all right, actually - despite being woken up way too early by our dogs. They really love their early morning runs, more than I do.
NG: Is there such a thing as too early a morning? I mean maybe it's just the radio that does it to me - but I seem to love them.
TE: Yes, there is. I'm not a morning person, at all. Which is why I became an actor - we never have early morning shoots, no sir. TE: Obviously, I'm not to be taken seriously, right now.
NG: I'm taking you completely seriously, mate. So if anyone's listening - don't hire Taron for an early morning, he's not gonna be havin' it. Is that what's drawn you to the theatre at the moment?
TE: I started out in theatre, actually. When I was 15, I joined a theatre group at a local arts centre, and since then I just couldn't imagine not acting, really. At RADA, I spent most of my time on stage, too, doing productions, working behind the scenes, working on scripts, too... and after graduating, I went and played in different theatre plays. It's a theme in my life, I think. That I was chosen for a role in a big franchise film, that was pure luck, and a lot of faith put in me by Matthew Vaughn.
NG: So does Singing In The Rain feel like more of an ode to who you were before going into film acting? Or do you think that it's always going to be what you want to do and film is just something a little extra?
TE: Don't get me wrong, I love being on film sets. Capital L. There's an atmosphere that is unlike any other, and to be able to work with people you have admired for so long... I was really lucky with my projects so far. Theatre, though, that's in my blood, as cheesy as that sounds. The thrill of being on stage, that's something I'm addicted to, no doubt about that. TE: And Singin' - it started as a re-write I did, a doodle, really, because I was bored. My project had been pushed back, I had trained and worked out and had nowhere to go, really. And then Scarlett found my doodles and turned it into a proper project... and thanks to the amazing cast, it went on to be a big success for the Baroque Theatre. And me. I'm really proud of my project.
NG: You should be proper proud mate. I've been down to see you guys and it's really something out, your doodle has really given life to something amazing. Which was a pun worthy of the Valentine's carnival. Speaking of - did you head down? Take a hot date?
TE: Okay, I'm going to be bold and go on the record with this - Jake kills it on stage every time. I'm in awe. There, I said it. TE: That Carnival - I still cannot get over the puns, they were so bad, they were good. TE: My hot date for the night was my girlfriend - we had quite a bit of fun strolling through the stands at the Plantation
NG: I've heard on the town grapevine that you guys are the most loved up couple around, so how does that feel? Do you like feeling settled or are you in one of those situations where you're both settled and have room to fly?
TE: Most what now? I'm not sure people can look at Louis and Harry and still actually say that. TE: If by room to fly you mean that we give each other the freedom to do things our own way, and meet with friends and spend our days the way we want to, then yes, that's exactly what makes us us. Honestly, though - I never thought I'd fall for someone so fully without feeling this kind of fretting you usually feel, when you know you might have someone you feel more for close to you. With Phoebe, I don't think we even thought about it much, we just went for it, one step at a time.
NG: I think when it comes down to Louis and Harry, anything that fast can't be that great - can it? But I'm not here to trash talk anyone. Equal love and all that. NG: I've never been one for relationships myself, mate, but honestly - that reminds me of my mum and dad a bit, they were always proper in love. NG: Do you have a tune you'd like to dedicate to Phoebe this morning? Or anyone really?
TE: I don't want to judge their relationship - they've known each other for ages already, so maybe they never acted out on their feelings? Either way, they're two lads with loads of kids in the house by now. It's kinda funny to see. TE: My parents divorced when I was young and my mum eventually remarried and had my sisters... I feel like there's no perfect person for you, just someone who is right for you, who'll support you and remind you that you're wrong - or right - about things, and someone who wants to spend their life with you. If you have that, that's when you know you hit the jackpot. TE: If I were kinda douchey, I'd say Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You", but honestly, that's mostly, because I heard it this morning on my run... No, I'd like to dedicate Pharrell Williams' "Happy" to the townies out there and hope they have as great a day as I have!
NG: They surely have enough kids for a football team by now! NG: I like that you put wrong their first instead of right, I agree that sometimes I absolutely need someone to tell me 'no' rather than 'yes'. Whether thats a romantic partner, my best friend or my producer Fifi. Just as a final little question, how do you think this all went? Are we setting ourselves up for success? NG: Thanks for your song choices, mate. And it's been a proper pleasure having you on the air.
TE: A mixed football team for sure. Just don't put the tiniest in goal, that'd be unfair. TE: I need to be told no a lot of times. If not, I'll just go for it and end up in a pickle more often than not. But also someone to encourage me. Phee does both and I love her for it and for many, many more reasons. I think this went rather decent, don't you think? You're definitely setting yourself up to be the radio host everyone listens to in the mornings! Fingers crossed you'll get more exposure. TE: the pleasure's been all mine. Thank you for having me.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Tomorrow sounds absolutely wonderful, but only if you can squeeze in a high chair at your, what I can only imagine is fancy, dinner table. Cannot wait to see you, Grimmy. The show has been such a laugh so far, so proud of you! See you tomorrow night!
NG: Hey now, my dinner table isn’t that posh love. And I already have a highchair and everything, the pros of having a million God children. I’m so happy you’re liking the show, love. I’m certainly giving it a good rating on Nickpinion.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Sorry, but who better to teach guys about the female anatomy than a guy who won't fall apart in giggles or fall prey to male rituals at the mention of the word clit? I think you might be the perfect candidate, my friend.
NG: I think I’m gonna need someone to teach me all about this anatomy then, aren’t I? You up for the job? It’s unpaid and you’ll probably end up embarrassing yourself and me.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Agreed on Jake, definite thumbs up for your choice.
NG: Second vote for @gyllenroyal for the ‘Hottest Bitch Around’ award. Congrats Jake-y, you might just take this one home.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you little gossip you. Here's a question for you... When are you cooking me a curry? All I've been hear about for the past two years from - All I've been hearing is how good your curries are. What does a girl have to do to get a curry, Grimmy?
NG: Is it gossip if it’s the truth? Alright let me give you my Nickpinion on when I’m gonna cook you a curry, Jenner. Tomorrow. You come round, and I’ll make something up to your standards, is that quite alright?
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Are you in need of a bit of sex ed, Grimshaw? Doesn't matter what you're into, you should know where to find it. But I can just see you sneaking around and taking pics and giggling to yourself. It's endearing.
NG: I’m sure you’re probably right, but when am I ever going to need that information? It’s not like I have to teach a class or anything - so I’m probably gonna survive without knowing. Thank you, love, at least someone thinks it’s nice. I felt like a proper naughty schoolboy.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Yes, let's thank them for a good laugh, and a fun party! They're really doing their best! But you know what the best is about Valentine's Day? The day after, when you can get all the chocolate for fifty percent off.
NG: I’ll make sure to send them a gift basket of some kind of punny fruit or muffin. Chocolate day is the best day of the year, love. I love it more than both Christmas and probably my birthday.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
You are a demanding little fucker... but okay, date-night with Grimmers, it is. Phoenix? I promise you, the grilled meat is perfection.
NG: Swearing on radio? I’m gonna have to punish you for that one, Alfie. Phoenix sounds perfect to me - and to all of our listeners too, I’m sure. Thank you for mentioning the meat, we all know how important that is to me of a Wednesday morning.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Did you just hit it, or actually get one, too? And, what about the pussy lips gummy bears. I think I laughed about them all the way home.
NG: Love, I’m not going to lie to you - I saw the name of the game, took a load of photos for SnapChat and then ran as far as I could in the other direction. I’m quite convinced that even if I tried I wouldn’t know where the uh, clit, is.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Say I hypothetically wanted you to set me up with someone in town - who would you set me up with, Grimmy?
NG: Well I heard on the grapevine that you took a hot date to the Valentine’s Carnival. And by grapevine I mean I saw you with my own two eyes - so you can’t get outta this one. So I’ve gotta be team Alfie ( @enochalready )
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Who's the hottest bitch in town?
NG: Kendall Jenner, how dare you insinuate that I would ever call someone a bitch? But I’ve gotta say it’s Jakey ( @gyllenroyal ), because if I don’t it would break a theme I’ve kept up for way too long.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
The town officials took so much time to find ALL the innuendos out there, how could you not have fun, if only to laugh about the bad puns? And the Peeñatas!
NG: Love, I’ll never turn down a Peeñata, or any of it’s phallic friends. But you’re right I think everyone should be writing to these town officials and letting them know that, while they’re puns are terrible - they’re certainly making us all happy.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Your Opinion on Royal? The town and the people?
NG: Royal is an interesting place to say the least. I constantly feel like there isn’t enough palm leaves being fanned in the direction of everyone walking around. The people are nothing but warmness and kindness - I couldn’t ask for better neighbours.
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Grimmers, where is the beer you promised me?
NG: Maaaaaate, I believe that beer is icey cold and just waiting for you to come and pick me up from work and take me out for it!
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
Hey ya, Grims'! How's your new show going so far? As for the Valentine's Fair, whoever didn't have fun there seriously has to have a look at their life choices... ha, no, innuendos aren't for everyone, I guess, but I really enjoyed it!
NG: Hiyaaaa Scarlett! I think the show is actually going pretty smoothly so far. At least, no one hates me yet and what more can a guy ask for! I didn’t see a single person not having fun at the fair, except maybe my own face when they made me try to, uh, ‘Hit The Clit’
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royal-fm-blog · 8 years
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Wowee - who didn’t have fun at the Valentine’s Carnival and Val-innuendo events yesterday? 
Let’s kick off Nickpinion with a bang, just ‘call in’ here and Nick will give you his opinion on WHATEVER you want.
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