royalhoax · 9 years
Why we feed people.
Hey everyone, it's Mark. I'm about to get deep, so here we go... When you look at the basic needs of human beings, we believe there are three core things that need to be in place to live a fulfilled life of purpose. Good healthy food/water security (Eat); education to learn and grow out of ignorance (Educate); and life experiences to discover who you are and how you would want to contribute to the betterment of the human condition (Experience). All of these things are important in different ways and are usually present within the lives of the greatest successes of our time. However, when you look at these foundational needs, nothing is greater than food and water; especially eating GOOD, HEALTHY food to maximize your body's potential to run at its absolute highest level. Food and water are the core of our being... as mama always said, "you are what you eat". Sadly, there are too many people in this world who do not have the opportunity to give their body what it needs to be successful and raise themselves out of their situation.. Even in the United States, where we have the greatest food security in the world and the knowledge to eat right, we fall incredibly short. We don't eat GOOD HEALTHY food for our individual needs. And as our middle class shrinks due to the shenanigans of central bank cartels and poor government leadership, getting our basic food and water needs met may get increasingly difficult. So, in the grand scheme of all the problems in this world, this is as basic as you can get. How can we build a better, happier world when there is a HUGE crack in the foundation? How can we expect our neighbors to raise themselves up when they can't even think straight due to dehydration and low blood sugar? We can't, and it's easy to just talk about these things, but it's another to act upon them. We are taking action. And even though we are proud (and thankful) to have raised over 80,000 meals, we want to do it in an even BIGGER WAY. That BIG WAY involves getting more people involved and aware of our music and our desire to better the human condition on a MASS SCALE. We can not do this through mall kiosks forever. We need to TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW by releasing NEW MUSIC that is impactful, captivating, and cerebral... and that takes money. So, IF YOU BELIEVE in our music and purpose, then I'm going to shamelessly ask that you pick up a t-shirt (click me baby); show us to a friend; or go to a concert. We need to continue to exude sincere empathy and look out for each other. Those qualities are what have gotten us this far, and we can't stop now. And there's no better way to radiate that message than through the power music. Thanks again for your continued support, Mark and Jake
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royalhoax · 9 years
The first Q&A in our series is finally here! Thanks for asking so many great questions! This week, find out what influenced the Rock4Hunger movement, how Mark feels about horse-sized ducks, and get a special peek behind the scenes. And, if we didn't get to your answer this week, check back next Sunday for Jake's answers.
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royalhoax · 9 years
Hey, it’s Mark and Jake!
We’re now on Tumblr (hopefully there's still life left in this party)! As a way to celebrate, we thought we'd go ahead and do a Q&A. Imagine we’re on one of those quirky 90’s dating shows and you’re trying to figure us out… only we won’t buy you dinner (but we may try to seduce you ;-)...). 
Ask us anything you want! Use #AskRoyalHoax on Tumblr and Twitter or comment on Facebook. We’ll answer the best questions in a video next week. Cheers!
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