rpchater-blog · 7 years
okay random question but are you a capricorn?
no but u were w the earth signs so u were close girl
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
what were ur thoughts on the poc only gang rp discourse? racist or not?
i ain't seen shit abt this until JUST now so my ass be a lil clueless but .. anyway ima give that rp a big ass NO since thats already a negative stereotype that poc get shit on for almost everyday . im sure the admins prolly didnt even think of it like that (hav they addressed it?? i aint see anything) but if ur goin into a violent plot w pocs only .. u should give it sum more thought u know what i mean?? i love gang rps and i think poc only is a bomb addition to the rpc but yall couldve thought of a better plot come on now
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
the rpc IS trash !!! fuck it up lmaooo
thanks 4 the support
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
scandalshq is a rec
i ain't lookin to join any rps rn but im w that whole writing/character development shit so if ur into tumblr rps i'd rec this too if that's smth y'all lookin for
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
hey hoes i aint gone yet lmao!! im bored to let me kno whats good cuz im in the mood to rant some more 2 day
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
whats ur sign
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
favorite people to use as mascots?
uh idk i like to use underused ppl a lot bc i get bored of seein the same faces everywhere. sum of my personal favs r zoe kravitz, kehlani n chantel jeffries
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
Honestly can we talk more about the whole "this rp stole this idea" thing? It's so annoying, it's like one rp can brush up against the similarity of another and then you'll see a bunch of headasses leaving stuff in their inbox as if they deliberately meant to "copy" the others idea
girl i fuckin know. ya, it sucks when ur rp idea gets stolen, but i rlly think these ppl were just looking to start smth?? i've ran a successful rp then had 2 rps open the same week w the same ass plot. well .. the same main idea, yk what i mean ? but we all had lil twists n no one said shit. im js this shit got blown out of proportion imo, n the ppl running the "stolen rp" didnt deserve to get their hardwork shit all over. that was too goddamn much. thas all my input on what went down
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
rant #1 out of however many my ass gon post. prolly not a lot i ain’t gonna lie this shits gonna last like a week before i get bored but LMAO whatever. let’s talk abt “”callout culture”” y’all. but remember, ain’t nobody askin you to read anything so if u ain’t fuckin w my shit then don’t get into it. let’s fuckin go
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CALLOUT CULTURE lmfao take a shot every time my ass mentions that on this blog. now before y’all get all up in my inbox again talkin bout “but aren’t u doing that ?? :///” i gotta say that HELL YEAH i’m a fan of callin people out. everybody deserves to know they’re fuckin up some shit, and sugar coating ain’t necessary. but i’m talkin abt this shit that spread throughout the rpc hella quick and i see some people that are as against it as i am. i’ve never personally experienced this shit myself, but i seen it around, and i sympathize w those who don’t deserve it
now, y’all asses can callout some problematic hoes when they’re bein racist, sexist, transphobic, ableist, homophobic, thieves, liars, abusive, etc. u know, just bein an all around dick. that’s when i agree w calling out some mother fuckers. BUT Y’ALL STARTED DOIN THIS SHIT TO LITERALLY ANYBODY !!!!!!!!! some bitch could name their character katie, then someone else names their character katie and y’all out here posting PSA’s all “this rper is a thief for taking my characters name!!! BEWARE OF THIS TOXIC PERSON!!!!!!” or someone can accidentally be problematic then give a thorough, sincere apology but y’all still be leakin their aliases/muse names/urls n all that other shit. we’re all here to have fun or escape or some shit, n y’all really be shitting on ppls fun just bc they made u mad in some fuckin way. the amount of ppl i’ve seen go thru bullying over something so small or after recognizing their dumbass actions n giving a genuine apology is sad as fuck to me. yall some rude ass people and need to learn what “talkin one on one” means. unless they’re clearly some shitty ass person who aint gonna change, keep ur callouts to ya damn self 
now, not to hate on any fuckin body, but i saw this shit earlier that made me laugh my ass off.. n i just HAD to mention it bc it really was stupid as hell. some dumbass drama over some rps called listhq n listshqs or some shit like that. don’t really remember exactly how the urls went, but what i do remember is thinkin well shit.. another unnecessary callout post. to catch yall up, one accused the other of stealin plots, which i’d get if these ppl copied and pasted every damn thing from the “original” rp. but here’s the thing.. it was a bucketlist rp ((((shit that ive seen done more than once lmao aint nobody being original)))) w a similar url. each had their own twist to it, but still ppl were bein accused of bein thieves. sure, this shit would piss anyone off .. ive seen shit like that happen to rps that ive ran. IT SUCKS SOME NASTY ASS, but how many times have yall seen a rp revolving around rich kids in beverly hills ?? lit every fuckin week. all these rps got the same ass url too uk “beverlyhq”, “beverlyhillshq”, “hillshq”, i can go on. (((not shittin on any active rps that have this exact plot btw just using an example)))) point is, none of these ppl are makin aggressive ass callout posts bc they had similar ideas. this was an easy fix but we gotta turn it into some dumbass drama instead. the rpc is unoriginal, thought we all knew that ??? theres only so many plots u can do that can work w big groups 
so basically what im sayin is .. i deadass see this shit all the damn time in the rpc and its ugly as hell. y’all really think yall some fuckin queens n kings. let me break it to u... yall aint shit. we all doin the same ass creepy shit... basically catfishing as our fcs but its cool bc we’re all on the same boat. idk when this shit started, but i remember rp back in 2012-13 bein nice n happy as hell. now yall just angry n rude ( YES INCLUDING ME!!!!! ) 
i’m just sayin y’all... handle your own shit n if that doesn’t work, then call the bitch out. but otherwise, just grow the hell up, thas all 
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
its so effin annoying i cant even begin to tell u how annoyed i always got. i ended up leavin the rp behind because i couldn't handle it
girl i know and these fuckers are constantly playin victim !! u tell em no to a ship then they get all “omg this rp is so cliquey, y’all so rude, i’m tired of being ignored :///” when no ones ignoring them.. n they maaad shade you ooc on the tl right ?? dumb as hell. loosen up a lil
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
ur pathetic and the fact that this blog is getting any attention is what's wrong with the rpc nowadays yikes
ur calling me pathetic yet ur hypocritical ass is over here sending me some anon hate?? come out and tell me straight up homie i aint scared so why are u?? i’m on the side of anyone whos ever been scared to rp, ignored, bullied, forced out of rps they love, n treated like shit by entitled princess rpers in a place where they’re tryna escape from reality. i aint sorry that my ass is tired of seeing shit like this in the rpc. im over seeing ppl attempt a positive approach to change n it being completely ignored. im gonna rant if i wanna fuckin rant, and if ur mad as hell abt it then u must be guilty of doing some of the shit i just mentioned. dont wanna see my blog then girl... u got the exit tab button right there. i been sayin this 
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
i just wanna rant ab this damn rper in a rp i was in. they play like four characters nd are so ship thirsty its disgusting. u ask to plot nd immediately they're jumping down ur throat with ship plots but go nd blame it on u when they wanna fite ab it. they're gross nd shady and i would tell u more but iM so irritated
LMAO BIIITCH do not get me started on this shit. i see this in every damn rp i join, i feel u girl. i mainly play males, n the amount of “u wanna do a relationship plot??” dms ive gotten right off the bat is fuckin wild. n it ain’t just 1 person, it’s every fuckin body. when did y’all start rping solely for ships ?? y’all that lonely irl ?? i swear these hoes just log on to talk to their ship partner n thas it. don’t get me wrong, i love a good ass ship, but come on rlly ?? get ya characters some platonic plots, yall some lonely ass motherfuckers
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
homegirl LMAO i got no recs i ain’t been in a rp for like a month now i think ?? i’m just indie rping w a couple of close friends rn but if i find anything i guess i’ll let y’all kno so .. we’ll talk later
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
if we send you a message to drag us will you do it
uh sure if i’m feelin it and u don’t get all fuckin crybaby abt it so ya hml i guess
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
are we allowed to rant ab shit to u bc i got some cents i wanna throw in ab ppl
hell yeah bitch we can b mad af together hit me with ur best shot but dont go tryna ruin someones fun unless they deserve that shit u feel me
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
alright since y’all seem to have gotten y’all hate out of ur systems, i’ma write up my first rant. but first im bouta go do some real life shit, then i’ll talk bout some shit that’s done pissed me off the most in this damn community. be back soon 
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rpchater-blog · 7 years
so ? new rpt (COUGHS ROLEPLAY TALK (COUGHS TALK)) comes in and already ? Hate . Hm
i’m sayin. i ain’t expect to get any support out of this since 90% of the ppl in the rpc want to stay silent abt the shit that goes down n hate on any bitch who dares call it out. i aint bothered, i’ma still say what i want n anon hate ain’t gon make me feel SHIT. like i said, don’t like it then don’t follow
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