rpgfangirl · 7 years
DA Romances as Told by Marriage Tweets
[Wedding] Priest: They’ve written their vows.
HoF: *recites beautiful vows*
Alistair: *takes out notecard* I love you and cheese the same amount.
Zevran: My partner messaged me to say they’re excited to have barbecue ribs with me tonight, so I made sure to compliment their sexting skills. 
Child: *crying because it isn’t her turn with the tiara*
Morrigan: ‘Tis important to share, girl.
HoF: You’re 35. Give her the tiara.
Leliana: I’m secretly investigating how many decorative pillows I can put around the house until my wife loses her shit.  Current count: 23.
[RSVPing to party]
Hawke: *whispers into phone* Is it ok if I bring my weird roomate?
Anders: *from behind* STOP CALLING ME THAT!
Hawke: I’m glad I got married.  Everyone deserves a sidekick!
Isabela: Good point, Robin.
Hawke: We need milk, eggs, and bread. Write it down.
Merril: No need. I’ll remember!
Hawke: [one hour later] What’d you get?
Merrill: A panda!
Hawke: Until I got married, I didn’t know it was possible to chew gum arrogantly.
Fenris: We got invited to two parties this weekend.
Hawke: Wow. We finally have friends.
Fenris: We’re skipping both, right?
Hawke: Obviously.
Inquisitor: I’m still waiting for my husband to apologize for what he did in my dream last night.
Sera: *pulls back curtain while wife is in shower* Are we - stop screaming, its just me - Are we out of Cheetos?
Cullen: [Leaving for work] *gives wife quick kiss* *spends 10 minutes saying bye to the dog*
Bull: You gonna drink that entire bottle of wine?
Inquisitor: You didn’t marry no quitter
Bull: *nods* My Queen.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Dorian: You should. I’m a goddamn miracle. 
Cassandra: *watches Inquisitor sleep* I just love him so much. He’s my everyth-
Inquisitor: *snores*
Josephine: *Runs back into house which is on fire*
Inquisitor: What are you doing?!
Josephine: I just wanted to straighten up a little before the firemen get here.
Inquisitor: My husband won’t let me pick up wood at Home Depot because he doesn’t want it scratched or bent, but I can take care of his children daily. 
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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Colored this old sketch.
I’m working on a couple side projects, so I have nothing to post except icons I’ve been making. I decided to share this instead.
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
…maybe the real traitor was the friends we made along the way
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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Oh my gooood I really need to calm down about it in SO obsessed with it in pretty sure ima get a DA tattoo soon IT’S BAD
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
when you fail a level 20 times and the loading screen is like “remember you can always change the difficulty setting in the options menu!! :))”
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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GoldenEye ROM corruption
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
Someone: Are you going to a New Year’s Eve party?
Me: Yes.
Me: *Plays Citadel by myself.*
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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Fav Dragon Age: Origins moments (6/∞)
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
*stabs bioware*
that was for thane you son of a bitch
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
Headcannon accepted. Cole and his therapy nugs.
A concept:
Once the mages are freed, Hawke and Anders figure out how to cure Tranquility (Anders has got the cure inside him, after all.) But as per Asunder, cured Tranquil are unstable and emotional, and understandably so.
Enter a little farmhouse with Cole and his therapy nugs.
There, each cured Tranquil gets a safe, quiet environment to re-adapt to life and they get a little animal to love and take care of and a garden to help tend and they get a Cole to talk to.
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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CutiePie Sensei as Wonder Woman
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
“What, are you going to be playing video games when you’re in your thirties?”
Uh, yeah.
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
Garrus: Yeah so after you died I messed up my old job, my mom got a terminal illness and I went into a murderous depression spiral where I tried to emulate you but I’m a huge failure so I got all my friends killed and half my face blown off. But enough about me let’s go fight the collectors!!
Shepard: Oh my god are you okay
Garrus: *finger guns*
Shepard: ….Seriously are you oka-
Garrus: *finger guns more aggressively*
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
a more comprehensive time line
​A more comprehensive timeline (for more, please check the ME wikia!)
- 2129: Alec Ryder is born.
- 2134: Steven Hackett is born.
- 2137: David Anderson is born.
- 2139: Saren Arterius is born.
- 2143: Gagarin Starion/Jump Zero’s construction begins beyond Pluto’s orbit.
- 2148: discovery of the Mars Ruins.
- 2149: discovery and activation of the Charon Relay, Alec Ryder is part of the expedition ((Alec’ 20, Saren’s 10))
- 2152: humanity starts colonization efforts in Demeter, soon followed by Eden Prime and Terra Nova.
- 2154: Commander Shepard was born. (April 11th)
- 2157: relay 314 incident Saren and Jack Harper meet briefly, Harper comes in indirect contact with Reaper tech ((Saren is 18, Shepard’s 3, Ryder’s 28))
- 2159: Saren becomes a Spectre. (He’s 20)2160: The Systems Alliance is a Thing.
- 2163: the Ryder twins are born. ((Alec’s 34, Shepard’s 9))
- 2165: humanity gains the right to an embassy on the Citadel. ((Saren’s 26, Shepard’s 11, Alec’s 36, Ryder twins are 2))
- 2166-2169: Alec becomes a military attaché on the Citadel, pits forward the idea of SAM. Ambassador Anita Goyle denies his request.
- 2168-2170: Avitus Rix becomes a Spectre by Saren’s recommendation.
- 2170: Mindoir is attacked ((Saren’s 31, Shepard’s 16, Alec’s 41, Ryder Twins 7))
- 2172: Shepard enlists in the Alliance at 18 ((Saren’s 33, Alec’s 43, Ryder Twins 9))
- 2176: the Skyllian Blitz ((Saren’s 37, Shepard’s 22, Alec’s 47, Ryder Twins 13))
- 2177: the Akuze disaster ((Saren’s 38, Shepard 23, Alec’s 48, Ryder Twins 14))
- 2178: the Torfan massacre ((Saren’s 39, Shepard 24, Alec’s 49, Ryder Twins 15))
- 2181: the Ryder twins enlist in the Alliance at 18 ((Saren’s 42, Shepard’s 27, Alec’s 52))
- 2181 - 2183: Alec Ryder is dishonourably discharged due to AI research.
- 2183: the events of ME1 happen Shepard is spaced one month after Sovereign/Nazara’s defeat ((Saren dies at 44, Shepard’s 29, Alec’s 54, Ryder Twins are 20))
- 2183: probable year Castis Vakarian and Alec Ryder talk about Shepard’s findings and the Reapers, Alec and the Benefactor have a meeting.
- 2183-2184: Jack Harper/The Illusive Man takes an interest in Shepard, one month after Normandy’s attack Liara recovers and hands Shepard’s body to Cerberus.
- 2184-2185: sometime during reconstruction Shepard briefly regains consciousness.
- 2185: the events of Mass Effect 2 ((Shepard’s 31, Ryder’s 22, Alec’s 56)); the Andromeda Initiative launches at the end of the year (probable date December 31st)
- 2186: Shepard destroys the Bahak’s relay between January and March.
- 2186: September 21st: the first wave of Reapers hit the Batarian home system.
- 2186: September 28th: the Reapers attack Taetrus, a Turian colony. Primarch Fedorian declares the Turian Hierarchy at war.
- 2186/2187: the Reaper War ((Shepard’s 32))
- 2818: the Nexus arrives at the Heleus Cluster, the events of Nexus Uprising take place.
- 2819: Ark Hyperion arrives at the Heleus Cluster, the events of Mass Effect Andromeda happen ((Ryder’s 22))
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rpgfangirl · 7 years
Friends, my dash has gotten a little boring in the last few weeks. So, if you could reblog/like this if you post anything of the following, I’ll be glad to check out your blog:
Mass Effect (bonus if you like Shenko too)
Dragon Age
Stardew Valley
Fallout (especially 4)
Videogames in general to be honest
Harry Potter
Thanks and can’t wait to see your awesome blogs!
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