rpgtalk · 2 years
is it just me or is the rpc just really dead lol
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rpgtalk · 4 years
we're doing great over in my neck of the woods ! an rp i joined ( hqungodly ) is opening soon and i literally can't wait.
this is the content that makes me happy to see
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rpgtalk · 4 years
who is neen? lol i see that name eveyrwher and madison
i have absolutely no clue either bb
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rpgtalk · 4 years
hello !  how  are  we  doing  tonight  !
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rpgtalk · 4 years
y'all need to stop lying on nikki and move on with your damn lives. ppl act like she killed a family member. unclench already.
unclench kjsdhfs
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rpgtalk · 4 years
nikki did just fuck up once but taylor (margotrph) got full on exposed for writing smut with minors and was saying reverse racisim is real which is why no one is accepting taylor back so i don't wanna hear it in taylor's case
there’s no way taylor can really make it up. if ur writing smut with minors and you’re aware, there’s no excuse at all! nasty!
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rpgtalk · 4 years
Nikki is the admin of the covid group. It’s rediculous she’s acting like that is the issue when she faked an account to support herself and denied who she was before half assing an apology.
faked an account? i feel like that’s just making everything worse
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rpgtalk · 4 years
even if they gave the genuine apology the rpc has been "apparently" demanding theyd still get attacked. theyre saying once u fuck up, there's no coming back from that. theyll ruin ur rep & they love to cont. the drama period
i definitely agree. i will say there are some things that people do that just deserve an apology and then move on from it. but, some people in the rpc do some really fucked up shit, so i understand why people are turned off by them for awhile lol
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rpgtalk · 4 years
Nikki made an rph supporting herself, denied she was the mod and kept posting about how it wasn’t a big deal. She’s a big part of why it lasted as long as it did.
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rpgtalk · 4 years
What we’ve learned from this community is that no matter how many times people apologize they will never let it go and will keep bringing what they did up over and over again
i mean..ur not wrong about that!
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rpgtalk · 4 years
She apologized and removed it from the plot, and then dropped the whole group. It's amazing that people are still on this its exhausting to see it all over the tags every day.
i’m happy to hear she apologized and dropped the group. it’s a sensitive topic, so the frustration that people feel is understandable. 
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rpgtalk · 4 years
Besides, the covid plot wasn't even a plot about covid, it was a plot that included it. It was a town rp.
i mean, it’s still kinda disrespectful to do that
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rpgtalk · 4 years
margotofrph didn’t do the covid plot that was Nikki and she mentioned in several posts that she isn’t on tumblr or rping any more you can see on minniepls
yikes...there’s so much to read!!
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rpgtalk · 4 years
londonhq didn't have the covid plot, that was different, they were just racist and messy and tried to call someone out for no reason and then got exposed 10 times over
 either way..both fucked up
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rpgtalk · 4 years
to the previous anon. margotofrph didn't run just any town rp. it was london rp. the one with the covid plot. and the whitewashing etc but, i agree, harrassment isn't nice. but, we shouldn't be using that to try to undermine the things someones done.
did u say covid plot????
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rpgtalk · 4 years
margotofrph was some person who ran a town rp and the entire rpc decided she was trash so she deleted her main. BTW a lot of people go by 'A', so pls don't start harassing some rando unless you 10000% know wtf you're doing.
 what was wrong w the town rp tho? i was about to say..i feel like half the community goes by ‘a’, so doesn’t really help a lot 
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rpgtalk · 4 years
halstonu is another college rp (but theyre old school & want a writing sample)
oh, i see. it’s cute for sure! looks like they’re accepting soon toooo
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