rry2k · 2 months
Though the emails were disconnected, the celebration among the mods continued on for several hours. It was an amazing time with lots of snacks, jokes, art, Travis, and a whole lot of love for the blog!
We thank you for joining us Emails, and we hope you had as much fun as we did!
RRY2K will be back and better than ever soon enough. For now, we will be updating old posts with new art and giving small updates while we do so!
We appreciate all of the love and support you've shown us thus far, emails, and we can't wait to see you again next time!
Signed, the RRY2K Team :)
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rry2k · 2 months
So is the whole story starting over?
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No, fortunately it is not. We have had some changes in management and the like, but the passion for our project is an undeniable one. We're just taking a bit of time to get ourselves in tip-top shape for our next session!
...and a little gallivanting and partying, of course. Who doesn't like free chips and punch. And... glitter.
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rry2k · 2 months
With new designs in mind, that means there's gonna be new sprites too, right? And is some of the old art gonna be redrawn?
Do we get to see anyyyyy? :3
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New sprites, new art, some new designs, the full package!
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I think we can probably spare you a few examples. As a treat for the celebration, since you can't have any of our snacks!
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Well team, who's up first?
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ooh, me! me!
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i made these two, cool, right?
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Man I'm still amazed at those!
Anyway I got one too! Honestly it was my first time drawing any sort of action-y pose? But I'm satisfied with how it turned out.
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hehe, love all of these! i've been the sprite artist and i've also have my own art i'm re-doing, though I'll only share one because I haven't gotten to finishing everything else, but you'll also get a bonus un-crunched sprite from me :)
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Should've sent those sprites by now. Uncrunched for all your viewing pleasure. Behold, her. Smiley face.
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YES!!! Love all of your guys' art sooooo so much you have no idea.
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Here's some of the ones I've finished up! These are both remade teasers from the past year, so don't get too excited just yet when you see dates!
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rry2k · 2 months
so... lackadaisy and livewire getting new designs, does that mean ramrots getting a new one, too?
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oh yes oh yes she is! do you wanna see him?
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too bad here she is. his name is StarStrike now!
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rry2k · 2 months
-flowers anon 🌷
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Thaaaat’s right, dear anon! Care to give the details, Eon?
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Gladly! Well-
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Xe's green (:
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rry2k · 2 months
How are you all doing today?
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Vibe check, how's the vibe everyone?
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pretty good! lots of fun happening here at rry2k inc
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A solid 10 out of vibes, I'd say!
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So pretty good and normal I'd say
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A 10 out of 1, I’d say. Good vibes, good bumpscosity goin’ round these parts.
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Oh, I do love a good bumpscosity
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rry2k · 2 months
Ohmy gosh this is so so so cute! I love the specialized sprites!!! This anniversary looks so sweet!! I almost forgot to tune in but hiii!!!
What kind of fun and wacky adventures do you guys have planned for us today? :D
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Hi Jay! Good to see ya, bud! <3
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Jayyyy!! Friend Jayyy!!!
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Hi Jay; good to see you! As for wacky adventures... Good question. What WERE we gonna do today, guys?
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(Hi Jayy!!!!!)
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According to my totally legitimate checklist-
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That is totally not just my sketch of the new Officer Livewire-
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We were going TO! -Celebrate! -Party! -Say something silly! -Give the audience spoilers -Show off cool Development stuff! -Did I say party? We're having a party! A goof! A grand ol' time!
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rry2k · 2 months
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You haven't even SEEN Travis
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Do it, show them the Travis
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He's canon now, no one can stop me
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so SO meanies to my beautiful baby abomination
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Terribly mean to Travis. Our boy needs to get his enrichment SOMEHOW! Might as well be making him canon!
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^You can't say no to a face like that ^
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The wretched boy must go back to his containment cell /j
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You can't make him |:<
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rry2k · 2 months
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rry2k · 2 months
ooo funs fact,,,, could we get some character funnies too? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) - cloudstrike anon
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Some character funnies, huh? I'll see what I can do! Surely I have SOMETHING that isn't a spoiler in here.
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Anyone else have a funny to offer up to our dear email here in the mean time? I've got a scooby snack and two nickels, which isn't a lot but-
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BUBBY’S XENOGENDER! Not exactly a funny but I gotta have that Scooby Snack >X3c
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Oh! I think we can mention Darnold being put in air jail too? That’s a funny!
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mm.... air jail (readers imagine a smug face). if gio could choose to be any role in the program he'd choose to be the desktop assistant with Tommy. not to take over the role or anything he just likes teaching
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Lackadaisy's eyestalk design is based off of Leucochloridium Paradoxum in snails or the "Zombie Snail Parasite" as it's usually called, also both Forzen and Benrey are transmasc.
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...Huh, I guess I'm going to need more scooby snacks.
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Well, there you go, email! Five freshly fried fun facts, just for you! Enjoy (:
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rry2k · 2 months
has it been one year already? ahh how the months fly by... congrats!
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EYEAH! Thank ya Mothra! Always good to see you pop up!
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OHMIGOSH!!! I should’ve known the Moth itself would come in and say hi! Thank you!!!
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always nice to see you in the box mothra! complete out of left field fun fact, you complimented my love of old men in such a beautiful way i printed it out and blue tacked it to my computer.
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It IS crazy that it's been so long though, yeah!
And the story's not even halfway done!
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Welcome to the party! Snacks and fruit punch, and also just a few different sharings of behind the scenes works as we go. Little... extravaganza, before we completely shatter audience members' hearts once more!
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If it's any consolation we shatter each others' hearts already when we share writings to each other so it's not out of malice.
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It's true, I've already cried twice this week and it's only Tuesday! Sunday? Heck if I know. Making your friends sob is an art and a love language itself, really.
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rry2k · 2 months
And oooh, internal clock stuff?? :0
-flowers anon 🌷
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Yeah that's right! Like I said, I do writing for Coomer now! And with Eon handling sprites, his characterization is a team effort.
Coomer generally is one of my favorite characters to write in fics for vrai and any aus already. I've been told I'm very good.
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I haven't really made my own writing public yet, though; only shared amongst friends.
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Friend here, take my word for it Era's Coomer writing is PHENOMENAL! You're going to love it!
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But alas, for now RRY2K Coomer stuff remains top secret!
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I really hope you'll like what we have in store though!
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rry2k · 2 months
Oh nice, new team member! Now that I think about it, who does what exactly since you've got a big group here? -🎃
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ohh yeahh.. we should probably do that, huh?
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well, i've taken over writing Tommy! been having lots of fun :)
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One and only Gordon Fruitman writer and artist, at your service.
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hello chat i write and draw mr giovanni "gay-man" failatta
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Hey babes! Happy 1 year! Hope I didn’t miss much~ I’m Mod Retro! Un-she/they-ing my sword at this very moment hehehe >:3
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As for what I’m doin’, Mod Eon mentioned it briefly, but I’m just the writer for Bubby now rather than the writer AND artist.
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Like Star said, it’s been really fun so far seeing everyone’s ideas and designs come to life!
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Mod Yaoi!! Mod Retro!!! Great to see y'all come 'round hehe
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I do the writing and art for Forzen and now Benrey as well! I'm having a great time with working on them so far!
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What Retro said! I do the art for our Internal Clock, and now Bubby too. I don't really do much writing here, but I am the famed Puzzle Master of the blog! The funny minigames are my doing (:
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As for the writing of the internal clock, that's done by me! With input from Eon of course since they've been here longer than I have.
You may also see SOME of my art. I've already redrawn an old picture for the blog.
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Hello? Hello, hello? First shift at RRY2K's?
Sorry, little caught up in some traffic. Air travel, amiright? Darnold's the name, and I... write Darnold. Who'da thunk. Whole head of this operation too. Better still be some snacks when I get there, you fiends.
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no promises!
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Well now I have to eat all the snacks
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The snacksssss…
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rry2k · 2 months
Ohohoh? Fun facts you say?
-flowers anon 🌷
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It’s so hard to find Facts that are Fun that aren’t just spoilerssss…
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Hi guys sorry I'm late!
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we were just talking to the emails! come join us!
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Oh yeah I'd love to! Let's see, fun facts? Uh...
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New teammate I guess?
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Mhm mhm!! Era's lending me a hand, or a paw I suppose, with our wonderful wonderful Internal Clock now!
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And it is turning out so so SO COOL!! So happy to have him here!
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rry2k · 2 months
S....Slime??? -🎃
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Yes, yes.
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Lackadaisy, new and improved. He's slimy now, our patented Gooped Guy™️.
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a tragedy...
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Truly a great tragedy has befallen our Just Some Guy™️
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rry2k · 2 months
RRY2K LLC INC! What's on the Docket for Today, Folks? :O -💞
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On the docket for today WE HAVE!
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Stuff. Lots of stuff. UPDATES! Fun FACTS!
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Cool art MAAAAAAYBE? Havers of cool art, fun facts, and the like, the floor is yours! What say ye?
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Fun Fact Previously Fanserver Exclusive: Gordon’s voiceclaim is Fandub Eggman!
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I have taken Benrey and covered him in slime.
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He's been having a lovely vacation at the Nickelodeon Resort™️
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Ehehe. This is NOT. Awesomesauce. Wonderful fun facts.
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I for one-
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..Stardust on the glasses. Wee er wee er, thats the sound of me cleaning that off.
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Perfect. I for one now possess the sprite rights to TWO! Of our old men, so THERE'S a project update for you! Retro has graciously allowed me to go sharesies 50/50 on the belooooved Bubby Ehehehe.
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rry2k · 2 months
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