rsyllettters · 3 years
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rsyllettters · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rsyllettters · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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rsyllettters · 5 years
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Nothing worthwhile comes easy.
New beginnings ~
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rsyllettters · 6 years
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Annual trip to the flower field has never felt so rewarding. Perfect weather and actually seeing sunlight for 3+ hours.
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rsyllettters · 7 years
Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.
S.C. Lourie (via kvtes)
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rsyllettters · 7 years
Why me...?
Probably the most frustrating yet absolutely freeing question. Feeling more frustrated at the moment ... like... why me God? Why did you choose me? Why me?... why am I always last ? Why me?... why does it always have to be another way? Why me?... Is it going to be different or the same? I feel absolutely confused and yet I find my sweet peace in Jesus. Sometimes faith needs to take over my overcalculating, overanalyzing brain and fully trust in the fact that the only certain answer is that I am His. That's it.
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rsyllettters · 7 years
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I'm done.
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rsyllettters · 8 years
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Three years ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. It has been the happiest, hardest, and most rewarding three years of my life. On another note, 2016 was a hard year, but it was a good one to remind me of My Lord’s faithfulness. The more I get older, the more I realize that it’s either my flesh or the Spirit and it’s in constant battle. I’m so thankful that despite my circumstances, I’m able to experience true joy thru ppl. I face 2017 with a greater expectation, a greater hunger for wisdom and compassion, and most importantly to love as all things are meaningless without it. 2017 I’m ready. BSN, NCLEX, new job and more exciting things to come!
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rsyllettters · 8 years
I am deathly afraid of almosts. Of coming so very close to where I want to be in life that I can almost taste it, almost touch it, then falling just a little short.
Beau Taplin, Just Short  (via herkindoftea)
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rsyllettters · 8 years
Trust in the Lord with all your Heart.
Today. I got a call from St. Jude. I got the job. WOW. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. It was one of those weeks where it was the most difficult to get up, and you couldn’t wait until you get back into bed. It was like the stress, anxiety, and worries of life were never ending and that I was faced with a mountain only to be faced with another one. In my desperation, in small, weak faith that I had left, I whispered, “Lord I trust you. I put my faith in You. I can’t do this, but YOU can. So God, come through.” AND DID HE COME THROUGH? YES. The Lord used my little faith, my weak faith, my tired faith, and He used every ounce of it. I didn’t even care if I didn’t get the job because i thought it went horribly, and yet HR called and told me how the nurse manager thoroughly enjoyed our interview. WHAT? ... I’m so dumbfounded by the fact that I STILL try to control everything. I’m such a control-freak, but the Lord knows even these characteristics and He silences me by saying “HEY, be still and know that I AM GOD.” 
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rsyllettters · 8 years
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rsyllettters · 8 years
Season of need. Season of hunger. Season of wanting more of Him... To become less of who I am... If everything I do is under the Son, why do I worry? Why do I fear? I came to the conclusion that I fear bc I take the throne of my heart. I take that place where Jesus and Jesus alone is worthy of taking. Time to step down and to the side and trust Him fully. 1000%.
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rsyllettters · 8 years
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rsyllettters · 8 years
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.
Camille Pissarro (via kvtes)
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rsyllettters · 8 years
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I realize how much I suck at receiving anything... Especially help. I don't like to ask for help bc I've been raised to think that asking for such thing is a burden. But this... Right here.. Was the greatest example of what the Church resembles. I don't even know how to accept this without feeling guilty or embarrassed... Isn't that funny? It's at this place where God breaks my pride and shows me that He is enough thru the ppl he divinely orchestrates into my life. I'm so unfaithful and undeserving and yet His grace and His faithfulness proved to me once again that it's not by my works, but only grace thru faith.
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rsyllettters · 8 years
It is the process not the end that is glorifying to God.. What men call training and preparation, God calls the end. God's end is to enable me to see that He can walk on the chaos of my life just now.
Oswald Chambers 
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