rubirum · 10 months
The void in minecraft isn't just darkness like people say, it's not like the end, the void, you can see the sun rising and setting so much more clearly, the void is so bright, you can tell as days change, it's so bright in the void, a blinding white, beautiful blue and purples and pinks, vibrant oranges, the void is bright and so so beautiful
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rubirum · 11 months
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@multiple-characters1-acct this one's for you <3
a variety of drinks, both alcoholic and not! Most of these can even be made either way, depending on what you're going for
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rubirum · 11 months
Minecraft flower headcanons
Headcanon that the meanings of flowers in Minecraft are different from in this world. Specifically, the meanings are based on the effects of a suspicious stew that the flower forms.
Dandelions and blue orchids are for Saturation. They symbolize calm, contentment, and a general sense of happiness and well-being. Dandelions tend to be seen as spontaneous and light-hearted while blue orchids are for more serious commitment, but both of them are fine gifts to show appreciation for a friend or loved one.
Oxeye daisies are for Regeneration-- literally giving you hearts! They symbolize love, in much the same way that roses do in this world. Together with dandelions and blue orchids, they're the only flowers that only have positive meanings. Whether romantic, platonic, or familial, an oxeye daisy is the most heartfelt way to say "I love you" in Minecraft.
Lilies of the valley are for Poison. They symbolize pain, bitterness, and heartache. Giving one to someone else is like a slap in the face most of the time: a threat, a rejection, a "Go fuck yourself" that turns a whole bouquet negative. On the other hand, wearing a lily of the valley yourself is a symbol of grief and deep mourning, a pain that cuts to the core.
(While few remember this, the "valley" in "lily of the valley" doesn't represent the area where the flower grows. No, it's for The Valley Below, a dark desert of screaming souls that claw at your feet, desperately longing to be spawned again into the world.)
Poppies are for Night Vision. They symbolize watching and being watched. As such, when paired with negative flowers, they can be seen as a threat or "Watch your back"; however, they can also mean "I'm watching out for you" or even "See you tonight."
(While few remember this, the "valley" in "lily of the valley" doesn't represent the area where the flower grows. No, it's for The Valley Below, a place of screaming souls that claw at your feet, desperately longing to be spawned again into the world.)
Cornflowers are for Jump Boost. They symbolize amazement, surprise, or awe -- literally "jumping for joy". People who win tournaments or games are often given a bouquet of cornflowers in celebration. Though this isn't common, when paired with negative flowers, a cornflower can sometimes represent shock or sudden betrayal, a very sarcastic "Congratulations."
Azure bluets are for Blindness. They symbolize secrets, hiddenness, and avoidance-- a "You didn't see anything." With positive flowers, this can symbolize a secret alliance or even forbidden love, but with negative flowers, it's a taunt, calling someone ignorant or oblivious. Often, someone who wishes to trap someone else or play a prank will leave an azure bluet so that the victim will only see it right before the trap goes off.
Wither roses are for Wither. They always symbolize death, hatred, murder, and intent to kill. To give someone wither roses is a serious declaration of war. There is no positive meaning to wither roses: without exception, they are for people you absolutely despise and wish to see suffer a painful death.
Tulips are for Weakness. This is an odd case, as the different colors are often associated with different connotations; however, any tulip can technically represent any of these meanings in the right context. A white tulip is for surrender; giving it to someone else is a demand for surrender, while wearing it yourself is like carrying a white flag. A pink tulip is for codependence and means "You're my weakness!" A red tulip is a taunt, calling someone else pitiful or weak, while an orange tulip is for a non-violent challenge or invitation to compete without fighting.
Alliums are for Fire Resistance. They symbolize resistance, staying strong, and defiance even in the face of overpowering odds -- "You're going through hell, but you'll get through this." They often also represent protection and a wish for someone to stay safe. Whether planted in front of an enemy leader's house for fellow fighters to see, or given to someone who has been fighting a battle of their own, an allium says, "Never, ever, ever give up."
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rubirum · 11 months
I'm at the moment trying to make sense about what mob characteristics and behaviors would move on to the players that are hybrids, so i'd greatly appreciate if y'all could reblog with what kind of hybrid your minecraftsona is so i get some ideas of what kind of creatures i'd need to consider! Doesn't matter if your sona is a minecraft mob or something that doesn't exist in vanilla, the more ideas i get the better. I'd also love to hear you ramble about them :D
You can also send it with an ask if you'd prefer, you should be able to send those anonymously! If you send an ask please say if you don't want me to answer it publicly!
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rubirum · 11 months
Hi, i'm Rubi and am currently in the process of making my own worldbuilding document within the world of minecraft. I reblog a lot of posts from which i yoink inspiration from and throw random questions into the void in hopes of answers. i also occasionally make other minecraft related posts. Feel free to send me asks with questions or just rambles with your ideas, i'd love to hear them!
My main blog is @porropa so if you suddenly get followed by a random finnish blog that's just me :'D
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rubirum · 11 months
I think I should expose people to my mob player headcanons.
Basically, it’s a tangling of code, like when I try to pull out my purple skein from the yarn crate and pull out five skeins at the same time on accident. Maybe your dad keeps getting repeatedly killed by creepers? There’s a good chance you’ll be part creeper, since traces of his death are left in his code. Maybe your mom runs an industrial scale flower farm? You might be born with flowers growing out of you, since she’s got flowers threaded into her code from being around them so much.
Maybe your parent is a Warden with such a high body count that when you budded out of the mycelium you had human eyes and opposable thumbs, and you had to fucking run because there’s enough Player in your fungus to register as an Intruder. You’ve never seen the sun before.
Maybe your parent’s village was obliterated by Withers and when you screamed your first baby scream the flowers in the flowerbox blackened and died.
Builders eat Redstone because it’s on their hands and everything they touch, including their pantries. Their children eat redstone as essential nutrients and have been known to vampirically drain auto farms through sheer force of hangry.
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rubirum · 11 months
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Headcanon i've had for a while now about how minecraft hack clients could work, similar to the headcanons about how in game chat would work.
Just sort of an explanation with some examples, obviously some hacks are pretty hard to translate into a physical thing, but i tried my best. :)
Full text can also be found under read more.
"Hack Clients" are illegal modifications of a player's attire (i.e. player skin) in order to give them an unfair advantage. The visibility of a "Hack Client" modification depends on the server a player is on. On servers such as 2b2t, these modifications are obviously visible while on stricter servers, such as Hypixel, hackers will try to be more subtle, often hiding modifications underneath clothing.
Eyewear: Modified for use of visual hacks (i.e. x-ray. fullbright, esp, etc.), the easiest to hide from moderators.
Footwear: Modified for use of hacks such as Anti-Knockback, High-jump, and other similar hacks.
Mechanical Braces: Used to allow players to move with otherwise impossible reaction times, most often used for PVP. Completely illegal on most servers, players will attempt to hide them underneath clothing but often fail.
Leg brace: Used for b-hopping.
Arm brace: Used for kill-aura and aimbot.
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rubirum · 11 months
What do you think the religious figures would be for the different societies? Like what would the villagers pray to, do the piglins have a religious figure or do they just worship gold? Do illagers have religions? Did the people from the ancient cities worship the warden or something else? Or were they more focused on sciences?
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rubirum · 11 months
I was looking through past asks I sent and I saw you said to remind you to share your nether head cannons and I think I will bring it back up
So what are your thoughts
:D Here they are!
-There used to be a robust trade network between the Nether and the Overworld. Humans and Piglins came and went between the dimensions, exchanging goods and services.
-Piglin culture is less community-oriented then ours. Piglins lived in Bastion strongholds which acted as super-condensed towns. These towns were connected by long bridges, what are now Fortresses. The Fortress interiors were used as forts or rest stops.
-The Nether was on the cusp of a Golden Age with the discovery of Netherite, a complex alloy that allowed for the development of unprecedented technology. Soon Netherite could be found used near everywhere in the Nether.
-That is, until the harmful radiation the alloy gave off was discovered too late. Those who were exposed for too long became sick and died... before rising again in undeath.
-Efforts were made to stop future exposure. All netherite objects were compacted into rough cubes and quickly buried deep below the surface, roughly spread apart to not have any single location of high toxicity while waiting for their radioactivity to slowly, slowly decay.
-The bridges between Bastions were broken to eliminate any accidental transport of unregulated netherite between towns. Many human and piglins guardsmen were left stranded in the remaining Fortress interiors, slowly dying to sickness. Desperate, they ate blaze powder, immolating themselves from the inside and leaving their undead skeletal remains charred and blackened.
-Finally, the unafflicted humans and piglins escaped to the Overworld, breaking the nether portals behind them. However it was impossible not to bring the disease with them, which was able to afflict the piglins rapidly in the lowered temperature. The surviving humans were able to develop a cure in time to save them all, but the undead plague remains to this day. This is where all undead mobs come from.
-Back in the Nether, those who were near death were banished from the Bastions. They died in great valleys, their souls trapped in the sand below and their skeletons wandering aimlessly above. I haven't decided what the giant skeletons belonged to yet.
-Without apples in the Nether there is no cure, only prevention. Gold is worn at all times to protect oneself from the disease. Those without gold are inviting the sickness upon themselves, and it's good practice to kill and throw them into lava on sight to prevent future spread.
-Over many years, society collapsed in the Nether. Piglins now roam in packs or on their own, living semi-nomadically. They journey around small territories, hunting and gathering as they do so. Some larger gangs can secure a broken-down Bastion to squat in, but they remain in disrepair as hunting for food and gathering protective gold take up most of the time and energy.
-Gold is the main currency, though it is hardly regulated. The main rule is that gold is exchanged for some survival resource, and survival resources are traded for gold. If you hand someone a gold ingot, they will judge it's worth before giving you an equivalent item in return. In game some of these seem useless. But bottles of drinkable water are especially valuable (I headcanon that warped fungus trunks can be tapped for water as well, but all the same it is difficult to gather at all), as well as rare iron nuggets scavenged from old Overworld items, the buckles off of belts and the nails out of tools.
-Nowadays, many centuries later, ancient debris clumps have gone through their half-life, and can be melted down and reforged into a new, non-toxic alloy.
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rubirum · 11 months
Also what would the babies of different mobs be referred to as? Like striders, piglins and hoglins.
So there a different names for groups of animals, like a murder of crows or a flutter of butterflies, what would the names be for groups of mobs?
I think it's canon that a group of endermen is called a haunting but what about the others?
There is this thread about some ideas but newer mobs like striders are missing from there completely.
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rubirum · 11 months
So there a different names for groups of animals, like a murder of crows or a flutter of butterflies, what would the names be for groups of mobs?
I think it's canon that a group of endermen is called a haunting but what about the others?
There is this thread about some ideas but newer mobs like striders are missing from there completely.
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rubirum · 11 months
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Humanoids of Minecraft, worldbuilding notes and headcanons.
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rubirum · 11 months
So when bees make honey it changes taste depending on which type of flower they have been feeding on. How do you think this would work in minecraft?
I think that honey made from wither roses would be fatally poisonous to most people. Would honey made with chorus flowers have some side effects? What about does honey made with alliums give fire resistance like they do with suspicious stew?
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rubirum · 1 year
if you're fine with playing with mods i'd recommend getting farmers delight and croptopia. croptopia adds so many crops and fruit trees that you can find in the wild and a lot of recipes to farmers delight.
dear mojang
add more crops in minecraft im begging you im on my hands and knees give us tomatoes give us onions give us strawberries give us peppers
add more food recipes please give us sandwiches give us more pastries give us pudding or some shit
sincerely, the farmer of every minecraft server
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rubirum · 1 year
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i refuse to sacrifice a slot for a sword or a bow (i also am unable to shoot an arrow and hit the target)
Out of curiosity, does anyone else organize their Minecraft survival hotbars? This is how mine looks, for example, with slots 1-4 being my sword + tools, slot 5 being my bow, slot 6 being food, slot 7 & 8 being miscellaneous, and slot 9 being for torches. I'm not sure if this is standard, but it's how I've always done it.
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