#rubis minecraft worldbuilding
rubirum · 11 months
So when bees make honey it changes taste depending on which type of flower they have been feeding on. How do you think this would work in minecraft?
I think that honey made from wither roses would be fatally poisonous to most people. Would honey made with chorus flowers have some side effects? What about does honey made with alliums give fire resistance like they do with suspicious stew?
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loreweaver-universe · 6 years
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Well.  That was a pair of fascinating episodes.  I’m gonna talk about them in reverse order, because Reasons.
Your Mother and Mine (and I’ve been listening to a lot of My Brother My Brother And Me lately so it is so difficult not to mangle that episode title) kinda seems like it never pays off the premise of the title, unless the implication is meant to be that Garnet views Rose as a mother instead of as a friend/colleague.  It was a pretty good episode all around--we learned some neat things about the rebellion, got some great animation and character interactions, and pretty much everyone but Fluorite had some fun moments!  And, man, I am just never gonna get tired of the Padparadscha joke if they keep executing it this well.
Jungle Moon was...man I wish more episodes were like this one.  A kickass sci-fi setting, subtle worldbuilding, interesting bits of Stevonnie’s physiology, and some overt worldbuilding and a history lesson in one of the most fascinatingly unnerving and surreal sequences the show’s ever had?  I love it!  My only real complaint is that Stevonnie’s never really come into their own as a person.  If you think about it a certain way, Garnet is Ruby multiplied by Sapphire, with her own character traits and views and abilities, but Stevonnie has only ever been Steven plus Connie.  There’s nothing truly their own about Stevonnie, and that really needs to be addressed.
Jungle Moon comes in at my new #1 for Season Five (knocking Off Colors off its pedestal) and my new #10 overall (just short of Mr. Greg, and finally edging Jailbreak out of the top ten).
Your Mother and Mine comes in at my new #6 for Season 5, between Raising the Barn and The Trial, and my new #52 for the show overall, between Three Gems and a Baby and Steven the Sword Fighter.
Up next iiiiiiissssss...The Big Show!  Are we going back to Sadie?
I’m not yet fully healed–my last round of antibiotics didn’t fully clear me out, and I’m going back shortly to see if they think I need more.  I’m mostly feeling better, though, and my face isn’t trying to turn itself inside-out, so just having to take a tylenol before bed once in a while is a huge improvement.  I’m gonna try to start streaming again–my s/o has actually shown me a very helpful reminder app that’s helped me start getting my habits in order, so I’m gonna hopefully start maintaining some kind of schedule!  In the meantime, if you’d like more of me:
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with other fans!
My Twitch channel, where I stream Minecraft and miscellaneous games!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
Our community also has guilds in Path of Exile and Clicker Heroes (yes, really) that you can inquire about in the Discord chat.  We’re also running a weekly online Magic the Gathering league in the Discord server, so come check that out if you’re a player!
If you’d like to help support me financially (yes please) you can use my direct donation link to put some food on my shelf, or pledge to my Patreon if you want to support me per episode completed, which not only allows you to vote on what shows I do next now that I’ve begun my Madoka Magica liveblog, but also grants access to the Minecraft server I stream from to $5 patrons or higher!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last two years!   Here’s a few people you might want to check out:
Minda Reads started out liveblogging Order of the Stick because I recommended it so much, and has expanded his liveblog repertoire to include Paranatural and Homestuck, as well as show liveblogs for Steven Universe and RWBY!
Krixwell has been liveblogging the superhero web novel Worm for quite some time now.  Even for us, that’s an odd choice, but go check him out!
Zephyr is a complete lunatic who liveblogs at approximately mach twelve.  I’ve never seen anybody in our community match him for speed or volume of content produced, and he’s got the largest set of shows by far–everything from Steven Universe to Madoka Magica to Samurai Champloo to Steins;Gate to Neon Genesis Evangelion.  If you’re tired of the slow pace I liveblog at, or just want a ton of variety, go check out Zephyr.
Wyblogging has a list that varies a bit more widely from what Zephyr and I do, including not just new episodes of Steven Universe, but Camp Camp, Gravity Falls, and a couple other things.  Go take a look!
Time Machine is hard to pin down–a variety liveblogger with titles varying from Hunter x Hunter to Magic Mike to The Peanuts Movie to Wynonna Earp.   Yeah, I did kind of a double take when I saw “Magic Mike” on her liveblog list too.
KatDiscovers is a newer liveblogger on the list, who started liveblogging Steven Universe at The New Crystal Gems and is in the process of doing SU eps to keep up with me, as well as Over the Garden Wall!
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rubirum · 11 months
What do you think the religious figures would be for the different societies? Like what would the villagers pray to, do the piglins have a religious figure or do they just worship gold? Do illagers have religions? Did the people from the ancient cities worship the warden or something else? Or were they more focused on sciences?
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rubirum · 11 months
I'm at the moment trying to make sense about what mob characteristics and behaviors would move on to the players that are hybrids, so i'd greatly appreciate if y'all could reblog with what kind of hybrid your minecraftsona is so i get some ideas of what kind of creatures i'd need to consider! Doesn't matter if your sona is a minecraft mob or something that doesn't exist in vanilla, the more ideas i get the better. I'd also love to hear you ramble about them :D
You can also send it with an ask if you'd prefer, you should be able to send those anonymously! If you send an ask please say if you don't want me to answer it publicly!
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rubirum · 11 months
So there a different names for groups of animals, like a murder of crows or a flutter of butterflies, what would the names be for groups of mobs?
I think it's canon that a group of endermen is called a haunting but what about the others?
There is this thread about some ideas but newer mobs like striders are missing from there completely.
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rubirum · 11 months
Hi, i'm Rubi and am currently in the process of making my own worldbuilding document within the world of minecraft. I reblog a lot of posts from which i yoink inspiration from and throw random questions into the void in hopes of answers. i also occasionally make other minecraft related posts. Feel free to send me asks with questions or just rambles with your ideas, i'd love to hear them!
My main blog is @porropa so if you suddenly get followed by a random finnish blog that's just me :'D
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